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The massive growth of Zoom application in the education sector, amid Covid-19

Teachers and students have to face technical issues while using the Zoom app, it is not
someone’s fault as it is a technological error. Many issues occurred while using this app,
sometimes the sound is not clear and stable, teachers and students have to hear echo or reparative
sounds and at the time the mice do not work properly. These issues occur due to a poor Wi-Fi
network. The duration of the session or a lecture is forty minutes which is not enough for
teachers to deliver all the knowledge and for high school and university student the duration of
physical lectures are two or three hours, but because of the forty minutes session the students and
teachers have to join various session much time, which creates difficulty for both students and
teachers. The use of this app creates a challenge for teachers when it comes to examination and
its evaluation as students can cheat in the exam and can achieve an excellent grade during
marking or there may be a parent or someone else who is solving all the exams (Ramadani and
Xhaferi, 2020). According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs one of the basic needs of students is
the sense of belonging, it absence students will be enabled to have self-esteem, self-actualization,
confidence, as these things can be built in a person through physical interactions with other
students and teachers and relationships which are the reasons that most of the students come to
school for (Ringelstein, 2021). However, this app is helping in many ways during COVID 19 but
it is affecting teachers and students psychology many issues come with its use, and students and
teachers have to face challenges along with COVID 19.

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