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Tupac once said “We gotta make a change It's time for us as a people to start makin' some

changes Let's change the way we eat Let's change the way we live And let's change the way we

treat each other You see, the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do What we gotta do, to

survive”. Change is happening at all times. I myself have gone through many changes myself.

One thing in particular I need to change is the way I handle my anger. I need to find a way to

control my temper and not be so hot headed. Being mad and angry at the world and the things

that go on in life doesn't get you anywhere and I know that. I feel as though when I learn how to

control my anger than I will be able to live a better life. I will be able to enjoy going to family

events and hanging out with my friends.

In regards to learning how to control my emotions and what not i need to be committed. I

need to understand the difference between being mad for a valid reason versus being mad for

no reason at all. I feel like I can do this by being more open minded to different situations and

stepping out of my comfort zone. Most of my anger streams from not feeling comfortable, that

isn't a way to live by all means. I need to break out of my shell and realize that there's no set

rules to life, the way we live or who I want to be.

On a scale from 1-10 I would have to place my commitment level to making any type of

changes in my life would be a 7. I say this because 7 is above 5 so I'm not just going to be riding

along with the flow and hope for the best. I'm not at a full 10 either because that is a huge

commitment and sometimes I don't follow through with the commitments I do make, so I will

settle for a 7. I feel like the number 7 is pretty solid considering things don't happen overnight. It

is also a lucky number or so I have heard. This number represents the end goal. I would place

myself currently at a 1. I have no means to change or do anything out of the ordinary at this

point in time. However if i can work day by day, week by week and month by month to become

the person that I want to be I feel like I can achieve being at a 7. In addition to that there are
only 7 days in a week so i can change day by day to accomplish my goals and follow through

with my commitments for once.

I only have about 16 years under my belt. I have made some really good choices and

unfortunately I have made some poor ones. Out of all the choices I have had to make I would

have to say that going back to school would be the best decision i've encountered before. I was

stuck in a hole that I thought I couldn't get out of. I had gone to crossroads for middle school so I

knew I already liked the environment. But going to vantage point and feeling confident about

going to school and getting my education back on the right track has been one of the best things

I think I could have ever done. It was hard to make this decision, I didn't know what I was getting

myself into. Of course I've heard of all the tall tales from my sister but I really didn't know if it

was going to be the right choice for me. Northglenn wasn't so at first I had my doubts. As I saw

how horrid I was doing online and how anti-social I was getting I knew I had to step a bit out of

my comfort zone and stick it out.

Finally, I think it is safe to say that by choosing to go back to school and really put in the effort

to go, learn and do my homework will be one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. I

am privileged enough to have access to an education because many kids my age around the

world don't have the same opportunity that I do. I have taken that for granted in the past. School

can sometimes be difficult. You have to deal with things you personally may not like. The

teachers, students and rules. I see things from a new vantage point now, I will conquer all of the

goals I set for myself. In addition to that I will put in effort into my assignments and get a good

education. This choice will set me up for the future and prepare me for the real world.

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