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The Key
Mobile Legends

TROY WILSON 25 Aug 2021

This publication is designed to provide competent and reliable

information regarding the subject matter covered. However, it is
distributed with the understanding that the author is not engaged in
rendering any formal or professional advice. Laws and practices often
vary from state to state and if any expert assistance is required, the
services of a professional should be sought. The author specifically
disclaims any liability that is incurred from the use or application of the
contents of this book.

Copyright © 2017 by Troy Wilson

All rights reserved. In accordance with the Berne Convention, the
scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book
without the permission of the author is unlawful piracy and theft of the
author's intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the
book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be
obtained from the author. Thank you for your support of the author's
rights. 25 Aug 2021

Definition of Terms........................................................................9
Familiarizing with the Environment............................................15
Mid Laners..............................................................................23
Lane Selection..............................................................................26
Game Phases................................................................................28
Early Game..............................................................................28
Mid Game................................................................................33
Late Game...............................................................................34
In-Depth Review of Heroes..........................................................35
FRANCO..................................................................................74 25 Aug 2021

YI SUN-SHIN........................................................................139
YUN ZHAO............................................................................143
Links...........................................................................................149 25 Aug 2021

“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand


– Sun Tzu 25 Aug 2021

Mobile Legends or ML is one of the newest MOBA games
released in the mobile platform. In just a few months, it already
has more than ten million downloads from the app store. But for
the first-time player, what exactly is a MOBA, and why is it this
MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is a genre of video
games wherein a player controls a single character (Hero) that
belongs in one of two opposing teams. The objective of almost all
MOBA games is to destroy the opposing team's primary structure
built on each of their bases with the help of periodically spawned
units called creeps or minions. Players have the option to choose
among a large array of heroes that have various stats and abilities
to represent themselves in the game. MOBA can be considered a
fusion of action, role-playing, and real time strategy games.
Mobile Legends feature the same structure as other MOBA
games wherein two opposing teams consisting of five players,
battle it out together to destroy their enemy's base to win. The
typical map layout is one team's base is located on the bottom left
of the map, and the other base is on the top right. There are three
lanes that stem out of each of these bases namely: top, middle,
and bottom lanes. Each side of these lanes are lined with three
towers or turrets that serves as each team's primary defense
structures. Areas between these lanes are called the jungle. The
two bases are separated by a river that runs from the upper left
down to the bottom right corner of the map. In each base, there is
the fountain of health where heroes spawn and regain their 25 Aug 2021

health and magic powers. At the center of each base lies each
team's primary structure that if destroyed, would mean their
The main objective of each team is to destroy the opposing
team's primary structure. To do that, a player must choose a hero
that is to his own liking or as required by the team. There are
several types of heroes to choose from as each is unique with its
own abilities; but they can be classified into three major
categories: Tanks, Damage-dealers, and Support. An ideal team is
supposed to have at least one of each of these types for it to be
balanced and secure a victory easier. MOBA games such as
Mobile Legends puts great emphasis on cooperation and
teamwork as the main factors to win a match. To be a great team
player, one must not only familiarize himself with the abilities of
his chosen hero, but the abilities of his team mates' and enemy's
as well. This is the reason why the learning curve of this game
continuously evolves as new heroes and abilities gets added over
time. With the help of this guide that begins from the basic
mechanics to hero specific strategies, the first time MOBA player
is expected to evolve from an absolute beginner to a Legend in no
time. 25 Aug 2021

Definition of Terms
Ace - When all champions on the enemy team are dead.
AD - Attack Damage.
ADC – Attack Damage Carry.
AFK – Away From Keyboard; not responding.
Aggro - To have tower aggro means the tower is targeting you.
AoE - Area of Effect; spells that do damage to an area as opposed
to just one target.
AP - Ability Power.
AP Mid - The mage that takes the mid lane.
ArP - Armor Penetration.
AS - Attack Speed. The number of times your hero can auto-
attack per second.
Asap - As soon as possible.
Assassin - The role of the assassin is to sneak or jump past the
tanks (ignoring them completely) and go straight for the enemy
squishies at the back (e.g. the carry). They do a lot of burst
damage and usually do not stay in the fight for long.
ATM - At the moment.
Back – Retreat.
Bait – Someone who is used to lure enemy heroes.
BD – Backdoor; to attack a tower without any minions.
BG - Bad game.
BP – Battle Points.
Blue - Could refer to the blue buff.
Boss - High risk, high reward monsters that exist in the jungle.
BRB - Be right back. 25 Aug 2021

Buff – Something that makes a hero stronger in some way.

Build – The set of equipment designed for a hero.
Burst - Dealing a large amount of damage in a short time; also
called nuke.
Bush - The tall grass on the map where you can hide.
Carry – A hero that has a slow start in the beginning but
becomes formidable in the end game. Means they will need to be
carried in the beginning but end up compensating by carrying the
team towards the end.
CDR – Cooldown reduction.
Clear - Killing enemy creep waves as fast as possible.
Creeps - The endless little AI units that spawn in waves within
each lane.
CC – Crowd Control; abilities that inflict status effects (stuns,
slow, silence, etc.)
Dive – Attack an enemy under his turret's range.
DPS – Damage per second.
Duo Lane - The right or left most lane that has the longest
distance of travel usually taken by a Tank/Support and ADC.
Enemy MIA - A heads up to other players that an enemy might
have left their respective lane to gank another lane.
Farm - Killing creep waves in lanes or monster camps in jungles
for experience gains.
Feed – To die successively in the game.
Focus – To cast all attacks toward a single enemy.
Gank - Act of sneaking/teaming up on an enemy in a lane to get
an easy kill. 25 Aug 2021

Ganker - Role usually filled by a Jungler that focuses on

ambushing and teaming up on enemies.
Harass - An ability (usually long range) that forces an enemy to
pull back from their lane or play defensively.
Initiate - Attacking an enemy first or forcing them to engage in
order for your teammates to follow suite.
Juke – To trick someone into going the wrong way when being
Jungle – The land in between lanes.
Jungler - The player who mostly stays in the jungle and gains
gold from killing the monsters there.
KS – Killsteal; to steal a kill from someone by getting the last hit
on the hero.
Kite – Attacking an enemy unit from a distance while constantly
moving backwards as they chase.
Last Hitting – dealing the last hit on enemy minions to gain the
most gold.
L2P - Learn to play.
Lane – Main zones on the map where turrets are stationed.
Lifesteal - Allows you to regain part of the damage you dealt as
Mana – Magic Power
MF - Miss Fortune.
MIA - Missing in action.
Mid – Refers to the middle lane.
Minions – Creeps.
ML – Mobile Legends.
MOBA – Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. 25 Aug 2021

MrP - Magic resistance penetration or simply magic penetration.

MS - Movement Speed.
MVP - Most valuable player.
N1 - Nice one.
Nerf – To weaken a certain characteristic, usually a hero to
balance the game.
Noob – Bad player.
NP - No problem.
Nuke – Dealing a large amount of damage in a short time, also
called burst. Sometimes people also use nuke to refer to dealing a
large amount of area damage.
Nuker – Someone who is capable of nuking.
Objective – Tower or turret.
OP – Overpowered.
Overextending - A hero moving too far in the enemy's territory.
Passive – An ability that a hero has naturally; not active.
Peel - Use of crowd control abilities to force an enemy off a
retreating ally.
Poke - A form of harass which uses long ranged attacks to cause
small to moderate damage in order to weaken an enemy, while
keeping a safe position.
Proc – Activate/trigger.
Pull - First hit on a jungle monster done by someone other than
the person that will kill the monster.
Push – To advance in lane towards the enemy base with the
intention of destroying towers or inhibitors.
Pusher - Great at clearing lanes and pushing objectives. 25 Aug 2021

Push to win – Signals one final push in which you expect to

destroy the enemy structure and end the game.
QQ – May refer to someone who is crying/raging.
Ragequitter – Someone who leaves the game out of anger or
River – The body of water that runs from the top left to the
bottom right of the map.
Roam - Move across the map constantly to gank other lanes,
invade the jungle, etc.
Scale – Characteristic of a skill or character to grow up in power
over time.
Shop – The in-game shop where you can buy items for your hero.
Silence – Someone who is silenced cannot cast any abilities.
Skillshot – An ability which does not lock on to your target.
Snowballing – Snowballing means getting stronger exponentially
throughout the game.
Split Push - When two parties are pushing in different lanes.
Squishy – A hero that is easy to kill; has low HP and armor.
Stack – Refers to ability or item effects that pile up.
Stun – A crowd control ability that disables one to move and cast
any ability.
Support – A hero whose main role is to aid his team mates.
Sustain - Long-term regeneration; also refers to abilities or items
that helps a hero to survive longer.
Tank – Hero with high HP and armor.
Tower – Primary defense structure in each lane; turret.
True Damage – Damage that isn't affected by any resistance
reduction. 25 Aug 2021

UI – User Interface.
Ult – Ultimate; a hero's strongest ability. 25 Aug 2021

Familiarizing with the Environment

Upon launching the game, you will be brought to a series of
tutorials to help you familiarize with the game's controls and
mechanics. Just follow the voice prompts as you go. If you are
already familiar with the Mobile Legends environment, you can
skip this part.
When you start out with Mobile Legends, the initial screen
might be too much to handle with all the menus and buttons laid
out in your screen. You need not to worry for it won't take long
before you are able to determine where the exact buttons are even
when blindfolded. Now, to make this book's file size as low as
possible, screenshots of the game were not included so it would
be best to have your phone and the game open so you could
interact with the UI itself as the different buttons and menus are
being explained.
Starting at the top left, when you touch your account icon
you'll be able to see your account's basic info. This menu contains
everything it is to know about your Mobile Legends account. Now
you can hit the account button at the bottom part where you'll
have the option to connect your Facebook, Google Play, and VK
accounts. Next to the account button is Customer Service. If you
press it it's going to open a new window to cater for any account
related problem you might encounter. Next to it is the FAQ
button, and then options. These are the same options you are
able to access during a match. You can change your graphics and
sound settings, language, and controls. Going back to the
previous window, the fight info menu on the left tells you an 25 Aug 2021

overview of how many matches you've done, your win ratio, etc.
The favorite heroes menu shows your win rates and matches that
you've done with certain heroes. Past results show the previous
matches that you've been in. The Credit Score shows your credit
standing. The last menu allows you to view match replays if you
had saved them.
Now moving back to the main menu, at the top just beside
your account icon you can see four golden icons. The first one
that looks like a trophy are your achievements. You'll see in this
menu the different “goals” you can do in every match to earn
some battle points. Check this frequently when you first begin
because there are rewards that you can claim right away. Beside
the trophy icon, is the leaderboards. This will tell you leaders of
basically anything ranked as far as achievements, victories, and
heroes themselves. You can also change from global to local
rankings and compare between your friends as well. Moving on,
beside the leaderboard is the events hall. When you see a red dot
on any of these icons, it indicates that there's an event or a prize
that you haven't claimed yet. The lucky box can also be found
here which is basically a lottery where you can win skins and
other stuff in the game. Moving on to the next icon, the national
arena contest. Basically, these are contests between countries
that they have on a weekly basis. You can check here if you want
to follow these games out. These games are streamed live on the
Mobile Legends YouTube page.
On the upper right portion of the screen you'll find the
different currencies in-game. First one is Tickets, next is Battle
Points, then Diamonds. You can gain Tickets and Battle Points 25 Aug 2021

just by simply playing matches, opening chests, or accomplishing

achievements. You can use these to buy heroes, items, and
upgrade your emblems. Diamonds are the hard currency for this
game that you can buy with real money.
You can see the Rewards tab on the far left side. There are two
types of chests: a medal chest and a free chest. Every four hours
you get a free chest. It can hold up to two chests at one time so if
you don't login within eight hours you can still collect the chests
and the timer will continue counting. The medal chests on the
other hand can be unlocked by medals you get at the end of each
match. The number of medals you get depends on how well you
played. It usually takes about two matches to gain enough medals
to open a chest. On the bottom left corner of the screen you'll find
the world or public chat. This is where you can talk with anybody
that is currently online. Below the Chat you have the Live Stream
menu. Clicking this enables you to stream your match live on
YouTube. Beside Live Stream is the Prep menu where your
emblems are. Emblems are like hard buffs that you get to carry to
a match depending on the type of hero you're going to play. You
can use emblem fragments or magic dusts to level them up.
Below Emblems is the Abilities tab where you can find the
abilities or battle spells that you can take into the game. As you
level up you will unlock better spells. You can only take one of
these spells in each match so choose wisely depending on the
hero you're going to use. Below the abilities is the gear tab where
you can find different item builds for each of your heroes. You
may spend a lot of time here to tailor the best gear combination
for your favorite hero. You can select the hero you would like to 25 Aug 2021

appropriate a build on and create your own or alter one that they
have built. Hit the change tab to change the items on the set.
Don't worry about making a mistake since you can reset it into
the default if you would like to.
Moving on to the third menu at the bottom is the Hero tab.
This menu lets you see every hero that is currently in the game.
You can scroll through them, and select on them. You can also
sum it down to the type of hero you are looking for. The fourth
tab in the bottom is battle mode, which lets you select the game
mode you'd like to play. You can hit on the arrows to change
them or tap in the middle of the screen and scroll to your desired
game mode. At first you can only see two modes which are Match
Up and Human vs. AI. As you level up, more modes will be made
available to you. Right beside battle mode you have Bag. This
menu shows you anything that you have collected in the game.
You can use some of the items here or sell them to gain battle
points. Second to the last on the right is the Shop tab where you
buy heroes, skins, etc. with your battle points or diamonds. The
last tab is Squad. Here you'll see different established squads in-
game. They're more like clubs with a maximum of nine members
per squad. You may opt to create your own squad or join an
existing one. Now that you've got the UI basics covered. Go ahead
and click on the Match Up Mode.
Upon pressing Match Up Mode, you will be sent to a waiting
screen. If you're just starting and don't have any friends yet that
you'd like to play with, just click on “Match Up Now”. What it
does is the system will find nine other players who are also
waiting and create a match. This is an automatic process and you 25 Aug 2021

need not to do anything at this point. You will see at the top part
of the screen a timer which tells the average time it would require
to find a match. Once the game tells you that a match has been
found, just click Enter Game to join. Before you start on a game,
remember you can always choose your Hero, Emblem, Battle
Spell, and Gear. This is where the next chapters of this book are
going to help you. But for now, go ahead and pick whichever
you'd like to use.
Once the match commences at the upper right corner of the
screen you'll see two basic items automatically recommended by
the game for you to purchase based from the gear build that
you've selected earlier. As you become more familiar with item
recipes and the effects they have on your hero, you would have to
plan which items to buy first to effectively deal with your enemy
heroes. For now, just choose any of the two. At the bottom part,
you'll see you have two spells available: Recall and Regen. Recall
will enable you to warp back to your team's base, while Regen
allows you to regenerate lost HP and Mana over a period of time.
As you advance into the game you will notice there's three
different lanes: one in the middle, one on the bottom, and one up
top. If you notice you also have a mini-map on the upper left
corner of your screen where you'll see all of your ally's position at
all times unless they are dead. You will also be able to see
enemies on the mini-map if they come close to one of your allies.
This is something that you should form a habit on to always
check on your mini-map to see where everyone's positions are to
perfectly execute attacks and know when to retreat when you feel
the enemies are going to gank up on you. Forming this habit will 25 Aug 2021

give you a huge advantage throughout the game. Beside the mini-
map is an icon that tells you what your ping is, low ping means
minimal to low lag, while high ping means the opposite. Right
below that is a cog that takes you into the options window where
you can change your graphics and controls. Below the mini-map
is an exclamation mark icon. If you press that icon, the mini map
will enlarge and you can ping a certain area on the map which
will notify your team mates that that area needs attention. On the
right side of the screen are additional pings which makes
communicating with your team mates easier.
On the upper right corner of your screen you'll find a dollar
sign with a number that is always counting which is the gold that
you're collecting throughout the game. If you press that gold it
will open up the shop window. Note that you do not have to be at
the fountain to buy items from the shop. You can purchase
anything at any time as long as you have enough gold. If you
don't have enough gold yet, you can click on an item and click the
recommended button so the system will automatically buy it once
you have the required amount of gold. It's a handy thing to have
if you're trying to change your build in the middle of a match.
At the top part of the screen, you'll see the score and the timer
in the middle. If you press on that you can bring up a window
that shows you every character in the current match you're
playing; the spell they are using, and items they are building into
which can give you a heavy advantage if you utilize the
information. Beside the score and timer, you'll find your fellow
team member's icons. You can see their health and you can also
see a little diamond which means that their hero's ultimate skill is 25 Aug 2021

available to use. Being aware of this helps on strategizing

approaches towards team fights.
On the right side, you can see an arrow that if pressed will
show you all the statistics and will give you a description of every
ability that your current hero has. That way if you have any
questions about it you can always open that menu and read if
At the bottom right part of the screen is where your hero's
abilities are. Starting from the bottom going clockwise is your
first ability, second ability, and your ultimate or “ult”. Lastly,
beside your first ability is the battle spell that you chose earlier.
Familiarizing and mastering the position of these commands and
options will enable you to execute actions and communicate with
your team mates better which in turn would lead you all to
victory. 25 Aug 2021

One of the biggest obstacles first time players face is to decide
what hero they should pick to play and master. Naturally, one
would choose a hero that deals a lot of damage and truth be told,
looks the coolest. Often times players want to be the ADC or the
attack damage carry. However, a team composed of all ADCs will
make it extremely hard for your team to win. In Mobile Legends,
as with most MOBAs, you have the option to play a large array of
heroes. The following information will help you pick which hero
is right for you by discussing about their different roles.

A team's support is the player whose main goal is to make his
team stronger and works best when around his team mates. They
tend to be ineffective in combat on their own but can be the game
changer by empowering allies around them. A great support is
one who is able to dish out lots of crowd control abilities such as
stuns and slows. Moreover, they are able to buff their allies with
additional defense, movement and attack speed boosts, increased
damage, and healing. Sometimes, even tanks take over the
support role to aid his allies. Support heroes typically go in a duo
lane with a ranged ADC and your main goal is to protect the ADC
at all costs. Taking the support role will require you to
understand the meaning of selflessness wherein you will let your
partner take all last hit on the enemy minions while you poke
your enemy heroes to prevent them from touching your partner.
Also as a support, map awareness and control is vital. You have
the responsibility of making sure that you and your ADC doesn't 25 Aug 2021

get ganked and that your allies on team fights have all the buffs
and healing you could possibly deliver. Keep in mind though that
you should not forget about your own too. If the enemy is about
to get away and your partner has already exhausted all his
abilities, then it's okay to take matters into your hands.

A marksman, oftentimes referred to as AD Carry, is a ranged
hero that deals damage to enemies by utilizing life steal and fast
attack speed; often times augmented by critical chances. As a
carry, expect marksmen to be weak in the early game but would
scale to a formidable hero later by building high cost attack
damage items. Other players have to “carry” this hero during the
early phases of the game so he could maximize his gold economy,
giving him almost all last hits on enemy minions. In return, once
this hero has built the right gear, he will carry the rest of his team
throughout the late game. It is important to remember that
Marksmen would remain fairly squishy throughout the entire
game so proper positioning and support from allies would be
needed to be effective.

Mid Laners
Not really a role on its own but for the most part, heroes that
fall to this category are those that are able to dish out huge
amounts of fast and powerful area damage, called bursts. Mages
fall under this category as their abilities allow them to pulverize
minion waves with their AoE spells or focus and kill enemy
heroes with their high damage ult. Assassins also fall into this
category because of their great mobility to escape ganks coming 25 Aug 2021

from both directions of the river. A caveat though, mid laners

tend to be extremely squishy and easy to be killed.

Initiators of team fights. These heroes are able to get into the
heat of the battle and endure all attacks being dealt on them
because of their high health and high defense. They may not have
the highest attack power in the game, but they are disruptive
enough to allow their allies to focus on taking out the enemy
backline while they distract the front lines with their crowd
control abilities. An effective tank must be a good initiator to be
effective or else it will be too easy for the enemy's damage dealers
to ignore him and focus on the team's squishier heroes.

These heroes are considered to be all-rounders. They possess
attributes of a tank, while having abilities that allows them to
deal sufficient damage to the enemies. Fighters often find
themselves in the jungle or the top lane, setting up ganks with
team mates, and sometimes fulfilling a support role too.

A lot of heroes may fall on this category, typically a jungler is
one who can survive fighting jungle creeps, then head towards a
lane to gank an enemy hero. A good jungler is one who has high
HP, has crowd control abilities, and is able to dish out sufficient
damage to kill the enemy. This role isn't recommended for first
timers as it requires an extensive knowledge of the game,
particularly mastering the abilities and strengths of enemy 25 Aug 2021

champions. This book is designed to make even the first-time

player knowledgeable on those. 25 Aug 2021

Lane Selection
Now that you have a general idea on the different roles you can
take in the game, next thing to decide is what lane you will take
during the early phase. Selecting your lane should depend on
your hero's role and the opponent you will face. To stick in a lane
where you have a huge disadvantage against your opponent
would place you in a bad start.
Laning in almost all MOBA follows the same standard
mechanics. The goal is to be the first to reach your enemy's tower
by killing their minion wave and poking your enemy hero in the
process. It sounds simple but effective laning can determine your
team's success early in the game.
There's no hard-set rule on which heroes should take which
lane, but in practice the bottom lane is where the Marksman
(ADC) and the Support is, mid lane is for Magicians and
Assassins, top lane can be taken solo by a Tank or a fighter.
While Marksmen (ADC) have the advantage of distance, they
can't take the mid since they are in a severe disadvantage against
the mages and assassins (APC). Most mages are ranged and can
maintain a safe distance while dealing heavy burst damage which
is extremely effective against squishy ADCs. That's why ADCs
thrive at the bottom lane with a support hero where they can
position themselves properly and avoid ganks since there's only
one side of the lane to watch for.
Even though APCs like mages provide heavy burst damage
that can delete enemy heroes quickly, these abilities often have
long cooldowns. If the enemy hero survives their burst damage, 25 Aug 2021

they would be like sitting ducks as mages generally don't have

great mobility and are extremely squishy as well. Mages can be
rendered useless once affected by crowd control skills that's why
they are best suited in the midlane where they can maintain their
distance from the enemy, clear out minion waves fast with their
AoE spells, and exchange trades with enemy heroes in a fast pace.
One thing to remember when you're in mid lane is to always be
aware of your mini map. Junglers most often target mid laners
due to a huge window where they could gank. Once the first mid
tower has been destroyed, it's better to roam instead of
continuing to push due to the high probability of being ganked.
The top lane where fighters and some tanks opt to go would
require one to hold it by himself and be prepared against ganks
from junglers due to its convenient location. Even though these
heroes have high defense, they are generally melee attackers
which puts them at a range disadvantage against Marksmen or
Magicians since they need to get close to minions which makes
them easy targets.
If you know that you are at a disadvantage, try to swap with
your team mate that is more suited to face the opposing hero.
Knowing your hero and what they can handle will give you an
edge in every fight and would bring you closer to victory. 25 Aug 2021

Game Phases
Each game is primarily composed of three periods: early game,
mid game, and late game. Within these periods exists three
phases namely: first and second laning phase, support laning
phase, and the team phase. The first and second laning phase is a
period in which the hero that covers the lane attempts to destroy
the enemy's tower. It is considered that the first laning phase
ends once the first enemy tower gets destroyed. But do note that
not all three lanes will end its first laning phase at the same time.
Nevertheless, once your lane's first laning phase ends, you will
enter the support laning phase. This phase is where you are now
free to roam and support allies in their own lanes to end their
laning phase. Once all three lanes have destroyed the first towers,
you enter a second laning phase where your objective is to
destroy each lane's second tower. While in this phase you will
also enter another phase called the team phase where majority of
the team fights occur as well as hunts for the bosses. This is
around the mid and late game already.

Early Game
The first phase of every match and is one of the most
important since it will set the tempo for the entire game. If all of
your team's lanes lose the laning phase, making a comeback
would be extremely difficult. On the other hand, winning the first
laning phase may set your team to an easy victory. This phase is
straight forward and starts as the game begins. Everyone has
cheap basic items and limited abilities which makes it impossible
to unleash any deadly combos yet. What more everyone is 25 Aug 2021

squishy in this phase. This is where a majority of your farming

will happen. To make it easier for first time players to
understand, here's a detailed description of terms associated
during the laning phase.
Farming – literally translates to acquiring the most gold
possible. To maximize farming would mean fast gold and better
equipment early in the game. A technique to maximize this is by
“last hitting” minions to receive the most amount of gold.
Another tactic is after clearing the first wave of minions, you can
go to the jungle and clear the first jungle creep before the second
wave arrives.
Ganks – attacks to the enemy in your lane by one or two
heroes, by surprise, in hopes of securing a kill for the team.
Poking – harassing your enemy by constantly hitting them
with your basic attack or ability which would force them to
retreat back to their bases or behind their towers. Doing this
would deny them of last hitting opportunities and experience as
Lane Dominance – a term used to describe how much control
you have over the lane you are in. If you have pushed the battle
near the enemy's turret then you have lane dominance. Having
control over the lane is great since you could deny your enemies
farm opportunities since they would be busy defending their
towers, however, this is a double-edged sword as it could prove to
be fatal because you will vulnerable to ganks.
Freezing a Lane – simply means both teams are able to
maintain the battle exactly in the middle point between the two
turrets. 25 Aug 2021

Over Extending – passing the middle point between the two

towers and being closer to the enemy's tower. If you find yourself
over extending, always be cautious of ganks.
Tower Hugging – standing right under your tower to defend
it. Doing this helps in two ways, one, it gives the enemy the false
impression of superiority and luring them towards making a
mistake, two, it slows down the enemy's progress and
lengthening the life of your tower.
Zoning – being aware of the tactics associated with being in
each of the zone areas and using this to control your enemy's
To effectively execute tactics, one must have an understanding
of the different zone associated in each lane; which are as follows:
Green Zone – This area represents the one closest to your
turret which is also considered to be the safest. You will find that
enemies rarely attempt to gank when you are in this zone,
however it comes with the cost of having them extremely close to
your turret and possibly be able to take it down. As a rule, hold on
to your position as a long as you can while the enemy is inside the
green zone. If you don't you run the risk of losing the laning
Yellow Zone – this area represents the space between the
green zone and the middle of the lane. This is the optimal
position to be whenever you are laning as you are able to
maintain a good distance from your turret while making it
difficult for your enemies to execute a gank. When things get
heated, you can easily go back to the green zone and possibly ask
for help. 25 Aug 2021

Orange Zone – this area represents the yellow zone of your

enemy, it is past the midway point between the two towers. If you
are in this position you would have to be extremely cautious as
you are much vulnerable to ganks and your distance to your own
tower is rather long. Be careful and don't linger too much in this
zone and make sure you have an escape plan ready in case the
enemy decides to gank on you.
Red Zone – this area represents the green zone of your enemy,
which is the zone within their tower's range. You should avoid
being in this zone at all costs unless you are going for the push or
planning to dive on an enemy. If you get hit by a crowd control
skill here would mean your death.
Those were the following zones on each lane. Make sure to be
aware of your position each time you are laning to maximize your
effectivity and minimize losses.
Here are some tips on how you can effectively conquer your
enemy's turret during the laning phase.
First is to identify your enemy. If you've determined that you
are not paired well against him then request your team mates for
a swap. If none of your team mates agree, remember the different
zones and play it smart. While laning, your goal is to maximize
your gold economy by being able to deal last hits on the minions
while poking on your enemy heroes to deny them of it. Clear the
first wave as fast as you can then head to the jungle to clear the
first jungle creep. Alternate between laning and jungling but only
if your lane is safe. You don't want to risk your enemy heroes to
establish lane dominance. Be careful because if you can poke the
enemy, surely they can poke you too. Be the smarter player and 25 Aug 2021

position yourself so that you deal lots of damage to them while

you receive as little damage as possible. Always try to remain in
the yellow zone, but when opportunity strikes, push into the red
zone to establish lane dominance. The best time to do this is
when your enemy died or returned to base and the lane is
basically empty. If you find yourself in a situation where you lost
lane dominance and the enemy is within your yellow or green
zone, do not leave the tower. Ask for support if you can but make
it a point to not abandon the tower. Be careful if you have low HP
at this point since they may try to dive on you but your presence
is enough to deter them from going all out to push specially if you
continue to harass them with your abilities. It's very much
possible that you will lose your tower soon when you're at this
point, but hugging the tower will allow you to extend your tower's
life for some time.
You have to remember too that even though it's good to harass
the enemy, be mindful that you should not spend too much time
in the orange and red zones. Over extending gets people killed.
Another note is if your initial clashes always happen in the red
zone, you will most likely lose the kill often as you won't have
enough space to chase on them and deliver that final blow.
Remember that positioning is key. In the event that the clashes
did happen in the red zone and you're just this little bit close to
getting that first blood and your enemy run towards their turret,
do not chase. More often than not when you chase you'll get
yourself killed. Do not fall prey to your own greediness. A kill is
nice, but remember that if you get killed in the process you also
lose the opportunity to farm or clear minion waves and gain 25 Aug 2021

experience. Sending the enemy back to base is as good as a kill

since you deny them the chance to earn gold and exp.
During the laning phase you are allowed to return to base but
be strategic about it. Do not go back to base when your enemy
heroes are in the green zone. Instead, do it when you are in the
red zone, your enemy is dead, or they went back to base too. It is
good practice to always call and tell your team mates if your
opponent suddenly leaves your lane as this could mean that they
are setting up an attack. Always pay attention to your map and be
aware of everything that is happening around you. When your
lane opponent decides to help his team mate in another lane,
follow suite and support your team mate as well.
The laning phase is where the mental battle happens more
often as each of you are still gauging each other's skills. It is
crucial to maintain your composure at all times during this
phase. It is widely accepted among players that the moment you
become angry or agitated means you've already lost the game as
you will most likely commit crucial mistakes when you're angry.
When you find yourself getting agitated, it is best to take a pause
or play relaxing music in the background before you engage your
enemies again.

Mid Game
Ganks happen a lot during this period. Since both teams may
have already passed the first laning phase, the support laning
phase will take over. During this phase, lots of towers will fall as
heroes team up together and go for the push. You have lots of
options during this phase. You can farm jungle minions or you
can help protect a tower. You may help to gank the mid or you 25 Aug 2021

may opt to push another lane. At this point in the game, both
sides will have sufficient amount of abilities and gear that getting
the last hit from minions won't be a problem anymore. You
should ensure that you already have at least one or two third tier
item in your bag and perhaps boots to aid your mobility. You will
find that enemy heroes also roam more compared to the earlier
laning phase so be prepared when you encounter any of them.
During this phase, going for the boss is recommended as this will
give your team the much welcome gold boost and push. There's
no clear indicator when the mid game ends but most often it's
when most second towers have been destroyed.

Late Game
This period is all about strategy. Most heroes would have their
full item build done and are at their full power. Team fights will
happen everywhere and you will find yourself engaged one after
the other. Again, late game is all about strategy, positioning, and
team coordination. Different games will bring out different
outcomes. If you win this time then good, if not try to determine
which areas you did right, and which ones you could improve
more. What differentiates good from bad players is their ability to
master not only their own heroes, but their enemy's as well. 25 Aug 2021

In-Depth Review of Heroes

Akai was exiled to the distant land of dawn by his villagers for
eating up all of the food they had stored for the winter. Here his
surprising power and size have received heavy admiration. As long
as you can satisfy his endless appetite, there is no enemy that this
guy cannot defeat.

Role: Tank
Specialty: Charge/Crowd Control
Emblem: Tank Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Dominance Ice, Rapid Boots, Cursed Helmet,
Bloodthirsty King, Heart of Steel, Immortality

Akai is considered to be one of the tankiest hero in ML. Also

known as Panda to some, he specializes in team fights and the
ability to single out enemy carries using his ultimate skill. You
would want to bring a Tank emblem and Purify as your battle
spell to aid Panda. Item wise, it's recommended to gear towards
Area of Effect (AoE) items and those that offer additional HP.
The reason is Akai's passive, Brute Force, increases his physical
attacks equivalent to two percent of his HP. More HP means
more damage. Because of the amount of crowd control skills that
exists in this game, carrying Purify with Panda is essential since
you can be stunned and slowed during your ult form which will 25 Aug 2021

make it a little bit trickier for you to successfully push people

towards the turret or stack them on the wall for additional
damage. Another thing to consider is, some skills, like Nana's ult
for example, can actually cancel your ult's effect completely if she
turns you into a raccoon. So if you sense that they'll be using a lot
of CC skills on you, a tactic is to jump in and use Purify
immediately, followed by your ult so no one can affect you while
you do the canon ball. Not to mention it will also give you a speed
boost that allows you to push enemies faster with your ult.
Akai's recommended item build as mentioned earlier leans
towards items that offers additional max HP to increase his
tankiness and damage. The build starts with Dominance Ice to
take advantage of the AoE slow and the twenty percent cooldown
reduction that it offers. It is important to note that his movement
speed is the same even if he is in ult form, so get Rapid Boots
immediately so no one can escape his canon ball. Follow this up
with a Cursed Helmet for the amazing AoE damage to
surrounding units and the additional HP it offers. Next is
Bloodthirsty King which will give the highest HP any single item
can offer and the HP regeneration that comes along with it. It is a
matter of personal preference on what you will end the build with
depending on the enemy team composition. You may opt to get
Immortality and a Heart of Steel so you can endure the crazy
critical strike damage that any marksman can do.
The standard combo for Akai is to jump in with his Thousand
Powder, then immediately cast Guardian for the additional
damage and shield, then use his ult Meat Tank immediately.
However, sometimes the slight second delay that it takes for Akai 25 Aug 2021

to use his second ability might mean the escape of the enemy. So
to prevent this you can cast your ultimate immediately after you
jump in so you can push people around and potentially go for the
kill. When you're moving, make it a habit to have your finger tip
over your first skill so you are always ready for the jump. Also
make sure you have your boots before level four, before you finish
Dominance Ice. It is important for Akai to have Boots at that
point as it will boost up his movement speed while in his ultimate
form so you can actually push people around. When you're
pushing enemy heroes with your ultimate to the direction you
want them to go, make sure that you are not making excessive
amounts of movement. Just lightly tilt your movement to adjust
Akai's direction and it will provide you a much better control over
the push. Don't be afraid to practice and use your ultimate skill as
often as you can as this will give you a better sense of how Panda
moves while in this state. Also, Panda's ultimate skill has a
relatively short cooldown time so just go ahead and use it
whenever you can. If you make a mistake just remember that
even pro players get it wrong sometimes. Since panda is such a
great team fighter, make it a habit to always look at the mini-map
and find opportunities where you can help your team mates to
gank and go for the kill. Because panda is not a strong tower
pusher or objective seeker, your goal is to roam around the map
and help on team fights whenever or wherever they are. 25 Aug 2021

Thousands of years ago, the humans defeated the Blood Demons
and imprisoned their queen Alice in the dark abyss. Today, the
land of dawn faces a huge disturbance. The seal's power has slowly
weakened, and Alice has broken free of her ancient prison, driven
by her endless lust for blood. She has sucked the life out of any
creature in her path, and now, momentarily satisfied, she has set
her sights on.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Regen/Charge
Emblem: Magic Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Eternal Scepter, Arcane Boots, Enchanted Talisman,
Frost, Blood Wings, Flame of Fury

Alice can be pretty hard to play particularly in the early and

mid game since she is one of the slowest heroes in the game.
Getting her an item that boosts movement speed like Arcane
Boots as soon as possible will greatly help with her mobility.
What she lacks in mobility she compensates with her mana. She's
one of the heroes that has a huge mana pool so be generous on
spamming your skills on enemy minions to clear them faster and
maximize your gold economy and experience. Take note to
always last hit a minion since her passive ability allows her to
permanently increase her magic power by a point for each minion
she kills. Alice's first ability, Flowing Blood, deals magic damage 25 Aug 2021

to the enemy by throwing a blood orb and allows her to teleport

to the orb's location. You can utilize this skill to initiate team
fights or use it as your mobility tool to escape from sticky
situations. This is also her main utility skill since it costs
relatively low mana and has a short cool down time. Use this to
poke on your enemy heroes to mentally harass them. Alice's
second ability, Blood Awe, deals tremendous amounts of magic
damage to surrounding enemies and inflicts the stun status for
one second. What more, once they get out of stun they'll find
themselves slowed down for another 1.5 seconds which by that
time you would already have burst damaged them with your
attacks. Alice's ultimate, Blood Ode, deals magic damage to all
enemy units in her surrounding area which is extremely effective
during team fights when everyone is clumped together allowing
her to deal damage to almost all enemy heroes in her range.
A standard combo for Alice is to initiate contact with your first
skill, teleport to the orb's location, then immediately cast your
ultimate to deal heavy damage. Spam your abilities then cast your
second ability to stun the enemy as they try to escape. But always
be mindful of your enemies since you don't want them to affect
you with any crowd control skills since Alice is so squishy, once
you're stunned you can be guaranteed to be devoured. Proper
positioning is important in all team fights. Patience is key when
playing Alice as she will show her prowess later in the game. She
snowballs hard so just make it a point to not let yourself be fed.
Maximize your resources and always alternate between lane and
jungle whenever you can. Once your equipment build is done,
your enemies will find themselves running for their lives. 25 Aug 2021

Get Alice an Eternal Scepter to increase her magic damage,

HP for additional sustain, and increase her mana pool. To solve
her mobility problems, get Arcane Boots. You may also opt to
bring Assault battle spell instead of Purify to get out of tricky
situations. But then you have your first skill to blink out so it's a
matter of personal preference. Purify is recommended so that
once you're stunned, just tap on it, launch your second ability to
stun them back and deal serious damage. Follow it up with an
Enchanted Talisman which provides cooldown reduction so she
could spam her skills much faster. Frost and Flame of Fury gives
more movement speed she needs while increasing her magic
damage in the process. Finish the build with Blood Wings to
further augment her magical powers and make her burst much
deadlier. 25 Aug 2021

Alpha is another creation of Laboratory 1718 after Saber left. Mad
scientists got a new idea from a famous sci-fi movie. Using human
bodies as biological material and space meteorite as metal
skeletons, they created powerful twins. Alpha and Beta, known as
“Flesh Weapon”, are capable of utilizing a supernatural power
that’s had their consciousness awakened since they were born, and
refused to become killing machines. Getting help from Saber, they
escaped from the alt-world. However, on their way to escape,
Beta’s core was destroyed. All that Alpha could bring out was
Beta’s half metal arm. After coming to the Land of Dawn, with the
help of master machinist Rooney, now Beta keeps company with
Alpha as a form of an aircraft.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Damage/Charge
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Hunter Strike, Rapid Boots, Crazed Reaper,
Dominance Ice, Immortality, Bloodthirsty King

Alpha is greatly known for his amazing team fight and crowd
control abilities. That's why a great build for him is one that is
team fight oriented; gearing towards cooldown reduction and
sustainability. To start, carry a Physical emblem for the
additional damage and great HP it offers. Then pick Purify as
your standard fighter battle spell. Item wise, start with building 25 Aug 2021

Hunter Strike as it provides Alpha with amazing damage and a

twenty percent cooldown reduction. Follow it up with rapid boots
for roaming capabilities, and Crazed Reaper for great damage,
armor shreds and some HP. To complete the forty percent
cooldown reduction, build a Dominance Ice which would in effect
allow Alpha to use his ultimate skill every ten seconds or so. After
these core equipment, it's just a matter of personal choice
depending on the situation you find yourself into. It's
recommended to get Immortality and Bloodthirsty King for
more survivability.
Alpha's passive skill, Go Beta!, enables him to summon his
twin Beta when he uses his abilities. Once summoned, Beta will
attack enemy targets continuously and deal true damage to them.
His first ability, Rotary Impact, launches a slash directly in front
of him that deals physical damage to all enemy heroes or minions
it hits and in effect would also lower their movement speed by
about sixty percent which would last two seconds. After the initial
animation, Alpha's twin Beta will deal additional damage along
the path. Alpha's second ability, Force Swing, damages all
enemies directly in front in a conical area and deal sufficient
amounts of damage and slows them down. The great thing about
this skill is every hit that it lands on the enemies will increase
Alpha's attack speed by about five percent and restore some of his
HP. Again, Alpha's twin Beta will show up and deal additional
damage. Max out the first ability first for the long range
continuous harassment of your enemies. Partner it up with your
second ability to be as annoying as possible. Remember, ML is a
mental game; constantly harassing enemies with these skills will 25 Aug 2021

most likely make them commit mistakes. If the enemy team gets
close to farm minions, make sure to use your abilities to activate
your passive skill which will summon Alpha's twin, Beta, and
attack enemies for loads of true damage. When you have your ult
ready, try to roam and find opportunities whenever you can to
give your team the edge you need to win the game. When you're
playing Alpha you have to be patient and find the perfect
opportunity with your ult ideally when your team is standing
together. Also, never be too hasty on going back to base
particularly if your team is still together. And as a general rule,
always pay attention to your mini map so you can scout
opportunities. A good combo for Alpha is when you jump in with
your ult, use your first ability immediately, auto-attack, utilize a
slow on your enemy, and when they try to escape use your second
ability to catch and finish them off. After a successful team fight,
your next goal is to always finish objectives. Again, don't be so
hasty of going back to farm or going back to base but instead find
the opportunity to finish objectives. 25 Aug 2021

When just a child, both of Alucard’s parents were killed by demons
and he was imprisoned and suffered cruelties at their hands for
several months, until finally he was rescued by demon hunters and
was raised by them. From a young age, he was raised to be an
outstanding demon hunter, with an extreme enmity for the demon
race. The three iron laws of the demon hunters are: Swear no
allegiance to any army; Spare not a single one of demonkind;
Never stop carrying out missions.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Charge/Crowd Control
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Retribution
Item Build: Raptor Machete, Tooth of Greed, Thor's Sting, Blade
of Destruction, Immortality, Wind Chaser

Who doesn't know Alucard? ML's Alucard adapts the same

demon hunter persona of this famous character that shook the
demon world a few years back... or so they say. Killing Alucard in
a one on one situation is not an easy task, and it's equally hard to
get away from a good Alucard. He can be a huge contributor on
winning team fights with his effective AoE damage. His passive
skill, Pursuit, allows him to teleport to a targeted enemy and deal
extra damage. This is extremely useful to chase targets down.
Even if they use Flicker or other mobility abilities, you can still
teleport to catch up to them. This skill is essential in setting up 25 Aug 2021

his combos so make sure to understand how it works. Alucard's

first ability, Groundsplitter, allows him to leap forward and deal
damage to the enemies where he lands. This is his utility ability
so make sure to utilize this as often as you can. You can also use it
to close the gap when you're chasing an enemy. As a note, this
skill is not a great mobility skill to escape during team fights or
ganking scenarios as it is inconsistent to use for jumping over
walls so keep that in mind. His second ability, Whirling Smash, is
a skill that affects a fan shaped area in front of him and deals
sufficient amount of damage. Alucard's ult, Fission Wave,
increases his overall lifesteal on a specific enemy for eight
seconds and causes the passive 1.2 times damage and increases
his lifesteal as well. While engaged, you can cast it again to send
out a wave for a substantial amount of damage. This ability is
effective particularly if you have your lifesteal items built. If
you're low on HP on a team fight, don't be afraid to cast his ult
again and turn on the enemy. Most likely you will get your life
back due to the lifesteal you have and with the right combo could
potentially wipe the enemy team as well.
In a team fight, never attack from the same side as your team,
instead, go around their back line and kill their ADC that is
hiding behind his team mates. After succesfully slaying the ADC,
target the remaining team members one by one with your
abilities. Be wary of your surroundings so that you can avoid
crowd control skills that the enemy heroes will use on you. Once
they started to focus on you and you got caught with their CC it
would mean death. Alucard works well with team mates that
understands how you work since he is not strong on his own. So 25 Aug 2021

always go with a partner and plan your team fights well to make
the most out of him. Juggle your way between laning and farming
in the jungle whenever they respawn and don't forget to check
enemy jungle creeps whenever you get the chance. Alucard is
really strong but if you fall behind the lead, you will be an easy
target for enemy champions and would make it extremely hard to
win the game. So early on, always look into your mini map and
look for opportunities to gank your enemies and roam around the
jungle for your gold and exp. The best thing to do with Alucard is
to play it safe and don't be greedy.
Item wise, start with a Raptor Machete which offers lots of
damage, attack speed, and extra exp when jungling. Slaying
jungle creeps increases your physical attack by four and it stacks
up to ten times. Bring the battle spell Retribution because this
item will make your spell applicable to heroes. Retribution can
reduce the enemy's movement speed and deals a little true
damage within three seconds. You can also opt to bring Purify
which will greatly help during tricky situations. Next get a Tooth
of Greed which will grant Alucard more physical damage and life
steal. This item is the most important item for this hero so make
sure to build this as soon as you can. Follow it up with Thor's
Sting which gives more attack speed and mobility. Next is Blade
of Destruction which provides more physical damage, critical
chance, and critical damage. Finish the build with Immortality
and Wind Chaser for more sustain. 25 Aug 2021

The renowned Bloodaxe Orcs are the descendants of interbreeding
between blood demons and other devils, and their custom of using
arcane magic to infect the entire bodies of their enemies and
animals with blood is a testament to this fact. They are
bloodthirsty and war-loving, and the strongest among them is
named Balmond.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Regen/Crowd Control
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Assault
Item Build: Warrior Boots, Cursed Helmet, Bloodthirsty King,
Blade Armor, Bruteforce Breastplate, Immortality

Balmond is a great hero to start with because he is effective

during early and mid-game. Lane domination by ganking lanes
and killing enemy heroes may prove the win early in the game.
Balmond's passive, Bloodthirst, provides him HP regeneration
each time he kills a minion or an enemy hero. His first ability,
Soul lock, allows him to move forward in a dash which could deal
some damage to enemies he hits along the way. This ability also
enables him to slow enemy heroes by up to fifty percent for about
three seconds. Balmond can also use this skill to dash away from
enemies in sticky situations as this is his main mobility skill. His
second ability, Cyclone Sweep, allows him to rapidly swing his 25 Aug 2021

axe to enemy units around an area which deals some damage

with each attack.
At the start, get Cyclone Sweep first as this will be your main
utility skill. Always clear the lane minions first before going to the
jungle to farm for your first jungle creep. Quickly go back to your
lane to clear the succeeding minion waves. Do this for a couple of
times, alternating between laning and jungling. Kill as many
creeps as possible to maximize your exp and gold. It is your
objective particularly in the early game to build your gear as fast
as possible and to not be left behind experience wise. Once you've
built the Cursed Helmet and the Bloodthirsty King, play
Balmond as risky and brute as you want; don't be scared of the
enemy. ADCs have no chance against you even under the
protection of their turrets.
Bring with you an Assault battle spell to provide Balmond
additional mobility as this will be extremely useful later in the
game to chase enemies running from your overpowering abilities.
Always get Cursed Helmet first no matter if the enemy team have
mages or none. This item alone will give you a sufficient amount
of HP, Magic Resist, and will deal two percent of your max HP as
Magic Damage. With this item equipped, whenever you use your
second ability, you and your enemies will feel the damage
difference. Also get Warrior Boots for extra mobility. Follow this
up with the Bloodthirsty King for a huge HP and HP regen boost.
With only these two items and the amount of HP they give and
his passive skill, Balmond will have tremendous sustain during
team fights and will allow him to deal lots of damage on enemy
units as well. With the Bloodthirsty King on board, it will be 25 Aug 2021

almost impossible to kill Balmond. After having fun with just

these two items, follow it up with Blade Armor which will provide
you with one hundred additional armor and reflect a quarter of
the damage enemies deal to you. During your second ability's
animation, you can't do anything else while it's active, that is the
reason why you would need something that will do passive
damage while it's active and Blade Armor is the perfect item for
that. An optional item to add to his arsenal is the Brute Force
Breastplate which will provide additional HP and armor; it also
increases movement speed and damage whenever you attack an
enemy. This effect lasts for four seconds and can stack up to four
times. To finish this build, get an Immortality and you would just
be that, almost immortal. Just remember to not be too greedy for
kills and your win will be almost guaranteed. 25 Aug 2021

Many years ago, Captain Bane roamed the seas on his ship, the
Black Pearl, and the ever-victorious sea dwellers called him Lord of
the Seven Seas. Today he has awakened from the briny depths,
bringing his cursed body and a tattered Black Pearl back to these
waters. He must announce his return to the sea dwellers and renew
his reign here.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Push
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Execute
Item Build: Blade of Despair, Blade of Destruction, Magic Shoes,
Saint's Refuge, Dominance Ice, Immortality.

Bane is a fighter and does melee damage and is a great lane

pusher and an all-rounder. He specializes in crowd control,
debuffs, and sustain. Because of his ultimate, he has great
pushing capabilities and this is what makes him a must have in
every match. Bane's Passive, Shark Bite, works where every six
seconds, his basic attack damage increases by a certain
percentage and deals splash damage to nearby enemies. This
passive is extremely useful on team fights and during the laning
phase when he's clearing out minion waves for maximum gold.
His first ability, Crab Claw Cannon, costs relatively low mana
and is his main harassment skill. He fires and deals lots of
damage to the specified target and causes splash damage to the 25 Aug 2021

surrounding enemies too. It will inflict a slow status to the

enemies affected as well as armor reduction. Bane's second
ability, Rum, is a support skill where you can heal yourself and
surrounding ally units. With this you won't find him going back
to base often. His ultimate, Air Assault, summons a battleship
that barrages enemies along the way and deals sufficient amount
of damage to be extremely effective in lane pushing.
Get him an Execute as your battle spell. Item wise, get Bane
some Magic Shoes to increase his mobility. Follow it up with a
Blade of Despair and Blade of Destruction to increase his
damage and attack speed as well as his critical chance and
damage. To increase his sustain, get him a Saint's Refuge and
Dominance Ice. These two defensive items will provide him the
much needed boost so he can do his job on team fights to
effectively cast those CC spells and support allies with his heal.
Last item is entirely optional but it's best to get something like
Immortality to further increase his sustain. Or get an offensive
item like a Crazed Reaper if you want to.
As Bane, your main objective is to take down as many towers
as possible. This is an easy task for you because of your ultimate
skill. Pressure the enemy team by getting their towers taken
down one by one while your team mates push the other lanes as
well. It's what bane specializes in, lane pushing particularly in
the early game when just simply casting your ultimate is enough
to slay some enemy heroes in the way. Be generous with your
second ability whenever you're with your team mates to heal
them as well. Getting the Lord together with your ult will make
your team push objectives easier. 25 Aug 2021

Born in the slums, Bruno was always more frail than other
children his age, but this did not prevent him from having a heart
that yearned for freedom. One day in a terrible incident, Bruno lost
both of his legs trying to save a friend, causing him to pretty much
give up on life. The scholars of Eruditio however heard his story,
and out of pity for his misfortune and admiration for his bravery,
they decided to use the city’s most advanced technology to make a
new pair of legs for him. When Bruno was finally able to stand on
two legs again, he was surprised to discover that his mechanical
legs allowed him to run like the wind. To express his gratitude,
Bruno vowed to always protect the City of Scholars to his dying
breath. Eruditio in turn made an energy ball weapon that works
with his mechanical legs, and from that day, anyone who tried to
cross the citizens of Eruditio were met with Bruno’s merciless
attacks. The people simply call him The Protector.

Role: Marksman
Specialty: Reap
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Flicker
Item Build: Warrior Boots, Blade of Destruction, Blade of
Despair, Tooth of Greed, Thor's Sting, Scarlet Phantom

Bruno's passive, Mecha Legs, allows him to stack critical strike

chances up to five times each time he uses one of his abilities and
causes damage to enemy units. This works greatly with his
ultimate skill. His first ability, Volley Shot, shoots an energy ball 25 Aug 2021

toward an enemy target and deals a lot of damage and inflicts

slow. It's best if you could max this out first for maximum
efficiency particularly the slow effect that it does. His second
ability, Flying Tackle, gives Bruno the ability to do a forward
tackle which stuns enemy units and deals some damage too.
Bruno's ultimate, World Wave, works greatly with his passive
wherein it launches an energy ball that bounces off of enemy
heroes, knocks them back, and will continue to do so until it can't
find a new target. With Bruno's passive, this ultimate can be
extremely damaging since it's possible to gain up to twenty
percent additional critical strike chance.
At the start, go towards the jungle and slay a few jungle creeps
first to be level two before facing enemy champions in the lane.
After that proceed to the lane and clear the minion wave. Farm as
much as possible to maximize exp and gold because later on you
would have to carry the game and your equipment build would be
quite expensive. Remember, a team with a bad ADC will lose
almost ninety percent of the time. So make sure that you don't get
left behind the lead, utilize all resources you can get your hands
on, and always watch the mini-map for movements of your team
members and your enemies. Cast your first and second abilities
whenever possible and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Item wise, get Warrior Boots as your first item for the
mobility it offers. It will also provide Bruno with sufficient
sustain which will be helpful during the laning phase. Follow this
up with the Blade of Destruction which gives additional physical
damage, critical chance, and a staggering fifty percent additional
critical damage. With this item, your enemies will feel your 25 Aug 2021

critical strikes much harder. You can bring Purify as your battle
spell if you don't have Flicker yet, but if you do, always bring
flicker because when you combine it with your second skill, you
can escape from almost any battle or catch any enemy heroes that
tries to escape the fight. Next item is Blade of Despair which
gives more attack power, attack speed, and additional critical
chance. This item also works well with Bruno's second skill so
make it a must to build this as soon as you can. This ADC build is
quite on the expensive side so it's important that you are able to
alternate between the lane and jungle creeps to maximize your
gold economy. Next item for Bruno is Tooth of Greed. The great
amount of life steal will give you a good sustain during team
fights. To further increase Bruno's Critical chance, get a Thor's
Sting which provides twenty percent additional critical chance,
movement speed, and attack speed. To finish the build, get a
Scarlet Phantom to further boost Bruno's attack speed and
critical chance. You may also get yourself an Immortality for
additional sustain, but it entirely depends upon the situation and
personal preference. The trick with all ADC such as Bruno is you
need to play it safe and farm efficiently since you can't afford to
die or lose opportunities to earn more gold to complete your
build. 25 Aug 2021

Chou was born in a small remote slumdog, living a life of the
lowest quality. Tough living environment has never worn away the
kindness in Chou’s heart. He cared for elders and minors in the
slum with passion. However, with the turmoil and instability that
the Land of Dawn raised, situation outside has impacted this
isolated slum eventually. On occasion, Chou saved an old monk
who was being chased. He brought him back to the slum and
looked after him. In return, the old monk imparted the ancient
Asian Kung-Fu skill to Chou, and told him that the world needed a
real hero to stand up and end the turmoil. After finishing his
apprenticeship, Chou swore before the old monk that he would
become a real hero. Then he started his journey to the centre of the
Land of Dawn without looking back. Towards Chou’s distant
silhouette, the old monk nodded, and drifted away.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Charge/Burst Damage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Magic Shoes, Blade of Despair,
Blade of Destruction, Hunter Strike, Wind Chaser

Without a doubt, Chou resembles one, if not the best, martial

artist of all time. And it's obvious that most of his abilities were
created to mimic those martial arts moves that we're all familiar
with. Chou's passive, Only Fast, allows him to launch his next
basic attack after walking a certain amount of distance to cause 25 Aug 2021

twice the amount of damage and stun the target enemy for a
short period of time. His first ability, Jeet Kune Do, is a
straightforward ability which he is able to cast three times in a
row dealing a lot of damage. It is important to remember that the
first two attacks will slow the target unit's movement speed by as
much as sixty percent and the next attack causes enemies to be
knocked airborne. Everytime you use this skill it also refreshes
Chou's second ability, Shunpo, which allows him to charge
directly in front of him and gives him invincibility and immunity
while doing so. After the charge animation, it will grant Chou the
ability to ignore a target unit's armor which would mean he could
deal a significant amount of damage to lower their HP. Chou's
ultimate, The Way of Dragon, casts a powerful roundhouse kick
to knockback enemy targets and deal a huge amount of physical
damage. This is an extremely effective CC ult and would come in
handy during most team fights and ganking.
Item wise, get Tooth of Greed first because later in the game it
will allow you to deal tremendous amounts of damage and life
steal. Get Magic Boots on him for cooldown reduction so you can
utilize his amazing kung-fu abilities more often. Follow this with
Hunter Strike because of the twenty percent cooldown reduction
it offers as well as damage. After that you can either get Blade of
Destruction or Blade of Despair which goes well with Chou's
crowd control abilities. The last item is up to you. If you're doing
well get a more offensive item like Wind Chaser. If not, get
Immortality or other defensive item based on the team's need.
At the start, go to the lane first and clean the first wave before
you go to the jungle. With Chou, you'd always want to be using 25 Aug 2021

your first skill. But while you're using your first skill, remember
to use your auto-attack in between each cast of your first skill
because for the first ability, the first two strikes actually slows the
enemy. So make sure to utilize that slow as much as you can.
With Chou, your basic combo is you queue up your first ability
twice and then you go in while you are in the bush then activate
your second ability to close up the gap, use your first ability again
to knock people up, hit them with your auto-attack so you can
stun them because of Chou's passive. Now, use your second
ability again, make sure to get behind your enemy line and use
your ult to kick them back towards your tower. With Chou, even
though in his bio it says that he is a hero, you don't want to be a
'Rambo' hero all the time. You want to be farming and ganking
anytime you can because Chou has so much gank potential and so
much crowd control. Before you finish Tooth of Greed, get Boots
first because it does give you more mobility so you can run and
close gaps faster and have more kicking opportunities on the
enemy team. Whenever you see a lane that's empty without
enemy champions make sure to clean the wave with your first
and second ability as fast as possible. Because when your minion
wave goes towards your enemy's tower and if they're not there,
you basically deny them a whole wave of experience. In effect,
this offers you another window of ganking and farming in the
jungle which will grant you a stronger lead. A good tip, Chou's
second ability can dodge any ability and auto attack. So you can
actually use this ability to farm the jungle without getting hit and
taking too much damage. When you're running away from the
enemy, make sure you don't just run back right away because 25 Aug 2021

when you walk a certain distance, Chou's passive become active

again so your auto attack stuns people. This is important to
remember particularly in team fights when you find yourself
running due to low HP but your team members are still fighting
you may turn around and deal stun and additional damage with
your abilities to the enemy champions and go for the kill. With
Tooth of Greed's lifesteal, you don't need to always go back to
base to fill your HP up. You can just always be farming in the
jungle or ganking to fill your HP up. A tip with Chou, make sure
when you're using your first ability to not just click on it. Drag it
for half a second so you can control the direction to which Chou
will dash to. This is important to remember if you're going to use
the first ability to escape enemies since just simply tapping it will
cause chou to target enemy champions or minions and put him
back into action instead of running away. Much the same with
any hero, make it a habit to be aware of the mini-map so you can
scout opportunities where you can help team mates and gank
enemies. A nice tip combo to remember is after using your ult,
make chou walk a little distance and this would activate his
passive skill so you could deal extra damage and stun enemy
champions as well. Also don't forget to adjust your settings so
that he targets the closest hero rather than the lowest HP.
Otherwise, your first ability will mess up your direction. And
again, when using your first and second ability, drag them for a
little bit so you can control their direction instead of just simply
tapping on them. 25 Aug 2021

No one knows where he comes from or why he fights, but everyone
born in the Wastelands knows that he is the only semblance of
justice in these parts. Even the boldest of thieves wouldn’t dare to
challenge Clint and his six shooters. With his lightning reflexes and
unparalleled accuracy, a flurry of bullets would be buried in his
enemies’ foreheads before they had time to blink. He only draws his
guns for what he believes are just causes, but when he does, there’s
hardly a villain alive who can escape his righteous barrels.

Role: Marksman
Specialty: Reap
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Flicker or Purify
Item Build: Swift Boots, Blade of Destruction, Blade of Despair,
Thor's Sting, Endless Battle, Wind Chaser

Clint is one of the strongest ADC in the game mainly because

of his strong harassing capabilities, long range, crowd controls
and most of all, he looks cool! As with all ADC, they don't
dominate the early game but late game is their territory. Clint's
passive, Quick Draw, is what makes him extremely dangerous.
Every skill that he casts will have an extra attack that penetrates
all enemies in a line directly in front of him. As a tip, always try to
position yourself in a way where you can hit two or more enemy
units with this passive skill. His first ability, Blind Smoke,
projects a smoke shell that deals physical damage to enemies 25 Aug 2021

within an area. This is useful during the laning phase against

enemy heroes and is effective as a harassment skill. When
exchanging attacks with enemy heroes, cast this skill on them
since it will lower their hit rate and their movement speed. It's
also effective to help team members escape when being chased
down. Max this skill out first as soon as possible. His second
ability, Heel Rope, shoots a trap net forwards that deals physical
damage and slows the enemy down as well. This is Clint's main
mobility skill so use it only in times of securing kills or when
escaping or dodging to safety. When chasing an enemy, you can
cast this skill backwards so that Clint can close the gap faster.
Clint's ultimate, Howitzer, launches a grenade towards a target
and deals heavy amounts of physical damage when it hits and
explode. It is a great skill since you can stack three grenades at all
times that you can spam.
Early in the game, focus on getting the most gold and exp.
Clear the minion wave as fast as possible then quickly go to kill
the first jungle creep, then go back to your lane immediately for
the next minion wave. Don't be distracted by the enemy heroes as
you can't deal much damage to them yet during the early stages.
Alternate between laning and jungling to build up your gold and
exp. It is also useful to utilize bushes as an advantage to reset
your enemy's target aim for auto-attack and to deal damage while
in the safety of the bushes. In a team fight, positioning for Clint is
extremely important. As an ADC, always stay far in the back. He
is squishy even with equipment so don't make the mistake of
going near the enemies as they will almost always focus on you.
Maintain your distance and be aware of crowd control abilities 25 Aug 2021

that enemy heroes will cast. Let your team members tank all the
damage, your role is to deal the most damage as you can from the
Itemwise, get him a Hunter's Knife at the start to maximize his
gold and exp early in the game. The sooner he could establish the
lead, the faster he'll be able to maximize his potential. Get him
Swift Boots to increase his mobility. Then start to build a Blade
of Destruction to improve his damage and critical chance. Follow
it up with a Blade of Despair to not only increase his damage, but
also his attack speed by twenty-five percent. To further increase
his mobility, get a Thor's Sting as this will also give him a boost
on his critical chances. Next get him an Endless Battle for
increased damage and sustain. Finish the build with a Wind
Chaser for the damage boost that it offers. Bring either a Purify
or Flicker as those two battle spells are useful for dodge or to
escape CC abilities to avoid ganking during the laning phase. 25 Aug 2021

Cyclops is a giant with only one eye, yes, at least he is in his own
homeland. Cyclops were obsessed with stars and skies when he was
little He watched all days and nights and discovered the truth that
planets were moving all the time. And this kind of movements, it
contains unbelievable magic power. With an hourglass to load and
control this kind of power, he became the famous “Starsoul
Magician” in his homeland. Planetary movements will never stop,
hence his strength is extremely powerful and invincible, which,
however, made him feel lonely. One day, Cyclops arrived at the
Land of Dawn during his space travel and he found out in surprise
that there were so many strong opponents waiting for him to
defeat. “I come, I see, I conquer!” Said Cyclops.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Damage/Cost
Emblem: Magic Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify or Flicker
Item Build: Frost, Arcane Boots, Astral Wand, Blood Wings,

Cyclops is the newest hero in the game at the time of writing

and people are still experimenting with the best builds to give this
hero. But one thing is sure, Cyclops will take over the likes of
Kagura, Gord, and Eudora when it comes to burst damage,
mobility, and overall playability. One of the best features that this
hero has is the relatively short cooldown of his abilities because 25 Aug 2021

of the effect of his passive, Starlit Hourglass, which reduces the

current cooldown of his abilities by half a second when his
abilities successfully hit enemy units. This instantly make Cyclops
a formidable late game opponent at which he can easily spam his
damaging abilities.
His first ability, Stardust Shock, gathers the power of stars and
casts two shock waves of stardust, each dealing magic damage to
the enemy. This is cyclops' main utility skill. Be generous in
casting this one to harass your enemy heroes particularly during
the early game. You can also use this to quickly wipe waves of
minions to establish an early lead in the game. Max this skill out
first as soon as possible. His second ability, Planets Attack, uses
the power of stars to generate a star-lit sphere spinning around
him and increases his own movement speed greatly for a short
period of time. The sphere will attack nearby enemies (enemy
heroes first) automatically, dealing magic damage to them. This
skill improves Cyclops' mobility which can be used to either chase
down or escape from enemies. Cyclops' ultimate, Star Power
Lockdown, allows him to wield the power of stars to his fullest
and create a magic sphere filled with planetary power to track his
enemy, dealing huge magic damage. Depending on the flying
distance of the sphere, the target will be trapped for about one to
two seconds.
Item wise, get Cyclops Frost first to give him a little bit of
crowd control capability like slow as it can greatly help him
dominate the lane early in the game. It also provides great magic
power to boost his offense. Follow it up with Arcane Boots to not
only boost his magic penetration, but also his mobility. This is a 25 Aug 2021

must have item for all burst mages as it directly improves your
damage through magic penetration and the additional movement
speed will be useful in tricky situations. To maximize your burst
damage output, get an Astral Wand and Blood Wings next. Both
these items provide a tremendous amount of magic power and
magic penetration. Finish the build by augmenting Cyclops'
sustain and get an Immortality. This is a good late game item to
improve your survival rate during team fights particularly if
enemy heroes cast CC spells on you.
With the abilities cyclops has, lane domination is not that
difficult. As with any heroes, alternate between laning and
clearing jungle creeps early in the game to establish an exp and
gold lead. Don't be afraid to spam your skill at this stage to
mentally harass your enemies. That's the reason why getting
Frost as your first item is recommended to support the heavy
mana usage that you're going to do early. Get the blue buff if you
can so you can have a decent mana regen. Continuously poke
your enemy hero with your first skill on every opportunity that
you see. Once you reach level four and have your ult ready, don't
hesitate to dive in if you see that your enemy's HP can be burst.
Always remember that your passive can reduce your abilities'
cooldown so as long as you have mana, go all in and spam your
skills to kill your enemy. As a general rule, always look into your
mini map to scout opportunities to gank your enemies. If
possible, team up with a good initiator. Always maintain your
distance and be cautious not to get hit by any CC ability. In team
fights, position yourself in such a way that you can hit your
enemy's back line mages or marksmen with your burst as they 25 Aug 2021

will inflict the most damage if left alone. Again, don't hesitate to
burst them down since your ability cooldown will be much
shorter than them and you'll be able to deal much more damage. 25 Aug 2021

Ever since she was an apprentice wizard, Eudora’s special talent
for controlling lightning always shocked her many teachers. After
a brief period of study, her teachers discovered she had already
mastered all they had to teach her. Yearning to continue her
progress, Eudora set foot on the road to the Land of Dawn,
believing that her lightning magic could reach new heights in that
turbulent land.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Reap/Damage
Emblem: Magic Assassin Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Arcane Boots, Guardian Relic, Enchanted Talisman,
Fleeting Time, Astral Wand, Blood Wings

Eudora is arguably the most devastating burst mage in the

game. She specializes in using her electrifying lightning spells to
delete enemy backlines in a blink of an eye. Eudora's passive,
Superconductor, applies superinduction status to any units hit by
any of her abilities; either it's more damage, more magic
penetration, or longer duration. Any units currently affected by
the status will then take extra effect from her other abilities. To
fully utilize this unique passive, you have to understand the basic
and important combos of Eudora to max out her burst potential.
Eudora's first ability, Forked Lightning, strikes a huge fan shape
area with lightning. If the unit hit by this skill is already affected 25 Aug 2021

by superconduction, they will lose a huge chunk of their magic

resist for a short duration. This ability is super effective for lane
pushing, harassing, poking and goes greatly with her other
abilities. This will be Eudora's main utility skill so it is best to
max out this skill first. Eudora's second ability, Electric Arrow, is
a single target ability which stuns a single unit within the cast
range. This ability will double its stun duration to units affected
by Eudora's passive skill. This skill is used for engaging and
disengaging due to the 1.5 second stun it can offer if the enemy is
already affected by superconductor. You can hold this ability and
an indicator arrow will show up to let you select which unit you
would like to stun. Preferably, you would want to focus on the
enemy's back line all the time and with the proper combo, you
can burst any mage, marksman, or assassin, in less than a
second. So make sure to hold this ability to cast on the key
champions instead of just tapping it. Eudora's ultimate,
Thundershock, summons a great storm of lightning dealing huge
amount of damage to a selected unit and any units around it in a
small AoE area. This ability will deal fifteen percent more damage
to units affected by superconduction, and an additional seventy
percent more to the main unit you selected to cast this skill on.
Same as her second ability, you can hold on to this ability to
select your main target instead of just tapping it. This is Eudora's
main burst skill so it would be wise to cast it on the enemy's back
line instead of the tanks. You can also use this skill in
combination with her first ability to clear waves of minions. All
you need to do is cast your first ability to the entire wave and then
hold your ultimate to cast on a canon minion to deal the 25 Aug 2021

maximum damage.
For Eudora's battle spell, take Purify to counter against hard
crowd control abilities of your enemies. You can also take Flicker
depending on what suits your play style better, but for the most
part, Purify should be fine. Take a Magic Assassin emblem for
the amazing magic penetration that it offers. Lots of players go
for cooldown reduction builds such as Enchanted Talisman first.
However, what you would want to do is to build your burst first
so you can snowball faster with kills and then build cooldown
reduction later, let alone the fact that all Eudora's abilities cost so
much mana to begin with that even if you can cast it, you will not
have enough mana to do so. So get Arcane Boots first, followed
up by Guardian Relic immediately. These two items alone will
make you so much formidable that you should be able to take
down three quarters of anyone's HP using this combo. After that,
you can go for cooldown reduction items such as Enchanted
Talisman and Fleeting Time. This will completely solve your
mana problem in a team fight setting due to the insane amount of
mana regen. Also, it will give you forty percent cooldown
reduction as well. To finish the build, avail of an Astral Wand
and a Blood Wing for the incredible amount of magic power and
penetration they offer. At the beginning of the game, always get
two Magic Necklaces for the mana regeneration. This way, you
should have a much easier time abusing abilities in lane.
Before you get the item Guardian Relic your max damage
combo is: Stun, then cast your first ability, then immediately
follow up with your ultimate. This way your first ability is able to
peel away the enemy's magic resist so your ultimate can sink in 25 Aug 2021

and do a lot of damage. After you get the item Guardian Relic,
you actually want to use your first ability to initiate and follow up
with your ultimate, and then follow up with your stun for the
extended duration of the stun and more importantly this way,
your ultimate is actually going to do double the damage to the
selected target due to the extra fifteen percent damage Guardian
Relic is able to grant you. This combo is insanely strong so make
sure that you take advantage of it. If you're trying to chase
someone or you have a little bit of distance between you and your
enemy, sometimes you will have to cast your second ability for
the stun first, and then follow up with your ultimate and finish
with the first again. This is mainly because Eudora's abilities do
have pretty long cast animations, and if you opt to cast your first
ability first when chasing they will get away before you are able to
cast your stun or your ultimate.
Like any other low mobility mage, Eudora's kit lacks any
getaway and chasing abilities. That being said, you would want to
be careful with her positioning. In between her skills and combos,
you would want to be able to walk around in the backline
observing or finding a better position to use your abilities. In any
team fight situation, the enemy will target you and focus to take
you down first so you have to make sure that your positioning is
correct so you can use your abilities on the proper target. And
don't feel shy using your abilities to clear a wave or to get jungle
minions because after getting the Talisman and the Guardian
Relic, you can abuse your abilities to clean waves faster and add
pressure to the entire map. You will see her shine in the mid to
late game but not early on because of the lack of damage, mana, 25 Aug 2021

and mobility. Eudora in early game is the squishiest mage and

you will find yourself most often ganked and your only chance for
survival is if you are able to stun them first. But mid or late game,
with the proper items and ability use, Eudora is one of the
formidable heroes any team could have. 25 Aug 2021

Despite just being a human, Fanny never gave up on her dream of
flying. She fashioned a kind of steel grappling hook for herself in
the hopes of using it to grab onto cliff faces and soar between
mountain peaks. After countless training sessions in live
environments, Fanny has finally mastered this technique. Folks
who have seen her soaring through the air refer to her as the Blade
of Freedom.

Role: Assassin
Specialty: Reap/Charge
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Raptor Machete, Tooth of Greed, Magic Blade,
Immortality, Blade of Despair, Wind Chaser

Fanny is a fun hero to play with because of the mechanics of

how she moves about in the game. She's a fairly good jungler with
great map control as she's able to go from one end of the map to
the other quickly. She's able to kill ADCs fast due to her high
burst damage. However, all these characteristics comes with a
setback: she's very squishy, and is actually pretty hard to play
Early in the game, focus on farming and maximizing your gold
and exp. After clearing the first minion wave, quickly go to the
first jungle minion then go back to lane to deal with the second
minion wave. Don't engage enemy heroes at this point as you 25 Aug 2021

won't be able to deal significant damage, yet. Doing this during

the laning phase will give you a nice lead against your enemies by
about one to two levels. As you may already be aware of, Fanny is
all about her ropes and the tricks she can do with it. One of the
things you should master is the doublerope forward movement.
How it works is you should aim your first rope in the forward left
wall, then almost instantly the second rope on the forward right
wall, if done correctly it will enable Fanny to fly in a straight line
much faster and farther than if you fly with only a single rope. Try
not to hit any towers while doing this as it will greatly slow you
A standard combo for Fanny is to use her second ability to
initiate, immediately cast her ult and first ability for heavy
damage, then cast her second ability again to retreat. Never go in
a team fight with low HP as Fanny is already squishy enough.
Wait for the enemy to use all crowd control abilities before
jumping in. What differentiates good Fanny users is their
mastery of Fanny's rope game. This enables Fanny to engage-
disengage quickly as this is needed for someone as squishy as her.
You must avoid to be inflicted with any CC as much as you can
because it would mean certain death if you get caught. Fanny is a
great finisher in every team fight. Again, maintain your distance,
just stay in the jungle and keep an eye on enemy units that have
already used up their skills and have their HP somewhere about
half or lower. Quickly jump on to them using your ropes, cast
your ult and first ability to deal heavy damage and when they try
to escape rope towards them to finish then quickly rope back to
safety. This is extremely hard to do in game so to be great with 25 Aug 2021

Fanny requires a whole lot of patience and practice. You will find
yourself dying almost everytime the first few times you use this
hero but don't get discouraged. She's hard to play to begin with.
Constantly practice her rope skills and maneuvers and over time
you'll get better at it.
Bringing a Physical emblem and Purify will increase Fanny's
already low survivability. Item wise, get her a Raptor Machete
since she's mostly a jungler and this will give her the needed
boost in attack, attack speed, and experience. Follow it up with a
Tooth of Greed and Magic Blade for additional damage and
sustain. Next is Blade of Despair to further augment her damage.
The last two items are entirely optional but it's nice to get her a
defensive item like an Immortality. Or to further improve her
damage get her a Wind Chaser. It depends on what the situation
calls for. 25 Aug 2021

Franco's home is in the eternally frozen seas beyond the land of
Nost Gal. This continent of ice and snow is where the sea people
have made a life for themselves, but the resurrection of Captain
Bane has destroyed their formerly peaceful lives. Franco and his
comrades have banded together to oppose Bane's rule and bring
peace back to the seas.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Engage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Dominance Ice, Magic Shoes, Oracle, Courage
Bulwark, Demon's Advent, Bloodthirsty King

Franco is a fighter that is good in one on one fights and on

team fights. He is not a tank nor a heavy burst damager, but he
can surely be a great team player when played and done right.
Franco's passive, Wasteland Force, gives him a movement speed
boost when escaping from a fight and an HP regen. His first
ability, Iron Hook, is his main harassment skill. He would launch
an iron hook towards enemies and would snag the first enemy
unit that it hits dragging it back to him. This skill is extremely
effective to isolate enemy heroes like their ADC provided that you
are in the proper position to do so. His second ability, Fury
Shock, comes as a good combo to his first ability wherein he
sends a shockwave that not only inflicts physical damage, it also 25 Aug 2021

slows their movement speed by seventy percent! Franco's

ultimate, Brutal Massacre, lets him hack into the enemy for six
times dealing sufficient damage in every hit.
A standard combo for Franco is to launch his hook, snag the
enemy, then cast second ability to slow them down as they try to
escape, then hack with your ultimate. And that's what you're
going to do all throughout the game. It's simple yet effective
particularly if enemy heroes get lured near turrets. Make sure
that he is buff and overflowing with mana. The main key to
mastering Franco is to master his iron hook. When it comes to
leveling up skills, always go for the hook. The more you level up
the hook the longer it gets. This will make Franco effective all
throughout the game. With Franco, the turrets are your best
friend. During the early game, your goal is to lure the enemy
heroes near the tower in that way once you got them hooked, and
the tower deals extra damage, smash them and kill them right
The key to successful hooking is timing and positioning. Make
sure to position Franco where he can have a better visual of
where the enemy hero is. Move around until you see that line of
sight that is unobstructed by any minions. You can also utilize the
bushes to make yourself invisible and when you're ready, hook
them. Timing is a little tricky as it requires you to predict where
your opponent will go and point your hook at that spot and if
your prediction is right, you'll be able to snag your enemy, spam
your skills, and get the kill. This is going to require a little bit of
practice but eventually as you play more with Franco, you'll have 25 Aug 2021

a much better sense of enemy movements and will be able to land

your hooks with greater accuracy.
The recommended buff item build for Franco Like the
Courage Bulwark, Demon's Advent, and Bloodthirsty King are
enough because it gives him the durability and sustain that he
needs. Items like Dominance Ice, Magic Shoes, and Oracle gives
him more mana which means more hooking all throughout the
game. 25 Aug 2021

In the far northern reaches of Nost Gal, there is a legend: When a
warrior dies on the battlefield, the goddess of war Freya will come
down from heaven, kiss the spirit of the fallen, and lead it to the
Temple of Heroes, where former warriors can have a new life.
Freya herself is an outstanding warrior. She can both attack and
defend with her sword and shield, and at a critical moment in
battle she can transform into a halberd and smash the enemy

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Charge/Burst Damage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Fallen Sword, Swift Boots, Thor's Sting, Tooth of
Greed, Blade of Despair, Scarlet Phantom

Freya is a melee fighter who thrives in dealing tremendous

amounts of damage and meanwhile stun locking the enemy to
death. Her passive skill, Spirit Contact, will generate a damaging
orb surrounding Freya every other basic attack. The sacred shield
accelerator will become active once you generate three orbs and
will deal damage to all champions that it hits. This is excellent for
jungle farming and bursting enemy champions. It would also
mean that the optimal item build for Freya will gear towards
attack speed to activate her passive as fast as you can. Freya's first
ability, Wings of Faith, will summon wings from the heaven and 25 Aug 2021

lead Freya to a targeted location. Any units hit in the small

landing area will be pulled towards the middle. This is her main
utility ability which provides her amazing engage and disengage
abilities. Her second ability, Godspeed Strike, when activated will
increase Freya's attack speed by a huge amount and the third
attack that hits will stun all enemies within a fan shaped area in
front of Freya and will deal additional damage. This is her main
damage source so it's recommended to max this out first and max
her ultimate whenever you can. Freya's ultimate, Valkyrie, when
activated will turn Freya into beast mode with angel wings. She
will gain tremendous amounts of attack power, armor, and magic
resist for a short duration and most importantly, units around
Freya will also take a chunk of damage as well. This will increase
Freya's auto attack range when activated, turning her into a semi-
ranged melee fighter.
Bring a Physical emblem and Purify because just like any
other physical fighter if you get crowd controlled by any hero, you
will almost instantly die. So purify is an absolute must with
Freya. Item wise, it's best to gear towards attack speed while
maintaining great sustain in fights. Start with the Fallen Sword
for its amazing attack speed and life steal, not mentioning with
this you will shred any tank easily like cheesecake. Then follow it
up with Swift Boots for early attack speed. Thor's Sting is also a
great item to use since it goes well with Freya's second ability.
Follow it up with Tooth of Greed for the additional life steal.
Next, get Blade of Despair for additional stun. You may opt to
finish the build with Scarlet Phantom, but it's all up to your
preference and situation. 25 Aug 2021

The standard combo with Freya is to activate her second

ability and immediately jump on enemies, auto-attack to activate
your stun and follow it up with more attacks. Now if you're
aiming for a mega burst attack then follow up with your ultimate
immediately after you jump on the enemy and just watch them
get crushed. You can also wait to use your ultimate when they
open up a little distance from you when they're running away.
That way you can maximize the amount of damage output you
deal because your ultimate turns you into a semi-ranged hero.
Your standard team fight strategy is to always position yourself
safely and jump in after enemy champions used their crowd
control abilities on your tanks. If you don't have this opportunity,
make sure to only jump in when you have Purify. Another note
here is make sure to always focus on the enemy's backline first
such as the mages and marksman. Never target tank first, even
though you can strike tanks too, if you don't focus on their
marksmen and mages and kill them quickly, you will get yourself
slain instead. 25 Aug 2021

Gord was born in a magic world, and from birth manipulating
magic energy was like breathing air to him. His love of mystic
magic was particularly powerful, and almost immediately he was
able to master some of the most profound mystic spells in all of
magic. As he slowly grew older, his reliance on mystic energy
became more severe, until finally mystic emblems seeped into his
skin and bones and transformed his appearance.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Damage/Cost
Emblem: Magic Assassin Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Enchanted Talisman, Arcane Boots, Frost, Flame of
Fury, Astral Wand, Blood Wings

Gord is without a doubt the most impactful character in this

entire game. You can definitely be the most devastating and
annoying character to go against in a team fight setting due to his
superior kit. Most of Gord's ability works on ticking damage,
meaning damage per second except for his first ability. Gord's
passive, Mystic Favor, will gradually increase his ticking damage
on enemies hit if they're affected by any of his ability
continuously. That's ten percent increase every tick up to a
hundred percent increase and would last for five seconds. It
means if you're able to hit your enemy with your first ability for
the stun and follow up with your second ability and ultimate they 25 Aug 2021

will almost certainly be taking double the damage. Gord's first

ability, Mystic Projectile, allows him to throw a magic bomb at
any targeted area. Enemies hit outside the targeted area will be
slowed while dealing minor damage, and enemies hit on the
center of the target area will be stunned in place and take an
extra thirty percent more damage. This skill is utilized on almost
all team fights due to the amazing cast range of it. Gord's second
ability, Mystic Injunction, allows Gord to create a circular field at
any targeted area for a few seconds. Any enemy who stands in
that field will take ticking damage every half second. This ability
is highly effective for early lane pushing, harassing, and zoning
after he gets the item Frost because Frost's slow works on ticking
damage as well. Meaning if they stand in your magic field for a
second or so, combined with Gord's other abilities, they will be
slowed up to thirty percent just with your second ability which
makes them extremely vulnerable for further attacks. Not even
mentioning the amount of damage your team mates can do
during that open window. It only makes sense to max this skill
out first to fully take advantage of it early in the game. Gord's
ultimate, Mystic Gush, fires a sustained blast of frozen lazer
beams towards a targeted direction of your choice. This skill will
do ticking damage every 0.4 second and will slow enemies down
by ten percent. This skill stacks with the item Frost which means
after you get Frost, you'll be able to slow down enemies by a
significant percentage. This ability's direction can be altered
during cast by using the moving direction command, also it can
be cancelled early on by hitting Gord's ultimate again during cast.
This is extremely important because people will target you in a 25 Aug 2021

team fight setting so if they did, simply cancel your cast, then
move to a better position to further harass your enemies. An
important note on Gord's ultimate is, make sure you do not just
click on it, instead, hold on it and make sure that the direction is
correct. The reason is when you auto-cast it Gord will go to a
random direction even if there's an enemy right in front of you. A
standard combo with Gord is to use your first ability, then follow
up with your second ability and ultimate immediately. While you
lane, make sure that you constantly use your second ability to
push and harass. The second ability's area is just big enough to
cover the entire minion wave during the laning phase, meaning,
do not auto-cast it. Hold your second ability and aim so that it
covers the entire minion wave to get the most out of this skill.
Also if you see an enemy hero try to last hit a minion, time your
first ability when they go for the last hit and then follow up your
second ability. Gord is not strong by himself and is prone to gank
because he has no mobility escape so make sure you're the one
who's ganking. When in a team fight setting, make sure you're
constantly using your second ability for amazing zoning on your
enemy and then follow up with your stun once you see the
opportunity to do so. You might be able to kill the enemy team's
marksman even before the team fight starts.
Carry a Magic Assassin emblem for the amazing magic
damage penetration. Gord has no mobility escape, so if the
enemy team decides to focus on you, if you bring Purify at least
you have the chance to escape. Start with Enchanted Talisman
first solve your mana problems. Since you will be casting your
second ability every time it comes off cooldown, it's advisable to 25 Aug 2021

get two Magic Necklaces in the beginning of the game. Follow it

up with Arcane Boots then immediately go for Frost and then
Flame of Fury; these are the two core items which will turn him
into a team fight monster. As a general tip, for every mage that
gets Frost, always get Flame of Fury. Not only because of the
amazing magic penetration, but also the ticking damage that
Flame of Fury offers. Finish the build with Astral Wand and
Blood Wings for additional magic penetration and magic
Due to Gord's amazing cast range for all of his abilities, you'd
always want to stay way back so you can avoid enemy's crowd
control or damaging abilities. Before any team fight breaks up, if
you're in a team fight setting, make sure to constantly harass your
enemies by using your first and second ability. Again if you can
catch someone with your abilities, you can actually kill them
before the team fight even begins. Lastly, do not use Gord's
ultimate to secure kills, use it after you use your first and second
ability if you hit someone or just for the slow effect so your team
can catch and clean them up. 25 Aug 2021

In the town of Iga, the strongest ninja of every generation receives
the title of Shadow, responsible for the most dangerous and
difficult missions, protecting the town of Iga day in and day out, all
without the knowledge of its inhabitants. At present, the freshly-
anointed Shadow of Iga, Hayabusa, has been transported to the
Land of Dawn to carry out the most dangerous and difficult of
missions: find and kill previous generation’s Shadow who betrayed
and killed his friend, the one who was once lauded as the greatest
ninja Iga had seen in centuries.

Role: Assassin
Specialty: Charge/Burst Damage
Emblem: Physical Assassin Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Hunter Strike, Rapid Boots, Dominance Ice, Tooth of
Greed, Wind Chaser, Blade of Despair

Hayabusa is known for his distinguishable ability to assasinate

the enemy's backline, frontline, midline, or wherever, and escape
without taking a threat of extra damage. He's without a doubt the
only character that can single-handedly carry an entire team on
his back, if executed correctly. Hayabusa's passive, Ninjutsu
Shadow Heal, allows him to heal for an extraordinary amount of
HP everytime he hits the same enemy hero with his ability four
times. Which means, if you're able to commit your entire combo
on one hero, you're able to come out on top every time due to his 25 Aug 2021

insane heal. Just at the moment your enemy thinks they're about
to win, and then you generate about a third of your HP because of
this passive and murder them instead. His first ability, Phantom
Shuriken, will throw out three shurikens in a fan shape area in
front of him. It will slow down enemies by fifty percent and deal a
lot of damage. A note here is, if you hit the same enemy unit with
three shurikens at once, you're able to do double the damage and
regen fifty percent of the mana consumption. This means, it's
best to use this ability everytime you are in front of your enemies.
Max this skill first to fully take advantage of it. His second ability,
Quad Shadow, releases four shadows in four directions. If any
shadow hits an enemy hero, they'll be slowed by fifty percent and
you'll be able to teleport to the enemy directly if you hit Quad
Shadow ability again. In addition, you can always use it to
teleport to any of the shadow of your choice. Just hold the key for
a short period and you'll be able to see an indicator on screen that
will let you select which shadow to teleport to. The calculation of
movement speed reduction is linear meaning if you hit your
second ability on an enemy and you jumped immediately and hit
them with your first ability, their movement speed will be
reduced to zero! Which is equivalent to a stun effect because
they'll be rooted in place for a short period. On top of this, you
can actually teleport even when crowd controlled by enemy teams
including Nana's morph, Alpha's ult, and so on. His ultimate,
Ougi: Shadow Kill, will temporarily turn Hayabusa into a shadow
and slashes around the battle field. He's totally immune to
anything in his ult state. And the damage of his slash will increase
by five everytime he hits the same target. So to deal the most 25 Aug 2021

damage to a single target, make sure that it's singled out from
other champions and minions. This ability is actually the best
wave clear ability in the game. A huge minion wave can be
cleaned with a single ult from Hayabusa. And with forty percent
cooldown reduction, you'll be able to use it again in just about
fifteen seconds or so. If you're under the enemy tower, don't use
your ultimate first. Use your shadow first so you can have four
shadows located in different locations so when you come out of
ultimate you can teleport to safety right away. Because otherwise
if enemies crowd controls you before you're able to use your
second ability coming from your ult you might just die instantly.
With Hayabusa and his entire kit, your ability is the most
important thing. His auto attack does a lot of damage but because
he's still vulnerable, you would have to position yourself in a safer
Preferably you'd want to carry Physical Assassin emblem and
Purify on Hayabusa because of the amazing armor shred it offers.
Item wise, get Hunter Strike first for the twenty percent
cooldown reduction and the high damage points it offers. Then,
get Rapid Boots for roaming and getaways. Fuel it up with a
tanky item, Dominance Ice, for another twenty percent cooldown
reduction and it also makes you a bit tankier for tricky situations
with enemy champions. Depending on the game, you may opt to
get a Tooth of Greed for the sustain and Wind Chaser for more
damage. And finish up the build with the legendary Blade of
Despair. 25 Aug 2021

Johnson, with a hard constitution as a rock, when he ran through
the dome stadium like a heavy truck, the cheers of girls burst out
loud. He led the team to lift the champion’s trophies and achieved
his peak of his life as a super quarterback with millions of fans
around. However, fortune is always fickle. A little girl rushed to the
road in a sudden while Johnson was driving his sports car. To
avoid hitting the little girl, his car crashed severely. Massive
hemorrhage was going to take away his life soon in a minute. At
the moment, a miracle occurred, that the wreckage of the sports
car started to blend into Johnsons body by a mystery force.
Consequently, he not only just survived from the crash, also
became a magical new human who can transform to a sports car.

Role: Tank
Specialty: Engage/Crowd Control
Emblem: Tank Emblem
Battle Spell: Stun
Item Build: Blade Armor, Warrior Boots, Cursed Helmet,
Demon's Advent, Bloodthirsty King, Heart of Steel

Johnson is an amazing tank that specializes at engaging a

team fight and saving his allies just like how he saved the lucky
little girl. If “driven” correctly, Johnson can be the most
impactful player of the game. Once you grasped the true power
that this hero can bring to the table, you are guaranteed that
playing Johnson will be the most fun you'll ever have so far in 25 Aug 2021

ML. Johnson's passive, Electro Airbang, generates a shield when

his HP drops below thirty percent. The size of the shield is
dependent on how much armor you have. It literally means, the
tankier you are, the tankier your shield is going to be, which is
going to make you even tankier. His first ability, Iron Sack, will
empower his next basic attack. Enemies hit by this will take a
decent amount of damage, and be slowed for a short duration. If
the target hit is already slowed on contact, this unit will be
stunned for a short duration instead. The amount of damage this
ability does is proportional to the amount of armor you have. So
combined with the passive, it only makes sense to gear Johnson
towards a full armor build. Johnson's second ability, Missile
Tackle, will send three missiles in a huge fan shaped area and any
unit hit by these missiles will be slowed for a short duration and
will take a small amount of damage. This goes extremely well
with his first ability. Meaning, if your team mate is not able to
offer any slow, make sure you slow the enemy with your second
ability, and then hit them on the head with your first ability to
stun them. Take note that the slow duration inflicted by this
ability is quite short so make sure you are within the melee range
if you're going for the slow stun combo, otherwise your enemy
will have enough time to get away before you're able to chase and
hit them with your first ability. This ability will target minions
but will prioritize enemy champions within range. So it's also
extremely good for pushing waves and that's why it's best to max
out this second ability first. Johnson's ultimate, Rapid
Touchdown, will transform Johnson into a rocket sports truck.
The truck will accelerate automatically which means it will be 25 Aug 2021

harder to control at the later phase of the charge. But the more
speed it has upon impact, the greater damage it will inflict, erm
physics? Upon impact, this skill will inflict stun on all units on a
small area for a short duration. When teamed up with the right
hero, this may be a game breaker most of the time. Not to
mention you and your allies are able to jump on your enemies at
lightning speed which would reduce their time to react and
getaway. So far, the best combos for Johnson includes Alpha,
Alice, Freya, and maybe Akai as well. In general, you would want
to pair with someone who can chain CC and also deal a
significant amount of damage as well. Regarding the driving part
of it, the maneuver is quite difficult. So to achieve the maximum
success of crashing onto your target, position Johnson in a
straight line away from them that would require as little
maneuver as possible. Johnson's ultimate can easily do a ninety
degree turn at the bottom and top lane corner but it is difficult
and almost impossible to turn to the river if you're driving down
towards the middle lane. A note here is, this ultimate has three
activation point: first is to transform into a car and stay in place
to wait for an ally to hop in, second is to start the engine to
charge, and the third is to cancel the movement mid-drive. Most
people do not realize that you can actually cancel Johnson's
ultimate by simply tapping it again. This could save your life
sometimes so take note of it.
Item wise, go for Blade Armor first and follow it up with
Warrior Boots. If laning against mage champions, getting Cursed
Helmet first may be ideal. Finish up the build with Demon's
Advent, Bloodthirsty King, and Heart of Steel. These three items 25 Aug 2021

offer tremendous amounts of HP and armor and goes well with

Johnson's abilities. You can also get Dominance Ice by swapping
out Demon's Advent or Cursed Helmet based from the game but
just know that Dominance Ice's mana part will be totally
irrelevant to you, the cool down reduction is something you may
like but it doesn't put enough on the table.
As a tank, take the front lines but because of your ultimate,
you have the unique ability to jump on their back line so make
sure you stick on their front lines and try to target their back line
using your ult, well you can hit the wall too near their backline as
the stun affects an area as well. With Johnson, you would always
want to do surprise attacks with your ult preferably targeting the
enemy's back line. Generally speaking, Johnson is most effective
if you can find a friend or a game friend that knows what they're
doing, that knows when you have ultimate, that understands the
signals and get in the car and charge the enemy line with you.
As a tank, you can always initiate team fights so it's best to
roam around the map and try to find opportunities to help your
team. Whenever you have ultimate, if you're not roaming or
ganking, you're not playing the Mustang Johnson, you're playing
Prius Johnson. 25 Aug 2021

Onmyouji Master is a strong yin and yang of the powerful driven
by spirits, yin and yang. The Kagura family is the oldest and most
powerful of the Onmyouji, the most powerful of which is the
Ancestor Master. Kagura as the family of the most potential of
Onmyouji, was given to the generation of artifacts from the yin
and yang - Seimei umbrella. It is said that the umbrella had been
Seimei with a hundred ghost of the power of refining, have their
own wisdom and life, only by the owner's drive and control. That
childhood play Falcon to the dawn of the mainland to perform the
task of life after death, Kagura secretly took Seimei umbrella from
the home to the dawn of the continent, hoping to help Falcons hand.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Reap/Damage
Emblem: Magic Assassin Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Enchanted Talisman, Arcane Boots, Flame of Fury,
Fleeting Time, Astral Wand, Blood Wings

Kagura is one of the most skilled and agile mage in Mobile

Legends. She signs brightly in early lane dominance and team
fights thanks to her amazing long range harass and crowd control
abilities. To start with, bring a Magic Assassin emblem for the
magic damage reduction and the magic penetration. Purify is
needed for the getaway in case she gets hit by crowd control
abilities. Item wise, start the build with Enchanted Talisman to 25 Aug 2021

increase cooldown reduction and increase mana regen since

throughout a game you'll be using your first and second skill
constantly as your harassment tools which adds up to tons of
mana consumption. Then, go into magic penetration build with
Arcane Boots and Flame of Fury. Next is Fleeting Time to cap
the cooldown reduction to forty percent. Finish up with Astral
Wand and Blood Wings for more magic penetration and magic
One standard combo for Kagura is to use her umbrella to slow
down the enemy, or position yourself slightly behind the enemy
then jump in with your second skill for the stun and immediately
follow up with your ult for the knockback and jump away to a
more favorable position for a link or further engagement.
Another combo is to use your umbrella to slow down the enemy
and use your link immediately for mega slow and damage. The
trick here is once you use your link, it actually refreshes your first
skill, so you can immediately cast it again, and double the
damage your link does. Keep on positioning your umbrella, until
the enemy is about to get away. Use your second ability to jump
back in for the stun and then use your knockback ultimate to
finish up or simply for more crowd control for your team. Using
this combo is safer than the first one.
When in laning phase, you'd want to use your first ability to
cleanup waves quickly to offer opportunities to roam, or gank, or
help jungle and get more experience lead over opponents. A trick
here is, your umbrella hurts and slows any target it touches along
the way to its destination. So you can actually use the umbrella
and target the long range minion or canon to hurt all the minions 25 Aug 2021

along the way and move it towards a melee minion to hurt

everything again on its way back. When you play kagura make
sure to use your skills all the time to be as annoying as you can
and harass opponents. Pay attention to the mini map often too
because with kagura, you would want to be roaming and ganking
all the time around the map and set the pace for the game. With
kagura's abilities, you can chase pretty well because when you
pick up the umbrella you can dash forward, then stun, then throw
the umbrella again to close the gap even more. You can also
constantly throw your umbrella to harass and lower your enemy's
HP. Kagura has become pretty agile and flexible with her
movements, they can't kill you that easily. 25 Aug 2021

Unlike the friendly moon elves, night elves were born into a world
of darkness which casts a gloom on them and twists their
personalities. They offer their services as assassins to the other
races, as all night elves are born killers. Karina is a standout
amongst them.

Role: Assassin
Specialty: Reap/Charge
Emblem: Magic Assassin Emblem
Battle Spell: Retribution
Item Build: Eternal Scepter, Arcane Boots, Calamity Scythe,
Astral Wand, Flame of Fury, Blood Wings

Karina offers one of the most rewarding hero experience as

she offers lots of burst damage, and with proper utilization of her
elusiveness, is one of the formidable heroes one can face in the
battle. Her passive, Combo Hit, works so that a target unit that
Karina attacked three times will get an additional eight percent
true damage of the HP that it already lost. This is extremely
effective when setting up ganks with your ult as your initiator
since Karina's ult deals tremendous amounts of damage then
when the passive skill activates it will surely bring the enemy
hero to its demise. Karina's first ability, Elusiveness, is a skill that
one must master for effective ganking and mobility. The trick
with her first skill is that it allows you to go into elusiveness for
three seconds which makes you immune to all physical attacks 25 Aug 2021

including tower shots; and while you're in that state of

elusiveness, you can actually cast your other skills without
breaking out of it, unless you auto-attack. So you can wait until
the three seconds is almost up before you use auto-attack to
break out of the state because this allows you to quickly use your
first skill again. Her second ability, Dance of Death, used as a
combo with her other skills deals lots of damage and can be used
to harass enemies due to a relatively low mana cost. Her ultimate
ability, Shadow Rush, will take away a huge amount of HP from
the target enemy. It is great to be used as an initiator of ganks to
make the enemy's HP as low as possible so that when the passive
skill kicks in, it deals more damage than if the enemy's HP is full
or halfway full. Karina's standard combo is straightforward due
to her tremendous burst power. Utilize your first and second skill
to get your enemy's HP low and then use your ult to finish it up.
But on some situations, it's best to initiate a fight using your
ultimate skill first because your ult does the most damage to get
their HP as low as possible so you can get the most out of your
Bring with her a Magic Assassin emblem because it offers so
much magic penetration which is exactly what Karina needs.
Retribution is for her to get to level four as fast as possible.
Usually if you carry retribution you will be the fastest to get to
level four, first to get your ult, and it gives you so much map
presence, and so much gank potential. In the beginning, get
Hunter's Knife first because it offers you not only twenty percent
more damage to monsters, it also offers twenty percent more
experience. This will give you so much lead over everybody else 25 Aug 2021

including your team mates. Get this to reach level four as fast as
possible. Item wise, start the build with Eternal Scepter because
it offers so much sustain and amazing magic power. Follow it up
with Arcane Boots for additional magic penetration and mobility.
Then get the standard Calamity Scythe for amazing burst
damage. Followed up by more magic penetration items such as
Astral Wand and Flame of Fury. Finish the build with Blood
Wings which offers the highest magic power in game.
With Karina, you want to be juggling between farming and
ganking. Make it a habit to look on the mini-map and scout
potential opportunities to gank enemy champions. After
successful ganking, go back to farming for maximum gold
economy. Even with Karina's high damage power, you can't be
too confident and greedy when approaching team fights because
you can't afford to be crowd controlled. Once you're hit by one of
the enemy's ult, you'll find yourself most likely killed. So always
use elusiveness and the bushes and utilize any getaway or
mobility skills that you have. 25 Aug 2021

The world Layla lives in is full of a force called Malefic Energy; a
savage and unruly energy that causes all living things that come in
contact with it to lose their reason and become rabidly ferocious.
This energy had all but wiped out her world, until one day Layla’s
father discovered a way to use a gun forged from magic iron from
deep within the earth to absorb and control Malefic Energy.
Unfortunately, he absorbed too much energy during the forging
process and died, but not before giving the completed gun to Layla
in the hopes that she would halt the spread of Malefic Energy.

Role: Marksman
Specialty: Reap
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Assault or Purify
Item Build: Swift Boots, Tooth of Greed, Blade of Destruction,
Thor's Sting, Blade of Despair, Wind Chaser

Layla's passive, Malefic Gun, allows her to deal more damage

to long range targets. When you get your ult to its max level,
you'll also get extra range to your basic attacks. That means you'll
be able to deal more damage the farther you are from your target
unit. Take advantage of this and remember to always hit your
enemies from your full range as much as possible. Her first
ability, Malefic Bomb, fires an energy bomb towards an enemy
that will deal quite significant amount of damage. This skill costs
little mana and also has a short cooldown time which is why this 25 Aug 2021

is Layla's main utility ability to harass enemy units. Max this out
first as soon as possible. Layla is extremely great in late game and
not so much in early and mid. Which is why she may just be one
of the best carries out there. As always, clear the first minion
wave first then quickly go to the jungle and slay the first jungle
creep. Poke your enemies using the first abiltiy instead of auto-
attack since Layla's range at the start is not that great. If enemy
heroes get into the range of your second ability, cast it on them to
slow them down and quickly retreat to safety. Be patient and
don't be too risky in the early and mid-game as Layla's strength
will eventually show up in the late game, so be patient. Roam in
the jungle only when your lane is safe and get the jungle buff.
Never go in any team fight with low HP and always maintain a
safe distance from your enemies. The moment a crowd control
skill lands on you, you're almost guaranteed to die so make sure
to maintain your distance. Once you've built your equipment
Layla is sure to be a killing machine later in the game.
First item to get her is Swift Boots for increased attack and
movement speed. This will provide Layla the mobility she needs
to engage and disengage quickly during gank situations and team
fights. Use your second ability together with the boots to make it
hard for your enemies to catch on you. Next, get Tooth of Greed
for additional damage and life steal. Follow this up with Blade of
Destruction to boost your damage, critical chance and critical
damage. To further augment this build, get Thor's Sting for faster
attack and movement speed, as well as additional critical chance.
You may also opt to get Scarlet Phantom instead, it's just a
matter of personal preference. Get Blade of Despair for more 25 Aug 2021

damage and increased attack speed and critical chance to

pulverize your enemies. To finish the build, get Wind Chaser or a
more defensive item like Magic Blade. 25 Aug 2021

Lolita was born in a distant elven village, living a happy,
uneventful life. That is, until war brought an end to those peaceful,
safe days. Her whole village was destroyed in the war; her family
torn apart. Just as her own life was in grave peril, Rooney, the
master machinist of the City of Scholars, found her when he was
passing through and took her back to Eruditio. To show her
gratitude to the city, Lolita joined the City Guard and swore an
oath to the death to defend its honor. Bruno very much admired
and understood this young elf maiden's spirit, and so he put in a
request with the city scholars for their most advanced tech crystal--
the Noumenon Energy Core-- and bestowed it to Lolita. This
powerful energy core endows Lolita's tiny frame with the ability to
discharge massive bursts of force, even allowing her to control a
giant mechanical hammer with ease.

Role: Tank
Specialty: Push/Crowd Control
Emblem: Magic or Tank Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Magic Shoes, Astral Wand, Immortality, Fleeting
Time, Fleeting Time, Bloodthirsty King

Lolita is such an effective crowd control hero that is a must

have in any team composition. She can tank, she can support, she
can do all those and even more if played right. Lolita's passive,
Noumenon Energy Core, gives a shield for Lolita and her allies if
they are close to her. It absorbs a certain amount of damage for 25 Aug 2021

additional sustain. Once the shield wears of, it takes some time
before a new shield puts up. The shield is actually pretty strong,
gives her more health and sustainability. Lolita's first ability,
Energy Rocket, a little rocket that she launches toward the
enemy and deals magic damage and inflicts slow status as well. If
the targeted enemy is already in a slow status, it will cause a stun
instead. This is Lolita's main harass ability as she will be able to
deal damage and CC status on them so take advantage of this
since it has a short cooldown to be spammed continuously. Her
second ability, Protective Shield, puts up a shield which blocks
ranged projectile attacks targeted toward her. But take note that
it doesn't block lots of spells so it's best to remember which spells
are being blocked and which are not. Lolita's ultimate,
Noumenon Blast, deals tremendous amounts of damage to
enemy units in a conical area in front of her relative to the
remaining energy she has. This also inflicts a seventy-five percent
slow status on enemies which makes it an extremely useful CC
ability particularly during team fights
You need to remember that mostly, Lolita can be played well
as a support tank. Your role is to assist and protect your allies.
Early in the game, like most heroes, clear the first wave of
minions then quickly go to the jungle to kill the first jungle creep.
Alternate between laning and jungling early in the game to
maximize your gold and exp. Lolita is strong early on even
without much equipment due to her extremely effective defense
and crowd control abilities. Take advantage of this and
continuously harass your enemies and go for the kill whenever
you see the opportunity. Pushing with Lolita is going to be easy 25 Aug 2021

because of her shield so you can tank tower shots and dive in to
kill enemy heroes. You can team up with your ACD and gank your
mid lane whenever you see the opportunity.
You would want to use Purify for Lolita because you will be in
the front line and an easy target to focus. Getting Purify is helpful
whenever enemies cast CC spells on you. Remember, Lolita
works best if she's the one who crowd controls and not the one
being crowd controlled. Item Wise, get Magic Shoes for its
cooldown reduction and added mobility. Follow it up with an
Astral Wand to further increase Lolita's magic power and
penetration. This item will allow Lolita to deal heavy damage
early in the game and will be able to harass your opponents. Next
get Immortality to give you the much needed sustain boost so
you can be more aggressive with your approaches. Add more
cooldown reduction and magic power with Fleeting Time. Finish
the build by further increasing Lolita's sustain with a Heart of
Steel and Bloodthirsty King. This will provide her lots of HP, HP
regen, and will give her the tankiness she needs. 25 Aug 2021

The labyrinth-dwelling Minotaur was once the symbol of power for
the entire kingdom, up until he was defeated by a youth from a far-
off land. In the many months and years since, he has trained alone
in his labyrinth, hoping for the day when he might have a chance of
defeating that young man. Time endowed the Minotaur with
intelligence, and he learned how to concentrate his fury into more
powerful explosions of strength. When he finally emerged from his
labyrinth, he discovered that the thriving Minoan civilization had
long ceased to be, and that the whole world had moved on. As he
sat lamenting the absence of a proper outlet to show off his powers,
a voice from a distant alternate dimension summoned him. This is
how the Minotaur came to the Land of Dawn, where he can fully
unleash his powers and restore his name as a Son of Minos.

Role: Tank
Specialty: Engage/Crowd Control
Emblem: Physical or Tank Emblem
Battle Spell: Flicker or Purify
Item Build: Demon's Advent, Warrior Boots, Cursed Helmet,
Bloodthirsty King, Heart of Steel, Immortality

Minotaur looks like a tank and he is indeed a tank. As

Minotaur, you are a living, breathing vanguard designed to
absorb all damages while your allies rip enemy heroes one by
one. To further support this innate ability, Minotaur's item build
is best geared towards improving his defense and maximum HP.
Minotaur is able to show his powers better during team fights 25 Aug 2021

than when alone. It is his responsibility to protect his allies even

at the cost of his own life.
Tanking may not be the most rewarding role you can pursue in
this game, but remember that tanks are one of the most
important element of any team composition. Without tanks,
everyone will just be easy targets for the enemy. In spite of having
lots of armor and defense, you can't expect yourself to just be
jumping on to team fights mindlessly. As a tank, you must be a
good decision maker. Knowing when to engage is something that
you must master. Minotaur's passive, Rage Mode, is a meter that
gets filled up the more he hits enemies with his abilities or basic
attacks. Once the meter fills up, he enters rage mode and receives
extra armor and magic resist. Once this state subsides, however,
he won't be able to build it up again for some time. This may be a
pretty straightforward skill but there's so much more into it. You
will either be a good or bad Minotaur depending on the way you
stack your rage. It is a good idea to always keep it as high as
possible, around nine tenths of the meter (you can see your rage
count by checking your character stats accessible by clicking the
arrow at the right side of the screen) and wait for the perfect
opportunity to engage in a fight. Your rage duration is ten
seconds and a cooldown of five. His first ability, Despair
Hammer, allows him to smash a hammer and affect enemies
directly in front of him which would deal great damage and inflict
a slow status. His second ability, Motivation Roar, is a support
ability particularly useful during team fights when ally team
members are close to him as it will provide all of them healing.
Minotaur's ultimate skill, Minoan Fury, makes him strike the 25 Aug 2021

ground in rapid succession, causing shockwaves that deals

physical and true damage to nearby enemies and also lowers
their movement speed. If you activate this skill while in Rage
Mode, his striking speed will increase, and he will deal an extra
attack that will knock surrounding enemies airborne. Minotaur
has these crowd control skills available which makes him a good
tank to play with.
It is wise to bring Flicker if you already have it as it will help
you engage your enemies when they least expect it. If you don't
have Flicker yet, Purify is also great to bring with so you have
something to counter CC abilities that enemy heroes would cast
on you. If you don't have Purify too, you may opt to bring Assault
instead as an alternative to Flicker. Physical emblems is a must
too if you don't have the Tank emblems yet. Item wise, get him a
Demon's Advent to initially increase his max HP and defense
early in the game. What more is the passive effect of this item will
reduce your enemy's damage by up to twelve percent if fully
stacked, giving you and your team mates the much needed buff.
This item works well with the next two items of the build which
are Warrior Boots and Cursed Helmet. These two items provide
Minotaur more defense and mobility. Cursed Helmet is highly
recommended as this will give you a passive ability to deal magic
damage to enemy units around you equivalent to two percent of
your max HP. Finish the core build by getting a Bloodthirsty
King for the highest amount of HP that any single item will give
you. This will greatly boost Minotaur's already great sustain. The
last two items will mostly depend on personal preference or what
the enemy team composition is. But since you are a tank, it is 25 Aug 2021

mostly recommended to further augment your build with defense

items such as Heart of Steel or Immortality.
As a general rule, mastering how your rage meter works would
give you an edge against your enemies. If you have Flicker, use it
to initiate and engage on the enemies then spam your first skill
and ultimate to inflict CC status on your enemies. Early in the
game you are already a walking tank. Take advantage of this and
harass enemy heroes in the same lane as you. Remember you
have lots of defense so don't be afraid to dive in and aim for the
early kills. Like any hero, don't forget to alternate between laning
and jungling to maximize your gold and exp. It's best if you will
go with an ally, preferably your ADC and gank your mid
sometimes. Constantly look into your mini-map to check on
opportunities to do this. Do your role as a tank and face the
enemy head on and absorb their damage, always be mindful of
your rage meter so that casting your ult will have a better effect.
Inflict those CC status on your enemies and watch them run as
your allies finish them off. 25 Aug 2021

Miya was born in the Temple of the Moon and studied hard to one
day become a worthy sacrifice to the moon god. But when the fires
of war of the race of men and orcs reached the moonlit shores of
the moon elves' lakeside habitat, Miya rose up and led forth her
countrymen in defiance of foreign invaders. Despite their best
efforts, Miya and her fellow elves were finally forced by the
countless enemy horde to make a last stand in the Temple of the
Moon. As Miya knelt in the center of the temple to offer prayers for
one last time, just as the great army of men and orcs were about to
destroy this sacred place, a miracle occurred. The moon god
answered Miya's prayer and blessed her longbow with an ancient
and powerful blessing. Miya grasped the bow and fired an arrow,
which was transformed into an eagle spirit by the power of the
stars, splitting the enemy army asunder. Miya led her countrymen
out of the temple, raining showers of star-wrought arrows upon
the enemy with each pull of her bow. Meanwhile her eagle hovered
over the enemy, singling them out and attacking them. Like a
falling tide, the humans and orcs quickly started to retreat. Miya
and her countrymen retook the shores of the Moon God, and the
moon elves recognized Miya and her spirit eagle as the Moon God
incarnated. The young Miya knew in her heart that if this problem
was not stopped at the root, the wars would never end. With the
Moon God's blessing, she set out on a journey to the land of dawn,
hoping to find a king who could bring peace and order back to this

Role: Marksman 25 Aug 2021

Specialty: Reap
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Flicker or Interference
Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Warrior Boots, Scarlet Phantom,
Blade of Destruction, Bloodthirsty King, Dominance Ice

Miya's primary role is to carry her team to victory. To play her

effectively, one must possess skills in proper positioning and
kiting. Miya's passive, Turbo, gives her four percent attack speed
every hit she makes on enemy units which can stack up to forty
percent. This is a strong passive ability as her first ability allows
her to triple hit enemies so she's able to build the forty percent
quite easily. That's why during the laning phase, Miya clears
minions and harass enemy heroes fast. Her first ability, Fission
Shot, splits her attack into two additional targets which deals
thirty damage each. Early in the game this may not be much but
once Miya has gotten her build done this skill will be quite
damaging. This also makes farming much faster so max this out
first. Miya's second ability, Rain of Arrows, creates a circular
zoning area which deals five ticks of damage. Enemy units get
slowed and on the fourth tick will inflict a frozen status for one
second. Cast this skill and lure enemy heroes, once they're frozen
quickly cast your ult, engage, and go for the kill. Miya's ultimate
is what makes her unique. Turbo Stealth removes all impairing
effects, stealths for one second, and gives her increased attack
and movement speed. This skill pretty much works like a Purify
or Fury. 25 Aug 2021

At the start, clear the first jungle creep first before going to
your lane for a level advantage early on. Alternate between laning
and jungling to quickly get a lead in gold and exp. It would help if
you have Hunter's Knife so you'll receive more exp in the process.
Use your first ability to clear waves fast and to deal extra damage
to enemy turrets. Your second ability is for chain crowd control,
zoning, or chasing enemy heroes. During the laning phase, poke
your enemies as much as you can and clear minion waves quickly
and go for the push. Don't be afraid to dive particularly if your
support has interference. During team fights, position yourself
properly, be on the sidelanes. Wait for the enemy heroes to cast
their CC abilities before engaging. Even still, never make the
mistake of finding yourself in the front lines. Make it a point to
maintain a safe distance between you and your enemies.
Whenever you find yourself crowd controlled in a team fight, cast
your ult to quickly get rid of it then reposition yourself and start
auto-attacking your enemies. Again, don't forget to utilize your
first ability.
Item wise, get Tooth of Greed for increased physical damage
and life steal for sustain. Follow it up with Warrior Boots for
additional mobility. Scarlet Phantom and Blade of Destruction
will make Miya's hits much more damaging due to increased
physical attack power and critical chance, not to mention it will
also increase her attack speed. Finish the build with Bloodthirsty
King and Dominance Ice to further improve her sustain and
resistance. 25 Aug 2021

Moskov, shooting to fame during the Dhamu Tournament, was
already a battle master at his youth. He inherited the family’s
occult spear fighting skills, and as the next leader of the clan
Wildsand, he was loved and respected by many. Watching
Wildsand clan growing stronger day by day, the khan of
Thornwolf which is the hegemony on Hietala Grassland couldn’t sit
back any longer. One day when the youngsters of Wildsand went
out hunting, he slaughtered the entire clan with his own people.
The whole land was scorched by blazing flames of war. Blood
flowed like stream, yet a slight warmth still remained on the bodies
of died families and friends. Faced with this cruel vision, Moskov
could not persuade himself to accept it. But even worse, khan
dispatched a formidable cavalry trying to hunt down Moskov’s
hunting party which was the only survivors from the massacre. In
a panic, some escaped and some wanted to surrender, and Moskov,
for the very first time, lifted his spear and aimed at his own
buddies. Suffering from this painful experience, Moskov became
ruthless with a thought of revenge haunting him constantly.
However, the khan was too strong to defeat. In order to obtain
more power, Moskov chose to fall into the Abyss of Shadow and
serve the Queen of Doom, becoming notorious as “The Spear of
Quiescence” ever since.

Role: Marksman
Specialty: Push/Burst Damage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify 25 Aug 2021

Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Swift Boots, Thor's Sting, Blade of

Destruction, Blade of Despair, Wind Chaser

Moskov is an agile marksman whose main tactic is perfect

positioning. You can't just get enough of positioning for Moskov
because of the extremely short cast range of his second ability
and his pitiful auto attack range. But what he lacks he makes up
with tremendous amounts of damage and incredible crowd
control and mobility that if played right, can dominate any
situation. Moskov's passive, Spear of Quiescence, allows him to
penetrate enemy units behind the target he's currently attacking.
Hitting enemy champions with your basic attack each time will
reduce the cooldown of your first and second ability by half a
second. This passive also works on turrets which means, enemies
positioned in a straight line behind the turret will also get
penetrated and same goes if you hit an enemy unit that's in front
of a turret. Moskov's first ability, Abyss Walker, allows him to
teleport to a targeted location and grant him amazing amounts of
attack speed and stronger penetration power for a short duration.
This ability is extremely good for positioning, escaping, and
engaging. It's important to remember that when you're trying to
escape, hold down this ability and point towards your escape
route. Do not auto click it, unless you want to jump towards the
middle of the enemy team. Do not use this ability casually as this
is his main positioning ability and should be used at the right
time to dodge skill shots or to position himself. Before you jump
into a team fight, always ask yourself, are you confident you are
able to land the perfect stun, secure a kill and comeback safely? If 25 Aug 2021

not then do not proceed. His second ability, Spear of Death,

allows him to strike a spear towards a target enemy hero.
Enemies hit will be knocked backwards and if it collides to any
enemy heroes or obstacles like turrets they will be stunned for a
second and would create the perfect opportunity for you to go for
the kill. Due to the extremely short cast range of this ability, again
you do not want to cast it lightly. If the enemy is tower hugging
when you cast it, what will happen is you will walk towards the
enemy turret and before you finally cast it you would've died
from the tower shots. Be patient, let the enemy get close to you
and try to position yourself properly, only engage when you're
certain you can finish the kill. Moskov's ultimate skill, Spear of
Destruction, allows him to send a spear globally towards any
targeted direction. This ability does decent amount of damage
and grants Moskov up to thirty points of attack damage for each
enemy hero hit for up to five seconds at level twelve. Imagine if
you are able to land your ultimate on five champions, that's a
potential of one hundred fifty attack damage for five seconds!
Because of this insane attack damage boost, the best time to cast
this ult is during team fights meaning the team including you is
able to land a perfect crowd control on the enemy team to gather
a small group of people together and preferably you would want
to use it early on before the team fight begins. On the early laning
phase, you just use this ability as a finishing move when the
enemy is about to get away. Sniping across the map with this
ability is always a fun thing to do especially when you successfully
steal kill by accident. 25 Aug 2021

During laning phase, you want to always position yourself in a

straight line of the minion wave or the minion and the enemy
hero for some great harassment. Now, early game Moskov is not
that strong and you can get easily out-harassed by any ranged
enemy hero due to his extremely short attack range. So most of
the time playing passive may be better over aggressively trying to
poke enemies since you will end up taking more damage than
dealing in most cases. If you want to be good with Moskov, you
have to learn some more advanced techniques that will test you
and your enemy's patience. When trading with a single enemy,
like a marksman, you'd want to walk step by step closer to the
wall yourself to draw them to it and you can also auto attack once
and stab in the bush so they miss their auto attack then you come
out of the bush again for another attack to bait them even closer
to the wall. Once they get close enough, immediately use your
first ability to jump out to a position so you can knock them back
to the wall. It is recommended to use your ultimate on them
when they're approaching, this way they will actually be marked
for a short duration so when you jump out you can actually see
them if they ended up stepping into the bush. When team fight
breaks up, just walk around for basic auto attack until you find an
opportunity to stun and commit to use his first ability to jump in.
Otherwise, just save it to dodge important skill shots and seek
better opportunities. If you are able to land the stun successfully,
immediately cast ult for the damage boost and just utilize his
passive to penetrate the enemy line. Again, the key words with
Moskov is positioning. And with positioning comes great
patience. 25 Aug 2021

Bring a Physical emblem and Purify for the standard

Marksman build because the enemy will target you for sure. Item
wise, get a Tooth of Greed as it goes greatly with his passive
because units hit by the penetration will actually heal you as well.
Follow it up with Swift Boots for attack speed, and the standard
Thor Sting and Blade of Destruction for burst damage. A note
here is, Moskov's penetration triggers Thor Sting's unique
passive effect as well. After that, get Blade of Despair and Wind
Chaser to finish up the build. Now, if the enemy team is focusing
on you, you may opt to swap out Wind Chaser for Immortality.
Another note here is if the enemy team has quite a bit of tank,
you may opt to change Tooth of Greed and Thor's Sting for
Fallen Sword and Scarlet Phantom so you can do some damage
to them. 25 Aug 2021

Nana was born deep in a magic forest, and as a rare cat elf, she
was naturally endowed with powerful but hard to control magic
abilities. Periodic rages of magic outburst nearly took out half of
her forest home, until one day the journeying moon elf Miya
restrained Nana and taught this young cat elf the secrets to control
her magic abilities. The clever Nana quickly mastered these
techniques, becoming a powerful cat elf mage. She decided to
accompany Miya on her way to the Land of Dawn, in search of a
new king together.

Role: Mage
Specialty: Reap/Crowd Control
Emblem: Magic Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Enchanted Talisman, Fleeting Time, Arcane Boots,
Frost, Flame of Fury, Blood Wings

Nana is a mage that specializes in dealing continuous damage

and most importantly continuous crowd control. She's arguably
the best choice for the strongest support mage out there. Her
passive nimble allows her to run faster every time her ability hits
a unit and this stacks up to twenty percent of her actual
movement speed, and that's a whole lot. This is extremely good
for positioning, retreating, or sometimes chasing. Her first
ability, Boomerang, is her main harassment and utility ability.
The cooldown of this skill is so short and after getting forty 25 Aug 2021

percent cooldown reduction you'll be able to throw this

repeatedly every time. Her second ability, Morph Spell, is what
defines this hero as the best lane support mage because you're
able to turn someone into a lazy raccoon for three seconds for
movement speed reduction of course. It does minor damage, but
most importantly and what most Nana players do not know is her
Morph Spell can cancel any ongoing damage effect abilities. For
example, Akai's ultimate canon ball can be canceled immediately
once you cast morph spell on him even though the animation
might still continue. Nana's ultimate skill, Dragon Cat
Summons, is an amazing crowd control skill. Because of the forty
percent cooldown reduction, you'll be able to cast this every
seventeen seconds or so with relatively low mana cost . You can
easily use this to clear minion waves, and harass enemy
champions after using Morph Spell.
With Nana, carry a Magic emblem, and Purify for the
getaways. It's best to use Purify particularly in tough situations to
get Nana out of harm and reposition yourself so you could apply
your abilities much more effectively. Item wise, her core item
build needs to gear toward cooldown reduction and utility.
Starting off, get her two Magic Necklaces which will turn into
Enchanted Talisman and Frost later. This will give her noticeable
mana regen to harass in a lane. Aim to finish Enchanted
Talisman and Fleeting Time before anything else. Now make
sure to get your boots before Enchanted Talisman because
positioning for Nana is the key to play her. You need to be able to
mobilize and dodge those skill shots and run away from
unwanted engagements and crowd control enemies in return. 25 Aug 2021

You cannot do that if you die instantly because of her lack of

movement speed. After the three items, get her the two best item
combos, Frost and Flame of Fury. Because of your first ability,
you're able to slow down the entire enemy line like crazy and at
the same time do loads of damage thanks to the Flame of Fury.
This will certainly guarantee that the enemy cannot getaway or
cannot chase your team mate if they intended. Lastly, get Blood
Wings for the damage boost and max HP just in case you get
ganked on.
While you lane, you'd like to constantly throw your boomerang
to harass your enemies whenever they go for the last hit. It will
not take long before your enemy gets annoyed mentally and
starts to make mistakes. When you hit level four, try using your
ultimate to initiate a fight together with your team mate. If you
cannot find the opportunity in lane, leave and gank out of lane
instead. Nana's not a great tower hitter like any other mages but
she specializes in team fights so make sure you're constantly
creating opportunities for yourself. It's important to remember
that Nana is not a great solo killer, she doesn't have any burst at
all specially early on. In late game you might be able to take out
enemy's HP just by using your ult but early game, it's not
recommended to go on midlane. If you do go midlane your goal is
still to get to level four as fast as you can and setup ganks for
other lanes. For the entire game, try to team up with at least one
other player in your team so you're not alone to be ganked by
enemy champions. After you morph someone with your second
ability position your ult by holding on it and positioning it a little
bit behind your enemy so you get a better chance of hitting the 25 Aug 2021

enemy hero. The thing about Nana is it's not about single spell
damage, it's about continuous damage that you can apply to
enemies. As long as you can maintain this harassment and
continuously annoy your enemies and eventually make them
commit mistakes, you're on the way to victory. 25 Aug 2021

Natalia was raised from a little girl by the Church of Light and
trained into one of the Church’s assassins. This young phenom had
risen to become the top assassin for the Church via her outstanding
talents, but then on one assassination mission, she failed, causing
her companion to meet with unprecedented disaster. Although she
was able to escape danger with Tigreal’s help, this was
undoubtedly a severe blow to proud Natalia. To prove herself
again, she exiled herself to the outskirts of the land far from the
Empire and the Church to carry out more dangerous missions.
Who is her target? Will she be able to win back all that she once

Role: Assassin
Specialty: Charge/Burst Damage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Blade of Destruction, Tooth of Greed, Swift Boots,
Blade of Despair, Thor's Sting, Scarlet Phantom

Natalia is one of the best assassins in the game and provides a

ton of fun to play with. When played correctly, this hero is
capable of becoming a strong asset to her team. One thing that
differentiates Natalia from other assassins is her incredible
mobility and her ability to pinpoint the enemy unit to target in a
team fight. This is extremely useful on scenarios where
eliminating a key player on the enemy's team would mean 25 Aug 2021

victory. Arguably her most powerful trait is her map presence.

She can move from one end of the map to the other while in
stealth in no time at all. Natalia's passive, Assassin Instinct, has
quite a few features. First, make sure to attack from behind as
often as possible to receive twenty percent additional damage.
Also, hiding in the bush for two seconds will activate her stealth
mode which would last for five seconds. When in stealth mode,
her movement speed increases by fifty percent, and causes her
next basic attack to deal fifty percent extra damage and silence as
well. So make sure that you do not auto-attack after getting out of
the bush and pick an enemy hero as a target so you can inflict
that extra damage and silence on them. You can remain in stealth
mode by constantly running onto bushes before the five second
stealth timer runs out. Her first ability, Claw Dash, allows
Natalia to dash to a specified direction and deal damage to
enemies she hits along the way. This is her mobility skill that she
can utilize to get out of sticky situations, chase enemies to finish
them off, and deal successive damage by dashing twice through
an enemy. Natalia's second ability, Smoke Bomb, allows her to
cast a smoke bomb on the spot which slows down enemy unit's
movement speed and in turn, increases her attack speed and
dodge. You can utilize this skill to get away from danger by using
it to slow chasing enemies down. Her ultimate skill, Cold-
blooded Strangling, makes multiple forward attacks in a row and
inflicts slow status on affected enemy units. It is mainly used to
finish enemies off, and as AoE in a team fight. Remember that it
is an AoE with slow, so in a team fight with all enemy heroes
clumped together, she'll be able to deal much more damage with 25 Aug 2021

her ult.
Item wise, getting Blade of Destruction first will give her a ton
of early game burst damage. Follow it up with a Tooth of Greed to
provide her additional sustain and damage. To increase her
mobility, you can opt to build Swift Boots. To further increase her
damage and critical chances as well as her attack speed, get a
Blade of Despair. With these items your enemies will feel the
difference. Partner it up with Thor's Sting for more attack speed
and critical chances. Finish up this build by getting a Scarlet
Phantom for more physical damage, greater attack speed, and
critical chance as well. In the late game, if you opt to sell your
boots, you may get Wind Chaser for that much welcome added
physical attack. It is recommended also to bring with her a Purify
battle spell to aid when enemy heroes use CC spells on her since
she is quite squishy. 25 Aug 2021

Rafaela is an angel capable of miraculously healing anything. It is
said that when she appears, all pain suddenly vanishes, all wounds
instantly heal, and all evil disperses like rain clouds when the sun
comes out. Now Rafaela has descended upon the Land of Dawn in
the hopes of using her miraculous powers to restore peace to the

Role: Support
Specialty: Regen
Emblem: Magic Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Enchanted Talisman, Eternal Scepter, Rapid Boots,
Dominance Ice, Fleeting Time, Courage Bulwark

Rafaela is a good support and poke hero and is quite easy to

play. So if you like to play support then she's definitely the hero
for you. Rafaela's passive, Heaven's Blessing, is a good CC skill as
it inflicts slow status to enemies for every damage dealing ability
she hits. Moreover, healing abilities speeds up allies for one
second. This ability is great for slowing and chasing down an
enemy. Her first ability, Light of Retribution, allows her to deal
magic damage to three enemies nearest her in a large area. You
don't have to target this skill as it automatically finds the enemy
targets. This goes well with her passive ability which slows all
enemies she hits. Her second ability, Holy Healing, allows her to
heal herself and the most damaged ally in the area. All other 25 Aug 2021

allies inside the area will be healed by a small amount. Rafaela's

ultimate, Holy Baptism, uses a ray of Holy Light to damage
enemies in a line in front of her and inflict about two seconds of
stun. A note here is that enemies can see the area where the light
will land on and the stun itself has a traveling time. It is
important not to overextend and always take a look at your mini-
map to know where enemies and allies are at all times, so you
know who to prioritize. As Rafaela, you should keep a close eye
on both your Tank and ADC because those two heroes are the
ones that will lead your team to victory. Be generous with your
heals but do not overdo it. Often times, Rafaela's heals are being
used on team mates whose HP is barely even halfway. If you do
this you'll find yourself running out of mana quickly. Remember,
a Rafaela without mana is a useless Rafaela. As a healer, make
sure that you position yourself where you have access to your
team mates most importantly during team fights. Do not ever
make the mistake of going to the front lines or just merely
standing on one position as the fight is going on. Always position
yourself at the back lines where your enemies won't be able to
touch you or inflict CC status on you. Earlier it was mentioned
that Rafaela is useless without mana, it's the same if she's
stunned, frozen, or dead.
Early in the game, get Rafaela two Magic Necklaces to
improve her mana regen. Then aim to build an Enchanted
Talisman. This will provide her a nice cooldown reduction and
mana regen. Follow it up with Eternal Scepter to increase her
magic power, sustain, and mana pool. Don't forget to get her
Rapid Boots for increased mobility. The cooldown reduction and 25 Aug 2021

added mana pool provided by Dominance Ice and Fleeting Time

are also very much welcome. Finish the build by getting her a
Courage Bulwark for a much needed sustain. Bring a Magic
Emblem and Purify to get rid of CC status the enemies might
inflict upon her. 25 Aug 2021

A long time ago, brave hunter grandpa saved Little Red Hood and
her granny from the wolf’s belly and they lived happily together
ever since. However, that was never the end of the story. The wolf
pack harbored the bitter resentment deeply because of the split
belly. At a dark night when the moon cannot be seen, the new wolf
king Haas led the pack and attacked the village. Aged hunter
grandpa died for saving granny, which happened right before the
face of their granddaughter Ruby, the Little Red Hood and drove
this innocent girl into madness. She chopped the wolf king in two
pieces wielding a scythe and then peeled off its skin and swallowed
its raw heart. The vivid happy memories of living with beloved
families flashed before her eyes, yet everything was gone and
would never be again. After burying her families, Ruby started her
vagabondage in the Land of Dawn with her scythe. She made a
vow, that she would create a happy ending for every story.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Crowd Control
Emblem: Tank Emblem
Battle Skill: Purify
Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Magic Shoes, Dominance Ice, Heart
of Steel, Bloodthirsty King, Immortality

Ruby is a melee fighter that specializes in initiating and

disrupting team fights with her amazing crowd control kit. Due to
the squishy nature of this hero, she is however better built as a
tank so she can stay around on a team fight and continuously use 25 Aug 2021

her oversized scythe to hook and spin enemies. Ruby's passive

skill, Let's Dance, allows her to dash for short distances
everytime she casts an ability. This is an amazing positioning
ability which allows you to stick with any enemy you want and
also to get away when the situation gets tough. The short dash is
actually long enough to dash over small walls like those
surrounding your enemy's base. Another great part of her passive
is, if you jump closer to the target enemy, your ability will carry a
huge slow down effect. Now if you dash further back away from
the enemy, you'll gain a little bit of armor, both effective for a
short duration. This passive also allows her to life steal from her
abilities instead of her auto-attack, meaning any time you hit
your abilities on any unit, you're going to get the damage you did
to the unit multiplied by how much lifesteal your item set offers.
Ruby's first ability, Be Good, will send a shockwave to any
direction you command. It will deal a certain amount of damage
to any unit it touches, and this ability carries a short cooldown
which means this will be your main utility ability to utilize the
most out of your passive, so it's highly recommended to max this
out first. A note here is, even though this ability may not deal a
huge amount of damage to any single unit, but due to the
amazing cast area it covers, this ability will provide you a load of
life steal if you use it correctly. You would want to position
yourself in a way that when you cast your first ability you can use
this ability not only to hit the enemy champions, but to also hit as
many minions as possible. This way, the first ability will provide
you insane amount of lifesteal. Another note here, even though
each cast may not consume so much mana, you will find yourself 25 Aug 2021

quickly out of mana if you keep on casting it in laning phase just

for harassing the enemies. So as a tip, only use this for lane
pushing or if you can find an opportunity to go in to connect your
second and third ability so you can preserve mana for the critical
moments. Her second ability, Don't Run, Wolf King, will make
you spin in a circle twice pulling the enemy for a total of about
two seconds, does minor damage and will do extra damage to any
units you hit in the outer ring of your circle. This ability is a
dislocation crowd control ability, meaning, any hero hit by it
cannot use purify to get away. This ability combined with her
ultimate is what makes Ruby so overpowered because most
players who do not know how to use Ruby actually try to use
Purify hoping they could get away. Ruby's ultimate ability, I'm
Offended, will pull any unit in a cone shape in front of her. It
deals a decent amount of damage while stunning enemies for half
a second after they get pulled next to her. This ability goes greatly
with her second ability because after she pulls the enemies in, you
can immediately cast her second ability to stun lock any unit that
are next to you, and your team can just clean them up after that.
A standard combo with Ruby is, you use your first ability and
dash forward for the gap close and the slow. Then cast her
ultimate if they are far away then cast her second ability to stun
lock after that. Now if they are close by, cast her second ability
first, and wait for them to attempt to get away before you use
your ultimate to pull them back in and just keep spinning on
them until they die.
Get a Tank emblem and Purify on Ruby to start the match
since Ruby is a squishy hero. Without it, you may not be effective 25 Aug 2021

at all. You may die even before you can cast your ability. Purify is
an absolute must on Ruby because you are supposed to offer the
crowd control instead of being crowd controlled. Item wise, get
her a Tooth of Greed first for the early damage and the amazing
twenty-five percent lifesteal that it offers. After that, get Magic
Boots and Dominance Ice to get the cooldown reductions. It's
best to also get the Heart of Steel particularly if the enemy team
has two or three marksmen on their side. Now if you're fighting
against a lot of magic damage, you may change Dominance Ice to
Oracle or Cursed Helmet. Getting the Heart of Steel is also useful
to counter the tremendous amount of critical damage specially
now with all the new marksmen coming out. To finish it up, get
Immortality and Bloodthirsty King to boost up her survivability.
But it all depends on the situation and the type of damage you're
dealing with. As a last tip, preferably you would want to hit your
abilities on as many units as possible so if you have Tooth of
Greed, don't be afraid of fighting enemy champions when they
have lots of minions next to them because you'll be able to utilize
your passive to gain so much lifesteal by using any of your
abilities just because you can hit so many targets at once. 25 Aug 2021

Scientists from another world gathered DNA from sword masters
of hundreds of different races to create the ultimate swordsman
using advanced technology. They named him Saber. His sword can
tear a hole in the spacetime, allowing him to travel to any place or
time. His skills as a swordsman make him difficult to defeat, and
also lonely beyond compare. After countless challengers were
drawn to the land of dawn, Saber also turned his sights on this
place, ripping through the fabric of space and time to set foot in the
land of dawn and find an opponent worthy enough to face him.

Role: Assassin
Specialty: Reap/Charge
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify or Flicker
Item Build: Warrior Boots, Hunter Strike, Magic Blade,
Dominance Ice, Blade of Despair, Immortality

Saber is an assassin that specializes in displacing enemy

heroes and can easily kill when left alone. His passive, Enemy's
Bane, makes each of his attack lower enemy heroes' defense by
ten and can stack twice. This is extremely effective to tear their
HP down to zero and goes well with his abilities. His first ability,
Flying Sword, shoots out four flying swords that spins for some
time and deals damage each time it hits enemy units. It goes back
to saber after a few seconds and would damage all enemy units
surrounding him again. His second ability, Charge, allows him to 25 Aug 2021

charge towards enemy units and deals damage along the way.
This can be used as an escape skill whenever you find yourself
being ganked on. Saber's ult, Triple Sweep, makes him quickly
attack an enemy hero even from a distance, knocks it airborne,
and deals tremendous amounts of damage.
As Saber, you need to remember a few things to be effective.
First, roam the jungle and kill a jungle creep whenever you can
but only if your lane is safe. When you attack a jungle creep, try
to stay as close to it as possible and use your skill flying sword to
hit it with all four swords. Do not move until all four swords flies
back to you and hit the creep again. This is saber's utility skill to
kill creeps the fastest so max it out as soon as possible. Make sure
to have your ult ready whenever you feel like ganking lanes.
Always be aware of your team mates' position and try to find
opportunities to help. Juggle between ganking and killing jungle
creeps to maximize your gold economy. Be generous in using
your first ability on the jungle creeps to kill them fast. The combo
for Saber that will deal the most damage is to initiate with your
first ability then follow it up with your ultimate skill, this will
bring your swords back to you to deal more damage to
surrounding enemies. Then cast your first ability again after the
cool down and immediately after cast your second ability and
your swords will come back to you and deal additional damage to
your enemies again.
Item wise, start with a Hunter's knife. That will provide you
more damage to monsters and additional exp for each kill. Also
get a Magic Necklace early on to help out with your mana
problems. Get some Warrior Boots and follow it up with Hunter 25 Aug 2021

Strike for additional damage and cooldown reduction. The

additional speed boost that this item gives also provides saber
additional mobility to get out of tricky situations. Next item to get
is Magic Blade for additional damage and magic resist. But most
importantly, this item has a passive effect that when your HP
drops below thirty percent, a shield will activate that can absorb
damage (increases depending on level) that is greatly helpful
after you've cast your ult since you are vulnerable and the enemy
heroes will focus on you. This will provide great sustain on those
situations. Follow this up with Dominance Ice for a nice
cooldown reduction and to provide more sustain for Saber. This
item will further lower your ult's cooldown to just sixteen
seconds. Once you reach level fifteen, you may opt to sell your
Hunter's Knife and start to build a Blade of Despair for more
attack power, attack speed, and critical strike chance. You may
also opt to get Immortality to add more sustain to Saber and
finish the build. 25 Aug 2021

Sun, born from a rock, has been extraordinary since the very
beginning. Once he was pinned down under a mountain by Gods,
unable to move even a little bit. He watched time changing and
watched the world being changed by the time. Snow covered his
body parts that were exposed outside the mountain, but could
never freeze his heart full of enthusiasm for freedom. When the
opportunity showed, he chanted “Freedom” loudly and broke down
his imprisonment. Then he laughed and flew away. Now, Sun has
come to the Land of Dawn. In here, the stone-born monkey with a
soul that cannot be tied down will start his own legend again.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Push/Charge
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Assault
Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Thor's Sting, Blade of Destruction,
Immortality, Blade of Despair, Dominance Ice

Sun is a fighter that specializes in clearing minion waves fast

and destroying objectives because of his ability to summon clones
of himself that deals sufficient amounts of damage. This makes
him an effective hero during the first and second laning phase.
Sun's passive, Summons Monkey, allows him to summon a
doppelganger, or a copy of him after five basic attacks. This
doppelganger's stats increase after every five basic attack that
Sun does. The great thing about this doppelganger is that its basic 25 Aug 2021

attack will restore HP for Sun which is like a passive life steal. It
is also immune to almost any attack since it cannot be targeted
directly but it's vulnerable against AoE abilities so take note of
that. His first ability, Golden Cudgel Strike, inflicts a long lasting
mini slow to enemies in front of him and deals some damage as
well. His second ability, Instantaneous Move, is his main
mobility skill. You can utilize this skill to chase running enemies
or if you need to escape from a team fight. Sun's ultimate, Clone
Techniques, allows him to summon two top-leveled clones.
At the start, clear the first minion wave in your lane and once
it's clear, head to the jungle to slay the first jungle creep available.
Aim to get the buff as soon as possible but only when your lane is
safe. Don't forget to roam around the jungle and take advantage
of enemy jungle creeps if they haven't killed them yet. Alternate
between laning and jungling to maximize your resources as much
as possible. Don't be shy to use your skills on minion waves and
jungle creeps to kill them as fast as you can. A standard combo
for Sun is to initiate the fight with your ultimate skill to cast your
clones, then immediately after cast your second ability and your
clones will follow suit. Sun shines in laning and clearing minion
waves fast so take advantage of this ability to push lanes as fast as
you can. Also don't forget to check your mini map often to see
potential oportunities where you can gank your enemy heroes or
help team mates during team fights. His clone's presence during
team fights is valuable to extract more time for enemy heroes to
think of their targets. This would in turn provide your team a
greater window to launch your ult and abilities and successfully
pulverize your enemies. 25 Aug 2021

Instead of buying Boots, bring the battle spell Assault. With

this you can easily engage and disengage enemies. Early in the
game, get a Hunter's Knife to add damage to creeps and gain
additional exp on every kill. This is to maximize your gold and
exp to establish a lead against your enemies. Next item is Tooth
of Greed which would provide more damage and life steal for
better sustain. Follow this up with Thor's Sting to improve Sun's
mobility as this item provides more attack speed, movement
speed, and critical chance. What more, this item's passive allows
Sun to deal extra magic damage after every five basic attack and it
works well with his passive skill. Additional attack speed also
allows you to summon your clones much faster, and recover life
easier as well. Next up is Blade of Destruction for more physical
damage, critical chance, and critical damage. Once you have this
item and Thor's Sting combo, you'll be able to deal some serious
damage to your enemies with Sun's critical strikes. Getting
Immortality is also a must to improve his sustain during team
fights since most often you'll find yourself initiating it as a fighter.
Yes you can kill enemies fast with your fighter build but having
this item ensures that you actually survive and not get killed as
well. Remember that once you get inflicted by any CC ability
without any defensive items in your bag you're sure to be dead in
no time. The build is almost complete by now and the last two
items will just depend on personal preference or what the
situation needs. If you want to be able to kill enemy heroes faster
you can get Blade of Despair to further improve his critical
damage and attack speed. You can also get a defensive item
instead like Dominance Ice for armor and the passive attack 25 Aug 2021

speed reduction it does to nearby enemies. It would surely be

helpful during team fights. 25 Aug 2021

In every battle, the mystic warrior Tigreal always fought in the
front line and never suffered defeat. Even the vilest of enemies did
not dare to challenge Tigreal on the battlefield, because they knew
such a foolish action would only be met with Tigreal’s merciless
blade. The name of Tigreal, a believer in the Lord of Light, has
become synonymous with bravery and fearlessness. His kingdom
has conferred upon him the honorable title of Warrior of Light as a

Role: Tank
Specialty: Engage/Crowd Control
Emblem: Physical or Tank Emblem
Battle Spell: Assault or Flicker
Item Build: Cursed Helmet, Bloodthirsty King, Blade Armor,
Oracle, Demon's Advent, Immortality

Tigreal is considered one of the game changers of a match due

to his innate high defense and attack power and ability to deal
crowd control status on enemy heroes. Tigreal's Passive,
Fearless, allows him to increase his physical and magic defense
by three points from each attack he makes and can stack up to
ten times. To take advantage of this, hit enemy mobs and try to
have ten stacks as long as possible. Having thirty additional
magic and physical defense would surely be helpful if you run
into an enemy while laning or jungling. Tigreal's first Ability,
Attack Wave, launches an attack wave in a specified direction 25 Aug 2021

and deals some damage to the enemy. But what makes this ability
effective is the slow effect that it induces which could last up to
two seconds. Tigreal's second ability, Sacred Hammer, makes
Tigreal rush in a specified direction to collide with enemy units
and deal physical damage. What more, if he successfully hit the
enemy, you can launch a second attack and deal additional
damage and knock the enemy airborne. You can also utilize this
skill as an engage-disengage ability to either initiate a team fight
or get out of it. Tigreal's ultimate, Implosion, will pull enemies
towards him in a small AoE, deal physical damage, and stun them
for about two seconds. This ultimate works well with the Cursed
Helmet since enemy units will be close to you.
As Tigreal, stick to your lane and build your ten-stack passive
defense by finishing off the first wave of minions. If the enemy
heroes are playing passive, juggle between laning and killing
jungle creeps to maximize your gold economy and experience. A
standard combo for Tigreal is to jump in using your second
ability, deal the second stage attack, cast his ultimate skill then
deal additional damage while the enemy is stunned and close to
you, then once the stun wears of, cast Tigreal's first ability to slow
the enemy as they try to escape and then finish them off. Another
combo which is great for ganking is to approach using Flicker,
quickly cast your ult, then use your second ability to push the
enemy hero towards your team or turret then deal some damage
or cast your first ability to prevent them from escaping.
Item wise, aim to build the Cursed Helmet as your first item.
This will provide you with lots of HP and magic resist. This item
also works well with Tigreal's ult and second ability since you are 25 Aug 2021

close to your enemies. Next item is Bloodthirsty King for more

HP and HP Regen. This item compliments well with Cursed
Helmet as this will further increase your maximum HP and as a
result, will make Cursed Helmet's passive damage much greater.
It also provides more sustain during team fights and ganking
scenarios. Follow this up with a Blade Armor, to reflect the
damage being dealt by your enemies. This item together with
Cursed Helmet will deal significant amounts of damage to your
enemies just by being close and being engaged with you without
you even targeting them in the first place. You will be able to tank
enemy damage and deal damage yourself to assist during team
fights. The reason why it's great to choose Assault as your battle
spell is because even without Boots to aid your mobility, you can
use this spell to get out of tricky situations like when you're being
ganked and your HP is going critically low. The last two items will
depend on your personal preference or what the situation calls. It
is recommended to further increase your HP and get Oracle. It
would provide magic resist, HP regen, and cooldown reduction
which is always welcome. To finish up this build, get a Demon's
Advent to increase your armor for more sustain during team
fights. You can also get Immortality for even more HP and magic
resist. 25 Aug 2021

Chungmugong Yi Sun-Shin was a famous general in an Asian
kingdom. He was extremely loyal and was a man of prowess. At
the time when the nation was in danger, Yi Sun-Shin built a
powerful navy and created the iron armored ship named “Iron
Turtle”; making indelible contribution to the Korea Kingdom for
dominating around the surrounding sea area. “Where the Iron
Turtle ship sails on, the sea areas belong to me,” said Yi. He was
excellent at overtaking majority with the minority. Under the
leadership of him, the Korean navy defeated over 330 enemy
warships with only 12 ships; gaining the great triumph of the
Battle of Myeongnyang. To this day, the legend of this Asian
general still lives on in people’s hearts.

Role: Marksman
Specialty: Reap/Cost
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Path: Fallen Sword, Swift Boots, Thor's Sting, Blade of
Destruction, Blade of Despair, Wind Chaser

Yi Sun-Shin is a marksman that specializes in changing battle

positions and turning the tides of any team fight. His passive
skill, Heavenly Vow, allows him to change from range auto
attack form to melee form based on the enemy distance and his
melee form auto attacks as well as any of his abilities will inflict
layers of bleeding effect on his enemies when hit. His first ability, 25 Aug 2021

One-Wave Sweep, allows him to send a shockwave forward,

slowing any enemy it hits by a decent duration while he jumps
backwards from the same direction. This skill is extremely good
for disengaging from any unwanted fights or ganks and
reposition yourself to a more favorable battle position.
Occasionally, you can also use the skill to close up the gap
between you and your enemy if you can safely go in to secure the
kill. You can also use this skill to hop over small walls and
barriers. His second ability, Blood Floods, allows him to shoot a
long-range arrow piercing through any unit it hits. The longer
you hold this ability, the longer the range. And the max range it
hits will actually impose two layers of bleeding on enemies. This
is his main harasment and wave clearing ability so it is
recommended to max this skill first. His ultimate skill, Mountain
Shocker, launches a three-wave meteor drop or officially
described as shower of fire arrows on top of each enemy hero.
Because each drop is an AoE effect, if the enemy team is
somehow grouped together, anyone affected by each drop will
take the full damage of it, so theoretically, each enemy can take
up to fifteen shots.
Item wise, Yi's kit would complement a set that's geared
towards attack speed plus critical strike because this will make Yi
formidable in any one on one situation and allows him to utilize
the passive better. So the first item will be Fallen Sword for the
life steal, damage and attack speed. And this is also a must get if
the enemy team has one or two tankier champions like Franco or
Minotaur. Follow it with Swift Boots for the attack speed and
mobility. Then the standard item combo Thor's Sting and Blade 25 Aug 2021

of Destruction for max critical strike chance. After this, it's a

matter of personal preference and what your team needs. If your
team offers lots of crowd control and protection you can get
Blade of Despair and Wind Chaser. If the enemy team has lots of
assassin you can opt to get a Magic Blade or Immortality.
As a marksman, go bottom lane for the protection of your
support team mate and the efficiency of farming because you can
rotate between lane and jungle fairly fast. Thanks to the bleeding
effect of his passive skill, Yi is stronger in early lane trade-offs. So
the standard combo is, use your second ability to harass enemies
as much as you can and when the enemy comes towards your
ally, use ranged auto attack and step closer each time to get close
to the melee form and utilize this form as much as you can. Then
use your first ability to reposition if you need to. Use your second
ability again to finish off the clash. In that way, the enemy will
take a lot of bleeding damage. Whenever you have your ultimate
skill ready, pay special attention to the mini map and see if there
is a cluster of your team mates and enemy clashing, if so, hit the
ult button to help out. Again, the ult skill is an AoE spell and if
enemies are clustered together, they will take additional damage
from the barrage of arrows. And you'll be amazed on how many
kills and assists you can get. Always use your second ability
before any team fight starts to break out. Offer the harassment as
much as you can and get enemy HP as low as you can. Another
tip is to try to apply as much melee auto attack as possible to
stack the passive bleeding effect. Any melee form auto attack
actually does cleave damage which means if you use his melee 25 Aug 2021

attack it will allow you to farm so much faster; gold economy for
any marksman is essential. 25 Aug 2021

Yun Zhao is a son of the Great Dragon, sworn to roam from world
to world assisting wise rulers by the Dragon’s decree. Whenever a
new king is in need of strength, Yun Zhao traverses space and time
to remove all obstacles and enemies before the king using spear
fighting techniques endowed upon him by the Great Dragon.

Role: Fighter
Specialty: Charge/Engage
Emblem: Physical Emblem
Battle Spell: Purify
Item Build: Tooth of Greed, Swift Boots, Bruteforce Breastplate,
Cursed Helmet, Demon's Advent, Blade of Despair

Yun Zhao is one of the game's fastest hero. He can roam from
one lane to another and destroy his enemies through ganks due
to his high mobility. Yun Zhao's Passive, Dragon Flurry, allows
him to deal two basic attack simultaneously every six seconds
which synergizes well with his ability combos. His first ability,
Spear Flip, tosses his enemy target towards his back, does some
damage, and inflicts a slow status that would last for ten seconds.
This is an extremely great crowd control ability to isolate key
enemy heroes and go for the kill with your team. A tip is to toss
your enemies close to your tower to deal extra damage. Take
advantage of this particularly early in the game since heroes
aren't very mobile yet and the slow effect that this skill has will be
very effective. You may also toss enemies who are hiding behind 25 Aug 2021

their towers to easily kill them. Zhao's second ability, Spear

Strike, deals heavy damage by charging towards the target unit
and slows their movement speed for a short duration. He already
has great mobility but you can still use this skill to close gaps
between your enemies particularly when chasing or as an
initiator when ganking. His ultimate, Supreme Warrior,
unleashes the beast within Zhao and puts him in a berserked
state where his movement and attack speed increases greatly and
he becomes immune from slow down effects.
Early in the game, focus on laning. Clear the first wave as soon
as possible and be aware of the potential first blood you can do
particularly if the enemy hero comes too close to the tower.
Immediately cast your first skill on them to toss them towards the
tower so it could deal heavy damage on their HP. Continuously
harass your enemies this way during the early game. A standard
combo for Yun Zhao during team fights is to initiate it with his
second skill to get close to the enemy, then immediately toss and
isolate the target towards your team members or tower, then cast
your ultimate skill to go frenzy and finish the kill. That's why it's
recommended for his item build to gear towards defense since he
is a little bit squishy, and attack speed increase items to fully take
advantage of his passive double attack skill as well as his frenzy
ultimate. Make sure to have your second ability ready at times to
escape during tricky situations, or get one or two defensive items
to increase his sustain. Without proper escape plans, once you get
crowd controlled it's almost impossible to escape to safety.
Proper positioning is also beneficial for Yun Zhao so you can
target the squishiest enemy first which most likely will be the one 25 Aug 2021

to deal lots of damage on you if left alone. So instead of

approaching the enemy head on, try to go around and target the
back line immediately, cast your second skill then isolate their
ADC, then activate your ult. Once their backline gets crushed and
your team is able to CC the other heroes then you'll pulverize
them instantly. Be generous in using your ult to increase your
movement speed. With Yun Zhao, you have the capability to be
an effective roamer and go from lane to lane to assist team mates
and go for enemy kills. His supreme mobility makes him a great
hero to assist whenever and wherever there is action so always
check your mini-map to be ready for these opportunities as they
will come almost all the time.
Item wise, get Tooth of Greed first to increase his base damage
and also provide him with lifesteal. Combined with his fast attack
speed and passive skill, this item will provide him with great
sustain during the laning phase. Follow it up with Swift Boots for
that extra attack speed and movement speed boost. As
mentioned, Yun Zhao is pretty squishy so it's important to gear
him with armor to increase his sustain. Get a Bruteforce
Breastplate for this since not only it gives him the much needed
sustain, this item's passive also increases his movement speed
and physical attack by a bit and it even stacks up to four times!
That's an eight percent increase in movement speed! Partner it
up with his frenzy ult and he'll be a killing machine in no time.
More defensive item for Yun Zhao makes him a greater team
player. Get him a Cursed Helmet for more HP and Magic
Resistance from enemy mages. If the enemy team has more
physical damage heroes, get Breastplate instead. Partner this up 25 Aug 2021

with Demon's Advent and by now your Yun Zhao should be able
to engage in a team fight much more effectively without the need
to disengage as soon as the enemy team starts to spam their ults
and abilities. Bringing Purify as your battle spell will greatly help
during those situations. To finish the build and make Yun Zhao
the killing machine that he's designed for, get a Blade of Despair.
This item will give him that game changing boost on damage,
attack speed, and critical chances. Yun Zhao in his ult form will
be unstoppable. 25 Aug 2021

This book was created with the intention of sharing the collective
knowledge of various MOBA players in a concise and structured
manner. Its goal is to remove the need to scour the vast internet
for information that would otherwise be convoluted and
counterproductive. However, this book does not claim to be the
best iteration of the hero specific advices presented since regular
updates are being released by the game developers. Having said
that, players are encouraged to use this book as a guide to help
them establish their personal approach on the game.

Mobile Legends as with all MOBAs is a fairly complex game

and would require one to invest time to be good at. Do not let
yourself be overwhelmed by the information presented in this
book. Again, the key to victory is mastery. Focus on a single hero
that fits your playing style and personality and stick to it for a few
hundred matches. Master the ins and outs of its skills and item
builds and you are guaranteed to be playing in the top level in no
time. Always remember to respect everyone you encounter in-
game particularly your team mates. Lastly, never forget to have
fun and enjoy the game. Do not be afraid to commit mistakes as
these will teach you the much needed lessons that would be more
valuable in the long run.

If you think that this book would help another player in his
quest to master this game, we humbly ask you to spread the
knowledge you've gained by sharing the download link of this
book. Being able to spread the insights presented and helping
everyone improve their game is worth more to us than anything. 25 Aug 2021

Only if you truly believe that this book has value and deserves
more than the amount set for it, visit the download link again and
purchase the book with the amount you think it deserves. 25 Aug 2021




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