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Student: Aura Sofía Guzmán Trujillo

Code: 20201188236

8. The Festival of Saint Peter

Every year in the department of Huila, whose capital is neiva and called very
commonly "Bambuquera capital of Huila" the folklore festival and national reign
of the bamboo is held. These festivities are held in the month of July, where
throughout the month you can see Queens, parades, celebrated
displayscompars, traditions such as roast, chicha, mistela, hats, tailoegallos,
and you can not miss the typical costume.

The typical dish is the Roast Huilense and is represented as follows: Roasted pork,
adovated with fine baked boils, accompanied by dog's ear arepa and bulise

The typical suit is depicted:

the woman wears white blouse with washers, lace, tray neck and 3/4 sleeves. Its skirt
is decorated with nine bouquets of die-cut flowers, lace and billaret accompanied by
espadrilles made in fique.

The man wears a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, wide leather belt, wide-
brimmed hat and tail.

During the last two weeks of June, parades, horseback riding, over-roasted Huilense,
coplas and san JUANERO HUILENSE song are Heard

In this fastival I participate by dancing the Huilense juanero and attending the parades


- Your outfit should carry a swimsuit, or a jacket depending on the city you're in, in
your bag.

-It should be taken into account to change the Cash in Colombian pesos.

-You should never forget your visa where you are staying, it is how you manage to
identify the people in the establishments that want to enter

-If you want to drive, you shouldn't forget your international driver´s license.

10. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo.

-Manuel Elkin Patarroyo Murillo was born on November 3, 1946, from the tolima

-He is a Colombian physician immunologist, graduated from the national university of

Colombia and specialized at Yale University.
- This great Colombian scientist who managed to synthesize a vaccine against malaria.

- His wife maria Cristina Gutierrez, with whom he had two children, and followed in his
footsteps through medicine.

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