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Guía 1

Juan Andrés conde Valderrama


Institución Educativa Técnica Empresarial

“El Jardín”
Guía 1

Juan Andrés conde Valderrama

Docente: Janeth Mendieta Muñoz

Institución Educativa Técnica Empresarial

“El Jardín”

1. Solución
a. usually
b. . I feel identified with the boy on the right
2. Solución

- Joshua wants to have a family

- vanessa wants to travel to

- Ryan wants to have a good job

- dilan wants to be happy

- nataly wants to be famous

3. solucion
a. my dreams for the future are to graduate, to travel, to meet a woman to get married, to help
people on the street among others

b. to fulfill my dreams I must strive, always looking forward regardless of the opinions of
others, getting up when I fall
a. i dream of going to antartica on that will never happen¡
b. my sister wnats to be a doctor. it´s ideal career
her dream job

c. you¨ll never be a film star. you´re want to do something very much

living in a dream world.

d. the party went like a dream. we all was perfect

had a grat time

e. do you really think dad will let you an unreal world

come home late? dream on!

I still don't have a job as a dream since I still don't know what to study but I would like to
study accounting, systems or something related to travel but I still haven't decided.

7. Solución

a. la palabra que debe ir es circulo es heat

b. la palabra que debe ir en circulo es eat

c. la palabra que debe ir en circulo es leave

d. la palabra que debe ir en circulo es sleep

8. Solución
R/ In recent years, if I have felt like this, every day I ask myself what will happen to me in
the future, what I will have to study to have a good future, to know what obstacles I will
have to overcome.
every day I wonder if I will be able to get ahead are one of many things that I ask myself
every day it always depends on how I feel and in recent years I have had many obstacles
to overcome and I do not feel capable of being able if life is as hard as me has tried; there
are so many things that I ask myself every day.

9. Solución

a. do things as well as i could → to my best

b. feeling happy about something in the future → looking forward to

c. gave my homerwork to teachers → handed in

d. continued → went on
10. solucion
read the text again. write t (true) or f ( false)

a. anna never worried about the future. ( false )

b. she didn´t always work hard in 8th grade. ( true )
c. she won a prize for her school work in the 8th grade. ( false )
d. sh studied harder in 9th grade than 8th grade. ( true )
e. her family felt happy for her in 9th grade. ( true )
f. she isn´t very confident now. ( false )

11. solución
- the sentences that are in the text are A1 and B2

12. solución
13. Solucion

a. i wouldn´t worry about my future. → 2. if i knew what to study,

b. if i pass all my exams? → 1. will i get a prize
c. my parents will be disappointed. → 3. would i get into university
d. if i failed all my exams? → 4. if i don´t study hard,

14. Solucion
a. If I don't finish this last year of school, I won't be able to enter a university.
b. If I were someone with a lot of knowledge, I would help young people to make
decisions such as knowing what to study
c. I won't be able to graduate if I don't make an effort for the exams
d. Will it be that if I can with everything I want?
e. Right now my mind has thought a lot about the future and I don't feel like I can do
everything I want to do, I ask God to help me
15. Solucion
My fears go beyond the others, the state of mind is everything and my state of mind is not
the best I think I am the one who has the most problems in his mind and emotionally I am
not well I will do my best to get ahead of the help of God.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
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2. Solución
a. in my life I use all the options except the laptop since I have a desktop pc.
b. I often use them in my classes but when I'm on vacation I use them for fun.
c. The computer, the tablet, the telephone and almost always the cell phone for
meetings and at work I use the computer.
3. Solución
For me, the best title is the future of education, although in my mind I learn much better in
the classrooms since I feel more committed than being at home.
4. Respuestas
1. La respuesta es la B
2. Para mi la respuesta es la A
3. Respuesta la C
4. Respuesta la A
5. Respuesta C
5. Solución
One of its advantages is to be able to look for information or meanings that they contribute
to the class, although sometimes technology is not necessary since everything is well
explained in class; Another advantage is the taking of notes or keywords replacing the
that students do not use this tool for study and use it as entertainment.

If we know how to use it, yes, although it is very complicated since everywhere on the
internet there is only entertainment and things that are not good when it comes to learning.

6. solucion
a) do you download music from the internet?
b) do you ever send emails to your freiends ?
c) do you post photos on social media sites?
d) do you go online every day?
e) do you ever share videos with your friends on the internet ?
f) how many times a day do you go your computer?
7. solucion
a) often if I download music from the internet
b) I almost always send emails to communicate with my friends or to send Jobs
c) before if I did it frequently now not so much
d) for my school if I connect every day
e) I have shared very few videos since I do not like to send them or have them sent to
f) every day since I do the work on the computer

8. solución

9. solución
1. when my mother was young children could leave school at the age of sixteen.
2. these days you can take aims online with people from different countries.
3. you can take as many photos as you want to networking sites.
4. in the future will be able to download videos about teaches lessons.
5. you can use your smart thing is so many different things.
6. in the future I think we'll be able to do or exams online.

11. Solución
-now we can make inquiries without having to go to a library
- now we can study from home
- now we can talk to our friends on the cell pone
12. solución
 for me the oldest are the smoke signals
 next is the drums
 the following are the letters
 according to the audio the following is the internet
 next is the telegraph
 the following are the telephone
 one of the most recent is the smartphone

13. solución
For me I was right and it seems a bit complicated for people to communicate through
these means since I cannot imagine how to understand the smoke signals or through the
14. solucion
a) the problem with the first letter service was that many latters got lost.( true )
b) pony express was a letter service first used in grat britain. ( true )
c) a lot of people didn´t use the telegraph and first because it was too expensive.
( false )
d) people started developing the internet in the 90s. ( true )
e) modern communication has helped improve their face-to-face communication
skills. ( false )

15. solucion
a) I always use the smartphone and the internet
b) the fastest is the internet but it only depends if the receiver of the message has the
same conditions as the sender of the message.
c) that people when giving the message personally, the message is not expressed
with clarity because we are getting used to giving a message through the internet.

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