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1. Sustain (v) Keep
2. Shelter (v) Protect
3. Capture (v) Catch
4. Capacity (n) Ability/ the total amount can be contained
5. Mighty (a) Powerful
6. Mortality (n) The number of death
7. Disrupt (v) Interrupt
8. Dwindle (v) Decline
9. Catastrophic (a) Disastrous
10. Prompt (v) Make something happen
11. Marvel (v) Show/ experience surprise or admiration
12. Bizarre (a) Very strange or unusual
13. Fatal (a) Deadly
14. Sophisticated (a) Complicated
15. Absorb (v) Take something in
16. Nutrient (n) Any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow
17. Intricate (a) Sophisticated
18. Organism (n) Small living things, animals or plants
19. Flesh (n) the soft part of the body of a person or animal that is between the skin and
the bones 1
20. Exert (v) to use power or the ability to make something happen
 Exert an
influence on
21. Disproportionate (a) too large or too small in comparison to something else
22. Tangible (a) Real and not imaginary
23. Correlate with (v) Connected and affected by one another
24. Transparent (a) If a substance or object is transparent, you can see through it very clearly
25. Glimpse (a) To see something for a very short time
26. Dominance (n) The situation in which one company, product, etc. has
more power, influence, or success than others
27. Consensus (n) Agreement
28. Incentive (n) Something that encourages a person to do something
29. Artificial (a) Man- made
30. Enmesh (v) To catch or involve someone in something unpleasant or dangerous

Match the words with the Vietnamese definition

1. Sustain Giữ vững Thảm họa
2. Shelter Làm gián đoạn
3. Capture Nắm bắt Giảm
4. Capacity Khả năng/ Sức chứa Tỷ lệ thương vong
5. Mighty Quyền lực Quyền lực
6. Mortality Tỷ lệ thương vong Giữ vững
7. Disrupt Làm gián đoạn Gây ra
8. Dwindle Giảm Thảm họa
9. Catastrophic Thảm họa Khả năng/ Sức chứa
10. Prompt Gây ra Nắm bắt
11. Intricate Phức tạp Chất dinh dưỡng
12. Absorb Thẩm thấu Chết chóc
13. Bizarre Kì lạ Kì lạ
14. Marvel at Ngạc nhiên Ngạc nhiên
15. Sophisticated Tỉ mỉ Sinh vật
16. Organism Sinh vật Phức tạp
17. Fatal Chết chóc Thẩm thấu
18. Nutrient Chất dinh dưỡng Tỉ mỉ
19. Flesh Xác thịt Xác thịt
20. Exert Thiếu cân băng
 Exert an influence on
21. Disproportionate Thiếu cân băng Liên quan đến
22. Tangible Hữu hình Đưa vào sử dụng
23. Correlate with Liên quan đến Hữu hình
24. Transparent Trong suốt/ Minh bạch Sự đồng tình
25. Glimpse Nhìn thoáng qua Nhân tạo
26. Dominance Ưu thế Trong suốt/ Minh bạch
27. Consensus Sự đồng tình Khuyến khích 2
28. Incentive Khuyến khích Nhìn thoáng qua
29. Artificial Nhân tạo Ưu thế
30. Enmesh Vướng vào Vướng vào

Complete the sentences with the suitable words

1. As older trees die, forests would release some of their stored carbon into the atmosphere,
prompted (start) a vicious cycle of further warming, forest shrinkage and carbon emissions.
2. Disrupt (Interrupt) any of these, and you can lose your biggest trees.
3. For a start, they ________ (keep alive) countless other species
4. Only a small number of tree species have the genetic capacity (ability) to grow really big
5. The grass grows up to four metres tall and burns fiercely, creating super-hot fires that causes
catastrophic (disastrous) tree fatal (death).
6. The mightiness (strong/ powerful) are native to North America, but big trees grow all over the
globe, from the tropics to the boreal forests of the high latitudes.
7. They provide shelters (accommodation) for many animals, and their trunks and branches can
become gardens
8. To achieve giant stature, a tree needs three things: the right place to establish its seedling, good
growing conditions and lots of time with low adult mortality (death)
9. With their tall canopies* basking in the sun, they capture (catch) vast amounts of energy
10. Evolutionist Charles Darwin first marvel (surprised) at flesh-eating plants in the mid-19th century

11. Many carnivorous plants secrete enzymes to penetrate the hard exoskeleton of insects so they can
absorb (take in) nutrients from inside their prey
12. These animals shred the prey that fall into the pitcher, and the smaller organism (living plants and
animals) feed on the debris
13. For many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, online networking has become enmesh
(caught in) in our daily lives
14. In 1973 sociologist Mark Granovetter showed how the loose acquaintances, or 'weak ties', in our
social network __________ (make) a __________ (out of proportion) influence over our behaviour
and choices
15. Online social networking may also have tangible (touchable) effects on our well-being
16. 'We'll have to learn how to live a more transparent (clear view) life,' he says. 'We may have to
give up some ability to show very limited glimpse (quick look) of ourselves to others.'
17. In one repeated experiment, Michael Kearns of the University of Pennsylvania asked 30 volunteers
to quickly reach consensus (agreement) in an online game over a choice between two colours
18. Every time Kearns found that those who could see the choices of more participants (in other words,
were better connected) persuaded the group to pick their colour, even when they had to persuade
the vast majority to give up their financial incentive (encouragement)


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