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Atack on monster

on an island bordering on 4-layered walls, thick, and up to 30 in height, each

wall has a different name, the first wall is named Sijiento, the second wall is named
Lorosaga, the third wall is named Teluran, and the fourth wall is named with the
name papatrum, and the island was named cermai.

There lived a child named Gotam, he lived with 3 family members on the wall
of the Papatrum, his father was named Jaguar, his mother was named Sisi and there
was a friend named Eetsukasa (let's call him etsu, a beautiful girl, cute girl), every
day gotam went out of the house to collect wood with etsu, gotam very aspired to
become an intruder army to get away from the island and see the outside world, but
the mother of gotam forbade him, he said the outside world was so dangerous,
there were many monsters ready to eat you. That gotam and etsu went home, on
the way home there was one of his friends named Remi being beaten by his village
boy, for a moment Gotam ran and wanted to save Remi, when the village boy
wanted to hit gotam he also saw the etsu behind the gutter and ran Frightened,
Remi was very grateful to Gotam, finally gotam went to the house. After he came
home and told his mother, his father said goodbye that he wanted to go to lorosaga
because there was work.

The next day the intruding soldiers returned from their mission, with lots of
corpses, they failed in their mission to investigate the outside world and capture
monsters alive, that's why Mother Gotam forbade her to join the intruding army and
serve outside. When Gotam walked in his village with Remi and etsu, suddenly there
was a giant monster with a height of 40 meters with big horns, his eyes emitted fire
and had a tail tip that was shaped like a posaedon trident, let's call him the Titan
monster. , the monster hit the papatrum wall which resulted in a large hole in the
wall, after hitting the wall the monster disappeared and a group of monsters
measuring 4-8 meters entered the village and ate the humans there, gotam and his
friends quickly left there and headed for his house. , but the house was destroyed by
the giant monster, which caused Mother Gotam to fall pit by a boulder, at that time
Gotam and etsu wanted to save their mother, then her mother told them both to
run, but Gotam and etsu still wanted to help her, fortunately Rummy called one of
the rose soldiers to save Gotam and his family, after the army When he got there he
was told by mother Gotam to bring gotam and his best friend named etsu, at first
the soldier wanted to fight the monster, but after seeing the monster's ferociousness
and the scary face of the monster, he canceled his intention and preferred to take
Gotam and etsu away, When gotam and etsu were carried by the rose soldier, his
mother gotam was caught by a 4 meter tall monster with a face like a dog and a
body like a monkey and eating the mother gotam voraciously, gotam who saw his
mother being eaten was scared and sad. The villagers who survived were taken by
ship to the egg wall, and other soldiers attacked the beasts using cannons, but a
monster with a shape like a tiger with a body that was straight like a human and its
skin was hard like a diamond monster and it was running at a speed of 50-60 km. The
clock and broke through the harbor with ease and the cannons fired at him had no
effect, fortunately the ship that gotam on board with its theme had already departed

5 years later

Gotam and his friends have grown into strong, trained and have a soul like
the king of the jungle when he is assigned to training he suddenly faints and meets
him in his past memories, he remembers that his father had injected serum, but his
memory doesn't really remember what it was. happened, he only remembered he
was injected with something and given a necklace that had a lock on the
underground door to his house, when he realized and carried out his first mission
suddenly the 40 meter monster returned and destroyed the egg wall just like 5 years
ago. The monster is so close to gotam, without thinking gotham with the weapon he
has in the form of a sword with 2 blades on top and bottom, and a climbing tool.
Gotam also swung the rope that he stuck into the monster's body swiftly, and
practiced what he had learned so far (that the weakness of these monsters lies
behind their ears, if they cut behind their ears they can't regenerate their bodies
again) nimbly wanted to cut down the monster and suddenly the monster
disappeared, and as a result of the hole in the wall, monsters with a size of 4-8
meters could easily enter, and at that time the residents on the wall panicked and
wanted to go to the lorosaga wall. Gotam and his friends attacked the monsters,
many of them were killed and eaten by the monsters, and when he wanted to cut
the ear of one of the monsters, suddenly he was caught by the monster and wanted
to eat it, when he was beaten. Gotam came and saved the rummy, took it out of the
mouth, gotam stuck in the mouth and was eaten alive by the monster.

Remi also regretted that his childhood friend was eaten, he couldn't move,
fortunately another colleague named Sadow saved him and took him away, at that
time etsu (the girl who lived in the same house by Gotam because she was only
alone) still not receiving news that gotam has been eaten by monsters, at that time
etsu was in the rearguard army, etsu had a bad feeling, then he suddenly
remembered his past that was saved by gotam.

Etsu's past is very sad, he lives in the south with his parents, one day Gotam's
father wants to visit his house to introduce gotam and etsu, when the etsu family is
at home with etsunya too, suddenly someone knocks on his door, etsu's father
thought it was a jaguar and when it was opened it turned out that it was a criminal
who wanted to kidnap etsu and his mother, etsu's father was immediately stabbed
by the three criminals, then etsu's mother simultaneously took scissors and wanted
to attack the three criminals, al the result of etsu's mother died because he was
stabbed by an axe, etsu was taken away

(the reason why the criminals kidnapped etsu is, they want to trade it on the
black market, because the natives of the south live them only)

When Gotam and his father arrived at etsu's house, they saw Erin's parents
were dead and Gotam's father quickly went to call the guard soldiers, at that time
Gotam found a house and it turned out to be where etsu was held, then Gotam
sneaked into the house and pretended to be lost Gotam knocked on the door, the
criminal opened the door and the criminal was surprised why you (a child) were
here, gotam replied that he was lost, when the criminal wanted to approach him,
gotam immediately stabbed his knife right in the criminal's chest That and killed the
two criminals when Gotam opened the rope of etsu, etsu also said there were three
of them with faces that were still scared, suddenly behind the door there was one
criminal and choked the gotam, gotam told etsu "fight if you want to survive in the
world this, and run if you want to suffer in this world !!! ” , etsu at that time was still
afraid and when he heard the words gotam, his whole body seemed to take out all
his calm and save Gotam, stabbed the criminal to death, since then etsu wanted to
repay Gotam because he had saved him.

(etsukasa at a glance)

At that time, etsu immediately went to the front row, with his expertise, etsu
slashed all the monsters there, when he arrived at the place where the front team
gathered, he did not see gotam there, then etsu asked where gotam, his friends
answered that he had been eaten, then Suddenly a lot of monsters were blocking
them, they were confused about what to do, then there was a huge boom that was
heard, when the monsters were ready to prey on the front line, there was a monster
with a size of 17 meters, with a human-like face, had wings, stood like a human. , his
body is covered by a shield, and his hands have two swords like crescent moons, let's
call him the Guardian monster, quickly the monster slashes all the monsters blocking
the vanguard team, the vanguard team is shocked why there are monsters attacking
other monsters, after managed to cut down all the monsters, the Guardian monster
was silent as if it was running out of energy, and gave off a light like a firefly , when
the light has all gone, it seems that the Guardian monster is gotam, it turns out that
the serum that was injected by his father gotam is a dangerous monster serum, and
gotam managed to control the monster, his friends were amazed and a little afraid of
it, after that they took gotam to a shelter


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