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BJA Education, 21(8): 314e320 (2021)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2021.03.005
Advance Access Publication Date: 4 May 2021

Matrix codes: 1A01,

2A03, 3I00

Preoperative assessment of the older patient

C.L. Pang1,*, M. Gooneratne1 and J.S.L. Partridge2
Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK and 2Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Trust, London, UK
*Corresponding author:

Keywords: comprehensive geriatric assessment; frailty; perioperative medicine; preoperative assessment; shared deci-

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article, you should be able to:  Age-related multi-morbidity is associated with
 Describe key age-related physiological changes. adverse outcomes in older people.
 Discuss what is meant by frailty and how it can be  It is important to identify and assess multi-
assessed. morbidity and frailty at preoperative assessment.
 Outline the key components and impact of a  Comprehensive geriatric assessment determines
comprehensive geriatric assessment. and optimises a person’s medical, psychosocial
and functional capabilities and limitations.
 Comprehensive geriatric assessment improves
The population of the UK is ageing; 25% of the population will outcomes, including mortality and morbidity.
be aged 65 yrs by 2050, compared with 16% in 1998.1 This has  Individualised assessment, using the principles
resulted in greater numbers of older people undergoing elec- of shared decision-making, informs the discus-
tive and emergency surgery. The impact of this has been sion of risks.
examined in a number of reports, which show that older pa-
tients present across surgical specialties.2 This burden of age-
related comorbidity or multi-morbidity observed in older pa- assessment to inform shared decision-making, ensuring that
tients is independently associated with adverse outcomes, surgery is undertaken safely for patients with multi-
including mortality and discharge to institutional care.3 There morbidity.
is therefore a need for comprehensive preoperative Despite evidence to show that multidisciplinary models of
assessment and care improve outcomes, such as mortality,
traditional preoperative assessment pathways remain estab-
lished in clinical practice.4 Traditional models of nurse-led
pre-assessment in the outpatient setting can have disadvan-
Ching Ling Pang BA FRCA is a consultant anaesthetist at the Royal tages for older or frail patients. Firstly, there is a focus on
London Hospital. Her clinical interests include preoperative assess- optimising intraoperative and immediate postoperative care,
ment of high-risk surgical patients, regional anaesthesia and peri- with less focus on measures to improve long-term outcomes.
operative medicine. Secondly, it can be difficult to coordinate care amongst mul-
tiple specialties, which has the potential to disrupt a patient’s
Mevan Gooneratne BSc FRCA MA PGME is a consultant anaesthe- perioperative care and delay surgery. Finally, there is a lack of
tist at the Royal London Hospital. His clinical interests include screening for previously undiagnosed comorbidities and
vascular anaesthesia, pre-assessment for high-risk surgical pa- geriatric syndromes relevant to the shared decision-making
tients, cardiopulmonary exercise testing and perioperative medicine. process. These issues include undiagnosed cardiorespiratory
Jude Partridge MSc PhD FRCP is a consultant geriatrician at Guy’s disease, cognitive impairment and frailty, all of which may
and St Thomas’ (Perioperative medicine for Older People undergoing improve outcomes if optimised. As a result, recent guidance
Surgery [POPS]). She is an honorary senior lecturer at King’s College advocates incorporating specialist comprehensive geriatric
London and chairs the British Geriatrics Society POPS Special Interest assessment (CGA) and optimisation into the care of the older
Group. patient with multiple morbidities.5

Accepted: 5 March 2021

© 2021 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Preoperative assessment

Physiology of the older person oxygen with age and an increase in the arterial partial pres-
sure of carbon dioxide.
Ageing refers to time-dependent post-maturity changes that
take place at a cellular level. These changes may lead to a
decline in physiological reserve and functional status.6 Renal system
Reduction in renal function
Healthy adults lose 50% of their nephrons between the ages of
Cardiovascular system
18 and 75 yrs, resulting in a reduction in renal cortical mass.
Effects on cardiac output Cortical blood flow and glomerular filtration rate are reduced
Over time, large- and medium-sized arterial vessels become because cardiac output is decreased. As there are fewer
less compliant, increasing systemic vascular resistance. Hy- nephrons, the sodium load per nephron is greater. However,
pertension may cause left ventricular strain and hypertrophy. the ability to excrete sodium is reduced because of a deterio-
Increased collagen and fibrous tissue deposition can further ration of the countercurrent multiplier system in the loop
impair diastolic filling. To maintain cardiac output, preload is of Henle. There is also reduced activity along the
increased. Whilst cardiac output is preserved initially, the renineangiotensinealdosterone axis, which further compro-
heart now functions on a flatter part of the FrankeStarling mises the body’s ability to manage fluid and electrolyte bal-
curve with reduced physiological reserve. The decreased ance. Older patients are therefore less able to tolerate hypo- or
compliance of the vascular system also reduces the efficacy of hypervolaemia in the perioperative setting.
vasoconstrictors, such as ephedrine and metaraminol. These There are often other contributors to the progressive
changes can result in more pronounced intraoperative fluc- decline in renal function. These contributors include an
tuations in blood pressure and cardiac output. increased burden of diseases, such as diabetes and hyper-
tension, and the use of nephrotoxic drugs, such as
Effects on myocardial conductivity angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. In male patients,
Myocardial catecholamine receptors are downregulated. This benign prostatic disease is extremely prevalent (up to 60% at
results in decreased responsiveness to catecholamines and 90 yrs) and can contribute to obstructive renal impairment.
sympathomimetic agents despite an increased basal level of
sympathetic activity. This causes a decrease in maximal heart Neurological system
rate and cardiac output with age. Because of the ageing pro-
cess, fat infiltration and fibrosis of the cardiac conducting Baseline cognitive function
pathways can lead to issues, such as heart block, atrial fibril- The risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia increases with
lation, ectopic beats and arrhythmias. age, with 17% of people aged >80 yrs affected by cognitive
decline, as defined by significant decline in one or more
cognitive domains on history and cognitive assessment.7
Effects on cardiac structure
Decreased neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and
Progressive calcification of the cardiac valves is commonly
dopamine, loss of neuronal cells and demyelination have
seen in older people. This is most likely to affect the aortic
been demonstrated in animal studies. This causes slower
valve, causing sclerotic disease and aortic stenosis.
nerve conduction speeds and increased latency. Overall, this
leads to a general decline in performance and increased risk of
Respiratory system cognitive dysfunction.
Visual impairment is more prevalent in older patients. This
Effects on lung mechanics and volumes is largely attributable to age-related cataract formation,
Structural changes to the lung parenchyma, spine and chest macular degeneration and glaucoma. Moreover, sensori-
wall occur with age. These changes result in a reduction in neural hearing loss is common in the elderly. These impair-
airway elastance, lung compliance and chest wall compliance. ments can cause significant difficulties with communication
Total lung capacity, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory and can contribute to cognitive impairment, particularly
volume in 1 s and vital capacity all reduce with age; closing during acute illness.
capacity (CC) increases with age. However, residual volume Autonomic neuropathy is more prevalent with age and
and hence functional residual capacity decrease. This leads to other conditions, particularly diabetes. Impaired baroreceptor
an increased tendency of the alveoli and the terminal con- responses can cause perioperative cardiovascular instability,
ducting airways to collapse. Gas exchange is impaired across and delayed gastric emptying is linked with an increased risk
the alveolar membrane. Smoking and the development of of aspiration.
obstructive airways disease accelerate this process. However,
even in non-smokers, CC encroaches onto the tidal volume
when supine by the age of 65 yrs.
Delirium is a common (14e56%) postoperative clinical syn-
The upper airway becomes increasingly susceptible to
drome amongst older inpatients. Risk factors, such as
collapse from the loss of elastic tissue around the oropharynx.
admission to the ICU, sensory impairment, intercurrent
The incidence of sleep apnoea increases with age, and this
illness, surgery, dementia and pain, are all more likely in
condition should be screened for in older patients presenting
surgical inpatients.8
for surgery.

Musculoskeletal system
Effects on ventilatory responses
Declining chemoreceptor function causes a marked impair- Sarcopenia
ment in the ventilatory response to hypoxia or hypercarbia. Muscle mass decreases with age. Skin changes also occur
There is a linear decrease in the arterial partial pressure of with thinning of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous

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Preoperative assessment

fat. Older patients therefore are at a higher risk of bruising resulted in a reduction in inpatient bed days and a gain of 0.54
and pressure-related injuries. The reduction in subcutane- quality-adjusted life years.12
ous fat also increases the rate of heat loss, and shivering is Comprehensive geriatric assessment is also of demon-
less effective because of the reduced muscle mass. Conse- strable benefit in patients undergoing both elective and
quently, thermoregulation can be significantly impaired, emergency surgery. In patients admitted to a hospital with a
and temperature monitoring should be routine hip fracture, CGA was cost-effective and improved mortality
intraoperatively. and mobility.4,13 In pre-assessment, introducing a nurse-led
focused evaluation with optimisation resulted in a reduced
Osteoarthritis length of stay, postoperative complications and delays sec-
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are extremely common and ondary to cancellations.14 In patients undergoing elective
can cause significant pain and reduced mobility whilst vascular surgery, CGA reduced length of stay and post-
impacting on quality of life and cardiorespiratory reserve. operative complications, such as delirium, cardiac complica-
Older patients are at an increased risk of fragility fractures and tions and bladder/bowel complications, and showed trends
have issues with reduced bone healing because of a reduction towards fewer delayed discharges from hospital.15
in osteoblast activity. The heterogeneity in models of CGA care makes for relative
difficulty in carrying out systematic reviews of the current
literature. A recent systematic review identified that most of
Introduction to the principles of CGA the published literature in surgical patients focuses on the
Given that one of the major predictors of mortality and assessment component of CGA alone, rather than both
morbidity for older patients is frailty, screening and assess- assessment and optimisation.16 Nonetheless, the narrative
ment for frailty syndromes are imperative in improving out- synthesis concludes that CGA is likely to have a positive
comes. Comprehensive geriatric assessment is a impact on postoperative outcomes, such as medical compli-
‘multidisciplinary diagnostic process intended to determine a cations and length of stay, in older patients undergoing elec-
frail older person’s medical, psychosocial and functional ca- tive and emergency surgery. In the emergency surgical
pabilities and limitations to develop an overall plan for setting, a Cochrane review, including literature in hip fracture
treatment and long-term follow-up’. It comprises a multidi- and one cancer surgery paper, shows the benefit of CGA on
mensional, holistic assessment, and results in the formation mortality, length of hospital stay and financial cost.4
of an evidence-based yet individualised plan.9 After assess-
ment and optimisation, the process of shared decision-
Components of CGA and practical applications
making can then be undertaken in an informed manner.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment is undertaken by a Useful resources describing the components of CGA include
multidisciplinary team and generally includes review by a the BGS CGA toolkit for primary care practitioners and the BGS
geriatrician, a specialist nurse and allied healthcare pro- good practice guide for CGA. Evidence for individual compo-
fessionals, including occupational therapists, physiothera- nents of CGA has been studied in a wide variety of settings.
pists and social workers. In perioperative care, this team Ideally, CGA should target patients most likely to benefit from
works synchronously with the teams preparing patients for intervention and optimisation using a combination of criteria,
surgery in pre-assessment and surgical clinics. Comprehen- including age, degree of functional impairment, comorbid-
sive geriatric assessment takes place in a community, ities, high-risk social conditions (such as living alone) and the
outpatient or inpatient setting. One such example within the presence of geriatric syndromes.
UK is the Peri-operative care of Older People undergoing Sur-
gery service established in 2003. This geriatrician-led multi-
Physical assessment
disciplinary service uses CGA methodology in older or
multimorbid patients having elective and emergency surgery. Medical assessment: history and examination
This model has been successfully implemented in other trusts A comprehensive medical history should be taken and docu-
within the NHS.10 Similar models for community and acute ment the person’s comorbid conditions and their impact on
care are described in the British Geriatrics Society (BGS) HoW- daily life. In addition to focusing on pre-existing morbidity,
CGA Service Level Toolkit. new medical conditions may be diagnosed: these conditions
The comprehensive nature of CGA allows for the identifi- can then be optimised. Managing multiple coexisting condi-
cation, assessment and optimisation of risk factors that tions can be complicated by nuanced decisions about the
contribute to perioperative mortality and morbidity. These benefits of initiating treatment and the risk profile posed by a
risk factors include baseline cognitive impairment, cardiore- patient’s frailty or comorbid disease. Examples include initi-
spiratory disease, frailty and poor functional status. These ation of anticoagulation in a patient at risk of falls, or cardiac
multidimensional assessments provide patients, families and secondary prevention in a patient at risk of postural hypo-
clinicians with an opportunity to engage in discussions about tension secondary to Parkinson’s disease.
risk management and facilitate shared decision-making. The assessment should also seek to be proactive in the
diagnosis of geriatric syndromes: identifying, ameliorating or
eliminating common issues. Examples include difficulties
Evidence for CGA
with hearing and vision, which impact on communication
In medical inpatients, evidence supports the use of CGA- and therefore may complicate the consent process. Other
based care to improve longer-term outcomes, including common issues include poor balance, frequent falls, poor
mortality and institutionalisation.11 For patients in the com- appetite, urinary incontinence and constipation.
munity, the Ambulatory Geriatric EvaluationeFrailty Inter- Physical assessment is closely tied to functional assess-
vention Trial demonstrated that at 2 yrs, CGA assessment and ment, which relies more heavily on non-specific markers. As
optimisation, as provided by an ambulatory geriatric unit, such, a systematic and thorough general examination is

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Preoperative assessment

indicated, which covers often missed issues, such as posture, Rockwood model
skin integrity, dentition, gait, foot hygiene and mobility. A second model proposed by Rockwood and colleagues views
frailty as a syndrome of ‘cumulative accrued deficits’.22 This is
Mobility usually measured by dividing the number of deficits a patient
Assessment of mobility also overlaps with functional assess- displays by the number of deficits measured, giving a ratio or
ment and can be undertaken by different members of the frailty index. Based on this model, the pictorial Clinical Frailty
multidisciplinary team. The assessment should include Scale (Fig. 1) was devised and is recommended for use in
objective measures, such as gait speed or ‘Timed Up & Go’, screening for frailty.
and may also involve appraisal of balance and the use of any Objective tools, such as the EFS, can be used to explore the
mobility aids. diagnosis of frailty.23 The EFS is a valid, reliable, multidomain
Timed Up & Go measures, in seconds, the time taken to tool that evaluates muscle strength, mood, functional inde-
stand up from a standard chair, walk a distance of 3 m, turn, pendence, medication use, social support, nutrition, health
walk back to the chair and sit down.9 It is a routine part of the attitudes, continence, burden of medical illness and quality of
Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS) assessment. Independently of this, life.
gait velocity can be assessed. A slow velocity is independently Regardless of which model is used, frailty is significantly
associated with postoperative mortality and an increased risk associated with morbidity and mortality in surgical patients,
of falls.17 Interventions related to mobility risk factors that are across all surgical disciplines and irrespective of the urgency
likely to be beneficial in reducing the risk of falls include of surgery.2
muscle strengthening and balance retraining and a home Aerobic capacity is an area for potential optimisation. In
hazard assessment.18 sedentary individuals, maximal oxygen consumption (V_ O2MAX)
decreases linearly with age. Preoperative exercise pro-
Weight and nutrition grammes have been shown to be feasible and safe. These
Weight and BMI should be recorded routinely. In addition, programmes improve physical fitness, and there is some ev-
other screening questions or observations, such as changes in idence that exercise reduces postoperative complications and
clothing size, should be noted. Nutritional screening using inpatient stays.24
validated tools, such as the Malnutrition Universal Screening
Tool, can highlight any potential possible improvements. A
Medication review
typical dietary history includes screening questions to ascer-
tain recent weight loss, daily caloric intake and risk of vitamin A review of medication includes an appraisal of adherence
and mineral deficiencies. Preoperative nutritional supple- and a balanced assessment of the risk/benefit profile of reg-
mentation should be considered, particularly in patients with ular medications. Perioperatively, there should be a focus on
cancer, as part of a prehabilitation programme.19 Severe de- identifying medications that may precipitate issues, such as
ficiencies may require referral to a dietician. falls or delirium. This includes anti-muscarinics, sedative
medication, opiates, donepezil and antihypertensives.
Continence Ideally, a clinician competent in medicines management
Continence is a particularly important factor to consider, or a pharmacist should review medication changes and dose
particularly as other issues, such as pain and intercurrent alterations. Decision-making tools, such as the Screening Tool
illness, can increase the risk of urinary retention and con- of Older Persons’ Prescriptions/Screening Tool to Alert to
stipation. Urinary incontinence can be assessed and poten- Right Treatment or the Medication Appropriateness Index,
tially treated by the use of frequency/volume charts and can be used in conjunction with the patient to determine
bladder scanning after voiding. Patients with pain on mictu- ongoing treatment. These tools provide prompts and specific
rition, haematuria, vaginal prolapse or prostatic hypertrophy circumstances with which to review the prescriptions of older
may warrant onward referral. patients.

Frailty Functional, social and environmental assessments

The cumulative effects of multiple deteriorating organ sys- Functional assessments are carried out by combining history
tems are an equally important consideration in the assess- taking and clinical assessment. Objective tools, such as the
ment of older patients. Frailty is defined as a state of increased modified Barthel Index of instrumental activities of daily
vulnerability to poor resolution of homoeostasis after a living or the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living
stressor event. In the surgical setting, it is clearly associated scale, can be used as an adjunct to clinical assessment.
with postoperative morbidity and mortality, such as living in Within the perioperative setting, it is important to consider
an institutionalised setting and death.3,20 Different models of the impact that surgery or postoperative complications may
frailty exist, and routine screening and intervention in the have on functional status. Surgery in frail patients is associ-
form of a ’frailty toolkit’ are advocated to support patients ated with an initial increase in disability, but a net decrease in
with frailty and multiple morbidities.21 long-term disability.25 As such, social circumstances and
support networks should be identified with a view to recog-
Fried model nising how this may potentially change after surgery. Family
Fried and colleagues described a frailty ‘phenotype’, which and social support networks should be explored, and patients
uses five physical and functional characteristics to define should be counselled about the potential risk of requiring
frailty: unintentional weight loss, self-reported exhaustion, additional help, which may involve a period of institutionali-
low physical activity, slowness of gait and weakness (defined sation. Moreover, timely identification and planning of issues
by grip strength) (see Supplementary material). Patients who related to social care reduce inpatient bed days and should be
display three or more of these characteristics are deemed frail. prioritised in the preoperative clinic.

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Preoperative assessment

CLINICAL FRAILTY SCALE LIVING People who need help with all outside
6 WITH activities and with keeping house.
MODERATE Inside, they often have problems with
FRAILTY stairs and need help with bathing and
VERY People who are robust, active, energetic might need minimal assistance (cuing,
1 FIT and motivated. They tend to exercise standby) with dressing.
regularly and are among the fittest for
their age.
7 LIVING Completely dependent for personal
WITH care, from whatever cause (physical or
FIT People who have no active disease SEVERE cognitive). Even so, they seem stable
2 symptoms but are less fit than category FRAILTY and not at high risk of dying (within ~6
1. Often, they exercise or are very active months).
occasionally, e.g., seasonally.
LIVING Completely dependent for personal care
8 WITH VERY and approaching end of life. Typically,
MANAGING People whose medical problems are
3 WELL well controlled, even if occasionally
SEVERE they could not recover even from a
FRAILTY minor illness.
symptomatic, but often are not
regularly active beyond routine walking.

TERMINALLY Approaching the end of life. This

LIVING Previously “vulnerable,” this category
9 ILL category applies to people with a life
4 WITH marks early transition from complete expectancy <6 months, who are not
VERY MILD independence. While not dependent on otherwise living with severe frailty.
FRAILTY others for daily help, often symptoms (Many terminally ill people can still
limit activities. A common complaint exercise until very close to death.)
is being “slowed up” and/or being tired
during the day.
The degree of frailty generally In moderate dementia, recent memory is
LIVING People who often have more evident corresponds to the degree of very impaired, even though they seemingly
5 WITH slowing, and need help with high dementia. Common symptoms in can remember their past life events well.
MILD order instrumental activities of daily mild dementia include forgetting They can do personal care with prompting.
FRAILTY living (finances, transportation, heavy the details of a recent event, though In severe dementia, they cannot do
housework). Typically, mild frailty still remembering the event itself, personal care without help.
progressively impairs shopping and repeating the same question/story In very severe dementia they are often
walking outside alone, meal preparation, and social withdrawal. bedfast. Many are virtually mute.
medications and begins to restrict light
Clinical Frailty Scale ©2005–2020 Rockwood,
Version 2.0 (EN). All rights reserved. For permission:
Rockwood K et al. A global clinical measure of fitness
and frailty in elderly people. CMAJ 2005;173:489-495.

Fig 1 Clinical Frailty Scale. Used with permission from Geriatric Medicine Research, Dalhousie University.

Psychological components Mood

The prevalence of depression in older people is 5e10%.12 A
screening process for anxiety and depression should also be
Cognitive impairment is common in older patients. Mild or
put in place using a tool, such as the Hospital Anxiety and
previously undiagnosed cognitive impairment exists in
Depression Scale. This test may be useful to identify the level
around 20e24% of patients undergoing elective surgery.26 In
of support required by the patient and if further support from
patients having emergency general surgery, the prevalence of
mental health services may be necessary.
mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is as high as 80%. Mild
cognitive impairment is associated with adverse post-
operative outcomes, including increased length of stay and Individualised risk assessment
postoperative delirium or cognitive decline.27 The information gathered from pre-assessment can be used
Postoperative delirium is an independent predictor of to generate an individualised risk assessment. Whilst there
postoperative mortality and morbidity at up to a year after are limits to the accuracy of any individual system, commonly
surgery, and should be screened for and managed by a used scores, such as the Portsmouth Physiological and Oper-
multidisciplinary team in hospital.28,29 It is important that ative Severity Score for the Enumeration of Mortality (P-Pos-
older patients presenting for surgery are screened for pre- sum), Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT) and the National
existing cognitive impairment. One tool commonly used to Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) risk-scoring
screen for MCI is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment tool.30 tool, can be used along with objective markers of fitness,
The test assesses cognitive domains, such as short-term such as cardiopulmonary exercise testing. When combined,
memory recall, visuospatial ability, executive function, pho- these systems give the physician an indication of the likely
nemic fluency, attention, concentration and working mem- morbidity and mortality for the proposed surgery. These re-
ory. Patients with impaired function may need ongoing sults can inform decisions and discussions with patients
memory clinic referral. regarding surgical choices, for example, open abdominal

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Preoperative assessment

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