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Special Science Teacher II
Philippine Science High School –WVC


Coach: Andrei Centeno

Stress according to Coach Drei is something that can cause worry or anxiety. It’s a normal reaction that
happens to everyone. In fact, the human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. The
outcome of every event or situation depends on how we react to it. As we experience stressors, our body
produces physical and mental responses. The body’s autonomic nervous system controls our heart rate,
breathing, our blood rushes to our veins, muscles become tense etc.

The talk is very relevant in today’s situation, where almost everybody is so stressed brought about by this
pandemic. It is true that we can’t avoid stress… we can only MANAGE it. But then, we need to recognize
common stress symptoms in order to help us manage them. Stress that has not be assessed can contribute
to many health problems.

Stress management can be practiced. We just need to enhance our leadership skills, understand
Intrapersonal development, practice Financial Stewardship and adapt entrepreneurial mindset. This talk
also taught me the meaning of “being wise” … The wise use of our Time, Talent and Treasure. We need to
be wise to maximize the purpose of life. Effective stress management can surely help us to be happier,
healthier and more productive. And the best way to manage our stress is to acquire life skills that can
solve LIFE problems. We need to remember that a smooth sea does not make a skillful warrior.

Thank you!

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