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Principles of exercise

Volleyball Athlete
It is about a 21-year-old volleyball player who trains to improve his performance and be
accepted into the Aguilas team to play in the guayaquil volleyball tournament.

Specificity: the training should focus on developing the correct technique in the reception of the
ball through repetition exercises of the technical gesture, so he must dedicate time and patience
until he achieves the correct technique.

progressive overload and fitt:

The frequency of training would be approximately 5 times a week choosing Monday -
Wednesday and Friday. You will sit for 40 minutes in which the correct technique will be
developed. These days, posture exercises will be carried out - technical gesture and ball control.

heating: 8 times each side.
- Lateral movement of the head. (right and left)
- Circular neck movement.
-Shoulder rotation
- Trunk inclination.
- Circular waist movements
- Semi-flexion of knees
-Internal and external rotation movements of the heel.
Exercise 1: position for correct reception: knees bent, shoulders forward, hands together one
around the other, shoulders forward and forearms as close as possible to each other.
Exercise 2: In pairs, facing a distance of three meters, one is in charge of finishing the ball and
the other is in charge of receiving it with the correct technique.
Exercise 3: in pairs at a distance no greater than one meter pass the ball to each other using only
the forearms.
And on Tuesdays and Thursdays we will work on resistance and muscular development.
40-minute workout.
heating: 8 times each side.
- Lateral movement of the head. (right and left)
- Circular neck movement.
-Shoulder rotation
- Trunk inclination.
- Circular waist movements
- Semi-flexion of knees
-Internal and external rotation movements of the heel
Exercise 1: Racing from end to end of the court.
Exercise 2: Race from extremes to bend down to touch the line.
Exercise 3: Bumpers: elbow pushups with jumps.
Exercise 4: Normal elbow flexions.
Exercise 5. Squats
Exercises 6: Jump squats.
Exercise 7: ABS.
The volleyball player trains 5 times a week with a varied intensity to avoid injuries- resist the
intensity of the game and improve the technique of it.
Avoid injury and fatigue when you have your recovery time between training sessions and days

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