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John’s Experience

If you’re reading this ma’am then you know I don’t attend your class that much. It was
never my intention to ghost you, but a matter of work schedule collusion. I currently work for
my father as a project manager, so I juggle my time with work & school. You ask me to share
my experience in this class, but unfortunately, We didn’t really have a proper class together. I
only have memories of our short conversations and from that, I can deduce a small trait of your
nature. To be honest, at first, you didn’t really strike me as an instructor. Don’t get me wrong, I
could tell you are a wonderful instructor. But I know it wouldn’t surprise you that you still look
like a fifteen-year-old girl. But I know for a fact that you are good at what you do. I only know a
few who chose mathematics as a profession. I believe people who turned arithmetic as a
profession, are people who loves challenging problem. So I give my respect to you, not just as an
instructor but as a person. And hope your career flourishes as time goes by. I’d like to add more
but you kinda set a cap in the word count. So I’ll finish my message here. Thank you! And I do
hope to see you in the future.

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