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Divination Traits 1

Deprived Sight
By forces unknown to you, your very eyes themselves have been removed magically and have been
replaced by a black void.
- You are blinded, and suffer all of the effects of this condition.
- Oddly, you also seem to be easier to detect, and suffer disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Deprived Voice
A hollow now exists where your mouth once was. Some form of magic has stolen your very voice from
you, though you can still breath.
- Without your voice, you are silenced and unable to speak. Without the ability to speak, you are unable
to perform the verbal components of any spells you may know.

Deprived Place
Something feels off, though you couldn't quite place it until you looked over your body and found that
your arms and limbs were shrouded in a haze. More troubling is that you can't even feel your limbs,
much less the rest of your body, but you are still able to use your arms and legs somehow.
- Despite their 'absence', your legs and arms still function normally. However, the numbness that has
overcome your body has other adverse effects. You have disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity
saving throws.
- When you move more than half of your speed on your turn, you must attempt a DC 12 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. On a failure, you fall prone and your speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next

Deprived Self
You don't quite feel yourself - in fact, you have trouble recalling what your "self" felt like. Your mind is
muddled and in disarray, and there is a foggy feeling in your head. You can't shake the feeling that
whatever is in your head is not you.
- Your inability to maintain a grasp on your mind makes it harder to defend against certain attacks. You
have disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
- You find it harder to think the more people (or creatures) are around you. Any other creature's
attempts to use the Help action for you can only negate disadvantage, and cannot provide advantage on
a roll.
- When there are more than three other creatures within 10 feet of you when you attempt to cast a
spell (or are maintaining concentration on a spell), you must succeed on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma skill check (whichever is highest) to successfully cast the spell or maintain concentration.
Divination Traits 2

Enhanced Sight
Upon opening your eyes, you cannot stop yourself from blinking rapidly, feeling overwhelmed by the
things you see. Nothing has ever been more clear to you - you feel as if you can see things that were
once hidden from your view.
- You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, and can make a Wisdom
(Perception) check as a bonus action on your turn.
- You are granted Darkvision out to 120 feet, and can make out color even when light is absent.
- If a creature or object is invisible, you are able to make out feint outlines with a successful Wisdom
(Perception) check (for creatures - against their Stealth check; for objects - against a set DC).

Enhanced Voice
Upon waking, you are surprised at the near-deafening volume of your own yawning. You quickly stifle it
for fear of alerting anything nearby, but find no reaction among your companions. After a few moments
of carefully testing your speech, you feel that you have an incredible amount of control over your own
voice - as if you can make yourself heard over great distances with a simple whisper.
- Your control over the volume of your voice is so refined that you can make your bellows and whispers
heard far beyond their normal range, or only within a few feet. You are able to cast the Message cantrip
without components at will, with a range of 120 feet, and can target up to 3 creatures at once.
- You gain the ability to cast the Charm Monster spell without components once per day, with a DC
equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Enhanced Place
You feel unnaturally aware of every movement every part of your body makes as you rise from your
slumber. With every step you take and every bend of your joints, you feel incredibly dexterous and
nimble - able to move without worry of falling. You feel so in tune with the movements around you, you
can practically feel even the quietest heartbeat around you.
- Your movement speed is increased by 10 feet, and you have advantage on saving throws and ability
checks you make to avoid falling prone, or avoid grapples and restraints.
- You can attempt a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid being subject to difficult terrain.
- If you stay still, you can concentrate and attempt a Wisdom (Perception) check to "feel" the most
subtle of vibrations within 30 feet so long as you are in contact with the floor or a wall. Such vibrations
include footsteps, breathing, and even heartbeats.

Enhanced Self
You awake with a sense of purpose and determination that you have never felt before, as if you have full
access to every recess of your mind. You feel that you are a master over yourself, and nothing can make
you doubt any decision you set your mind to.
- You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, as well as any saving
throws made to maintain concentration on spells.
- You can maintain concentration on up to two separate spells, but must use your bonus action on each
turn to maintain concentration on the second spell if you do so.
- You know yourself well enough to separate your own thoughts from those of others, and can briefly
read surface thoughts of others when you concentrate. If you stay still, you can attempt a Wisdom
(Insight) check to read the surface thoughts of another creature within 10 feet.
Divination Traits 3

Shared Sight
When paired with another player, who does not also have the Deprived Sight trait, you are able to see
through their eyes within 30 feet, with Blindsight.

Shared Voice
When paired with another player, who does not also have the Deprived Voice trait, you are able to speak
through them and even perform the verbal components of spells with their aid. Additionally, you gain
the ability to cast Enthrall once per day.

Shared Place
When paired with another player, who does not also have the Deprived Place trait, you no longer have
disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws (but cannot gain advantage), and you only need
to make your Acrobatics check if you move your full speed on a turn. You also gain 10 temporary Hit
Points, which renew after a short rest.

Shared Self
When paired with another player, who does not also have the Deprived Self trait, you no longer suffer
the drawbacks of your Deprived Self trait. Familiar with the distorting affects of losing your sense of self,
you gain the ability to cast the Confusion spell once per day.

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