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Summary Science Pearson Grade 3


1. An object that uses electricity to work is an electrical appliance.

2. Example of an electrical supply is main electricity and cell or battery.
3. A path that electricity takes is a circuit.
4. A part of a circuit is a component
5. Example of a component :

Wires Bulb Buzzer

6. An electrical conductor allows electricity to pass through it.

7. Example of conductor : gold, copper, silver, metal, steel.
8. An electrical insulator does not allow electricity to pass through it.
9. Example of insulator : rubber, glass, wood, paper, ceramic.
10. Mention 4 things which do we need to make a circuit! Battery, wires, bulb and switch.
Living Things

1. Write 3 examples of vertebrate ! Birds, fish and mammals

2. Give 3 examples of invertebrate ! Insects, earthworms, snail
3. Give 4 characteristic of living things! Breath, need eat, move, sensitive to stimuli
4. Living things need home to protect from enemies
5. Carnivores are animal eat meat
6. Animal eat both plant and flesh is called omnivore
7. Animal eat plant is called herbivore
8. Cow and tiger are animal reproduced by giving birth
9. An animal reproduced by laying egg is bird

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