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What I would do is, I would let the speaker rest first, let the guests eat, and
once they are done, I would gather all of their attention, and let the speaker
speak once again. There really are times when guests or audience won't
listen especially when food is presented.

2. What I would do is I would remain calm, use whatever hard thing there is to
use as a fan, remain calm, before getting called I would rest my eyes first by
closing it, and of course I would not sleep just close my eyes for minutes or

3. I will listen carefully, British and American English accents are not close to
each other, but English is still English; so I think I will not have a hard time if I
would just listen.

4. To prevent longer queue, I would help the foreigner order what he wants
by translating it to the cashier, and with that three of us would save couple of

5. A temple is sacred for them, so I would tell my friend that we should stop
and continue our conversation for later, once we step foot inside the
Buddhist temple, and that would also help us appreciate their culture more.

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