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A family picnics

Baque: Hello Friends. How are you all?

Barbecho: I´m fine, I just came from a walk with my family

Barzola: I´m fine too. I have been traveling for 2 months

Bueno: I´m a little worried.

Cabrera: I´m fine too. I have a picnic with my family but I still don´t know what to bring.

Bueno: I also have that same problem. Can you help us decide what to wear?

Cabrera: Yes, please help us.

Baque: I think that first you should see how many people in your family are going to go

Barbecho: I think they should bring a lot of food and things to play as a family.

Barzola: I can tell you about my experience when I went on a picnic with my family.

Cabrera: If everything you told us seems very important friends, we think it is good that you

tell us about your picnic experiences.

Bueno: Yes, it would be of great help to me since it will be my first time going to a picnic with

my family and I don´t know what it is like or what to bring.

Barbecho: I tell him that when I went with my family on a picnic there were some thing that I

didn´t like, for example the food, since I don´t like onions in the sandwiches.

Baque: I agree with you when I went to picnic. I was with my aunts, brother and my

grandparents come up with a barbecue, but I did not like roasted seafood. I hate seafood.

Barzola: You really don´t like onions or seafood, well in my experience they are delicious. I

had a good time because they were my cousins and I passed by playing ball and talking about

many things.

Bueno: Seriously then I´m going to see what food I bring to eat something that I like, and

hopefully my cousins will also go then to have a good time.

Cabrera: Thanks for your help friends, for commenting on your experience, I think I will go

with my father, and my cousins to the picnic I hope I can have a good time.

Baque: It´s nothing at all. If it would be great to spend it with the cousins since they have a

better time with them, We are friends and friends help each other.
Barzola: don´t mention it, It was very nice to tell you about what I went through at the family

picnic, It was really good.

Barbecho: I´m just happy to help. It was very good to return to talk to everyone, see you soon,

and I hope you tell me how it was at your family picnic.

Baque: Take care, Bye Barzola: see you later Cabrera: Goodbye Bueno: Have a nice day

Barbecho: Take it easy

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