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UNIT 2 – NHÓM 5 – LỚP 2



1.Set goals and write down all of the tasks you need to do

2 . Put your list of goals in order

4. Use a calendar to schedule your time ( Explain: it’s to use calendar to plan your time)

5 . Divide big assignment into smaller tasks ( Explain: you need to divide small to task you can do one on
the time)

7 . Avoid distractions ( Explain: you need to avoid distractions)

9 . Reward yourself for finishing your work on time (Explain: promise yourself get reward when you
finish your work)


1b. a lot ( explain: I see a lot of you)

2c. 80-95 ( explain: don’t feel to bad, 80-95 precent of students procrastinate sometimes)

3a. most important to least important ( explain: the next step it’s put your goals from most important to
least important )

4b . exercising, getting enough sleep, and seeing friends ( explain: you need to divide small task you can
do one on the time, don’t forget schedule things like exercising, getting enough sleep and seeing friends)

5a. find the strategies that work best for you ( explain: you need to find what work for you to get your
work done)

6a. do your work or do nothing ( explain : you don’t have to do your work)

7c. reading but not answering your text message ( explain: to remove on of your distractions, turn off
your phone, putting away your video games, turning of your internet do it everything you need to avoid

8b. 10 years( explain: he took 10 years to finish his study on procrastination)

9a. some money ( explain: he suggest it give some money to another person and tell the person if you
don’t finish your work on time, they can give the money away)

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