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Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5.

It was early in the morning we left Ubud and travelled to Gili Air which is one
of three islands of Lombok. It took 4 hours in total by boat. The travelling was not bad
but it was a hot day. I said to Jane on the slow boat " It`s alright babe, it won`t be so
hot and stuffy once we get moving.”

When we got to Gili Air it was still quite so we were able to get a bungalow
near the beach for about $ 15 a night plus breakfast. We shared our room with quite a
number of geckos. Some of them were quite large ones.

The weather was still hot when I went diving. Jane waited for me at the
seashore. She observed some fishermen who had just caught some fish. She did not
want to dive because she had a trauma with sea animals. We had three days here
which we spent walking around the island which takes about an hour. Every night, we
sat on the couches near the beach and watched the waves and the stars.
It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.

1. The purpose of writing the text above is …

a. to amuse the readers
b. to advertise a tourism object
c. to retell the writer’s experience
d. to describe the view in Lombok
Indikator: Menentukantujuankomunikatifteks.
aanrumpang yang diberikan.

Jawaban: C

Dari purpose
krecount, makatujuanpenulisan yang paling tepatadalahjawabanC.

2. How many days did the writer spend in the island?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Indikator: menentukaninformasitertentu

Jawaban: C
JawabanpertanyaandapatdiketahuidarikalimatWe had three days here which we
spent walking….DengandemikianjawabanC yang paling tepat.

3. Jane did not join diving with the writer because …

a. the weather was hot at that time
b. she had a bad experience with sea animals
c. there were some fishermen catching the fish
d. she preferred to wait for the writer at the seashore
Indikator: Menentukaninformasirinci.
tepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpang yang diberikan.

Jawaban: B

JawabanmengapaJane tidakikutmenyelamdapatdibacapadakalimatShe did not want
to dive because she had a trauma with sea animals.JadipilihanB yang paling benar.

4. “It was a fantastic journey that I ever had.” (last paragraph)
The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
a. meaningful
b. wonderful
c. interesting
d. amazing
Indikator: Menentukanmakna kata.
Disajikansebuahteksrecount, siswadapatmenentukanjawaban yang
tepatuntukmelengkapipernyataanrumpang yang diberikandenganmakna kata

Jawaban: B

Berdasarkankalimat yang disajikandalamsoal, makaartifantastic yang paling
tepatadalahpadajawaban B. Jawaban yang lain-lainnyatidakcocok.

Read the text and answer questions 6 to 10.

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the market. After
a little while he was tired and they rested under a tree.

When he woke up from his nap he could not see the donkey and started searching for
the donkey everywhere. On the way he met a boy, he asked the boy, “Have you seen my
donkey?” The boy asked, “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he
carrying a load of wheat?” The man was happy and said, “Yes, exactly! Where have you
seen it?” the boy answered “I haven’t seen it.” This made the man very angry and he
took the boy to the village chief for punishment.

The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen at the donkey, how could you describe
it?” The boy answered, “I saw the tracks of a donkey and the right and left tracks were
different from this I understood that the donkey that passed there was limping. And the
grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the grass on the left was not. From that
I understood that his left eye was blind. There were wheat seeds scattered on the
ground and I understood that he must have been carrying a load of wheat. The judge
understood the boy’s cleverness and told the man to forgive the boy.

5. What does the text tell you about?
A. A clever boy.
B. A wise judge.
C. A bold chief.
D. A strong man.

Indikator: menentukangambaranumum

Jawaban: A
Berdasarkanisitiap-tiap paragraph bisadisimpulkanteksmenceritakantentangseoranganak
yang pandai.DengandemikianjawabanA yang paling tepat.

6. Why did the man get angry with the boy? Because … .
A. He did not want to help the donkey owner.
B. He pretended to see the man’s donkey.
C. He was ashamed to be fooled by the little boy
D. He liked tricking people when he played.

Indikator: Menentukaninformasirinci.
Disajikansebuahnarrative, siswadapatmenentukaninformasirinci yang
tepatuntukmenjawabpertanyaan yang diberikan.

Jawaban: C

Jawabanmengapalaki-lakiitumarahdapatdipahamidaripertanyaandanjawaban orang
Jadiiamerasadipermainkanolehanaktersebut. JadipilihanC yang paling benar.

7. The text shows that the boy knew about the donkey based on … .

A. the clues that he saw

B. the words which people said

C. the report made by passers by

D. the people who told him

Indikator: Menentukaninformasitersirat.
ninformasi yang tersiratberdasarkantekstersebut.

Jawaban: A
asdalamtekstetapikitadapatmengetahujawabanituberdasarkan clue (petunjuk)
darikalimat-kalimat yangdipakai. Jawabanyang paling cocokadalah A.

8. “…and I understood that he must have been carrying a load of wheat.”

What does the underlined word in the sentence refer to?
A. The donkey.
B. The traveller.
C. The man.
D. The village chief.

Indikator:menentukanrujukan kata.
Disajikansebuahteksnarrative, siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaan yang
tepattentangrujukan kata dalamkalimatberdasarkankontekskalimat yang diberikan.

Jawaban: A

Sesuaikontekskalimatdalambacaan, katahe mengacupadathe donkey.

9. What lesson can we learn from telling the story?

A. Punishment should be done as soon as possible.
B. Law enforcement must be done to whoever.
C. We should not be quick to judge people.

D. We must not belittle people especially children.

Indikator: menentukannilai moral.

Disajikansebuahteks narrative, siswadapatmenentukanjawabanpertanyaantentangnilai
moral yang tepatberdasarkanteksyang diberikan.

Jawaban: C
Berdasarkanisicerita di atas, jelas orang laki-
iknya orang janganterlalucepatmenuduh orang lain tanpabukti-bukti yang cukup.
Jadijawaban C yang paling benar.

For questions 10 to 47 choose the best words to complete the text.


River hippos live half their lives in water. They … (10 ) and let the water carry their great
weight. They … (11) sink completely below the surface, however. Instead, they paddle
around with the tops of their heads sticking out of the water. A river hippo’s eyes, ears,
and nose are all at the top of its head. It can breathe and see what’s going on even
while most of its body is below water.

If it has to, a river hippopotamus can go underwater and hold its breath for as much as
half an hour. River hippos can swim underwater, or walk on the river bottom. Pygmy
hippos can swim, too, but they spend … (12) time in the water. They stay mostly on the

A million years ago, hippopotamuses … (13 ) all over Europe, Asia, and Africa. Now they
live only in parts of Africa. There are only about 150,000 river hippos left. Pygmy hippos

are down to a few thousand animals.

A. dive
B. sink

C. drown

D. float

Indikator: Menentukan kata yang tepatuntukmelengkapiteksrumpang.

Indikatorsoal: Disajikansebuahteks descriptive

denganempatrumpangsiswadapatmenentukan kata kerja yang

Jawaban: D


Berdasarkan kata-kata dalamkalimatjelas Hippo mengapung di air

bukannyatenggelam, terbenamataumenyelam. Jadijawaban D yang paling tepat.

A. usually
B. rarely

C. always

D. often

Indikator: Menentukan kata yang tepatuntukmelengkapiteksrumpang.

Indikatorsoal: Disajikansebuahteks descriptive

denganempatrumpangsiswadapatmenentukan kata keterangan yang

Jawaban: B


Berdasarkan kata-kata dalamkalimatdanpengalamankitatentangHippo sewaktu di
air jelas kata keterangan yang tepatdipakaiadalah B. JadijawabanB yang paling

A. less
B. more

C. longer

D. further

Indikator: Menentukan kata yang tepatuntukmelengkapiteksrumpang.

Indikatorsoal: Disajikansebuahteks descriptive

denganempatrumpangsiswadapatmenentukan kata keteranganjumlah yang

Jawaban: A


Soalterkaitdenganjumlahwaktuberada di air bagi pygmy hippo.Berdasarkan kata-

kata dalamkalimatdalamteksmakakeberadaan hippo jenisinilebihsedikitberada di
air.JadijawabanA yang paling tepat.

A. hunted
B. visited

C. lived

D. stayed

Indikator: Menentukan kata yang tepatuntukmelengkapiteksrumpang.

Indikatorsoal: Disajikansebuahteks descriptive
denganempatrumpangsiswadapatmenentukan kata kerja yang

Jawaban: C


Berdasarkankalimat yang dirumpangkanjelas yang hilangadalah kata kerja yang

menunjukkankeberadaanatauhidupnyahewanjenis hippo di berbagaibenuatersebut.
Kata yang tepatuntukmenggambarkannyaadalahdengan kata lived. Yang
lainkurangtepat. Jadijawabansoalinimestinya C.

14. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. Skateboarders skated on streets or sidewalks.
2. In the beginning, skateboarding was simple.
3. Today’s skaters are like flying acrobats.
4. What secret powers do these skateboarders have?
5. Doesn’t gravity apply to them?
6. They leap, skid over obstacles, flip, and turn at amazing speeds.
7. Their most exciting trick was to slide down the top of a hill.
8. The answer is simple: understand the laws of physics.

A. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
B. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
C. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
D. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8

Indikator: Menentukansusunankalimat yang tepatuntukmembuat paragraph yang


Indikatorsoal: Disajikansejumlahkalimatyang diacaktentangsesuatu,

siswadapatmenentukansusunankalimat yang tepatuntukmembuat paragraph yang

Jawaban: D

Kalimatmembahastentang skateboarding danpemainnya di
waktulampaudanmasakini.Berdasarkanurutanwaktudankalimat-kalimat yang
menjelaskandan yang dijelaskanjelassusunan yang paling
kohirenadalahpadajawaban D.

15. Arrange the words to make a meaningful sentence.

Forty – let – minutes – for – the chicken – in – the seasoning – marinate – about
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. 2-5-1-3-8-9-6-7-4
B. 2-5-8-6-7-4-9-1-3
C. 2-8-5-7-6-9-4-1-3
D. 2-6-5-8-4-7-9-3-1
Indikator: Menentukansusunan kata yang tepatuntukmembuatkalimat yang

Indikatorsoal: Disajikansejumlah kata yang diacak, siswadapatmenentukansusunan

kata-kata yang tepatuntukmembuatkalimat yang bermakna.

Jawaban: B

Kalimatyang hendakdisusunberbentukkalimatperintah.Berdasarkanarti kata-kata
yang ada di kalimatitujelassusunan kata yang paling bermaknaadalahjawaban B.


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