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Question 3

Playboy and pornography redefined masculinity and femininity, thinking of the 1950-

1960s crises in masculinity and the push for Women's Rights during the 1970s. Pornography is

the reason why masculinity and femininity were thought of differently. Toxic masculinity was

altered and grew much stronger because of Playboy giving men unrealistic expectations of

women and the objectification and sexualization of women. Men thought that women owed them

everything sexually and thought that their masculinity was enough and perfect. Femininity

changed because of Playboy and pornography too because of this. While femininity was defined

as almost perfection, women should have slender bodies and beautiful hairstyles. If they posed

sexually and were judged more than men for participating in those things, pornography and

especially" play boy "demanded of them. Their women do not have or do not show their

imperfections and birthmarks, or substantial moles.

Redesigning maleness was seen as essential for women's rise in numbers and the

personnel taking over traditionally male occupations. For women, Playboy tried to restore

femininity with an emphasis on the rope to sexual objectification. By drawing the appeal to being

a Playboy Bunny or Playmate via nearness to wealth, this could be seen as a way to deter women

from their perceived growth in dominance and masculinity. This is by giving affluence and

luxury in highly feminine aesthetics while also confirming the heterosexual male self-esteem as a

counterpart to the Playboy himself. Maleness was fundamentally rebranded into heavily sexual
overtones, surrounded by many women who had no real agency while men controlled the

prospect, power, and prosperity.

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