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stent \What are the cimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Bick Whats the ¥ Alllnterview. Share your Keovedge Gle ¥ BE ou. Referiks Sie 2%) @ Login| Sizntip [ To Refer hin Sie to Voor Friends Ck He Google (Gosh) (Catsaccs >> Encsng >> Civil Engineering Printing Machines scams We prov expertise you can bust Contact us for more ifmation Complete brickworks easuscein Complete bicwoee fom ane super: fo your Construction Company seastsnee: Searen Thousands af Calabge of Conatucton orreany Casement aii ented Caen a, autem sesame sero Bad Shane os Ses louse ins Xe vit ede Sind No Wii die ee nes oie? ‘Question Answer 1Sc7Semx8em eke = FAL jam Iris Amer Correct? 3 Yer © SNOO Sta feeamia _ Re Wit benno Sid Bick No Whit die eno fie? ‘reabona quay bt lx poe Bg macnn ers biian Manatncorer snc Boor Of Campsie 30,000 buliding products wxtusasae Meet 2500+ suppers rom 7 cours al The Bg andard sare of bricks ~ 130nm x 30mm x 90mm oo Nomina: bricks = 200mm x 100m x 100mn(Nominal size of eestor bricks novudes the moctar thickness and thus ite size de 12 Conia! always nore than the standard size specified above 7 fon site,...the size of the bricks used commonly ia dn brick nasonry- 2s00m 4 250m 4 Ima!!! 1 Acuna ne wet? T¥es © 5N0O nsw a Re: What ate the dinersions of Standard Brick 2)Nonina Brick What the difrence between dum in ems fue? BB Amver stantaré size of aodular is 190*90+80 Engimstng «#23 Pominas size of modular is 200+700"100 nee Standard sare of fps brick 730*115*70 Quests wn alintervew:comishowanswers/79688/page3.Niml Ranke Answer Po Rajanhit Shaler 18 ater 1 Mataney Iseriew pre © intuit) enestne Ieniow 5 Mae enesrne Ineniow ‘Questions 1 Engen Aber Iueniw ‘Questions \What ae the cimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Brick Whats the ‘Re: What arth dinensos of Standard Brick 2)Nonia Brick What isthe difrence between damn ems ous? Answer standaré size of brick =18om*, 15ent,Sem* © Kasia #24 normal size of brick <15en*,10cm, acm" ‘Ke 2 Yer #N0O ‘Re; What are the dinero of Standard Brick 2)Nomina rick Whats the diferene ewes dann ems oe? ‘Answer STANDARD S223- 190aq*90m+90u5, 2 sya 2s Ak MOULDED BRICK S1ZE= 2LOnm*100nR#L0GnR 1 1Y¥e#O 5NoO ‘Re; What are he dinero of 1Standand Brick 2)Nomina Brick Whats the diene hetween denn ems ote ? Answer standaré size of brick as per Indian standard is 19969 on 2 2g Nominal size is 70*10"10 om Nomina’ size includes she thickness of mortar so it's bigger than standard size 17 4¥e4O 1NoO Re What arth dimensions of Standard Brick 2)Nominal Brick What isthe diftrence between thmin ems fase? Amer International Standard size of a brick = 20 on x 10 on Thirw 4 Indian standard size of @ belek = idem x 9 en Thi Amer Gare? O¥er © 1NoO ‘Re: What atthe diners of Standard Brick 2)Noniba Brick What isthe difrence between smn ems ous? Answer standard size~1Scnx3emx90n 0 Ritesh Rs #24 bonina size-20eme:Cazxl0en Gimendion ss equal to nominal size % 17 2 Ye 1NoO Re: What are the diners of Standard Breck 2)Nomtna Brick What isthe diene between dhmin ems ose? Amer yoo 2 Chandease #2 2 Yes 2N0O ‘Re: What are the diners of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nomina rick Whats the irene between them ems fie? Amsver 19en*9en*¥en (standard size) 2 Ast #3) 20en*10em"=Cem (nominsl #i6) 2 oY¥e1O 1NoO Post NewAnswer mam One Stop Shop fo Aim o-oo ee | wn alintervew:comishowanswers/79688/page3.Niml 28 stent \What ae the cimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Bick Whats the tvs( ai Mobiles “| Lt ‘Other Civil Engineering Interview Questions Question Asked @ Answers Inti the alowable icone in corte? 4 Wat wilbe wei of Sen Gl sheet prs. Ssh inn Inhy scl wed inrce why tel inuted nrce Int betwen ao evel ad dry vel? ss he rms Sd hs cent corso rk wrk 2 hick wal? whats CBR Test low lcakuite ap gh ofconeret in difret ge of corres Wits meant by Anchorage gi? Develpmen Leng? How to check the uty of cement? [WHAT IS MEANT BY STABILITY?AND WHY CHECK STABILITY TEST METHOD IN [THICKNESS SIDE? wt do ourman by punching shea? 1 fe fe E B For more Civil Empnceving Interview Questions lich Here CCopytige Poy | Tems ofServie | Hep | Ske Map 1 | Arcs | Ste Map | [Sie Map | Conact us] @ CCopyrigt © 2010 AlDRighs Reseed i: 1 wn alintervew:comishowanswers/79688/page3.Niml 33

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