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the challenge of globalization in Dienul Islam

In the era of globalization Islam began to detach its identity. Where there are many
deviations by carrying the name of Islam, it is very difficult to see the application of Islam in
question, considering Islam as at the beginning of Islam in the days of friendship, so from that
thing the rodja tv crew is very keen to preach Islam purely, by conducting a study every day by
preparing a study schedule through social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, and others.

If a review is held every day, the Muslim laypeople who want to ask for knowledge
about Islam will understand the true Islam, where in Islam it is asked not only about ways of
worship, but in Islam also knows muamalah, behaves, and so on.

For that reason, I fully support the plans of the Rodja TV crew, because the solution to
refining the best Islamic teachings is by preaching, and what must be discussed in Islam has been
taught, and this religion has provided as offered by Allah in Al-Qur'an 'an Surat Al-Maidah verse

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