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Name: Jayona, Dianne Rose Date: 07- 7- 2021



Make your own interpretation based on the presentation you watched of What is

Based on the presentation that I watched from the google meet, Globalization has
become a fashion concept that explains the changes experienced in the world and
which is accepted as the reason of the transformations. While the concept of
globalization is defined in this sense, the meanings of Globalization in different
dimensions have emerged. When the definition of globalizations is analyzed, it is
seen that the definitions that prioritize economic expansions are examined more.
The common feature of the definitions that evaluate the phenomenon of
globalization economical is that it emphasizes the increase in foreign investment,
the increasing importance of multinational companies, the economical
interdependence of countries and increasing unlimited capital flows. Another point
of view that draws attention in the definitions regarding globalization is the
definitions that address the process in a multi- dimensional manner. Looking at
these definitions: it is understood that technological innovations, cultural change
and homogenization, the joining of localities in different parts of the world,
migration movements liberalized between borders and the transformations in the
political field are emphasized from a different perspective. Apart from these
definitions, Globalization has been defined by some thinkers in terms of expressing
the new world order and revealing the new conditions of imperialism. These
definitions are more important in terms of understanding an anti- globalization
perspective. This approach, which interprets globalization as new form of capitalist
ideology and a new form of colonialist understanding, reveals the fact that anti
-globalization as a new form of capitalism. Although the concept of globalization
is defined in the basic sense as the integration of the world and spread of common
values across the world, definitions differ according to the emphasis made on the
changes and transformations in the different dimensions caused by globalization.

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