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The Right Sort

By Roshni Prajapati

Based on 'The Magic Shop' by H.G. Wells

A Short Film
Dramatic Thriller
Final Draft

De Montfort University,

Gateway House,
Title: The Right Sort

Genre: Dramatic Thriller

Logline: A boy, running from a part of himself and the person

he must become ultimately discovers that the change is
nothing to fear, and learns to embrace all of himself.

Story Synopsis: A boy, Gip, finds himself seeking comfort in

a magic shop, from his struggle to accept who he is. Here he
experiences a comfort from the wondrous magic he sees.
However, he learns that change is inevitable in life, and
that he would be happier accepting it.

Adaptation Statement:

Source Material: H.G Wells, The Magic Shop, 1895.

'The Magic Shop' is a short story with a particular focus to

themes such as Family, Innocence and Danger. I wanted to
focus on the loss of innocence. This specific theme is one I
relate to personally as I was forced to mature and become
responsible at a young age, and this struggle between the
unwillingness to change and the duty of having to has
influenced my adaptation. One of the biggest challenges was
to express a smooth character development within a 5-7 minute
film. Therefore, I decided to economise the role of the
characters by making the boy the sole protagonist. In the
decision to focus solely on Gip, I was able to add depth to
his character, alongside his hopes, so that I could better
explore the themes Wells implies. To highlight the thriller
genre, I had also decided to forgo the use of dialogue to
emphasise the visuals of the narrative as it suits the screen
medium, so I recreated the magic items, adding feeling and
life. They will be both 'alive' and 'broken' to present the
change in the characters psyche and it is through the
'broken' that Gip finds himself. A particularly important
visual is the object of a crystal ball as a talisman which
not only acts as a signifier physically but also as a
transitional tool for time. Wells mentions crystal spheres
briefly; however, I saw their potential for adding a new
depth to both Gips character and the narrative. I used this
crystal ball to signify the beauty of emptiness, a criticism
of how society believes this state to be ideal, shown by Gips
attraction to the item. To remedy this perspective, the
talisman will have more beauty when filled, 'burdened',
alongside being a transitional tool to show that the boy
becomes the shopkeeper, metaphorically embracing his burdens
and responsibilities. My love of the supernatural and fantasy
genre inspired me to adapt this text by highlighting these
elements,even the unsavoury because I believe that the screen
is a medium which can soften the typically harsh reality
checks we face in everyday life, as they are needed.

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Sounds of faint murmurings are getting drowned out by

footsteps increasing in volume.


A young boy, GIP, with dark hair and skin is seen desperately
running. He is small for his age, 11, scruffy with tears
staining his cheeks, yet his mouth stays shut in an effort to
hide his sobs. His already shabby clothes are muddied and
unsecured on his too-small frame, with enough loose threads
to spin a yarn of wool.

We see several bystanders violently moving to the side to

avoid the boy, their faces contorted in outrage.

He needs to hide.

Turning into a conveniently placed alleyway, he waits to

catch his breath and calm his harsh exhales.

As his panic begins to fade, he becomes more aware of his

gloomy surroundings, the intimidation and distrust rising as
the seconds pass.

Looking around, he finds a green door hidden between the

dripping, damp bricks, with a sign above saying 'The Magic
Shop' in gold cursive, standing proudly. The doorknob is
golden and engraved with a majestic snake.

It is powerful, strong, alluring in the promise of the


Gip hesitantly reaches out, looking out of the alley one last
time, before grabbing and turning the doorknob and taking a
determined step into the shop.

He can do this...


Upon entering the store, Gip becomes bewitched by the unusual

items surrounding the store, transforming his face to one
befitting a boy of his age.

We see the dark interior covering the room like a heavy fog,
Stacks upon stacks of shelves, housing all sorts of unusual
items, collected from all corners of the world.

A dragon here, a few shrunken heads there, spell books high

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up there.

Gip focuses specifically on an oriental carpet, scraping his

foot over their alien patterns as if he were drawing it
himself. He absentmindedly looks to the side.

Musty curtains give way to dirtied windows, giving us a vague

view of the outside.

Despite the nature of the shop, we see that this setting

gives way to the wonder of the magic items, presented proudly
in all their glory.

Gip has entered a new world.


The flecked pieces of dust hanging in the air are glowing,

like tiny stars in the early dusk of winter. Their
luminescence matched by the single, dulled, yellow lamp in
the centre of the ceiling.

The ceiling is lined with a cornice of the same serpentine

pattern guarding the doorknob outside. Strings lie holding
onto many dream catchers, their bold blues being a sharp
contrast to the dark interior, making them glow.

A line of mirrors, mismatched in shape, lie lifelessly in one

corner of the room, closest to a hallway spanning deeper into
this labyrinth of a store.

A small sword lies encased in a glass box, the promise of

adventures calling to Gip, of magical fights with pirates, of
defeating mighty beasts, of being a hero.

Of where he is needed.


A tiger jumps in front of us, delicately made of paper, the

size of a palm.

Gip gently scratches its head, careful and attentive in a way

many children aren't.

It then proceeds in its journey to run around the place,

unconcerned by the forces of gravity, a white blemish.

The roar echoes, though soft, and wakes the slumbering fishes
lying in their bowls. Upon their awakening, they light into
existence, neon coloured in brilliant shades of pink, orange
and green, against the dark backdrop of the shelf.

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Feeling an intense gaze, Gip looks to the left, only to be

startled by a giant eye staring back, painted on a light
wooden hand holding a deck of tarot cards.

Gip cautiously approaches, eyeing the gaze playfully, to get

a better look at the craft.

A pattern of pantone, thorny vines are wrapped around the

wood to create an artful display.


The sound has us turning towards the centre of the room, a

small table rests, it is the blinding fire dancing atop that
catches our gaze and concern.

Flashing in a brilliant spectrum of vermilion, it is joyful

and playful as it eyes the newcomer, yet constant in its
cackling gentleness to the table it rests upon.

Feeling some warmth on his back, Gip turns back to us and is

immediately captivated.

As he gravitates closer to this lively wonder, it begins to

part in the middle, revealing a single red rose in a glass
vase, untouched, unscathed by the beauty surrounding it.

The bright glaze of the dancing fires reaches it's hands out,
touching a box of crystal balls lying on a shelf close by,
their consummation exploding in a passion of colours, shades
of which Gip has never seen before.

The whole room becomes bathed in their ethereal energy,

showering him in warmth and absolution.

He needs to have it.

We see Gip reaching out and taking one of these small

wonders, his very own treasure in this small adventure.


By the sound of a hidden door opening, Gip hurriedly shoves

his treasure into his back pocket, turning to face this new

We see a tall, slim man (40) with dark features that melt
into the shadows he rises from. He wears a faux velvet suit
in a deep maroon, with a cheeky black bow lying by his neck.
In seeing Gip, he smiles widely, teeth glistening gold in the
light of the magical objects.

Gip feels indignant in having to share this place until the

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man suddenly falls into a deep bow, welcoming the newcomer in

excitement to show his genuine magic.


Gip forgets his wariness in the face of the genuine magic the
SHOPKEEPER is showing him. Some cards tricks to begin, with a
deck he bought from his suit pocket.

However, these tricks begin to become more genuine, more

outrageous, more rebellious in the face of what is natural.

The SHOPKEEPER promptly throws more paper animals in the air.

They do not come down.

They give a few rustled twitches with their limbs, testing

them out before they join the Tiger's march around the store,
a wonderful paper menagerie.

More white blemishes.

Gip reaches his hand out after them, amazed and yet with a
hint of envy.

In seeing the SHOPKEEPER enter, the neon fishes promptly

began to dance in joy, sputtering bubbles that lift from the
glass bowl, floating about the room in cool aqua.

And with it, Gip. Closing his eyes, he lifts his hands once
again, becoming lighter, lifting just like the bubbles around

Chug Chug Chug.

Startled, the boy refocuses on the new addition.

A scarlet train suddenly appears and also begins to rumble

around the store, keen to be a part of the action, to show

Gip finds himself speechless in the pure joy of experiencing

this welcome, just for him.

He needs to stay here forever.

The SHOPKEEPER holds up a single finger, motioning the

absence of his presence before he turns on the spot and
disappears in a puff of smoke.

Gip, in seeing all the items close within his grasp, is

immediately drawn to the aforementioned toy sword. Carefully,
he takes the item out of its case, handle painted a rich

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gold, decorated in glowing jade.

We see his reflection on its cool surface.

He begins to doubt his decision.

But, the sword is light, the length suiting the boy in ways
it shouldn't.

Hesitantly, he takes a few swipes, smooth in his grip despite

his lack of experience in wielding such a thing. He cannot
bring himself to stop as the merry hum of the sword continues
to become louder and louder.

Encouraged by the hums and vibrations, Gip begins his own

dance in time with the rhythm around the store, left to
right, jumping high and low he is lost in a flurry of swings.
The pleasure in his face is undeniable.


Amidst the great action of Gips movements, we see the crystal

ball falling from his pocket and clattering down the unending
hallway of the store.

As though in shame, Gip hurriedly puts the toy sword back

from whence it came and proceeds down the hall to find the

He desperately needs to find it.

Gip sets off into the narrow hallway, we see the clear,
polished wood passing on each side as he shuffles forward, a
sharp glint of light ahead of him.

Countless mahogany doors are evenly placed on each side, some

left ajar, others firmly shut, but the silence is deafening.


We hear a sound from the right, one of the many doors are
lying partially open, a soft light peeking out. Gip feels the
temptation to investigate but ignores it, focusing on the
crystal ball.


He ignores it.


He can ignore it.

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He can't ignore it.

We see Gip turning slowly, face inquisitive as he carefully

approaches the door, peering inside through a gap as the door
is unlocked.

Through this restricted view we see another boy, he looks to

be about Gip's age, but that may be the only similarity
between them.

He is fair-skinned, fair-haired with smooth edges that speak

of superior grooming. He wears pastel blue shorts, a crisp
clean white shirt that match his long socks, pulled up to his
knees, feet clad in black shined shoes.

He is everything Gip is not.

His perfection brings a bout of ugly jealousy in Gip, which

fights against the joy of seeing another boy in the shop, of
a potential friend.

As Gip thinks heavily on his dilemma, quiet sniffles draw him

in. Concerned, Gip goes to take a step forward, before he
spots something in the room, something that has him paling to
a shade purer than his potential friend.

The other boy is pressed up against a table, face dawning in

terror, tears running down his whimpering face.

That is when we see it.

A larger form approaches, dark and humanoid.

But not for long.

Gip retreats further into his hiding place, tears matching

that of the other boys. He is terrified yet captivated as he
watches in morbid fascination, shamed by his inability to

We see the 'man' begin to morph, limbs snapping longer and

thinner, his height reaching well over the average. Cracks
form over his dark mouth, breaking away the human, revealing
a giant pit of nothing, framed on reddish hues. It expands.
The eyes are white and clear.

This is no child of God.

As it hankers over to the other boy we hear a growling, a

rumbling that has Gip quivering. For a brief moment, his eyes
meet that of the other boys, wide and blue - innocent, before

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the creature attacks.



We are back in the main room of the magic shop. Everything

has changed.

The train set lies on the floor in a broken heap, the fishes
have lost their joy and their luminescence shows only their

The paper menagerie of animals is still running as they are

burning, having caught on the cackling fire. They continue
burning, black and vermilion attacking until they become
small, speckled pieces of dust, among the many others.

The room has lost its colours, dying with the magic fire,
leaving behind an ashen rose and a burnt table so cooked that
you could taste the char in the air.

The wooden hand drips red from the many cuts the thorns have
graced it with. The pain makes its eye blink into existence,
ever watchful for the SHOPKEEPER.

The toy sword lies broken in two, the life Gip could've had
is now lost.

Through the mirrors lying on the floor, we see Gip stumbling

past, becoming severely distorted, each image more inhuman
than the last.

The cornice takes this moment to move, lifting its pale

heads, the snakes give cheeky smiles, familiar but

He is in danger.

We see Gip running towards us, leaving behind the numerous

magical items.



Gip continues to run, we see him run into the distance,

streets grey and empty, filled with an English fog that
swallows his silhouette, his footsteps the only thing to be
heard within miles.

Out of breath, he stops.

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He is safe.

As Gip is recovering from his escape, he notices a weight in

his back pocket, slipping his hand in he pulls out a crystal

The same one he thought he lost in the shop...

We hold it up to the sky, hoping to see some of the familiar


It is clear.

It reflects the dark sky above us.

He is the Magic.

A moment of clarity is reached for Gip, his previous anguish

vanishes from his face. He sets off at a slow pace, speed
which begins to gather quick.

We see him running towards us.



The room is dark.

We see a table, dark as anything, covered with a delicate

white covering, floral in design. A familiar crystal ball
rests, clear and dark, empty as there is no light to ignite

An arm enters with a rustle, grabbing the ball, with long

spindly fingers that are brown, nails unkempt but not
outrageously so. A small sprinkling of black hair covers the
base of the hand, the telltale sign of a man.

We see the ball coming closer, our friend reveals his face.

It is fond.

Fond as he stares at the ball in his hand, reminiscing of a

time long ago.


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