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How to write a good translation

- Those are not scientific texts, and it is nothing complicated, so it is important that you
write it in a simple, straightforward manner. Do not overcomplicate things.

- You need to pass the message as if it was a casual conversation with a good friend.

- I know you must write really well, but the reality is that most people do not have super
reading skills. Everyone prefers simple texts, easy to read. So when you are translating,
think: Can someone that dropped out of school at age 12 understand this text perfectly?
If not, rewrite it using other words.

- Even though this is a translation, I classify it as more of an "adaptation", so what I want

you to do is, read a bit of the text, and then REWRITE IT using your own words, so it is
not a translation, but a completely new text in a new language.

- You have the freedom to rewrite full phrases and even paragraph, making sure that it
follows the same objective.

- The text CANNOT LOOK LIKE A TRANSLATION, so when you are writing, read back
and think: Does this look like a text written originally by a native speaker? If not, you
need to rewrite it differently.

- Just want to make it clear that this should not be a translation, but actually an

Some copywriting techniques:

1. Use Short, Simple Words. – No $10 words. 5th grade level preferred.
2. The Shorter Your Sentences, the Better – Express only one thought in a sentence. No
3. The Short, Short Paragraph Trick – Limit regular paragraphs to 4-5 short sentences.
Less in some cases (1-2) for easy reading.
4. Pile on Personal Pronouns – I, you, me, he, she, him, they, them, etc. Gives human
5. “Write to the chimpanzee brain. Simply. Directly.”

Remember, once you translate some phrase, stop and think:

- Can someone that dropped out of school at age 12 understand this text perfectly? If not,
rewrite it using other words.
Now to make sure you understand all of this, here's a sample that we
need you to translate:
(The text is a blog post about a guy that found a solution for reverting hair loss)

¡Hola a todos! ¿Recordáis cuando hace seis meses os dije que quería conseguir que
volviera a crecerme el peloy que estaba buscando consejos sobre cómo hacerlo,
EVITANDO la cirugía?

Probé todo lo que recomendásteis, desde champús especiales y un montón de pastillas

hasta dispositivos y ejercicios especiales. ¡Es todo basura de marketing! A veces pienso
que incluso perdí más pelo…

Decidí dejar de echarle la culpa de todo a la genética, porque a la gente de mi

generación también empezó perdiendo a caérsele el pelo poco a poco después de los
30. Es posible que todo esté programado de antemano a nivel genético.

La salvación llegó inesperadamente...

Seis meses después, descubrí el blog de un amigo, que había conseguido recuperar su
pelo EN CASA en un par de semanas. Se había echado una loción especial para el
cabello llamada Bliss Hair durante una semana y empezó a notar que le había
empezado a crecer pelo en las zonas con calvas. Y, después de 2 meses, las calvas
estaban totalmente cubiertas de cabello. ¡¡¡Lo que consiguió fue una recuperación
TOTAL del cabello en casa!!!

Please translate this small text into english and send it with your cover letter on Upwork, if we
are satisfied with the quality, you will be hired!


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