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Invention UNAL

Paulina Marleny Baracaldo Guerrero

Daniela Patiño Camargo
what it is? : Malaria vaccine
- Was successfully tested in a colony of monkeys from the
Amazon region
- Was evaluated in clinical trials carried out by the WHO in
Gambia, Tanzania and Thailand, and had mixed results.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies it as
"inactive after clinical evaluations"
- Today, After more than 33 years of research, there is still no
licensed malaria vaccine
who invented it ? …... Manuel elkin patarroyo

❖ He is a Doctor, immunologist and

❖ Was a student at this university
and his passion has always been
❖ He has won important awards
and recognitions, for example the
Robert Koch
where and when?

- Between 1986 and 1988 the vaccine against malaria was

- The research was funded with state resources from
why invented it ? …...

❖ He invented it because :

Malaria is a big health problem and

it cause many annual deaths in the
world, so he looked for a solution to
this problem.

And what he wants to do with this

vaccine is to donate it to the world.

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