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I am bored

my friend max does not call me

what will happen?
ohh he's calling me

Max: Hi, Jhonattan

Jhon: Hi Max
Max: How was your camping trip? Did you have a good weekend?
Jhon: Yes, I guess. I had an accident.
Max: Oh really? What happened? You got hurt?
Jhon: Yes, I broke my leg.
Max: Oh no! As a step? I mean, what were you doing?
Jhon: I was climbing a tree
Jhon: Well actually, I was talking on my cell phone. . .
Max: While you were climbing? That is a dangerous thing.
Jhon: Yes, I know. But I was alone, so I was lucky to have my cell phone
to call for help.
Max: Oh, that was very good.
Jhon: Yes, it was a miracle.
Max: Are you in the hospital now?
Jhon: yes, tomorrow I can go home.
Max: Thank God, see you tomorrow Jhon.
Jhon: Ok, Max. thanks for calling me, blessings

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