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ep/148 ‘THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS IN HAND SPECIMEN ‘The physical properties of a mineral are governed by (a) chemical composition and (b) bonding of the atomic structure. Below are listed the most useful properties employed in identification of minerals in hand specimen. Determinative tables, like those reproduced in MCB/87, allow minerals to be identified through the process of elimination. 1. SPECIFIC GRAVITY This depends both on chemical composition and on the "packing" of the atomic structure. Generally, minerals with high proportions of heavy elements (e.g. Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb), have high specific cravities. Metallic ores commonly have S.G. = 5-7, but most silicate minerals have S.G. = 2.5-3.5. Certain minerals of non-metallic appearance are unusually heavy and easily recognised, e.g. barytes (BaS0u) S.G. = 4.6, corundum (A1,0,), S.G. = 4.0. 2. GENERAL FORM )____Amineral may occur as a discrete crystal, as aggregates of crystals, or as a mass in which crystals are not easily discerned (cryptocrystalline) or are not formed (amorphous) - Crystals and crystal aggregates may possess overall appearance (habit) described variously as:- Bladea : flat, elongate crystals (laths), e.g. kyanite Acicular : elongate, needle-like crystals, e.g. natrolite Prismatic : elongate, but stubby crystals, e.g. pyroxene Tabular ‘flattened' crystals, e.g. celestine Foliaceous : in thin sheets or ‘leaves’, e.g. tale Finely crystalline, cryptocrystalline and amorphous ‘masses may be described as:- Botryoidal : like a bunch of grapes, e.g. chalcedony Columar =: self explanatory ~ _~Fibrous forming compact elongate parallel fibres, e.g. chrysotile asbestos )Radiating : often seen within nodules of e.g. pyrite Reniform : kidney shaped, e.g. nodules of hematite Granular “sugary", interlocking crystalline aggregates Massive: interlocking crystalline aggregate, but granules not visible N.B. A mineral may occur in more than one, or in several forms and have more than one crystal habit, e.g. calcite (CaCo,). 3. Corour The causes of colour in minerals are varied and complex. Some are coloured because they contain certain ions (chromophores) e.g. the blue/green colours of hydrated Cu minerals (e.g. malachite) are due to the Cu’* ion. Other minerals are coloured by the presence of submicroscopic inclusions or impurities, e.g. the coloured varieties of quartz. Some minerals with distinctive colour are: olivine (green), sulphur (yellow) ; pyrite (brassy yellow). JA. Streak -2- McB/148a 4. STREAK This is the colour of the mineral when powdered by scraping it on an unglazed porcellain ‘streak plate’. It is usually more diagnostic than colour alone and useful for distinguishing the oxides of iron (hematite = red streah, limonite = brown streak, magnetite = grey streak). 5S. LUSTRE This term describes in a vague way the amount and quality of the reflected Light from a mineral surface. Despite being poorly defined, ‘lustre’ is often @ useful diagnostic property. Terms used to describe the amount of light reflected splendent + brilliant reflection, giving a sharp image of the light source. shining 2 shows only blurred images. glistening : a general reflection, but no image. and for the quality of reflected light:- metallic : high reflectance by opaque minerals having either metallic bonding or a high degree of covalent bonding between atoms & (e.g. native metals, galena, PbS) . submetallic high reflectance by semi-opaque minerals, e.g. rutile, Ti0, . Ron-metallic : shown by transparent_and translucent substances. Non-metallic lustre can be further subdivided thus: adamantine : high sparkle and highly translucent. Minerals in this group have high refractive indices (1.9-2.6), e.g. diamond. xesinous + shown by semi-transparent minerals with refractive indices Greater than 2.0, e.g. sphalerite (ZnS). vitreous like broken glass. Shown by translucent minerals with R.I. = 1.5-2.0, e.g. quartz. pearly like the ‘soft’ reflectance of pearls. Shown by many layer- silicates, e.g. talc, chlorite, but also by dolomite ((Mg.Ca)CO, ) and selenite (CaS0,.2H,0) . - silky + seen in some fibrous mineral aggregates, e.g. ‘satin-spar’ ( (£ibrous gypsum) . reas, + few minerals have a greasy appearance, but nepheline ((k,Na)A1Si04) is one. OTHER OPTICAL EFFECTS Apart from colour, transparency and lustre, some minerals produce unusual optical effects due to reflection of light from exsolution lamallae or other inhomogeneities in the crystal, E.g. Iridescence in chalcopyrite (CuFes,) Play of colours in labradorite (feldspar) Chateyancy in crocidolite (fibrous riebeckite) Some minerals when irradiated by uv light glow with their own emitted ‘visible’ light. This phenomenon is known as fluorescence. If the emission is delayed, after irradiation has ceased, the mineral is said to exhibit phosphorescence. Emission is usually due to the presence of a small amount of impurity, €.g. <1 Mn in silicates, or minute traces of Cu or Ag in zinc minerals. cee ee yin MOUS" SCALE are numbered 1 to 10 in order oF increasing hardness, Sach of which will scratch the one below it, but will sot Scratch the one above it in the scale. 1. Tale 2. Gypsum ——————— average finger naii 3. Calcite 4+ Fluorite copper coin 5. Apatite dase PeRKnife blade, window glass 6. Orthoclase 7. Quartz 8. Topaz 9. Corundum 10. Diamond BBs The steps in Hohs* Scale do not represent equal differences in hardness. when testing a mineral, choose a sooth surface but avoid defacing a Specimen with an ugly scratch! 2 8. CLEAVAGE tary minerals have a tendency to break smoothly along particular planes, aieeecsang the Weaker bond strengths across these planse compared with other directions in the crystal structure. : are ALWAYS PARALLEL TO A POSSIBLE CRYSTAL FACE. Cleavage is therefore an tant diagnostic crystallogra; rty. Depending on the ease with Which a mineral + Cleavage can be described by the Eminent Perfect distinct Imperfect Sitftoult to prevent, e.g. the basal cleavage of micas. gasily broken, e.g. calcite, fluorite, galera. €-3- pyroxene prismatic cleavage. €-9. apatite basal cleavage. common use include: Senchoidal : concave fracture surfaces marked with ridges roughly concentric : about the point of impact, e.g. flint (cryptocrystalline silica), quartz, olivine. Even; uneven; hackly. aa MEB/148¢ 10. Tenacity (continued) Sectile : may be cut with a knife, though not actually plastic, e.g. graphite Malleable : will flatten when gently hammered, e.g. gold, native copper, Flexible: may be easily bent. True of cleavage flakes of micas and selenite. Brittle : tends to crumble under light pressure (most minerals). For further discussion and explanations see: BATTEY, M.H. (1981). Mineralogy for Students (2nd Edition), chapter 3.

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