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Week 3

Business Report Writing

Name: __Kristle Joy Dimayuga__________________________


1. What Is The Purpose Of Writing A Business Letter?

A business letter is a formal way for two or more parties to communicate. The
primary purpose of writing business letters is to market, create connections, solve a
problem and address issues. These letters are sent to consumers, future clients,
managers, workers and other business partners.
2. What Is A Business Letter And What Is It Used For?
A business letter is an exchange of letters, including information relating to
business activities from one company to another, its clients, customers and other
external parties. It is used to communicate to the other organization parties to provide
specific information, ideas or issues to other parties, to educate others on what to do
in a particular situation, to request or to reply directly to the request, to order products
or materials to supplier, to advise other parties and apologize for faults and correct
mistakes and to convey a good will.

3.Why is it important to have a Business plan?

Before building a business at first there must be a plan in order for it to be organize.
For you to know the destination of your business and on what track you will be in. It is
important to have a business plan because this document contains the all the
information about the business specifically the goals and objectives of a business and it
serves as the road map that provides the direction of the business. Because of having a
business plan, it helps the business to track easily the possible future problems and to
take actions and solutions for those problems immediately.

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