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Tugas Bahasa inggris


Nim : P07120421027N

Language 1
Next, in cubicle four, we have Mrs Eileen Asthon. She Prefers 'Eileen'. She's seventy-six and
presented at 14.45 with abdominal pain. Eileen Become a window six months ago and now lives
alone. Since the death of her husband, Elieen Has not cooked for herself and has been on a diet
of soup and toast. She was relatively active in the past, but Has taken reguler exercise for several
months. In addition, she Has Suffered from insomnia for the last six months.

Writing 2
1. On admission/Eileen/complain/ abdominal pain (Complained)
2. Dr Insulza saw her at 16:00/ She/rate/pain seven out of ten/on pain scale (Rated)
3. Her last bowel movement/be/four days ago (Was)
4. She/open/ger bowels/every three or four days/since/beginning of may (Has opened)
5. She/describe/her stools/as hard lumps/Thype one on the Bristol stool Chart (Described)
6. Ellen/experience/some pain/no blood or mucus (Experienced)

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