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Ma 24 Medium Groove J=126 Minor Problem ae Accents “Devil Music’ introduces accents. The sign A over the first note is a short accent, mer ing that the note is to be attacked hard and then stopped short of its full written va The sign > below the Ft in bar 1 means that the beginning of the note shu. be played with extra emphasis. his is achieved by a slight ‘kick’ of the stoma muscles, similar to what happens when you cough. ‘The line written above and Le the notes in hars 9 and 10 means that these notes should be held for their full value. The Pause The sign written over the last note is a pause, sometimes called a fermata, which-r the effect of prolonging the note beyond its written value, at the discretion of the former or musical director. bs) Devil Music Slow Medium Blues 4 =120 FURTHER STUDY Listening: STAN Ger7, Jazz Samba; Stan Gete and Gilberto. Both of these records = lassic examples of the use of the bos: nova rhythm in jazz. ‘Nore for teachers: this ls ot the same as the class staccato, which is lighter and shorter.

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