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Die Empty 

I am….. Meriam tapped me to be a ninang for Ryan and it is


I wish to deviate from all the lovely sharing by everyone so

far by asking a rhetorical question.  And that is,

Did Miriam die empty?

Before I respond, let me share an anecdote of a director in a

business meeting asking the audience…

 "Where is the richest land in the world ?"

One of the audience answered: "Oil-rich Gulf states." 

Another added: "Diamond mines in Africa."  A third answer was

in Manhattan.

Then the director said: "No. It is the cemetery. Yes, it is the

richest land in the world, 
because millions of people have departed from it, 'they have died'
and they carry many valuable ideas that did not come out of the
light and benefited others.

In the graveyard are buried all of the unwritten novels, never-

launched businesses, unreconciled relationships, and all of the
other things that people thought, ‘I’ll get around to that tomorrow.’
One day, however, their tomorrows ran out.” 

Todd Henry, an author was so inspired by this exchange that

he  wrote the book. 
Die empty.  At first glance you will think it is normal…. especially
when you would take it to mean to die empty with nothing or poor,
or die bringing nothing with us.   

But the true meaning of this new expression of “Die empty” is 
 to die empty of all the goodness that is within you. Deliver it
before you leave this world.

If you have an idea perform it.

If you have a knowledge give it out.
If you have a goal achieve it.
When you  Love, pour it out to your max, 
when you share, give it your all, 
when you live, do it with “con todo gusto” or full enthusiasm.
do not keep it inside.
Do not keep the goodness inside of you, and die full of ideas and
be a delicious meal for the earthworms in the grave.

Most of us live with the stubborn idea that we will always have
tomorrow. But sooner or later all of our tomorrows will run out. 

I come back to my question…. Did Meriam die empty?

Yes, it’s my assertion that Meriam died empty.  You are likely

to agree.

She gave all she was and all she could when she passed on.

She loved her family to the hilt… devoted to Charlie, doting

on and caring for Oli and Ryan.  She was loving to her mom
in law.  As she shared with Kyra, she was at her happiest as
she saw and felt her family was.  She wanted to be a beautiful
person and the tributes did validate.  She wanted to give joy
to others and she is indeed remembered for her fun, wit, and
She loved her friends, her fabulous moms, the Krungs, her
cousins and everyone in the family giving them of herself,
her ideas and time.  Her curiosity and probe  of people was
her way of connecting rather than mere
acquainting.  Kindness, generosity, compassion, and
empathy were her great attributes. 

She loved the good life, the good food and drinks.  She
travelled to almost the whole world.  She was audacious and
fearless.  Dare to live, ready to die.   

I think we all weigh thousands of tons of goodness, creativity,

love… and hope that we can give.  We must give our all. 

Hence must race to give and remove every atom of goodness

inside us,  find and sustain our passion and creativity, even in
challenging or tough times-   We need to unleash our best work
each day, and to increase the odds that, at the end of our life
which can happen at any time, we would have no remorse o
regret.  No what if’s, no shoulda, coulda, woulda.  

We are one of a kind individuals and our contribution to the world

and to life is unique and no one else can do it for us.  

Wo we are no one else could be.  We need to be true to

ourselves, be our very best and most, touching others and
making a significant difference..  

There is a famous quote of Hillel,  

- “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
- If I am only for myself, what am I?
- And if not now, when?”

Live fully, purposefully and joyfully.  Die empty.   

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