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There are nine (9) main parts of speech; nouns, pronouns,

verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions,
articles/determiners, and interjections.

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, idea or quality

Person: boy, teacher, Josh, nurse

Place: Miami, city, countryside
Thing: house, tree, ice cream
Idea: truth, democracy, fantasy
Quality: beauty, caring, boredom

Kinds of Nouns:
a. Proper noun is the name or title of a particular person, place,
thing, idea; it always begins with a capital letter.
b. Common nouns are general names of persons, places, things,
c. Abstract noun: these are names given to concepts, feelings
and ideas.
d. Compound noun: consists of two or more words used together
to form a single noun; blueprint, passer-by, ice cream, Gulf
e. Collective noun: refers to a group of people, places, things,
etc.; herd, bouquet, family.

Nouns and their gender: the four genders of noun are masculine,
feminine, common, and neuter.
a. Masculine nouns refer to words for a male member of a
species (i.e. man, boy, actor, horse, etc.)
b. Feminine nouns refer to female members of a species (i.e.
woman, girl, actress, mare, etc.)
c. Common nouns refer to members of a species and don't
specify the gender (i.e. parent, friend, client, student, etc.)
d. Neuter nouns refer to things that have no gender (i.e. rock,
table, pencil, etc.)

There are five (5) useful patterns for forming the plural of singular nouns:

a. Most nouns add s to the singular form

b. Nouns that end in the “hissing sound”, (s,x,z,ch, ss or sh), add es
c. Words ending in vowel + y, add s; vs, consonant + y, change y to I
and add es.
d. Nouns ending in o, add s
e. Nouns ending in f and fe, change the f to v and add s

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