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Shopping list to travel USA for the first time

1 ২৮” Check-in luggage ২টা। Depth, width, height ৩টা য াগ করে 158 cm এে মরযে থাকরে
হরে। TSA lock সহ যকনা ভার া। ঢাকায় ননউমারকেরট president brand এে েোগ গুর া যেশ
ভার া। TSA lock টা ননোপদ মরন হরয়রে আমাে কারে। আমাে াওয়া এেং আসা দু ইোেই আমাে
২টা েোরগে একটা েোগ US airport এ যেক করেরে। TSA lock নে এেং যেনকং যশরে েোরগে
নভেরে সাইন কো ডকুরমন্ট যেরে নদরয়রে ওো ননরেোই। ক নষ্ট করে নন। েন েোগ যেেে যপরয়নে
েোগ ক কোই নে ।

যেষ্টা কেরেন different color এে েোগ নকনরে, কার া েুে কমন, েোগ েনিন হর baggage claim
এ েোগ েুুঁরে পাওয়া সহে। President এে নকেু েোগ আরে যডাোকটা। এগুর া েুে সহরে যোরে
পরে। এোো েোরগে ননেস্ব ওেন ে কম হরে, েরো যেনশ নেননসপত্র ননরে পােরেন আপনন। আে
েোগ যকনাে যেরত্র য ে যেনশ নকপটানম কেরে, মাঝপরথ েোগ যভরি যগর কষ্ট েরো যেনশ হরে।
ওেনঃ প্ররেেক েোরগ সেোনযক ৫০ পাউন্ড (২২.৬ যকনে) করে ননরে পােরেন।

মূ েঃ আনম ২টা েোগ নকরননে াম ১৩,০০০ টাকা নদরয়।

2 carry-on luggage: 23 (depth) x 40 (width) x 55 (height) cm. (একটা)

এই েোগটা যটরন যনওয়াে সু নেযা আরে এমন যদরে নকনর েুে ভার া হয়। আনম এোে carry-on
suitcase এে পনেেরেে েোকপোক ননরয় আসরে যেরয়নে াম। টানকেস এয়াে াইন্স allow করে নন।
carry-on ে রে ওো check-in luggage এে মরো trolley type bag prefer করে।
ওেনঃ সেোনযক ৮ যকনে ননরে পােরেন।
3 Backpack or laptop bag (একটা)
ওেনঃ সেোনযক ৩ যকনে (টানকেশ), ৫ যকনে (ইনেহাদ) ননরে পােরেন। োং ারদশ যথরক াওয়াে পরথ
৭ যকনে প েন্ত ননরে যদরেনে আনম। এয়ােরপারটেে উপে নভনি করে ো অরনক সময় এয়াে াইরন্সে মন-
মনেেে উপে ননভেে করে। safe side এ থাকা উনেে। আনম যোট েোকপোক পেন্দ কনে। শুযু োপটপ,
যোরনে োেোে, necessary documents carry কেরে েটুকু ওেন হয়।

4 Underwear (৫ টা)
5 Shirt (4-5 টা) োং ারদশ যথরক োমা কাপে যেনশ করে যকনাে পরে আনম নই। যকন?
USA যে নগরয় H&M যথরক made in Bangladesh য ো শাটে নকনরে পােরেন ১৫ ড ারে (১২০০
টাকা)। আে োং ারদরশ ব্র্োন্ড শপ গুর ারে ২৫০০ টাকা াগরে একটা ভার া শাটে নকনরে। graduate
office এ সাোনদন ac যে থাকাে েনে যগনিে যেরয় েু -হাো শাটে আোমদায়ক এেং office
appearance একটা fact. আেহাওয়াে উপে নভনি করে যমাটা/পাে া কাপে নকনরেন আপনাে ইচ্ছা।

6 আনম আেং যথরক ১৪ টা নট-শাটে ননরয় নগরয়নে াম। োসায় থাকর এগুর া পো হয় নকন্তু নগরয়নে াম
ঠাণ্ডাে যদরশ। োই অরনক যগনি এক েেরে এেরনা েেেহাে হয় নন। োে উপে Walmart এ ৫ ড ারে
সু ন্দে নট-শাটে পাওয়া ায়। এোো নেনভন্ন কোনেয়াে যেয়াে, অনু ষ্ঠান যথরক আনম এক েেরে ৫টা নট-শাটে
যপরয়নে াম। োোো ওোরন নগরয় ননে ভানসেনটে য ারগা সহ যগনি পেরে ইচ্ছা করে েুে। োই নট-শাটে
কম ননরে পারেন ৪-৫টা।
7 সোরন্ডা-যগনি (৪-৫ টা) শাটে পের এই নেননস াগরে। নকন্তু েেনিগেভারে আমাে পেন্দ না।
8 পািানে (২টা)। োং ারদনশ অনু ষ্ঠান হয় অরনক। পািানেে প্রনে আমাে fascination যেনশ, আনম ৫টা
ননরয়নে াম। নামার ে টুনপ ১-২টা।
9 পোন্টঃ নেনস ৩টা, যেগু াে ২টা। নেন্সটাই যেনশ পো হয়। আনম ৫টা নেন্স ননরয়নে াম, ২টা এেন
েেেহােই কনেনন। এরো ঠন্ডা নে য আসর যেগু াে পোন্টগুর া যেমন একটা পোই হয় নন। হয় নেন্স
নাহয় নি-রকায়াটোে/হাে-পোন্ট পো হয় যেনশ।
10 নি-রকায়াটোে/হাে-পোন্টঃ এই নেননস াগরেই। আনম ৪টা ননরয়নে াম। নমননমাম ৩টা যনওয়া উনেে।
11 ট্রাউোেঃ নদ -১০ নডনি যস নসয়ারসে স্ট্োরট ান, োহর অেশেই ৪ টা ভার া মারনে ট্রাইোে নকরন
ননরেন। আনম যো গে শীরে যমাটা ট্রাউোরেে উপরে নেন্স পেোম।
12 েুোঃ োং ারদশ যথরক েুো নকনর loss হয় ের আমাে কারে মরন হরয়রে। একটা ভার া যদরে নকরন
যনন, য ন ননয়নমে ক্লাস কেরে পারেন। USA যে নগরয় Ross/Payless যথরক ৩০-৪০ ড ারে Nike
এে েুো নকনরে পােরেন, য গুর াে োং ারদরশ দাম পেরে ১০০ ড ারেে যেশী। আেহাওয়াে উপে
নভনি করে এক যোো ভার া সোরন্ড ননরে পারেন। আরেকরোো োসায় পোে েনে। েরে সে োসায়
কারপেট থারক ের , োসায় েুোে প্ররয়ােন হয় নন আমাে।
13 সু েট (একটা), েন্ধুে সু েট যাে করে পোে নদন যশে। কনোরেন্স/নেরশে অনু ষ্ঠারন ারগ, েরে েুে কম।
েেরে ১-২ োে।
14 েোরকটঃ াওয়াে পরথ নদ শীে ারগ, োহর একটা হুনড নকরন ননন। আনম একটা হােকাটা েোরকট
োপটপ েোরগ ননরয়নে াম। ডরমনস্ট্ক ফ্লাইরট কম্ব যদয় না, েেন কারে য রগনে । েোরকট যকনা
উনেে USA যে এরস। Ross/Walmart/Barlington যথরক ৩০-৭০ ড ারে েুে ভার া মারনে েোরকট
পারেন। েোরকট োং ারদশ যথরক যকনাে েনে না ে নে কােণ এরদরশ ৫ নডনিে ননরে শীে পরে না।
আমারদে েোরকরট ওরদে যদরশে শীে মানারে না। আে সে ভানসেনটেই ননেস্ব সু েরভননে শপ আরে।
ওোরন নগরয় ননে ভানসেনটে য ারগা সহ েোরকট পেরেন। মরন শানন্ত যেশী পারেন।

য দাে েোরকরটে প্রনে fascination নে েুে যেনশ, Ross যথরক নকরননে াম ৬০ ড ারে। আে
regular use এে েনে একটা নকরননে াম Walmart যথরক ৩৫ ড ারে া নদরয় পুরো শীেকা
আোরম কানটরয়নে।
15 যমাোঃ ২ যোো ননরয় ননন। Walmart এ ৭ ড ারে ১০ যোো ভার া যমাো পারেন।

16 ু নিঃ (একটা), কাপে পাল্টারনাে েনেই মূ ে ারগ। আে নদ না হুট করে আপনাে একনদন
োং ারদরশে ঐনেহেরক উপস্থাপন কেরে অনেরস পরে য রে মন োয়!
17 মাে াে (একটা), কানটুনপ (একটা), হাে যমাো (২ যোো), ইয়ােমাে (রদেরে যহডরোরনে মরো, েুেই
কারেে নেননস, োে ২টা-৩টা োরে েন অনেস যথরক োসায় নেেরেন, েুে কারে নদরে। কানটুনপ
পের মাথা যরে ায়, েু এর ারমর া হয় ায়, োেরেরয় ইয়ােমাে েুে ভার া/আোমদায়ক) ১টা।
োং ারদশ যথরক নকরন ননরয় ান। USA যে দাম যেশী।
18 মাননেোগঃ ভার া যদরে ১-২ টা। যেইন নসরস্ট্ম আরে নকনা যদরে নকনরেন য ন করয়ন যনওয়া ায়।
মাননেোরগে ননরেে েুটা নদরয় করয়ন পরে যগর স।
19 েশমাঃ অেশেই অেশেই ৪-৫ যোো, আমাে গে ২ েেরে একটা েশমাও ভারি নন নকন্তু USA নগরয়
প্রথম ৬ মারস ৩টা েশমা যভরিরে। USA যে েশমাে দাম অরনক যেশী। একটা েশমা ২০০ ড াে
পেরে পাওয়াে সহ গ্লাস ননর । আে েশমা না পের াওয়াে আরগ যোরেে পেীো করে ননন।
20 সানগ্লাসঃ ভং েং োদ নদরয়, ভার া মারনে ৩ টা সানগ্লাস ননরয় ান। ওোরন শীরেে সময় যোদ উঠর ও
যদেরেন skin জ্ব রে। সানগ্লাস েুে গুরুত্বপূ ণে। ভার া যদরে দামী সানগ্লাস নকনু ন, নেনভন্ন োয়গায়
ঘুেরে ারেন, সু ন্দে সু ন্দে েনে েু রেন, মািাে েনে হর ও ভার া যদরে নকনু ন। েরে ড্রাইভ কোে
সময় ব্লু সানগ্লাস েেেহাে যথরক নেেে থাকুন। নয়রো হ ু দ নসগনো রক া যদেরেন।

* ারদে েশমায় পাওয়াে আরে, সানগ্লারস পাওয়াে নেরেস করে ননন। ২০০ টাকাে গ্লাস েেরোে ৪০০
টাকা পেরে। েশমাে উপরে সানগ্লাস পোটা আোমদায়ক/রশাভন নকেু না।
**যের ো যমরয়রদে সানগ্লাস যকনা/পো যথরক নেেে থাকুন। অরনরকই না েুরঝ এই কােটা করে।
Please don’t do that.
***USA যে একটা সু ন্দে সানগ্লারসে দাম ২০০-৪০০ ড াে। োই যদশ যথরক যকনাই ভার া।
21 যেল্ট – ২ টা
22 মাথাে ননরেে েু াে োন শঃ ১-২ টা, আরমনেকান োন রশ ঘুনমরয় মো পাই নাই। যকা োন শ
Walmart এ ৮-৯ ড ারে পারেন। amazon এ েু াে োন শ পাওয়া ায় নকন্তু দাম যেশী। োই
োং ারদশ যথরক আনম একটা ননরয় নগরয়নে াম।
23 পাে া কাুঁথা – ১ টা। কম্ব ২০ ড ারে Walmart এ ভার া পারেন।
24 েই – যকান দেকাে নাই। অরহেুক টাকা নষ্ট, ওেরনও যেনশ। া াগরে ওোরন নগরয় াইরব্র্নে যথরক
নিরে পারেন।
25 ক ম – আপনাে পেরন্দে/আোমদায়ক ১ ডেন ননরয় ান। USA এে ক মগুর া নদরয় ন রে আনম
শানন্ত পাই নাই। আে নেনভন্ন যেয়ারে প্রেুে নগেট পারেন। যপনন্স , োোে, শাপেনাে, স্ট্াপ াে, সাদা
কাগে, যনাটেুক, মাকোে, নপন ইেোনদ আমারদে অনেরস নিরে থাকরো সেনকেু । depends on
university। েরে গুরুত্বপূ ণে কাগে োোে েনে ২টা মেেুে যদরে োই ননরয় ান।

26 Scientific calculator – ES 991, 1500 taka. (must), because in USA, calculators are
very expensive.
27 সু ই-সু োঃ নেপরদ কারে াগরে।
28 নেোনাে োদে (Double size, don’t take single size)- ১ টা াগরেই। USA যে অরনক দাম। আে
২ টা োন রশে কভাে।
29 গামো/যোয়ার -২ টা
30 শ াে ঝােু- ১ টা, যোট যদরে, েুে effective নেননস, নেোনা ঝােু যদয়াে পাশাপানশ কারপেট পনেষ্কাে
োেরেও সাহা ে কেরে। lifestyle develop হরে ারচ্ছ, পনেষ্কাে-পনেচ্ছন্ন থাকরে হরে।
31 োো – ১ টা (optional)
32 সাোন, শোম্পু , টুথরপস্ট্, ন পরে , য ারশান, যনই কাটাে ইেোনদ USA এরস ননরেে শে নমনটরয়
নকনরেন। োং ারদশ যথরক carry কো অরহেুক। েরে temporary use এে েনে নেমারন াওয়াে
পরথ টুথরপস্ট্, টুথব্র্াশ, ন পরে পারেন, ওইটা নদরয় ২-৩নদন ের ারে। োং ারদশ যথরক mediplus
টুথব্র্াশ ননরয় য রে পারেন ২-৩ টা, এটা েুে ভার া।
33 যেট, মগ, োমে, নটনেন েক্স- এগুর া USA যে নগরয় ড াে নট্র যথরক নকরন ননরেন। াই নকনরেন,
সেনকেু ১ ড াে করে।
34 হােঘনে – ১টা। েরে ওোরন নগরয় শনপং মর ঘুেরেন, black Friday আসরে। েেন দামী ঘনে কম
দারম নকনরে পােরেন। েরে regular pc যে coding কের ঘনে পোটা নেেনিকে।
35 External Harddisk – 1 TB, একটা। োং ারদশ যথরক আপনাে া নকেু নপ্রয় সারথ ননরয় য রে
পারেন। েরে এটা অেশেই যেক-ইন ারগরে োেরেন। প্রেুে যপন-ড্রাইভ নি পারেন। োই যপনড্রাইভ
যনয়াে প্ররয়ােন যনই।
36 যহডরোন – একটা। একটা আোমদায়ক যহডরোন েুে গুরুত্বপূ ণে। অনেরস যথরক multiplug provide
করে, োই আসর নকরন ননরয় াওয়াে প্ররয়ােন যনই। েরে universal converter plug
(American) ননরয় ারেন অেশেই। USA যে সে ২-নপরনে নেকন োগ। converter নকন্তু ভুর যগর
ে রে না।

37 থা া োনট েু নে এসে যনওয়া অরহেুক। Walmart ৩০ ড ারে যসট পাওয়া ায়- ৩টা ঢাকনা সহ
পানে ও ২টা িাইপোন পারেন। ওেনদাে নেননস োং ারদশ যথরক যনওয়া অপ্ররয়ােনীয়।
38 োোেঃ (১ েেরেে েনে) োুঁযুনন ২৫০ িাম করে মশ াে পোরকটঃ হ ু দ, নেো, যননয়া, মনেে
এোো এ ানে, দােনেনন, যেেপাো, েি, গেম মশ া, chicken/beef/fish ready-mix ইেোনদ
প্ররয়ােন মরো। সনেোে যের ে অরনক দাম। োং ারদশ যথরক কমপরে ১ ন টাে ননরয় ান, মরনােম
আেহাওয়াে নেেুনে যেরে মন োইরে অরনক। USA যে অরনক মোে মোে োোে পারেন নকন্তু মারঝ
মারঝ ঝা মুনে োওয়াে েনে মনটা আকুপাকু কেরে, োই যেনশ করে পেরন্দে োনােুে ননরয় ননন। মুনে
ওোরনই পারেন। আোে েুে পেন্দ হর ভার া করে পোরকট করে ননন য ন আোরেে যে পরে নগরয়
সেেনাশ না হয়। েরে োন্না কো যগাশে, ইন শ মাে ভাো এসে যনওয়া যথরক নেেে থাকুন। আমানেকান
এয়ােরপারটে যকান নেস্ক যনওয়া উনেৎ না।
39 ওেু য- health insurance থাকর ডািাে নে াগরে না, নকন্তু ওেু য নি নকনা যসটা সে সময় ননশ্চয়ো
যনই। Napa (জ্বে), Fexo (cold problem), Metronidazole (যপরট অসু ে), saline, savlon
cream, আগুরন পুরে যগর ম ম, Tufnil (মাথা েোথা), Neoceptin-R (গোনিক সমসোে েনে),
Nasal spray (নাক েন্ধ হরয় থাকা, নাক ডাকা সমসো সমাযারনে েনে), Inflam (ঘাে েোথা, সাোনদন
laptop ননরয় েরস থাকর এ সমসোটা হয়, ো নেমারন দীঘে সময় েরস াওয়াে পে েুে ঘাে েোথা
হয়)। Kindly consult your doctor before taking your medicines. If possible keep a
prescription (written in English, including doctor’s name & details) of the carrying

আনম য োরন নগরয়নে াম যসই শহেটা সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠ যথরক ২০০০ েুট উেুরে, োই অরনরকেই শ্বাস ননরে
সমসো হরো। নাক নদরয় েি আসরো। আমােও প্রথম করয়কনদন োোপ য রগরে। োই াওয়াে আরগ
আেহাওয়া সম্পরকে যেরন ননন। Precaution is always better than cure.

Bangladesh যথরক াওয়াে আরগ আমাে ঠাণ্ডা-হাুঁনে-গ ােোথা এসে সমসো য রগই থাকরো। USA যে
াওয়াে পে শুযু মাত্র ২ নদন ঠাণ্ডাে ওেু য যেরে হরয়রে, কােণ টোরপে পাননরে ননয়নমে ঠাণ্ডা-গেম পানন
পারেন এেং যকান যু া যনই। োই একগাদা ওেু য না ননরয় পনেমাণ মরো ননন।
40 োয়নামা - ১টা, েসনেহ – আপনাে ইচ্ছা।
41 পাসরপাটে/স্ট্োম্প সাইে েনে – ৮ কনপ সারথ োেরে পারেন। েরে গে ১ েেরে আমাে কেরনা
প্ররয়ােন পরেনন।
42 েদনা – ১টা। অরনরকই যনয়। নকন্তু I won’t recommend. Tissue paper use কো নশেুন, োসা
োো আে যকাথাও েদনা েেেহারেে সু র াগ যনই। আে োসায় আসা হয় অরনক োে করে শুযু ঘুমারনাে
43 Shaving kit – আপনাে প্ররয়ােনমে। আনম USA যে নগরয় Walmart যথরক Philips এে electric
razor নকরন ননরয়নে clean shave এে েনে। মূ ে ৬৩ ড াে, 2.5 years warranty. অরনরকই েুনি

যদয় ননরে ননরে েু কাটাে েনে, েুেই োরে একটা েুনি। আমাে কারে এটা েূ োন্ত নকপটানম ের
মরন হয়। যদাকান যভরদ ৭-১৫ ড াে ারগ েু কাটারে। সময়ও ারগ েুেই কম। ননরে কাটরে হরে
েু কাটাে েনে আ াদা electric razor াগরে, Walmart এ পাওয়া ারে ২০ ড ারে।
44 ঘারেে োন শ- ১টা। plane োননেরে েুে কারে নদরে, নয়রো আমাে মরো ঘাে েোথা ননরয় নেেরে
হরে। এই োন শ পেেেেীরে ননরেে গানেরে েেেহাে কেরে পােরেন নকংো অনেরস ঘুমারনাে প্ররয়ােন
হর কারে াগরে। একটা সময় মরন হরে োসায় নগরয় নক াভ? োেরেরয় অনেরস একটা যসাোয়
ঘারেে ননরে োন শ নদরয় ঘুম নদরয় ওঠাটাই time saving.

Best wishes for your journey. Feel free to add new items in the comment section. I will
add them later. Thanks for your patience.

Kawsar Farhad,
Previous Graduate Student at Boise State University, Idaho, USA. I Will join University of
South Florida Tampa for PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Fall 2018 semester.

(Intended for girls)

Clothes, shoes:
Sweater (2/3); not more than that. Convenient for first few months during Fall.
Hoodie: Buy it from USA with your University Logo (Cool!)
Jeans Pants (3/4): Not more than that! Marshalls/ Macy’s have jeans pant in
reasonable price
Belt: 1 or 2 (Artisan)
Leggings (few, 2 or 3, basic colors; here quality is far better)
Tank Tops (all basic colors), MUST buy from BD
Undergarments – around 12 pairs or more MUST (here, super expensive)
T-shirts: Nice Ladies T-shirts from Aziz, Artisan etc. 7/8 pieces
Casual Blazer, Long Formal I would suggest not to buy from Bangladesh. Come here, go to
Skirt H&M or Macy’s after first month, buy your blazer and pant/skirt.
Shirt: 6/7 pieces (I don’t prefer Noorjahan or Hawkers. Sizes are not
perfect. Go to Artisan, Westecs. It is up to you though); style here is
pretty different. But I love colorful dresses, so I would prefer to buy
from BD with reasonable price.
Trouser: must buy 7/8 pieces (Artisan /Noorjahan /Hawkers), Artisan has
good quality. Noorjahan is also fine.
Shrug Thin comfortable shrug to put on your T-shirt; black/ gray. If you
are okay without shrug, do not buy. Otherwise, you can find in
Shawls (1/2); bring designer ones (Kashmiri may be?). Don’t bring thin
shawls. They won’t serve the purpose. You can buy form here,
thicker ones in reasonable price.
Thermal Inners (top + I bought 2 pairs, never used those. If you are going to a colder state,
bottom) you can buy from BD (Noorjahan market, second floor). 1 PAIR is
Waterproof Jacket with If needed, buy from USA later. Quality matters.
Woolen Overcoat I won’t suggest. Buy this from USA (Zarra has good overcoats. If
you are coming in August, you will not need a coat before
Raincoat 1 piece
Woolen Hand gloves: I bought from USA. You can find in Walmart for around 10 dollars.
Thick Woolen Socks: I bought from USA but never used
Cotton Socks: short and long, black + white + color (15 to 20 pairs) MUST
Mufflers: YES. 2 pieces. Not more than that.
Sneakers: Only one decent new pair. You can buy from here later.
Formal Shoes: I never needed this so far. But you can buy from USA (1 pair only).
Sports Underwear: Buy from USA later. Might be expensive here. But worth it.
Boots/snow boots: FROM USA.
Winter Jacket/Parka: I suggest to buy it from USA (1 pc). But, if you are concerned with
price, which can be pretty expensive, you can try bongobazar. But I
still recommend to buy it from USA. Quality matters
Saree/ Kamiz/Jewelries/fotua (Don’t crowd your luggage. You won’t wear salwar kamiz here, I
can tell). Bring Saree. As you wish it’s up to you.

HOME/ cooking ware

Pillow: I brought one from BD. Still using that.
Side Pillow: there are side pillows in Walmart which are really comfortable.
Bed Sheet and pillow covers: 3 pairs
Katha: 1 Nokshi katha from Aarong
Comforter: Buy from USA (Walmart has good comforters/thin blanket)
Bedside Rugs: 2
Shola’r jhaaru 1
Plate, mug, Teaspoon, fork 2 pcs each one
and TableSpoon-
Water bottle: 1
Cooking pan: 1 for first few days; Walmart has full set of cooking ware in
reasonable price
Spices: Radhuni gura moshla (bring all spices mix, specially biriyani, tehari
Knife: 1 pc. Here you can find full set of better quality.
Microwaveable container: 1 or 2. Put your jewelries in those containers to carry it easily. Buy
more from USA later.
Cutting board From here.
Tejpata + elachi+ cinnamon MUST. FROM BD. You can find other spices here easily. But
(darchini): these are a bit difficult to find.
Teabags If you are an avid fan of tea, you can bring some for initial days.
Cup noodles: 4/5 for initial meals after you land on USA.

Others + School Supplies:

Umbrella- 2 pcs MUST.
Check-in Luggage: 2 big sizes (26/28 inches). Go to New Market. Visit President
Showroom. Fixed Price. Buy Four-Wheeler strong ones. Don’t
compromise quality for price.
Carry-on luggage: 1; please make sure the dimension of allowed luggage by the
Nail cutter 1; (MUST)
Medicines (Napa Extra, Antacid, Alatrol, Painkiller, Gastric, Vix Honey): All
you need. Include prescription
PUNCH CLIP: MUST. Onek gula beshi beshi.
Black rubber bands One packet of 100.
Comb 2/3
Towel/gamcha 2
Hangers From USA.Cheaper.
Batteries (AA/AAA etc.) BUY FROM USA.
Money bag- 2 pcs (Artisan)
Key ring- 1 pc enough. I would buy a beautiful one from airport or from
Sunglass 1 pair
Small souvenirs for professor Aarong
and lab members:
Slippers (sandal): MUST 3 or 4 pairs.
Scissor- 1
Backpack: 1 good quality backpack. Waterproof. With laptop compartment.
So, I am using a very cheap and lightweight backpack for my
regular use (around $25). I don’t like heavy thing to carry. And its
fine. Nobody cares what you are using.
Converter/Multiplug: from airport (USA). Electric gadgets from BD has different electric
pins than USA. So, you will need a converter
Plastic, waterproof folders 7/8; to keep your documents
pen 4 dozens (Here,expensive and weird)
Pencils 12
Eraser 4
Sharpener 4
Staple machine + pin 1 set
Paper clips 1 set
Pen drive: 1 at most. I don’t use pendrive here.
Small alarm clock It helps.
HDD- 1; you can buy from here. Fill it with all necessary softwares.
Power bank: Buy from here
Table lamp, torch light
Calculator: The one you have already
Books: Try to bring less clothes; more books. Trust me. You will keep
buying clothes anyway. But books are freaking expensive here.
White notebooks Sada khata ar ki. Bring 3 or 4 notebooks for the first semester.
Here, offset papers are cheaper. Notebooks are not very cheap but
later you just get used to the price-tag here.
Thread-needle (Sui-suta) (Agora: 1 box:150 BDT ). MUST
Buttons: different colors, black white etc. Mouchak/anarkoli/New Market
Toothbrush (2/3) + toothpaste (1); for first month
Glasses (চশমা): see a doctor then bring multiple pairs of glasses (at least 4 pairs)
See dentist
Oral saline (a lot). I would bring a lot once I visit home again. :3
Measurement tape 1; MUST
Photo frame: 1; Optional
Handkerchief- 2/3
Soap/shampoo/all necessary 1 pc travel size for initial days.
personal thing:
Travel kit to carry lotion/cream/petroleum jelly/facewash in your carry-on
luggage, you need to buy travel kit. You cannot carry more than 10
mL of fluid in each container in your carry-on. Try Mostafa Mart
(300-500 BDT)
Makeup/cosmetics: Buy from USA
Laptop/Mobile charger Don’t forget

Few Tips:
1. Put all your gadgets in your carry-on. You need to open your laptop during security check.
Make sure your laptop has enough charge.
2. Do not invest in buying new laptop/cellphone from BD.
3. MUST see an eye-specialist and bring multiple pairs of glasses.
4. Be careful about wearing complicated shoes/dress while traveling. During security check,
you need to take off your shoes, belt etc. So wear something you can easily take off and
put back on.
5. Do not crowd your luggage with things you can buy from USA for around 10 to 15 dollars.
6. Don’t buy a lot of shirts/Tees or pants. Here, sales are too damn good. You will keep buying
and buying and buying. -_-
7. Carry your backpack with you. Keep all the important documents in your backpack,
8. Never leave your belongings to an unknown person. While using restroom, take your
backpack and carry-on with you inside restroom.
9. Take enough rest before you travel. Don’t stress much. Everything is available here. Make
sure you bring all your medicines from BD with written prescription with it. I reduced my
medicine intake after coming to USA. I never felt this better while I was in Dhaka. You
will be fine.

Have a Safe journey 😊

Shopping List along with numerous tips

Item Quantity Comments

A. Apparel I

T-Shirts 7-8 Round neck and collared

Denims 2-3
Casual Shirts 5-6
Very important, you will need it for
Formal Shirts 5
Very important, you will need it for
Formal Trousers 3
Undergarments 10 Very important
Formal Suit 1 Set Very important, you will need it for interviews
Ties 1-2 Very important
Shorts 2-3
Track Pants 2-3
Swimming Trunk 1 Only if you plan to swim
Very important, needed for social and cultural
Traditional Wear 1 Set
Please Note: Formal clothing is a must in presentations and interviews. Do not buy below-
standard clothing as eventually it will cost more to buy new clothes once the old clothes wear

B. Personal

Towel (Turkish/Tunisian) 1
Towels (Simple) 2
Hand Towels 3-4
Formal Leather Belts 1
Casual Belts 1
Back Pack 1 Good quality
Formal Leather Shoes 1 Black or Brown, should match formal wear
Woodland All-Weather Shoes 1 Very important
Sport Shoes 1 Cheap to buy in USA
Sunglasses 1 Must be a good brand
Socks 5-6 Very important
Sweaters 1-2 Buy more in USA
Light Jacket 1-2 Get heavier ones in USA (very important)
Muffler 1 Very important
Handkerchief 5-6
Slippers 1
Monkey Cap 1

C. Additional

Should withstand the wind, can be bought in

Umbrella 1
Bedsheets 2
Pillow Covers 2
Duvet + Quilt + Pillow 1 Very important, can be bought in USA
Leather Wallet 1
Passport Wallet 1 Very important
Wrist Watch 1 To wear with formals, must be a good brand
Shoe Polish + Brush 1 Optional

D. Electronics

Very important for projects that require

External HDD 1 TB large data storage and also to carry your
own data from home
Laptop 1 High configuration, can be bought in USA
Power Bank 1 Good quality, minimum of 10400 mAh
iPod/MP3 Player 1 Optional
DSLR 1 Optional
Head Phones with Mic 1
Spike Buster 1 Good quality is a must
Pin Converter (Indian to USA) 2-3 Very important
Scientific Calculator 1 Very important, very costly to buy in USA
Blank DVDs 4-5
Batteries 1 Pack AA and AAA each
Please Note: Purchase of HDD must be done in Bangladesh so that you can carry your college
projects and documents with you, which will be required there. If possible, wait till Black
Friday Sale to get good deals on purchase of laptops. A mobile phone with standard, decent
features is a must and can be bought in USA.
E. Toiletries and Hygiene

Also available in USA – Colgate, Close

Toothpaste 1 Large
Up, Pepsodent
Tooth Brushes 2-3
Tongue Cleaner 1
Also available in USA – Dove, Pears,
Soap 1-2
Also available in USA – Head &
Shampoo + Conditioner 1 Bottle
Shoulders, Pantene
Shaving Razor 1-2 Buy disposable ones
Shaving Foam 1 Small
Trimmer 1 Good quality
Facewash 1 Bottle
Cold Cream 1 Bottle
Vaseline 1 Bottle
Hair Cream 1 Bottle Also available in USA
Clean Combs 2-3
Soap Case 1-2
Hair Oil 1 Bottle
Deodorant 1-2
Perfume 1 Good brand, for social events only
Nail Cutter 1-2
Ear Buds 1 Small
Sunscreen 1 Bottle
Lip Balm 2 Tubes
Please Note: It is advisable that you get used to the brands available in USA. For Shampoo and
Conditioner, you can carry disposable packets too.

F. Stationery Items

Pens 4-5 Good quality pens

Notebooks 2-3
Pencils 3-4
Erasers 2
Sharpeners 2
Stapler 1
Stapler Pins 1 Box
Glue Stick 1
Markers 1-2
Highlighters 1-2
A4 Sheets 1 Packet
Small Ruler 1
Cellophane Tape 2 1 small and 1 large

G. Medicines

Napa 3 Head ache, fever

Any pain killer 1 Body ache
EntaAcid 5 Indigestion and gastric problems
Doxicap 1 Throat infection
Avomine 1 Vomiting
Diclogem 1 Tooth ache
Cyclopam 1 Period cramps and stomach ache
Metril 1 Diarrhoea
Vicks Vaporub 1 Large Very important for cold places
Revotil 0.5 1 Dizziness

Ex- tab Neofloxin 500mg, tab Napa extend, cap Losectil20, tab Fenadin 120, ORS, tab Trevox
500mg , Indever 10 Please Note: Medicines must be carried with prescription and be utilized
only when required and if suitable to the student. Please check with your family doctor.

H. Utensils

Prefer cooker + fryer that has been

Pressure Cooker 1
introduced recently
Pressure Pan 1 Same brand as cooker
Kadhai for Vegetables 1
Kadhai for Boiling Milk and Water 1
Kadhai for Dal etc. 1
Serving Spoons 2-3 Various sizes
Knives 2-3 Various sizes
Vegetable Chopping Board 1
Gaskets for Cooker 3
Weights for Cooker 3
Roti Roller 1
Butter Knife 1
Tea Strainer 1
Water Bottle 2 Buy on Tupperware bottles
Self-serve Plates 2 Small and normal size
Self-serve Bowls 2 Small and normal size
Self-serve Spoons 2
Self-serve Forks 2
Self-serve Glasses 2
Please Note: Pressure Cooker is a must as it can be expensive in USA. Buy good quality items
that can last long.

I. Food Items

Maggi 14-15 Very important

Ready-to-eat Pasta 7-8 Very important
Rice 2-3 Kgs For initial use
Pickle 2 Bottles
Snacks As you like, for initial use
Take one for your seniors, try to be in their
Sweets 1-2 Boxes
good books
All Powders – Chilli, Garam Masala,
0.5 Kg
Rasam, Sambar, Pav Bhaji, any other
you use
All Dals 1 Kg each
Sugar, Salt and Pepper 0.5 Kg
Tamarind 0.5 Kg
Ginger-Garlic Paste 2-3 Packs
Papad 1 Pack

J. Documents (Very Important)

Passport 5 copies
Visa 5 copies
I-20 5 copies
Air Tickets 3 copies
All Marksheets 5 copies
Transcripts 5 Must be in sealed envelopes
Immunization Forms 3 copies
University Letters Original
SEVIS Receipt 3 copies
GRE Score 3 copies
TOEFL Score 3 copies
Final Year Project Report
Syllabus 1 copy
SOP 3 copies
Recommendations 5 Must be in sealed envelopes
All Certificates 3 copies
National IDs 5 copies 5 COLOR copies, originals up to student
Please Note: All documents must be kept safely in a harmonium file. Keep copies in Cabin
Luggage when traveling. Documents must be attested when necessary, but also keep one non-
attested copy which can be used to make additional copies without removing originals.


For students:

– Before you fly, get all the dental treatment you need, as it is extremely costly in USA.

– Buy 3 pieces of check-in luggage. Good quality is a must. Must comply to TSA Regulations.

– Things to be carried on person/in hand luggage while flying:


– Approximately $100-150 in cash. Carry $1 notes for airport trollies and tips and quarters to use
pay phones.

– Always carry all of this on you and not in luggage.


All originals and 1-2 copies.

Passport size photographs.

[c] Medicine for air sickness.

[d] Jacket, as you will be in a fully air conditioned area for 20+ hours.

[e] Recreational material like books and magazines for traveling.

[f] Things you would need to survive for a week in case of loss of baggage.
– DO NOT procrastinate shopping or packing until the last minute.

– Label all your baggage, both inside and outside, with your name, local and international
address and contact number.

– Reach out to a senior when you land, get all the information you need and ask them what is to
be done next. Inform your parents via e-mail etc. from any airport.

Complied and Accumulated By:

Partha Pratim Sikdar

Graduate Assistant

University of Georgia, Athens

After your visa.



First and Foremost There are certain things that have to be done in advance, i.e., as soon as
get you your visa - much before the flight.

• Learn typing

• Learn driving and get the driving license and an International Driving Permit. This usually

takes 40 days. So it’s better that you start off early.

• Learn to cook.

• Apply for a bank loan (if necessary)

• Make your passport valid for 6 months more than your stay indicated in your I-20.

Immunization: Find out the necessary immunization info and get everything done. Generally
there are some vaccines like Hepatitis B, which require 3 doses once each month. So do it
early. These vaccines are very costly in US and you certainly do not want to start spending
money the moment you land in US. Get requisite immunization done (especially MMR)

Tickets: Hey man, go and block the ticket first. You need not pay anything while blocking,
it’s free!

You can pay later (generally 10 days before departure) after your ticket and schedule is
confirmed. Block flights with many airlines.
Try and book a direct flight to your place, even if you have to take a local airline it is better
and safer than greyhound, which usually has its stops in the shadiest area of towns. Buy a
single ticket all the way through – add on are very expensive. Avoid change of airline. A
direct flight is the best.

If change of airline can't be avoided' leave at least 4-6 hrs gap between the scheduled arrival
of one flight and the scheduled departure of the connecting flight.

Baggage is usually safe with a single airline - change of airline sometimes leads to misplaced
luggage. Some airlines don't take care of baggage transfer - you may have to personally carry
it (check this while booking) and cross check everything you are promised by the Travel
agent with the original air lines. Even if you have confirmed ticket in your hand.
And remember to ask for student concessions...Generally all the airlines will come up with
one or the other discount offer for check all this out before you pay the money.

Typical expenses: Rs.27, 000 - Rs.35, 000/-

Health Checkups:

Get a medical check-up done

Dental check up

Fresh check-up, especially if you have a major ailment

Is Dental Care necessary?

After extensive survey and upon seeking the opinion of senior’s abroad a conclusion on the
need for dental treatment while in India has been made.

Mouth is the mirror of human health. Taking care of oral cavity is a prelude to keeping
Overall health fit.

The rationale behind taking dental check up and treatment while in India is:

To avoid possible dental treatment abroad as it is a well-known fact that dentist in U.S charge
exorbitantly high.

Under inevitable circumstances if you are required to go for dental treatment you need prior
appointment of two to three weeks in U.S

Even Students are required to bear the huge expenditure, as dental care is not covered under
health insurance in the U.S.

It is ironic that the materials we use in India are the same used by dentists in U.S, but the
payment made for the dental care is in dollars while the number being the same in India.

Eye Check Up:

Get your eyesight checked - get a new prescription. Buy at least one extra pair of glasses or a
pair of contact lens. Get requisite immunization done (especially MMR) Get prescriptions &
medicines for all common ailments (the technical name of the medicine along with Indian/US
brand name)

Important: Complete the health documentation that you may have to submit when you arrive
in US.


Crocin tablets (paracetamol 500 mg)- 3 strips For fever, body ache, and headache.

One tablet three times a day as necessary.

Above 60 kg please use 650 mg tablets (thermol/dolo).

For fevers, mild pain relief Actifed tablets – 2 strips (side effect drowsiness)

A costlier but much better alternative is Alerid (cetrizine) or Neoloridin(loridine) less

sedation and next to no side effects

Azithromycin 500 mg tablets (aziwin) - 3 strips. One tablet once a day for atleast 3 days ...
use if you have a bacterial cold or Respiratory infection ... (most common symptom being
dark yellow colored mucus, fever, etc.).NOT NEEDED FOR ordinary cold (white mucus,
watery secretions)

Sporidex 500mg capsules- 2 strips. One tablet twice a day when necessary as advised (please
don’t use on your own. This stuff needs a prescription to be used properly ... meant only for
persistent troublesome infections)

Avomine tablets- 1 strip for air/ motion sickness. One tablet as necessary.(causes drowsiness)

Lomotil/Andial tablets- 15 (for diarrhea) But remember the best treatment for diarrhea is
plenty of fluids, some good rest and bland food.

Omeprazole 20 mg .For gastritis.Can be take once or twice a day

Digene tablets- 20 mg. For stomach discomfort .One each three times a day.

Spasmoproxyvon capsules - 3 strips for abdominal colic pain, backache, menstrual pain etc.
One tablet every 6 hours or as necessary.

Domstal tablets - 10. For vomiting .Has to be taken atleast half an hr before food

Electral powder - 2 packets. One teaspoonful mixed with drinks to make up loss of
electrolytes after vomiting & diarrhoea

Novalgin - 2 strips for headache & bodyache. One tablet as necessary.

Brufen 600mg tablets - 2 strips. For arthirtic joint pain. One tablet three times a day after

Avil Tablets- 1 strip for allergy (use cetrizine/loridin for less sedation), One tablet as

Relaxyl ointment - 1 tube to be applied as pain balm.

Band Aid assorted - 12

Soframycin skin ointment - 1 tube

Nimesulide tabs. For the severest of headaches and pains. (But banned in the US).

100mg upto 3 times a day

Ciplox capsules 500 mg. 2 strips.1 capsule twice a day. For Infective diarrheas

Vitamin B-complex capsules .Just in case your starving yourself out there.

Kayanchurna- (for Motions)


There are so many things one needs to carry, as this is the first time you are going abroad. If
you have a friend who is going to the same university, for the same semester, it is better to
share few things. This saves space as well as money. In this section, we have listed the most
common things that your seniors have carried and suggest you to do. We not only tell you
what to carry?, but also how much to carry vis-à-vis the quantity of each item. Many
commodities like clothes, foot ware, leather items, and other miscellaneous things are
expensive in US. Therefore it is a must that you go through the entire section and make a note
of these things in the form of printout before you begin shopping to ensure that you don’t
miss something. Get started with clothes....


Jeans: 4 to 6 pairs

Shorts: 6-8. Get those ones, which are, long and go a 2-3 inches beyond knees.

T-shirts: 6-8

Cotton shirts: 4-5(no multicolored patterns, they are not in vogue in US). Cotton clothes are
good in warmer places.

Night clothes: 2-3 pairs

Formal suit & Ties - 1-2 pairs. You rarely need them...once in a year or so on occasions like
Convocation ceremony and interviews.

Undergarment- A lot of them...10-15 pairs we stress upon this because you may go to the
laundry once in two weeks!!

Socks- 4-5 pairs you can bring even more because you would be wearing shoes most of the
time. Do not take nylon socks. Cotton ones are better.

Sweaters- a couple - full sleeved advisable

Get a muffler and monkey cap and woollen gloves and windcheater.
Leather jacket- 1 they are rather poor protection in the north. But you may consider getting
one woollen Jacket.

Handkerchiefs-1 dozen

2-3 belts one formal leather belt and others as you please. But you might want to know that
one rarely tucks in the casual dresses.

Kurta-payjamas- These would be good during Cultural meets etc. If you have fancy for one,
don't forget extra naadi then.

2 Turkish towels and two napkins.

2 thin single bed sheets.

1 air pillow

Summarizing your clothes list:

1) Sunglasses 2 no.

2) Cap 2 no.

3) Umbrella 1 no.

4) Wind sheeter 1 no.

5) Under garments 18 no.

6) Shirts 4 formal + 4 half sleeves

7) T-shirts 12 no.

8) Bermudas 6 no.

9) Trousers 4 no. (formal)

10) Jeans 6 no.

11) Handkerchief 18 no.

12) Socks 15 no.

13) Belts 3 no.(one for jeans and 2 formal)

14) Sweater 2 full + 2 half sleeve

15) Leather jacket 1 no.

16) Wallet with more pockets for credit cards 1 no.

17) Thermal wears 2 no.

18) Ties 2 no.

19) Blazer / Suit - Blazer + matching trouser

20) Kurta Pyjama 1 white

21) Chudidar 1 no.

22) Chudidar jacket 1 no.

23) Night dress 2 no.

24) Gloves 2 pair



SPORTS SHOES: 2 pairs Sports shoes are real cheap in US. Moreover in sales of Christmas
etc. So do not spend too much money for these. Get some moderately priced and good ones
so that you need not buy them immediately after coming to US.

LEATHER SHOES: Get good and strong leather shoes, shoes that have good grip are
preferred. This is for snowy regions. It’s difficult to walk on snow with shoes of flat sole.
Firm grip helps to keep fit, prevents breaking head, bones.


You can buy leather footwear... But we advise Sandals. Get two pairs of them.

Slippers -two pairs, you don't get the India type slippers in US. Kolhapuris, they serve good
purpose in the summer.

Personal accessories:

Hangers for clothes,

Wallet - one that has space for cards - you normally don't carry much cash with you.

Shaving kit & Blades (get a good stock, they are costly In US).

Brush & toothpaste (these are also expensive in US).

Soap (get a couple of bars of bathing soap till you go for the first groceries in US).

Combs & hair oil (if you use hair-oil get a year’s supply of your favourites).

Small mirror (just in case even if you are not a narcissist!).

Nail cutter.

Small scissors, Safety pin bunch. Mini-sewing kit with some buttons.
Summarizing your Personal accessories list:

1) Soap 6 no.

2) Shampoo 3 bottles

3) Towels 2 no.

4) Napkin 6 no.

5) Body spray 3 no.

6) Perfume 2 no.

7) After shave 1 no.

8) Tooth paste 6 no.

9) Tooth brush 6 no.

10) Shaving tube 2 no.

11) Mach 3 razor 2 no.

12) Blades 20 no. (mach3)

13) Blanket 1 no.

14) Duster 4 no. (For cleaning)

15) Scrub 2 no.

16) Sponge 2 no.

17) Bed sheets 2 thick + 2 thin

18) Pillow 1 no.

19) Comb 2 no.

20) Nail cutter 2 no.

21) Rubber band 1 packet

22) Scissors 1 pair

23) Calculator 1 no.

24) Pass port and stamp size snaps 36 each,

25) Photos of your family

26) CDs of songs

27) Medicines + first aid kit

28) Digital diary

29) Books

30) Back pack

31) Key Chains

32) Torch Alarm clock.

33) Camera & Camera roll 6 no’s

34) Mirror

35) Soap box


Depends on whether you guys plan to cook alone or with your housemates, since most people
don't get time to cook daily, stuff is generally prepared for two days at a go - so keep this in
mind when you buy vessels, etc.

Typical stuff you may want is:

2-3 plates, Glasses, Cups and bowls, Forks (2 each), Serving spoons, Couple of cooking
vessels, Pressure cooker - 3 litres, Cooker containers and spares (rings and valves),Non-stick
frying pan with turner, Tongs and knives, Cutting board for vegetables, 2-3 patella’s that fit
into each other and that preferably have handles,1 pressure pan (Prestige), ask your
prospective roommate to get one too Utensils holder Plates (2-3 steel plates, beaker size and
2-3 plastic plates of both beaker and normal size), 2-3 plastic bowls (katories), 6 spoons and a
couple of steel glasses, Serrated knife.

Summarizing your Utensils list:

1) Cooker 1 no. + spares

2) Cookers Containers 2 no.(with their lids)

3) Kadai 1 no.

4) Non stick tawa 1 no.

5) Spoons 6 no.

6) Grip 1 no.

7) Chapati fork/tong 1 no.

8) Laddle for poori 1 no.

9) Spatula types used while making roti) 1 no.

10) Knife 2 no.

11) Peeler 1 no.

12) Serving spoons (for dal, curry and rice) 3 no.

13) Knife& Fork 6 no.

14) Sauce pan 2 no.

15) Steel containers to heat food 2 no. (with lid)

16) Rolling Pin/ Belan (to make rotis) 1 no.

17) Plate 1 no.

18) Katori 3 no.

19) Glass 2 no.

20) Cutting board 1 no.

21) Eating knives 2 no.

22) Coffee spoon for salt etc 3 no.

23) Small size plastic spoons for masala 1 no

Food Items:

Some of the common food items that students carry are:

Spices, Tealeaves, Masalas, Haldi, Dhania, red chilly, Instant masalas, etc. Mustard packet.
Tamarind paste Different dals in small quantity for initial use. Asafoetida powder.

Indian instant coffee + Indian tea (it takes time to get used to the American stuff)

Elaichi, clove, cinnamon

Masalas and tea/coffee powder, if you are a regular drinker (until somebody shifts to beer.)
Get a couple of bags each of haldi, red chilly powder, Garam masala, Dhania, Pickle bottles
(if you have enthu, but preferably get sealed ones), rice, Moong Dal. Bring approx. 1-month
supply of masalas. Most Indian foodstuffs are available even in small cities. Don't come
loaded with foodstuffs as you may have problem with customs. Try to get "instant" stuff, as
people don't have much time for cooking in the US.
Summarizing your Masala list:

1) Dhania& jirra kg

2) Chilli powder kg

3) Haldi kg

4) Full jira 200 gm

5) Mustard Seed 200 gm

6) Garam Masala home made 200 gm

7) Pav bhaji masala 2 packets

8) Salt 500 gm

9) Sugar kg.

10) Hing powder one bottle

11) Papad


Get all the cassettes recorded which you might like to take with you. Though you get most of
them in US, why spend money for luxurious things. If you are leaving your beloved, don’t
forget to take those kishore Kumar blues.

Stationary list:

1) White sheets 50 no.

2) Pencils 12 no.

3) Erasers 4 no.

4) Blade 2 no.

5) Stapler 1 no.

6) Stapler pins 1 packet

7) Pens 12 blue + 12 black (ball pens)

8) Scribbling Pad 2 no.

9) Glue stick 1 no.

10) Pencil Box 2 no.

11) Ruler - 12" 1 no.

12) Stick on pad 2 no.

13) Cello tape 1 no.

14) Ink pen 1 no.

15) Needle 1 packet

16) Thread Black 1,White 1 reel , Blue 1 reel

17) Safety pins 1 dozen


Luggage is the essential thing one has to buy. This has to be done after proper planning as
luggage is an expensive item and is to be retained for years, now that you will be doing lot of
traveling in flight.


2 large size suitcases


Start your packing well in advance.

But two good boxes - they should be able to withstand a lot of mishandling. They should be
as large as possible within the size limitations (however most airlines are not very strict about
baggage size). Put identification marks and labels on both the inside & outside the boxes)
apart from this, the airlines will also provide you with adhesive labels).

Boxes with independent top & bottom are preferable.

Box specification: As an example of Air India economy class baggage specifications to the
USA are given below. Note the specs. may be different for other countries/airlines.

2 pieces of baggage with total liner dimension (L+B+H) not exceeding 270cms (106").

Moreover the total linear dimension of each piece should not be over 158cms (62"). The
weight of each bag should not be exceeding 32kg (70lb) [note: Sometimes they are not
particular about this]

Carry on baggage: In addition you can carry a bag with linear dimension not exceeding
115cms (45") on board fits beneath the seat.

Things to be kept in the boxes:

Copy of all the certificates/documents (originals in hand baggage)

Important application materials (SOP, Reco, etc.)(Soft copy)

Necessary book/notebooks (some suggested books are - Clarks Tables, a good
dictionary/thesaurus, a booklet for units conversion) [note: there should be no legal hassles
taking Xerox copies of books - but don't flaunt them to Americans/profs]

Copy of address book/telephone book/diary

Some stationary and related items suggested (not absolutely necessary) - just for the first few
weeks are: common items + rubber stamp with house address + air mail covers + few Indian
razor blades for cutting work + screw driver.

Medical history files

Gifts (suggested: roll able pictures, handicrafts, etc.)

Non-technical books (fiction/religious). [Note: second-hand storybooks are cheap in the US]

Don't take Indian files (empty) or punching machines - filing system is different in the US

(3holes, A4)

Don't take paper

Don't take raincoats.

Don't buy purse (wallet for carrying cards can be bought in the US) Carry an organizer

Wear your shoes to save space in the box. If needed buy only leather shoes (other types of
shoes are cheap in the US). For some weather conditions, Indian leather shoes may crack.

Don't worry yourself if you can't bring any of the stuff listed above - most of the items are
available pretty cheap in the US (Made in China). Exceptions are leather goods, formal wear.
In a month or two you will be able to get anything you want.

Things to be kept in hand baggage:

1) Some medicines (including for air-sickness)

2) Novel/mags/books for in flight reading
3) Sweater
4) Original important documents (I-20, visa, tickets.)
5) Enough money (little cash, traveller's' checks)
6) Address book/phone book (Indian & US)
7) Copies of your photos (passport size)
8) Enlisted steps to be followed in case of emergency (accident, theft, etc.)
Things to be kept in person:

Shorter extract of contact addresses - especially of people coming to pick you up.

Receipt got along with traveller's' checks - in case you lose the TC's.

1 handbag to carry in flight stuff with you (buy a good quality, spacious one 'cause you might
have to use it for carrying clothes to the laundry later).

1 backpack (get a good one; you will use it almost all the time in US).


1) Most books used in US are vague. Heard one professor-using book in electronics by an
Indian author to teach his students! Ha ha ha. These books are easy to follow.
2) Contact students at your Univ.
3) A good dictionary
4) Your calculator
5) Your entire fundamental course texts and notes (for reference of basics).
6) Standard mathematical table and formulae handbook. Might also want to buy an alarm
7) Good story books if you have a penchant for reading, though you may not find time
during the first semester.

Money to be taken with you:

Other than you fee requirements you may have to take $1000-$2000 depending upon where
you are going (you can get this info from your seniors over there). This you can get from
Thomas Cook/American Express and of course any Foreign Exchange bank like SBI, SBH
IOB etc. Do this after you buy your ticket. And remember! Take major part of the money in
DD or TC's. The typical combination is. DD for the entire fee you have to pay, $1000-$2000
in TCs, and $100 in cash...a combination of notes and coins....

Getting permit for us$750:

This can be got from any bank authorized to do so (need not go to RBI for this). You can get
this within a month of the date of the flight. The following documents have to taken along to
get the permit:

Passport + copy, air ticket, I-20 Student Copy + copy, grade cards + copies, p.c. + copy, xii
standard pass/mark sheet + copy, aid & admission letters + copies, bank advance/any other
form of payment. You may take part of the $750/- in the currency notes up to $50 is okay
(legally up to $100 allowed). Money you may need to pay after going there: Other than your
fee, you may have to pay the security deposit for the house, rent for the first month, groceries
for the first month... basic utilities like toaster, rice cooker etc. which may come around to
$500 approx....

Carry all documentation safely, and have photocopies to back you up - letter from Univ.,
mark sheets, etc. (the visa stuff basically). Things to get photocopied: Make three sets of the
following copies, keep one set at home and take the remaining two sets with you.


Xth, Inter (10+2), Degree marks sheets, Convocation Certificate of Under graduation.

I-20 and acceptance letter from the university.

Take all the I-20's with you if you have more than one.

Important things to do before you leave:

Give power of attorney (authorization letters) to your father or brother or to someone on

whom you rely Put your signature on a 10 plane papers, write you name below it, keep these
at home, they may need it for any purpose like authorization to collect marks sheets,
Provisional certificate, Transfer certificate, Bonafide certificate, Degree certificate, Migration
certificate from the university, applying for the refund from the college etc.

Make all bank accounts joint

Things to be left at home:

1) List of addresses/phone numbers at which info about you can be obtained.

2) One copy of all your important documents.
3) A copy of all relevant parts of medical history files.
4) Arrange to collect/redirect mail from your room/hostel.
5) Arrange to apply/collect/mail your transcripts (about 20 in number preferable)
6) You’re tailoring measurements.

A Review & Miscellaneous:

1) Get a driving license and a IDP (international Driving Permit)

2) Get at least $750 if you get paid within one month of arriving and at least $1500 if you
get paid after a month and a half of arrival. If you have a very good friend well settled at
the place where you are going to, you may take some less cash with you as you can
borrow from him and repay later. You'll have several deposits to pay for the first month
of stay like gas, telephone, and electricity. You'll have to pay a months rent as deposit and
a months rent advance (around $250 per person/month).
3) Get your application material if you wish to reactivate your applications at a better place
for the next quarter/year. Get a set of transcripts in case you apply all over again for a
PhD. B.Tech. Degree certificate (laminate it in thin plastic is possible).
4) Get 2-3 passport size photographs.
5) Get an address/phone number diary.
6) Have a set of copies of visa, passport, I-20 in each piece of luggage.
7) Depending upon the weather in your area get a folding umbrella.
8) Carry Rs.300 - Rs.500/- for airport tax and Rs.600/- for the $20 you'll get inside the
9) If you are having a camera then get it endorsed on your passport.
10) Have a RBI permit ready for the dollars you are carrying with you.
11) Take all your Hindi songs cassettes.
12) Get a good leather purse that has several sections of "visiting cards" size, you'll need
those for the bunch of credit cards/key cards/ID's, etc. you'll accumulate in no time in US.
13) Carry medical prescription for all your medicines you bring.
14) If you have glasses, get a through eye-check-up before and get 2 extra pairs of glasses.
15) Keep passport, visa, I-20, and other admission documents in the handbag you'll carry on
your shoulders all the time.
16) Confirm your ticket a couple of days prior to the flight directly through the airlines you
are flying no matter how reputed your travel agent is.
17) Let me repeat this, get a driver's license and an IDP.
18) Get lots of Indian stamps and inland letters and postcards. You'll need them to write
letters, which you can send with anyone who is going to India.
19) Hindi film songs cassettes.


Call up and find if there is any change of the schedule of the plane (inform the people coming
to pick you up of any such change).

Get ready to face the long journey.

Bid adieu to all concerned.

Find out the name of the person who is coming to pick you up at the airport. Remind those
people of the flight timings, airline no, your name. inform all these to your people at home.

Relax the day before journey, and check all the documents you are taking with you once

Arrange for the conveyance if you don’t have a car. You can book with any private transport
facility like City cabs.


Since it is going to be a long flight wear something comfortable (cotton dress + full hand
shirt). Wear your shoes - in flight you can remove them (some airlines give in flight shoes -
else relax in socks).

Check all the documents once again and keep them at appropriate places.
Be at the airport 3-4 hours before the departure.

Collect $20 at the airport (part of it in $1).

Relax during flight, sleep as much as possible.

For vegetarians - watch out before you eat - you may get non-veg even if you had asked for
veg. Veg food is generally bland - fruits/juices are good choices. (Before ordering anything
on board check if, you have to pay for it separately). Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Once out of India be very careful (from sheer experience of seniors). Don't trust anyone.

Don't hire a taxi (unless emergency) till you reach your destination. If required don't hesitate
to spend money.


You are now in the USA! Once you are out of the plane go straight to the immigration
counter -rush for them to beat the queue. It might take 0.5 - 1 hour here. Keep your I-20,
passport, admission & aid letters ready. They might ask a few questions like

Is this your first time in the US? Student? F-1 Visa? Which Univ.? They will attach an I-64
card to your visa.

Then go to the baggage counter to fetch your luggage. Pick up a cart (you get this at a
machine for $1) to carry the bags. Then pick up your bags as they come out on the conveyor
(suitable eye-catching labels help here) we suggest you tie your baggage with rope of a bright
color that is visible from a distance. All this is to make your baggage appear distinct. If you
don't get your baggage, inform the inquiry section - you may have to wait 0.5 - 1 hour here.

Cart your baggage to the nearby customs. If asked tell them that you are a student, F-1 visa,
school, dept., coming to US for the first time if asked to open your baggage do so slowly - do
not mess up the place. If asked about the "masala powder (podi"'s) tell them that they are
"dried Indian spices" to make traditional Indian food like curry. Rarely they might ask you to
go the agris dept nearby - its a pain. If asked about "vibhuti" tell them that it is a holy Hindu

Note: In most cases, you will not be asked to open your boxes at all & you will be simply
waved through.

Now go & wait at the nearest exit for the guys who are supposed to pick you up. If nobody
turns up after some time (say 0.5 hour) make a collect call (at public phone dial a "0", get the
operator & ask for a collect call) else call Your Prof., Department, International Students'
Office, Admissions Office

Any Indian guy in the directory Go and ask for an announcement to be made over the PA
system. Get a card, write your name & hold it up.

Never leave your baggage unattended. Don't go out of the airport until somebody comes
& picks you up. If you have doubts about the guy who comes to pick you up, don't hesitate to
ask for his ID. (All this is of course being a little extra cautious). Make sure you are pleasing
while you identify his identity. Lest you offend the person who has come to help you.

Once you reach your friend's house (or your intended destination) call home & inform them
of your reaching safely. If you get your hand on Internet, do type few words of your
experience and email it.


There are certain primary things to be done on reaching US. They are discussed in this
section Your first task is to meet the foreign students or the advisors in the International
students' office (ISO) or Grad Advisor or administrative secretary. Keep a record of your
details (passport, visa details etc). When you leave the US (temporarily or permanently), you
have to go there again.

Meet your prof if you have got an RA or a TA.

Open a bank account immediately. Ask seniors for a good bank.

Find an apartment and/or roommates.

Complete all the official procedures at the school like

Attending the orientation

Getting your student ID

Getting your Social Security Number.

Paying the Fee

Registering for the classes etc..

Generally your seniors or your dept through all these will guide you. So don't worry about

A new chapter of your life unfolds here! Work hard to make your dreams come true! I wish
you success in all your future endeavours!

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