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Interview Questions

1. What is Sling Model in AEM ?

Ans: Sling Models are Objects or POJO classes mapped automatically to Sling objects and allow
us to access jcr node property values directly into java classes.

2. Which complex component developed and explain it?

Ans: Please explain the complex component you have developed int your latest project

3. How to debug if the component enhancement changes are not reflected on a page?

Ans: In AEM author switch from edit mode to developer mode and check for runtime errors. If
you found any fix those other wise check either your package was deployed, and bundle was
started successfully.

4. What is Sightly and what is use of “use” & “resource” where to use it?

Ans: In AEM Sightly is referred as HTML. In other words, Server-Side Template for HTML System.
This will decide the output sent to browser with some basic presentation logic.

data-sly-use :- It initializes a helper object and exposes it through a variable. Helper object can
be from JavaScript or Java. JavaScript object can be utilized using file name. Java Object can be
utilized using fully qualified class name.

data-sly-resource :-  It includes the result of rendering the indicated resource through the sling
resolution and rendering process. It uses path provided to resolve.

5. What is use of Dispatcher and explain it?

6. The url is loading fine in publish environment but it’s not working in Dispatcher what is the

7. Have you worked on any third-party integrations?

8. Have you worked on any AEM Forms?

9. Upgradation steps from AEM6.2 to AEM6.3?

10. If you have created the component in sling model then how you get JSON format, which
how will you call in .html file and explain it?

11. What is workflow and custom workflow step creation please explain?
12. What is OSGI?

13. What is difference between Jar & Bundle? How it will register in pom.xml?

14. What is the OSGI component and its services?

15. What are the challenges you faced while developing a component?

16. If you cleared cache for 100 files yesterday night so the same files trying to clear cache by
today? What is the change you observed?

17. If two bundles are available so which manifest.MF file will load first?

18. If you have created sling:OsgiConfig nodes in both config & locations so
which configuration will load first?

Ans. Configuration in will load first. In the absence of configuration
config will take precedence.

19. how to create basepage template &blankpage template?

20. how to differentiate basepage&blankpage template?

21. Explain the flow of complex component?

22. what is the use of data-sly-resource, data-sly-call, data-sly-include, data-sly-use?

23. how to create listeners and explain the flow?

24. what is OSGI component & OSGI service?

25. what is sling servlet & where we can use & create it?

26. how to call a service into a component?

27. what is the use of @reference?

28. what is the use of creating many @reference into components and will it be created one
object or more?

29. how to create workflow ?

30. what is the use of dispatcher?

31. what is the use of SDI?

32. how to create dynamic component?

33. how to create validations for a phone number into a component and get a popup message
if anything is wrong?

34. how to retrieve content from parent to child when we have one child page and have many
components are available in a parent and child page?

35. how to design a template based on requirement?

36. How to retrieve values without using sling model?

Ans. To retrieve values we can use properties.{paramName} in the absence of Sling Model.

37. How to register a servlet?

38. What is the use of @slingservlet?

39. How many ways to register a servlet?

40. How sling resolver works?

41. When we hit a path like, which will return 404 exception so how
will it resolve it?

42. How to call one service into another service?

43. What are the R6 annotations?

44. What is the use of OCD & Designate and attribute definition?

45. How to create a workflow and explain the scenario, which you have implemented in your

46. What is the use of declaring data-sly-call, data-sly-resource, data-sly-use?

47. What is difference between process step & participant step?

48. Where we can use @context?

49. How to inject a property into sling model?

50. If we cannot create a variable with @inject then is there any way to create that variable in
slingmodel? -@named

51. How can I inject multifield values into jcr?

52. What is the use of @PostConstruct ?

53. How to set limited number to a particular field in dialog?

54. How to validate number fields in dialog?

55. Which OSGI bundle should be disabled to restrict we-based log viewing?

Ans. Adobe CRXDE support (

56. When installing internet information Service, which application development feature
needs to be enabled to work the AEM Dispatcher?

Ans. ISAPI Filters

57. What does the vlt command resolve?

Ans. Removes the conflict-related artifact flies

Which are the three best practice statements are true regarding permissions and privileges? (Select
three) *


If you want to restrict the size of a custom log file and enable log file rotation, which apache sling
configuration has to be changed in the AEM console? *

Apache sling logging logger configuration

What are ACL node permissions for a node store in the JCR *

They are stored as ACL permission in the groups under /home/groups

What is the difference between extending a component and component overlay? *

Overlay is to extend the component functionality through the use of resource hierarchy and
super types. Extending is to override default component functionality.

Which has the highest preference during sling servlet registration? *

Which three statements are true when an AEM author instance is started in debug mode? (Choose
three) *


How can a JSP be included in a sightly template? *

<div data-sly-use="include.jsp"></div>

Which two URLs will show the server logs? (Choose two) *


You are logged in as userA and you are impersonating user, how are your activities logged in the
access.log? *

The logged user ID is "userB"

You add " in and start the instance using the command
"java -jar aem-6-p4502.jar -r author". In which mode will the instance start? *


Which property is deprecated while resolving a template (T) that can be used as a template for page
(P)? *

cq:allowedTemplates property of the jcr:contentsubnode of P or an ancestor of P

An author and publish instance has a shared data store with a very large number of assets. Which
type of replication is recommended to avoid duplication of data? *

Binaryless replication.

You create an nt:unstructured node inside the apps in CRXDE Lite and then you create a folder inside
the apps and click save. What is the expected behavior? *

The folder and nt:unstructured node, both will get saved.

Which three AEM jar names will start AEM in author mode? (Choose three) *


Which Maven plugin allows direct installation of the bundle into AEM? *


What is the correct way to use clientlibs with Sightly?

<meta data-sly-use-"${clientLib.all @ categorfes^'your.clientlib'}" data-sly-unwrap></meta>

Which statement regarding an AEM instance started with author run-mode is correct? *

The run-mode CANNOT be changed to publish after installation.

How do you specify the dependency of Junit with any version greater than or equal to 3.8? *

In a typical Maven project, you will have a content module that contains a file
src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml which defines the filters for the AEM package built by
Maven. Your project has the structure below. Select the correct filter entry that would be included in
the src/main/content/META-INF/vault/filter.xml file.

<filter root=7etc/designs/myproject7>

1.How rollout configuration works?

2.How UAT has been tested?

3.Do you hava any idea about segments?

4.what are AEM Schedulers(not osgi schedulers)?

5.How you customise a workflow? How it is processing in th backend?

6.have you used ecma script?

7.How MVC achived in Angular?what is isolated scope in angular?

8.Default folder for cache?

9.Replication agents, have you configured replication agents, How exactly reverse replication works?

10.How authorisation works for Outbox?

11.How validation happens to the content of end user?

12. Do you know about adaptive forms?

13. Designed paterns after 5.6?

14.Explain about extjs?

15.Difference between ext js and granite and coral?

16.How agents are changed in 5.6 to 6.0?

17.How garbage collection done in cq 5.6 and AEM 6.0?

18. What is difference between garbage collection and tar Optimization?

19.Do you know file?

20.if you have any issues with sightly how you resolve it?
21.How to add a prefix to url in aem(resouce mapping)?

1)What is the difference between valuemap and hashmap in real time scenario?

2)if i return the values using valuemap from java class to html how i will iterate in sightly?

3)what is the difference between httpservlet and sling servlet?

4)Can i create a httpservlet in aem project?

5)I have my page.In that page i have my form.i submitted the form.While submitting i have created
the nodes in backend in jcr level.

While clicking the button i dont want to use servlet.How will u achieve it?(i do't want to use aem api
and web services).

Have we call wcmUsepojo class from ajax?

6)what is the use of post.jsp,get.html in crx de?how will u proceed with post.jsp?

7)i have jcr api,sling api? i can get the values by using both in backend?What are the methods are
used in jacr api and

sling api?

8)you have a requirement to read the node from backend and display on the page?which method
will u follow?(sling api)_why?

9)can u explain aem structure?

10)In the technology stack for making the aem they included apache sling and java content
repository why?

11)What are the implicit objects in wcmusepojo?

12)Can i get the selector in html page?Can i get the selector in sightly?Can i get the selector in java?
what is the use of selectors?

if no selectors are avaiable?how will u resolve it?

13)what are the annotations in sling models?

14)what is the use of sling models if we have wcmusepojo?if i adapt one component with sling
model what happen?

15)can we call a servlet inside osgi service?can we call a service inside osgi service?can we call osgi
service inside wcmusepojo?

inside slingmodel?inside servlet?

16)calling the service inside slingmodel what u will do?inside wcmusepojo?any other option other
than sling script helper in wcmusepojo?

17)what is bundle context?using bundle context can i get the service inside wcmusepojo?
18)what is the difference between httpsession and slinghttpsession?what is the difference between
jcrsession and slinghttpsession?

what is workflow session?

19)Can u tell me one complex component which u will work in ur projects?explain the functionality?

20)How many types of queries in aem?what is predicatemap?what is use of it?

21)i want to hit a servlet using aem page in browser url?what we want me to do it?

22)what is the difference between html5 and html 1,2,3 and 4?how could i identify whether it is
html5 or other older versions?

23)what is the difference between css3 and css?

24)can i have multiple ids in single page?if i get the text box value what will u write in java script?
syntax?can we use by name ?

25)what is gengarden?

26)what is workflow listner?

27)difference between event listners and dialogue listners?

28)list out the event listners in aem?can i write cq:listners under touch dialogue?did u create a touch

29)what is the difference between json and xml?

30)Tell me the worflow functionality which u implemented in ur project?

31)i want to create an aem project? what are things required?

32)what is the use of pom.xml?

33)what is transaction management?what is jboss tool?

34)what is dependency injection?

35)if i want to add google jar into my aem?how will you add?i want to use it at run time?

36)what is the difference between dialogue and design dialogue?have u created design dialogue in

37)what is the use of sonar?what is the use of jenkins?did u integrate jenkins to ur project?

38)what are the working controls u used?

39)in svn i have grant and i want to create a tag? what u will do?

40)I want to write a schedular in aem? how will u write?that schedular will interact with my jcr ?how
will u done?
1.Explain about cq architecture?

2.How do we use a sling service in sightly page without using javascript?

3.How to get a Resource object when we have node path?

4.How to get admin session from Repository

5.What is advantage of touch UI ?

6.How to find out which dialog was sent the store request touch ui or classic ui?

7.How to get payload path?

8.What is the purpose of clientlibs?

9.explain life cycle of OSGI bundle?

10.What is process step in workflow?

11.How you can inherit properties of one dialog to another dialog?

12.Explain OSGi components & @services?

13.expain adapTo?

14.How to create System user?

15.How to get resource resolver in particular user?

16.How can we config permission of the particular Event?

17.what resource.adaptTo do?

18.explain server side include in servlet?

19.How do you move content from one server to another?

20.How to hide parent properties in the dailog Touch UI?

21.How to refer one client library inside another client library?

22.How to get node properties?

23.what is the best way to retrieve a node in AEM?

24.How to flush particular path cache in aem?

25.Explain about clientlibs? to migrating 6.1 to 6.2?

27.what about the content migration?

28.6.1 we are useing jsp and migrated 6.2 we are useing slightly what is benfit we are getting?

29.Scenario 1:: If end user upload an image and how will you check and get the image and you have
to pass it to other instance. how will u achieve it?

30.Scenario 2:: If a home page having a component which is having video(carousel),banner which
has image,text and developed in 5.6 by writing jsp.Now you want to migrate to 6.1 and developed
the same component using sightly.How will you achieve the task?

41.What are the source controlling systems you are used?

42.What is the latest version of aem? What are features of aem 6.3?

43.Explain MSM?

44.Explain Custom Workflows which u r used in ur project?

45.Scenario 3:: If customer wants to create a Registration Form and that will be your component
and the user fills the form and submit the form. The details of the form will be stored as node
property in content hirarchy.There will be a schedular and that will run for every 5 hours and that
will read the registratiion details and stored. The user details will send to the user email which is
registered. How will u achevie it?Explain it from the scratch that is how do you create a component
and acheve it?

46.How do u create a site in UI?

47.How do u create a template?

48.What is the difference between allowed path,allowed children and allowed parents?
49.How do you overlay components? what is the difference between overlaying and sling resource
super type?

50.what is the use of design dilog? where that values will be stored?

51.out of box page component have content.jsp,body.jsp and my customised page component also
havingthe same jsp;same i have used sling resource type property in customised component ,i have
refered as a out of box component

1) in this case whitch content of jsp will be called default?

2)i don't have content .jsp in my customized component then whitch one will execute first? have worked on jcr api?what kind of apis you are working? can you explain where you have
used as per requirements.

53.have you created any component from touch ui? have you faced any issues while creating touch
ui components like multi field? can you explain any issue clearly?

54.we have so many pre defined servicess in our osgi,can you explain any one whitch you are used? you will call servlet to jsp? how you will call that servlet to sightly?

Interview Questions Module -006 have created a custom rool out config? can explain it! you make relation ? other han maven ? (any other tools...!)

when you deploy the code it will go to your dev environment?or? via maven only you deploy code in
dev environ ment.

58.I18N ===> How to make a dialog box in preffered for I18N

59.difference between @immediate & @metadata

60.what is JCR Observation

61.methods in Event Listener and Handler & their process explanation

62.Configurations in AEM

63.MSM ==> blueprint vs roll-out configs

64.Lock & Unlock Config in MSM....

65.Explain any Complex component you faced == -- > Multifield & those rending values

- How Multifield render the data on sightly

- How you can establish connections wit the resources from JCR content
- Which API you have used == -- > Use & Node API

- How will you iterate that data

- any other API's are there to work on them

66.Scenario :: ^Parent Node

>child1 node

>child2 node

>child3 node

>child...10 node

{{ Last Modified Three Nodes }

- For a Search you will write a service / POJO / Servlet}

67.Error Handler

68.Inbuilt Imports & Exports in AEM

69.How can able to call a servlet from a component

non-existing resourceType usage in servlet == -- > Non-Existing ResourceType means?

70.Scenario :: Webservices will give an JSON object array, how can you get that & show on the page

71.How to achive MAP iteration in sightly

72.Scenario 6::

--> We have created an Editable Component according to client requirements AUTHOR can edit (or)
Modify but cant delete that Component. Is there a Possibility of Achieving this scenario?

--> If so, how do we achieve this?

--> If we use the same component in two pages, In the home page we can edit it, but in another
page we should be able to delete it. how?

--> How may ways we can include component on the page?

73.Based on what criteria you decide to develop an authorable component from scratch?

74.What is meant by customizing the resource type?

75.Scenario 7::

--> In a component Dialogue there are two tabs, One tab should contain the dropdown of all cities
names, Other tab should contain the area names in the particular city we have selected?

--> What would be the return type in serlet?

--> Why Sling Safe Servlet, why not Sling all method servlet?

--> What is the advantage of going with sling safe method over sling all method? (BOTH OF THEM
--> How are tab1 and tab2 linked together? (How is MAPPING possible)

--> In the javascript do i need to do that on node level (or) should i use event listeners something like

-->Event in the sense, what event?

76.Did u work on Query Builder?

--> What are the advantages of of Query Builder over xpath and others?

--> Suppose we have written a query so that we will get 50 results, If we want to Limit the results,
Will Query Builder be useful?

77.In your company do you Upload Assets Manually(or) do u have some kind of application that can
programatically upload digital assets?

--> Once you upload the digital assets what do u think happens in the background[like renditions are
formed automatically]?

--> What is the significance of this renditions & why does adobe allow this renditions?

--> Do u think that there is an application in the background that is responsible for generating these

--> Are you aware of this Back-End operation?

78.Once you upload 10, 20 digital assets, do u think for every digital asset workflow creates separate
instance (or) only single instance handles all the digital assets?

79.Is there a possibility to create your own configuration in OSGI?

--> Where you can define (or) U can use out of box configuration?

--> Where do u think these configurations will be saved?

80.How will u create folder Structure in different environments(dev, author,.. etc)?

--> How do we configure runmode?

--> Configurations in different runmodes?

--> In the Back-end Configurations, will the configurations be configurable?

Interview Questions Module -008

81.Implementation of indexing?

--> What versions have you worked on?(5.6, 6.1)

Are u aware of index Generator option available in AEM?

--> While creating ur own indexing, what is ur approach?

82.Are you aware of JCR events?

--> What kind of different events we see in jcr level?

83.In EVENT LISTENER and EVENT HANDLER which one is more preferable?

84.Scenario ::8

--> We have two components, one component has Dialogue Editor and other component has Design
Dialogue, You are using both components on same page multiple times,

How many instances will be created for component with dialogue and how many for design

85.We have two components, one component with image dialogue editor, another component with
design dialogue and will display image, what will u go with dialogue editor or design dialogue?

86.In MSM Imolementation, are u using any third party service for translation?

87.In which scenario i can go with participant step or Dynamic participant step?

88.To deal with dynamic value, what kind of configuration we can do in the dispatcher level?

--> Dispatcher has option called rendering load balancing, what is the property we have to configure
in dispatcher level for the load balancing?

--> Suppose m sending request, do u think that request header(content length or content type) are
required to mention in dispatcher level?

--> we have two different website, how will u arrange dispatcher module for these two different
website?(Will u use one dispatcher file or more)

--> Which one is more preferable(one dispatcher or more)?

--> Suppose u have 100 different websites, as per ur suggestion we have to maintain 1 dispatcher
file, suppose u have faced some issue in dispatcher level, do u think it will be easy to

diagnose the root cause if we have only one dispatcher file?

--> Suppose u are using two different dispatcher file, how will dispatcher will identify these two
dispatcher file, do u think we need provide the entry?

--> Suppose think that we have done the entry, how do u think dispatcher works top to bottom (or)
bottom to top fashion?

89.Have u ever used layout container in responsive design? search component have u added custom predicates?(Custom search component or out of the
box search component)

91.Are u aware of extjs part?

--> what is the approach?

--> In dialog editor u want to display dropdown aswell text field, u sould club them together, what is
the approach to design this custom x-type?
--> In dam admin or site admin we can see search option, are aware of the search predictaes getting
populated, what is the approach to add predicate?

92.IN JAVA POV, Is it possible to create a map between java model and content repository model?

--> If so how will u map? sling process the request? you use service on sightly?

95.@component and @service does?and which one is manadatory?

96.iparsys? you make the connection between aem and osgiBundle? you do the customizaion in dialog fields

99.differences between embed and dependencies in clienlibs?

100.what is preprocessor?

101.what is MSM,diffrence between livecopy and language copy?

102.which version you are working aem?

103.what are the chalenges faced while creting component?

-> what is difference between genericservlet and slingservlet

-> diff b/w sling safemethod and allmethod servlets

-> countries in dropdown(it has to load states in that paticular country)[what is your approach to
achieve it]

-> difference b/w osgi services and osgi components

-> question on @properties-- how you change those properties after deployment of bundle(we can
change in configMgr or we can change in config folder in crxde)[which way you suggest]

-> you have some configurations,how you can make those configuration can be available in author
but not in publish?

-> how you can store data of a user in exteral database

-> if you made some changes in eclipse and some changes in crxde, how you commit those changes
in git?(mainly asked about how to checkin crxde changes in git)

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