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FT YOGODA SAT-SANGA FORINIGHTLY INsTRUCTIONS BY PARSMSANSA YOGANANDA (fo Be Confidentiaily Reserved FOR MEXEER'S USE ONLY} VOT SHAFTS OW JOY ™ of the roy trom my honrt Gush unecas ir % May its flooding p of others! | May the "Niagara Fe: is" Let all wash their uelaneholia With the moonbeans of my Bliss. | I will be the'cornade of laushtar, t Warring the super-structures of sorrcw, i spread over miles and miles of mentalities, j | -T wii2 ehurn yw ard blow avay all the trowles | if of hearts. H qn the lightning-flastes of my mirth, } \ I will swiftiy bring to view the panorama Of Thy 3eauty, hidd beneath The nosturnal darkness of unseeing sinds, Bless sxe, that by o single shuft of ay Tight rok - t I will pnt to flight the standin ‘ of Ages, nurtured in the dark corners Of human mings, Through Try Grace, a little licht cf sudden Wisdom | yili Gispel the gathered error \ | of a milion years, i AUUUCOONUOO 0000200 OC OES PRWER 0 PREOWE YHR Pes j-BPTUK STUDY gh my Soul. Let my soul "9 Silent :aughter: 2 through my eyes, smil; through my teart, and let Prince of smilesi He enthror: 4iopy of my countenaice, and : will prot«t Thy tender oar in th: custle of my sincerity, that no mbel hypocrisy way lurk tc destroy Tiee. Make Thou ne a Smile Millionaire, tiat I may scatter Thy smiJ¢ in sad hearts freely, eery- where" sere tert Althoug spiness taesnal conditions, tions of the inner mind. in order to ie health, an efficient mind, a prosperou: i and, above all, an all-round, a!l-accowl'shing *ind oneself a prisoner of dependent upon success and nds io some extent upon ex- ends chiefly ipon conai~ one must have good ne right kina of work, wisdom. INWARDLY HAPPY Without inner happiness, one Worries in a rich castle. Happiness is nc: S-I * P.25 wealth alone, but real happiness depends upon struggling against the fatiures, difficulties, and problems d life with an acquired attitude of unshakable inner happiness. To be unbappy in trying to find the hara-to-acquire happiness, defeats its own end. Happiness comes by te- ing inwardly happy first, at all times, while struggling your uimost to uproot the causes of unhappiness. SUPERIOR LASTING We can never be happy until we keep progressingand HAPPINESS secking satisfaction in doing so, and guarding our happiness from all the influences whiok destroy it. Happiness comes, not by helplessly thinking, and living it in all the moods and actions of life, No matter what you are doing, keep tie under-current of happiness, the secret river of joy, flowing beneath the sands of variow thoughts and rocty soils of hard trials. Learn to be seoretly happy within your heart in spite of all circumstances, and say to yourself; “Happiness is the greatest Divine birthright ~ the buried treasure of my Soul. I heve found that at lst I shall se- eretiy be rich beyond the dream of K’ngs." If the Soul becomes completely engrossed in lesser happiness, it fails tobe attentive to the investigation of superior lasting hap- piness, Many persons my reason that renunciation of saterinl pleasures is almost an impossibility in the world of business existence, but every mn is not advised to return to the jungle in ;rder to fim peace, He must be in the wrld and yet not of it. He must “ot be nasative, and should not blind himself with material pleasurer, and thus ?ail to enjoy the vision of superior pleasuris. AVOID BAD HABITS. Den't make unhadpiness a ohronric habit, for it is anything but Sant to be wineppy, and it is blessedness for yourself and others ‘f youare happy, It is easy to wear a silver smile or pour sweet hwpiness through your volee. Then why be grouchy and scatter unhappiness around you? It is never too late to learn, you areas old as your chronic thougits, and you are as young as you feel now, in spité c? your age. Ignorant people, like arimals, do not heed the & ssons which accompany pain and pleasure, ist people live a lite checkered with sadness and sorrow, They do ret avoid the actions which lead so suffer- ing, and do not follow the wys which lead to huppiress. Then there are people who live their lites consciously wer-soisitive to scrrow and happiness when they coms Such people are usurily extremely erushed by sorrow, and ave wervhelmed by joy, ths losing thei? mental balance. There are very fw people who, after pyrning their fingers in the fire of ignorance, learn to avoid misery-uking acts. Ss Meny people wish to be happy, and yet Wey never make th? offort %o adopt the course of ation which leads to Mppiness, Most peiple Keep rolling down the hill of life, only mentolly wishing to climb the peak of happiness. ‘hey sometimes wake up if their qmtbusiasu for Iap- piness survives the crash to the bottom of sahappiness. host people lack imagination and never wake up until somthing terrible happens to arouse them from their xightmare of folly. cure yourself cf evil habits by coiterizing them with oo op posite good habits. 1° you have a bad haiit of telling lies, 4 ok aad $0 doing have lost nary friends, start tht opposite good habits of be ing the truth, It tayes time to fom eisier a good havit or a bad one. “Page Ww It is Uffieult for a bad person to be good, and for a good person to be bad, yet, remember that once you heoome good, it will be natural and easy for you to be good; likewise, if you cultivate an evil habit, you you will be compelled tobe evil, in spite of your desire, and you will have to pray: "Father, my Spirit is willing, but my flesh is wook." That is why it is worth while to cultivate the habit of being happy. The man sliding down evil paths finds no resistance, but as soon as he tries to oppose his evil habits by the adoption of spiritual laws of discipline ho finds countless instincts of temptations roused to fight and foil his noble efforts. DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS Your individual happiness depends to a large extent upon protecting yourself and your family from the evil results of gossiping. See no il, talk no evil, hear no evil, think no evil, feel no evil. xost people can talk about other peop2e for hours and thrive under the influence of gossip like the tem porary influence of intoxicating poisonous wine, isa't it strange that people can smoothly, joyously, and with caustic eritieion talx about the foults of others for hours but cannot cndure reference to their own faults at all? The next time you are tempted to talk atout the moral and men- tal wickedness of other people, inuediately begin to talk loudly about your own mental and moral wickedness for just five miaqutes ard see how you like it, If you do not like to talk about your own faults, if it hurts you to do so, you certainly should fecl more hurt wher saying un- kind, harmful things about other people. ‘rain yourself and each mem ber of your femily to refrain from talking about others, ‘"gudge not, that ye be not judged." By giving publicity to a mnts weakness, yu do not help him, Instead, you either wake him wrathful or discouraged and you skime him, perhaps forever, so that he gives up trying to be good. When you take away the sense of dignity froma person by openly mligning hin, you wake him desperate. When a man is down, he is too well avare cf his own wickedness, By destructive criticism, you pusi him stil] farther down into the mire of despondercy into which he is already sin’ . Insteaé of gossiping about him, you should pull him ovt with lovi:g, eroovraying words, only when aid is asked should Spiritval and mora? help de offered, To your own children or loved ones you my offer your friendly, humble sugges~ tions at any time and renove their sense o7 secrecy of delicacy, SMILE AND BE HAPEY wake your home a valley of swiles instead of a vale of tears, smile now an{ never mind bow hard it has been for you to do so, Smile now, All the time resember %o SMILE NOW, and you will ShILE aLwYs. Some people mile most of the tine, while beneath the mast of laughter they hide a sorrow-corroded heart. Such people siowly p-ne away beneath the shadows of meaningless smiles, There are other jjeople who smile once in a while, and they may also be very serious at tines, yeb beneath the beautiful rocky appearance there my be curgling 4 million fountains of laughing peace. If you enjoy good health for fifty years, then you are sidk for three years, unable to get healea by any metho’, you will prebably for- ge shed get about the length of time that you enjoyed good health and lavs at the idea of sickness, Now it is exactly the opposite. Just hecause you have been sick for three years, you protably think that you will never get well again, -Page hree- E * p.25 Likewise, if you were happy a long time, and have been unhappy a comparatively short time, you are apt to lose hope of ever being happy again. This is lack of imagination. The memory of a long-continued hap- piness should’ be a forceful subconscious habit to influence your cons- cious mind and ward off the consciousness of your present trouble. when veolth only is lost, nothing real is lost, for if one has health and skill one can still be happy and can make more money, but if health is lost, then moat happiness is also lost, and wien the principle of life is lost, all happiness is lost. Pure love, sacred joy, poetic !magination, kindness, wiséom, \peace, Bliss, or meditation, and happiness in serving, are felt inwardly first in the mind or the heart, and are then transmitted throuzh the nervous system to the physical body ard outward. Do not caviouflage your Soul with the veil of sermons and solemn wards. Understani and feel the superior joys of inner life, and jou will prerer them +o the fleot~ ing pleasures of the outer world, ZHE SwsB LAPy Th 6S A man who lived in the cole tracts of Alaska had tasted some of the luscious, long lady-finger grares that had been sHipped to him by a friend who lived in Fresno, Calliornia, The Alaskan was so enamored of the grapes that he secured a jod ot Fresno, where ali kinds of grapes grow s0 abundantly, and left Alas Tor” soca The jlaskan, on hie arrival in Presno, was invited to the house of his friend, and a young lady brought hima bunch of ‘ie grapes he so loved, He was almost beside himself with joy, and as he hurrindly munched and gulped down the grapes, he gurgled out; "0 thank you, trom the bottom of my heart, thank you.” he young lady,/ who owned a grape orchard, finding the Alaskan so overjoyed upon receiving the grapes, said to him: "Good sir, sime you love the grapes so much-----' - myhy, I left Alaska for lady~finger grapes," interrupted the Alaskan, rapes you want, [ am she mjeli fr, you shal] have aj1 the srapes you owner of a grape ranch ani daily I will bring to you all the want} said the lady. ghe next day, very carly, the lady arrived at the house of the grape-gorged Alaskun with a Jac‘e yuantity of grapes. The alsskan, who haG not yet digested ali the i Le lad jlowed the previous night, Game out of the house yawning, fe leaped witi joy at the prospect of feasting on the large mount of »rapes whieh the ledy nad brought. woh, how wonderful to have so many grapes. f am very luck}. hank you, thank you," cried the Alaskan. He tasteda few grapes in the presence of the lady. as a matter of politeness, although he could taste undigested grapes of the previous night, in nouth, When she lady left, he gloated over the grapes with admiration and greedy tyes. An hour elasped, then he began eating grapes again, All day long he sWalloved grapes, grapes, grapes. eee ec hext morning, at the brois of dawn, thy youme Indy arrives with a darger quantity of the finest gropes that her vineyard could yicia nd shouted for the Alaskan! Half sleepy, with a slightlywilted eniy. Siasm, also 2 slight touch of vexation at being roused froma deep sicp but wearing 4 centle smile on his face) the Asasinn crested the grapes — and the lady} "Helle, good lady, thank you for the very nice grapes." On the third morning, as usuel, the lady broveht a still larger bunch of grapes. The Alasian, half asleep, and with a half smile on his face, greeted the lady and said: "Lady, it is very good of you to give me these grapes, but I still have soms left from yesterduy.” On the fourth morning, the lady called on the Alaskan again with a fairly good quantity of rapes. xe reluctantly woke up, and without a smile greeted the lady and said: "9, grapes again. It 1s very nice of you to bring them, but I have enougn. Don't you think 50? Besides, I have some left over." But the lady, disbelieving the story of the Alaskan, and think- ing that he was just modest and afraid to impose upon her generosity, brought the viggest quantity of grapes on the firth wornine and knéckoa at the residence of the Alaskan, who leaped out of his bed as if he had seen a ghost and shouted at the lady: “horrors, ledy, grapes, grapes, grapes, grapes! For Heaven's sake, grapes againj” The lady smiled and said; "Now I am happy to know that you late grapes. I hope you will never deprive me of my salable grapes azain.” The above story subtly shows that "tec much of my good thing, or of anything else, for that matter, is bed." No matter how pleasur- a able a thing is, if you over-indulge in ‘¢, it ceases to give pleasure and gives pain instead. This story was told to me by a sex-slave living constantly on the sex-plane, who ultimtely found that his temporary pleasure was changed into physical and mental agony. $0, remember, do not, over-indulge in eating, sleeping, working, social ectivity, or in any activity, no miter how pleasuradie it is, for over-indulgence will yield nothing but unhappine: g the Spiritual at attractiveness, stress Self-Realization does not advocate develor the expense of the physioul well-being and persosa Indeed, throughout our Lessone you will so far have noticed th 3 Put upon a true understanding and conscientious care that is to be given the body in all its phases. . Contrary to the wental attitude taken the aesthetic, we believe, is not expected to nor to assume a monner of indifference to the Beauty that 4s all about us manifested, Even thovgh you nay he a worker for Rumanity, in the midst of the crowd, you must make tlie most of your personl appearance, your physical personality. Beauty in all its wyriad forms must have been or: Liye cluded in the pivine Plan, for we see evidences everywhere! in the flowers and trees, the birds, the sky, the Creative arts, in the face of a child, a voice, music, why, then, if God has scen fit to recognize its worth and power, shall we make an efrort to eracicate it from our lives in the name of spizitual atéainment? Page Five- , vy many other teachers, eschew ercature comforts iginaily in- S-I * P.25 The old idea of a loig-faced missionary sent out to save and redeem lost souls, going amon, his fellow-creatures clad in ugly, arab costumes of nondeseript waterial and color, is not a true picture of the ideal of spiritual quality we wish to implant in the hearts of + students of self-Realization Fellowship. Beauty and strength of bodily expression should be man and woman's heritage, a gift from the Gods; to oultivate if it has been denied or withdrawn because of lack of knowledge of how to retain it, And so, let me again remind you that it is NEVER too late to mke the start, There is but the Eternal Nov, in this as in everything else. While it is not the intention of this Department to give for- mulas for the attainment of Beauty, I do a¢monish my students my stu~ dents to realize that God manifests upon tle physical plane as well as upon the Intellectual and spiritual pinne, ari no point is gained by disregarding the physical laws or that which will enhance personal appearance, tempered, always with good taste. It is my desire, rather, to arouse your pride in this direction, so that you will devote a reasonable amount of your time daily to the cultivation of your physial body, WITH WHICH YOU MUST LIVE FQiWHR ON THIS Baki PLahz. UNFIRED APPLESAUCE DESSERT after removing core, grind apples {with peel) in a nut-butter grinder. Ad@ cinnamon to taste, File it into a dessert glass; top with whipped cream; over that sprinkle Nutritive Nusgets. BATHE YOURSELF In THE OCEAN CF PEACE After bathing yourself in the ocean of Peace in the dreamland, as you wake with happiness, say: “In the sleepland I found myself free from mortal worries, I was a King of Peace. Now, as I work in the daytime and carry on my diurnal battles of duties, I shall no longer be defeated by insurgent worrries of the kingdom of wakefulness. I am a King of peace in the sleepland, ami [ shall continue to be such a King in the lana of wakefulness. As I come ovt of my Kingdom of Peace in the sleepland, I shall spread that same peace in my land of wakeCul dreas." EFORTNIGHTLY' a "Beginning vith the early ‘awn, I will radiate my cheer to everyone [ meet today, 1 will be the mental sunshine for all who cross my path this day.” -Page Six-

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