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xml - Identical to EN: foo

Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.balloon
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.bigYucca1
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.bigYucca2
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.boku
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.bullet
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.castle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.coin
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.cycle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.soccerBall
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.daisy
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.drum
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.factory
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.flower
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.fruit
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.heart
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.hut
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.iceBerg
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.jet
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.light
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.mine
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.missile
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.popsy
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.puck
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.pushPad
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.rock
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.saucer
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.sputnik
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.stick
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.sub
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.swimFish
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.turtle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.terraCannon
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.vlogster
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.windBlimp
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.wisp
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.pipe
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.pipestraight
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.pipecross
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.pipecorner
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.yucca1
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.yucca2
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.yucca3
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: actorNames.rover
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.clam
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.lilypad
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.seagrass
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.octopus
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.starfish
Strings.xml - Missing:
Strings.xml - Missing: actorNames.inkjet
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.signInTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.signOutTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.newUserTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.creator
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.currentlySignedInAs
Strings.xml - Missing:
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.pinError
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.pinTooShort
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.pinTooSimple
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.keepSignedIn
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.ok
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.cancel
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.continue
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.signOut
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.helpText
Strings.xml - Missing: auth.helpTextShort
Strings.xml - Missing: mainMenu.import
Strings.xml - Missing: mainMenu.importWorldsCommitButtonText
Strings.xml - Missing: mainMenu.readMoreHere
Strings.xml - Missing: mainMenu.paused
Strings.xml - Missing: miniHub.share
Strings.xml - Missing: miniHub.signInFailedMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: miniHub.signedOutLikeCommentMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: mouseEdit.rename
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: shareHub.appPrefix
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: shareHub.statusOffline
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.localTitle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.downloadsTab
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.separator
Strings.xml - Missing:
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.comments
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.signInToComment
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.addAComment
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.noComments
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.commentBy
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.signedInAs
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.editLevel
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.exportMultiDialogTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.exportPackageString
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.downloads
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.attach
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.scroll
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.previousPage
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.nextPage
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.thumbsUp
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.thumbsDown
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.reportAbuse
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.unReportAbuse
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.viewOnSocl
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.viewOnKoduGameLab
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.puzzle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: loadLevelMenu.showDownloads
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.sortRank
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.levelNotFirstMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.levelLinksBrokenMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.levelChainTooLongMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.levelChainHasCycleMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.targetAlreadyLinkedMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.preserveLinksMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.brokenLevelExportMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.brokenLevelShareMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.confirmLinkedDownloadMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: loadLevelMenu.confirmLinkedShareMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: inGame.saveRequiredBeforeLink
Strings.xml - Missing: inGame.nextLevelNotFound
Strings.xml - Missing: inGame.previousLevelNotFound
Strings.xml - Missing: inGamePickLevelMenu.title
Strings.xml - Missing: inGamePickLevelMenu.attach
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: tools.addTool
Strings.xml - Missing: tools.balloonTextTouch
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.debugDisplayCurrentPage
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.scorePersistence
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.loudLabel
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.quietLabel
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.on
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.guiButtonVisibility
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.labeledButton
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.solidButton
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.showVirtualController
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.nextLevel
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.noLevelSelected
Strings.xml - Missing: editWorldParams.clearNextLevel
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.grassAndSky
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.rampBW
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.venus
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.sunset
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.mars
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.blues
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.mars2
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.twilight
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G1
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G2
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G3
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G4
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G5
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G6
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G7
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G8
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G9
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G10
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: skyGradientNames.G11
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.ok
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.back
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.helmet
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.pushRange
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.pushStrength
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.renameTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.rename
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.camouflaged
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.holdDistance
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.verticalAccelerationMultiplier
Strings.xml - Missing: editObjectParams.displayCurrentPage
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.options
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.showFramerate
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.language
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: optionsParams.overscan
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.changeLanguageMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.noContinue
Strings.xml - Missing: optionsParams.yesQuitKodu
Strings.xml - Missing: textDialog.saveChangesPrompt
Strings.xml - Missing: textDialog.deletePrompt
Strings.xml - Missing: textDialog.deleteLinkedPrompt
Strings.xml - Missing: textDialog.linkedLevelExport
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: textDialog.ok
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitPatternEditor.brightness
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitPatternEditor.duration
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitPatternEditor.toggleLED
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitNeedsDriverDlg.title
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitNeedsDriverDlg.message
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitNeedsDriverDlg.linkLabel
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitNeedsDriverDlg.cancelLabel
Strings.xml - Missing: microbitNeedsDriverDlg.installLabel
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.aButton.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.bButton.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.xButton.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.yButton.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.leftStick.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rightStick.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.leftShoulder.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rightShoulder.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.leftTrigger.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rightTrigger.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadUpDown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadUp.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadDown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadRightLeft.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadRight.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.dpadLeft.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.gamepad.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.balloon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.blimp.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.boat.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.boku.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.bullet.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.castle.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN:
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.coin.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.cursor.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.drum.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.factory.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.fastbot.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.flyfish.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.heart.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.hut.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.jet.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.light.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.mine.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.pad.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.puck.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rockLowValue.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rockHighValue.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rockLowValueUnknown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rockHighValueUnknown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rockUnknown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.stick.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.sub.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.swimfish.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.terracannon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.tree.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.turtle.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rover.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.wisp.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.homeMenu.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.cameraMove.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.objectEdit.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.objectSettings.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.terrainPaint.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.terrainUpDown.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.terrainSmoothLevel.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.terrainSpikeyHilly.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.deleteObjects.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.water.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.worldSettings.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.waterType.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.materialType.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.brushType.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.heartIcon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.brokenHeartIcon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.reportAbuseIcon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.reportAbuseGreyIcon.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.scorepink.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.leftmouse.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.middlemouse.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: buttonAliasStrings.rightmouse.alias
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: toolTips.pageHandleLabel
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: toolTips.pageHandleDesc
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: toolTips.rowHandleLabel
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: saveLevelDialog.version
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: saveLevelDialog.tags
Strings.xml - Missing: saveLevelDialog.safetyWarning
Strings.xml - Missing: toast.microbitNeedsResetHintToast
Strings.xml - Missing: warning.noncomplianttouch_title
Strings.xml - Missing: warning.noncomplianttouch
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: genres.puzzle
Strings.xml - Identical to EN: genres.rpg
Strings.xml - Missing: genres.touch
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.FormTitle
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.UpdateMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.ReleaseNotesMessage
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.CurrentVersion
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.LatestVersion
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.UpdateButtonText
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.IgnoreButtonText
Strings.xml - Missing: Update.RemindButtonText
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: ModularMessageDialog
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: LoadLevelMenu
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: LoadLevelPopup
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: SelectNextLevel
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditAddItemPieMenu
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseMenu
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditMenu
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditPathsAllPath
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditPathsAddPath
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditPathsDeletePath
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditPathsDeleteNode
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainPaintSmooth
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainPaintCubic
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainDelete
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainRaising
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainLowering
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainSmoothLevel_ToggleFlatten
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainSmoothLevel_ToggleSmooth
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainSpikeyHilly_ToggleSmooth
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainSpikeyHilly_ToggleHilly
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditTerrainSpikeyHilly_ToggleSpikey
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditWaterRaiseLower_ToggleRaise
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditWaterRaiseLower_ToggleLower
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: MouseEditDeleteObjects_Deleting
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: PieSelectorAddItemNoSelection
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: HelpCardProgramming
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: HelpCardAddItem
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: ToolBox
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: BasePicker
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: Programming
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: Tile
HelpOverlays.xml - Identical to EN: PreGame
HelpOverlays.xml - Missing: ModularNextLevel
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: PushRange
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: PushStrength
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Rename
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Helmet
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: HoldDistance
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Camouflaged
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Debug:DrawCurrentPage
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Debug:ShowCurrentPage
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: ScorePersistence
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: ShowVirtualController
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: GuiButtonVisibility
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: NextLevel
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: WaterRaise
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: WaterLower
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: SetWater
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: ShowFramerate
TweakScreenHelp.xml - Missing: Language
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.gamepad.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.keyboard.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.mouse.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.touch.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.touch
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.microbit.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.microbit
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.eyes.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.ears.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.timer.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.scored.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.missilehit.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.held.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.terrain.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.water.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.path.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.path
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.beamed.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.inspected.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.scanned.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.endofpath.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.endofpathnonmover.label
Cards.xml - Missing: sensor.endofpathnonmover
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: sensor.always.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.named.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.named
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.boku.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.bokubot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.anything.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.dead.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.dead
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.squashed.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.squashed
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.said.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.countnone.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.starfish.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.starfish
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.clam.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.clam
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.seagrass.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.seagrass
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.seagrasssingle.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.seagrasssingle
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.lilypad.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.lilypad
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.lilypadsingle.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.lilypadsingle
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.flyfish.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.jet.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.light.label
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.octopus.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.octopus
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.fastbot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.saucer.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.windblimp.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.balloonbot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.subbot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.terracannon.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.puck.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.wisp.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.anybot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.turtle.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rover.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.pushpad.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.sputnik.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.stick.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.stickboy.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.drum.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.mine.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.missile.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.missile
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.swimfish.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.floatbot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.factory.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.hut.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.castle.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.fruit.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.inkjet.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.inkjet
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.iceberg.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.iceberg
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rock.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rockLowValue.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rockHighValue.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rockLowValueUnknown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rockHighValueUnknown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rockUnknown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.tree.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipe.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipe
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeStraight.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeStraight
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeCross.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeCross
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeCorner.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.pipeCorner
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.underwater.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.underwater
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.building.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.flower.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.gate.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.cursor.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.coin.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.soccerball.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.heart.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.bullet.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Black.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Grey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.white.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.yellow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.purple.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.brown.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBlack.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBlack
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathGrey.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathGrey
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathWhite.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathWhite
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathRed.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathRed
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathOrange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathOrange
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathYellow.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathYellow
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathGreen.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathGreen
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBlue.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBlue
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathPurple.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathPurple
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathPink.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathPink
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBrown.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.PathBrown
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.pathplain.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.pathroad.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.pathwall.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.pathflora.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.yucca1.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.yucca2.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.yucca3.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.bigyucca1.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expresshappy.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expresssad.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressangry.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expresscrazy.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expresshearts.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressflowers.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressstars.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressswear.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressnormal.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.expressnone.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.moving.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.camouflage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.camouflage
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.closeby.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.faraway.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.infront.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.behind.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.toleft.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.toright.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.over.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.under.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.lineofsight.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.countfew.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.countmany.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.clustermany.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.countany.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.leftstick.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.rightstick.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.abutton.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.bbutton.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.xbutton.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.ybutton.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.lefttrigger.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.righttrigger.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.lefttrigger_analog.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.righttrigger_analog.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.strongly.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.strongly
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.weakly.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.weakly
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.tilt.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.tilt
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.leftbutton.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.leftbutton
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.rightbutton.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.rightbutton
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin1.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin1
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin2.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin2
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin3.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.pin3
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.shake.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.microbit.shake
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.mouse.button.left.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.mouse.button.right.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.mouse.hover.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.mouse.move.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.touching.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.touching
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.tap.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.tap
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.rotate.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.rotate
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.swipe.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.swipe
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.slide.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.gesture.slide
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.White.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.White
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Black.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Black
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Grey.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Grey
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Red.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Red
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Green.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Green
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Blue.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Blue
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Orange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Orange
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Yellow.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Yellow
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Purple.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Purple
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Pink.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Pink
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Brown.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.guiButton.Brown
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_X.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_X
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_Y.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_Y
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_A.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_A
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_B.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.touch.controllerButton_B
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.ArrowKeys.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.WASDKeys.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Akey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Bkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Ckey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Dkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Ekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Fkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Gkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Hkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Ikey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Jkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Kkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Lkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Mkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Nkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Okey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Pkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Qkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Rkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Skey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Tkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Ukey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Vkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Wkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Xkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Ykey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Zkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D0key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D1key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D2key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D3key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D4key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D5key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D6key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D7key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D8key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.D9key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Spacekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.PageUpkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.PageDownkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Endkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Leftkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Upkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Rightkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Downkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Insertkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Deletekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.LeftWindowskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.RightWindowskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Multiplykey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Addkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Subtractkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Decimalkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Dividekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.LeftShiftkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.RightShiftkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.LeftControlkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.RightControlkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.LeftAltkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.RightAltkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemSemicolonkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemPluskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemCommakey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemMinuskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemPeriodkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemQuestionkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemTildekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemOpenBracketskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemPipekey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemCloseBracketskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemQuoteskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.OemBackslashkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F1key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F2key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F3key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F4key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F5key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F6key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F7key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F8key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F9key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F10key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F11key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.F12key.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Shiftkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Controlkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Altkey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.Windowskey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.player1.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.player2.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.player3.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.player4.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.terrain.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.water.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.eighthsecond.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.eighthsecond
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.01second.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.02seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.03seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.04seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.05seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.10seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.20seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.30seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.60seconds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.000point.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.000point
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.001point.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.002points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.003points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.004points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.005points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.010points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.020points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.050points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.100points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.random.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.percent.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.percent
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.color.white.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.color.grey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.color.yellow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.color.purple.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.color.brown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.c.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.d.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.e.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.f.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.g.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.h.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.i.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.j.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.k.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.l.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.m.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.n.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.o.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.p.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.q.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.r.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.s.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.t.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.u.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.v.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.w.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.x.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.y.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.letter.z.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.a
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.b
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.c.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.c
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.d.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.d
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.e.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.e
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.f.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.f
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.g.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.g
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.h.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.h
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.i.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.i
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.j.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.j
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.k.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.k
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.l.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.l
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.m.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.m
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.n.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.n
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.o.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.o
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.p.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.p
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.q.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.q
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.r.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.r
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.s.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.s
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.t.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.t
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.u.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.u
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.v.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.v
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.w.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.w
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.x.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.x
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.y.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.y
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.z.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebucket.local.z
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scoretrigger.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.timertrigger.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scoreis.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scoreequals.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorenotequals.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scoreabove.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorebelow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scoregteq.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.scorelteq.label
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.healthis.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.healthabove.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.healthbelow.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.maxhealth.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.maxhealth
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.maxhealth.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.maxhealth
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.blipdamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.blipdamage
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.missiledamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.settings.missiledamage
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.direction.up.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.direction.right.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.direction.down.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.direction.left.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.direction.clockwise.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.direction.clockwise
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.direction.counterclockwise.label
Cards.xml - Missing: filter.direction.counterclockwise
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: filter.not.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.closest.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.objectrelative.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.towardclosest.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.awayfromall.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.avoidall.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.wander.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.spin.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.forward.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.hiddenturn.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.escape.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.followwaypoints.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.moveupdown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.moveup.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.movedown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: selector.moveleftright.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.player.1.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.player.2.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.player.3.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.player.4.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.reset.score.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.reset.expression.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.reset.glow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.projectile.blip.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.projectile.missile.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.slowly.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.quickly.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.speednormally.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.weakly.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.strongly.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.strengthnormally.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.angle.low.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.angle.high.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.turnleft.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.turnright.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.turntoward.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.turnforward.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.pitchup.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.pitchdown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.forward.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.north.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.east.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.south.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.west.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.up.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.down.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.distance.near.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.distance.far.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.objecticeberg.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.objecticeberg
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectrock.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectrockLowValue.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectrockHighValue.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectfruit.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.objectinkjet.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.objectinkjet
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectstar.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectcoin.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.objectheart.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifer.objectsoccerball.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifer.objectbullet.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taska.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskb.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskc.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskd.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taske.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskf.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskg.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskh.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taski.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskj.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskk.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.taskl.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expresshappy.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expresssad.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expressangry.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expresscrazy.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expresshearts.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expressflowers.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expressstars.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expressswear.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.expressnone.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.000point.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.000point
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.001point.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.002points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.003points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.004points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.005points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.010points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.020points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.050points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.100points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.random.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.percent.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.percent
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.maxhealth.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.maxhealth
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.teama.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.teamb.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.payloadzap.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.payloadpop.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.payloadsquash.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.payloadsquash
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.payloadboom.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.payloadvanish.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.grey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.white.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.yellow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.purple.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.brown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.glowoff.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.colorrandom.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.color.white.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.color.grey.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.color.yellow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.color.purple.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.color.brown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.c.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.d.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.e.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.f.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.g.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.h.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.i.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.j.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.k.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.l.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.m.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.n.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.o.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.p.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.q.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.r.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.s.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.t.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.u.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.v.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.w.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.x.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.y.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.letter.z.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.a
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.b
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.c.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.c
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.d.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.d
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.e.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.e
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.f.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.f
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.g.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.g
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.h.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.h
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.i.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.i
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.j.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.j
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.k.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.k
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.l.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.l
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.m.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.m
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.n.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.n
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.o.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.o
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.p.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.p
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.q.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.q
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.r.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.r
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.s.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.s
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.t.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.t
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.u.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.u
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.v.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.v
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.w.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.w
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.x.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.x
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.y.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.y
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.z.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.scorebucket.local.z
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.any.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.maxhealth.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.maxhealth
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.blipdamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.blipdamage
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.missiledamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.settings.missiledamage
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.silly.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.silly.bang.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.silly.pow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.A.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.B.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.C.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.D.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.explode.E.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock01.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock02.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock03.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock04.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock05.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock06.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock07.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock08.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock09.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock10.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock11.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.glock12.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong01.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong02.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong03.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong04.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong05.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong06.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong07.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong08.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong09.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong10.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong11.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.gong12.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw01.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw02.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw03.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw04.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw05.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw06.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw07.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw08.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw09.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw10.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw11.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.saw12.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine01.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine02.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine03.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine04.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine05.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine06.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine07.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine08.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine09.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine10.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine11.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.sine12.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square01.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square02.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square03.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square04.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square05.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square06.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square07.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square08.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square09.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square10.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square11.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.square12.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.drums.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.bassdrum.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.hhclosed.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.hhopen.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.shaker.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.shaker
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.snare.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.tomlow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.tommed.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.musical.tomhi.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.roboton.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.robotoff.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.coinsound.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.gethealth.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.losehealth.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.shoot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.timer.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.arcade.lose.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.arcade.inkjet_fire.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.arcade.inkjet_fire
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.arcade.inkjet_impact.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.arcade.inkjet_impact
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.countdown_beep.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.countdown_alarm.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.epic_stinger.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.epic_stinger_a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.epic_stinger_b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.firepoof.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.forcefieldup.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.forcefielddown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.hide.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.lockontarget.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.losetarget.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.positivecondition.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.negativecondition.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.pop.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.popout.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.powerup.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.servo.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.watersplash.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.waterdrop.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.tagbase.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.whistlehuman.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.event.misc.whistlereferee.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.any.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.any
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.air_raid_siren.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.air_raid_siren
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.bomb_fall.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.bomb_fall
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.stun_fire.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.stun_fire
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.zapper_fire.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.zapper_fire
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.missile_fire.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.missile_fire
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.shrinker_fire.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.shrinker_fire
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.clam_coin_spit.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.clam_coin_spit
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.enemy_converted.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.enemy_converted
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.enemy_escape.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.enemy_escape
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.place_tower.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.place_tower
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.star_collect.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.star_collect
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.coin_collect.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.event.tower.coin_collect
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_action.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_ambientlight.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_ambinetmodd.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_brightdowntempo.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_brightfunk.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_brightfunk
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_brightguitar.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mu_kodu.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mysterya.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mysteryb.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.mysteryc.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.drivinga.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.drivingb.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.drivingc.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.dramaa.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.dramab.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.ambocean.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.ambforest.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.ambcity.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.ambmeadow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.ambmars.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.any.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.a.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.b.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.c.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.d.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.e.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.f.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.environ.arena.g.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.trackingnone.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.trackinghoming.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.leftright.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.fwdback.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.updown.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.northsouth.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.eastwest.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.constraint.immobile.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: modifier.once.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.watertype.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.watertype
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.on.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.on
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.microbit.pattern.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.microbit.pattern
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.frequencyunits.khz.label
Cards.xml - Missing: modifier.frequencyunits.khz
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.nothing.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.movement.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.turn.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.say.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.close.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.kick.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.make.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.launch.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.push.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.push
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.pull.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.pull
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.camouflage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.camouflage
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.uncamouflage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.uncamouflage
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.color.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.glow.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.sound.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.stopsound.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.jump.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.watersurface.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.waterdive.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.airrise.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.airdrop.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.switchtask.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.inlinetask.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.nextlevel.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.nextlevel
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.prevlevel.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.prevlevel
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.waterraise.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.waterraise
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.waterlower.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.waterlower
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.setwater.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.setwater
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.rescale.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.rescale
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.rescaleinstant.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.rescaleinstant
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.holddistance.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.holddistance
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.holddistanceinstant.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.holddistanceinstant
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.maxhitpoints.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.maxhitpoints
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.movementspeedmodify.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.movementspeedmodify
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.turningspeedmodify.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.turningspeedmodify
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldlightingchange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldlightingchange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldlightingchangeinstant.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldlightingchangeinstant
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldskychange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldskychange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldskychangeinstant.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.worldskychangeinstant
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.blipdamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.blipdamage
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missiledamage.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missiledamage
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.blipreloadtime.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.blipreloadtime
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.bliprange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.bliprange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missilereloadtime.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missilereloadtime
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missilerange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.missilerange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.closebyrange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.closebyrange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.farawayrange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.farawayrange
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.hearingrange.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.hearingrange
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.shoot.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.shoot2.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.beam.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.inspect.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.scan.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.picture.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.damage.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.heal.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.zap.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.pop.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.squash.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.squash
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.boom.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.vanish.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.grab.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.drop.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.give.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.reset.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.restart.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.gameover.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.victory.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.score.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.unscore.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: actuator.scoreset.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.say.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.say
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.block.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.block
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.sequential.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.sequential
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing:
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin1.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin1
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin2.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin2
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin3.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpin3
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin1.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin1
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin2.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin2
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin3.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmfrequency.pin3
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin1.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin1
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin2.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin2
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin3.label
Cards.xml - Missing: actuator.microbit.setpwmdutycycle.pin3
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.colors.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.pathcolors.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.more.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.players.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.playermods.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.actions.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.settings.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.combat.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.rover.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.holding.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.sounds.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.explode.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.silly.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.glock.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.saw.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.sine.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.gong.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.square.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.musical.drums.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.arcade.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.event.misc.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.event.tower.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.environ.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.environ.forest.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.environ.arena.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.constraints.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.directions.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.filters.directions.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.filters.touchbuttons.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.filters.touchGuiButtons.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.filters.gestures.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.expressions.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.projectiles.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.reset.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.options.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN:
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.points.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.time.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.speed.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.strength.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.angle.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.tracking.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.bots.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.bots2.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.objects.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.tasks.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.terrains.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.waters.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.setwater.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.creatables.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.named.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.keyboard.letters.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.keyboard.numbers.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.keyboard.symbols.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.keyboard.misc.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.scorebucketmodifiers.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.scorebucketmodifiers.local.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.scorefilters.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.scorebucketfilters.label
Cards.xml - Identical to EN: group.scorebucketfilters.local.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.settingsfilters.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.settingsmodifiers.label
Cards.xml - Missing: group.microbit.actions.gpio.label
Help.xml - Identical to EN: BokuBot
Help.xml - Missing: Clam
Help.xml - Missing: Starfish
Help.xml - Missing: LilypadSingle
Help.xml - Missing: Lilypad
Help.xml - Missing: SeagrassSingle
Help.xml - Missing: Seagrass
Help.xml - Missing: PipeStraight
Help.xml - Missing: PipeCorner
Help.xml - Missing: PipeCross
Help.xml - Missing: InkJet
Help.xml - Identical to EN: TerraCannon
Help.xml - Identical to EN: FlyFish
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Jet
Help.xml - Identical to EN: FloatBot
Help.xml - Identical to EN: FastBot
Help.xml - Identical to EN: StickBoy
Help.xml - Identical to EN: SubBot
Help.xml - Missing: Fan
Help.xml - Missing: Octopus
Help.xml - Missing: Light
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Wisp
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Saucer
Help.xml - Identical to EN: WindBlimp
Help.xml - Identical to EN: BalloonBot
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Puck
Help.xml - Identical to EN: PushPad
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Turtle
Help.xml - Identical to EN: SwimFish
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Cloud
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Mine
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Drum
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Sputnik
Help.xml - Identical to EN: BigYucca1
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Yucca1
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Yucca3
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Yucca2
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Fruit
Help.xml - Missing: IceBerg
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Rock
Help.xml - Identical to EN: RockLowValue
Help.xml - Identical to EN: RockHighValue
Help.xml - Identical to EN: RockLowValueUnknown
Help.xml - Identical to EN: RockHighValueUnknown
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Star
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Coin
Help.xml - Identical to EN: SoccerBall
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Castle
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Heart
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Bullet
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Factory
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Hut
Help.xml - Identical to EN: WayPoint
Help.xml - Identical to EN: PathGeneric
Help.xml - Identical to EN: PathVeggie
Help.xml - Identical to EN: PathRoad
Help.xml - Identical to EN: PathWall
Help.xml - Identical to EN: Rover
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchCameraMove
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: HomeMenu
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: MouseEditObject
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchPlay
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: InGame
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchHome
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: HomeMenu
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchCameraMove
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchEditObject
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchEditObject
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchPaths
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchTerrainPaint
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchTerrainUpDown
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchTerrainSmoothLevel
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchTerrainSpikeyHilly
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchWater
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchDeleteObjects
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchWorldSettings
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchTerrainPaint
TutorialStrings.Xml - Missing: TargetMode: TouchWate

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