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Virechana in infertility: a conceptual study

Dr Satyadev Arya1, Dr Rajalakshmi M G2, Dr Padmakiran C3


Infertility is a social stigma and it is ceasing the opportunity to procreate. Infertility under the umbrella of
numerous conditions of artva dushti and yoni-vyapad has been given in ayurvedic text.
A woman hood is never considered complete without achievement of motherhood.
Rutu, Kshetra, Ambu and, Beeja are vitally necessary factors for conception of healthy progeny. Acharya
Bhela has mentioned that as a seed of paddy sown in well prepared fields result in good yield similarly
when the above said factors are embedded in fertile Kshetra, then it results in good progeny.
In the process of formation of Artava, it is considered as saumya due to influence of rasa-kapha. Sushruta
described that the Rasa which attains Raktatva - through innumerable dhamanies, gets upachita to reach the
form of artava. Due to Paka property of Pitta, artva assumes the agneya character. The prakratstha kapha
and rasa dhatu yukta kshetra and pitta gunadharmi rakta – beeja denotes by the word “Avyapanna Yoni”.
It may be considered with proliferation of Endometrium followed by ovulation and settles means
regeneration of endometrium and the genital organs are in healthy condition.
The rakta dhatu is derived from rasa, which derives the raja. The agneytva is the character of artava same
as of rakta. The poorana , sthairya and upahchaya properties kapha along with pitta properties of artava
provides state to proper condition for garbhadhana. Hence abnormal conditions related to any of the above
said factors may lead to infertility. Virechana karma is said to be the better procedural option for above
mentioned conditions of artava dusti. The conditions related to pittaja dushti or pitta-kaphaja samsarga
condition of artava and pittala yonivyapad are better managed by virechana karma. The details will be
discussed in full paper.
Keywords : Infertility, Yonivyapad, Artava, Virechana.

1- Presenter, 3rd MD,Dept of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDMCAH, Udupi,

2- Guide, Assistant Proffessor,Dept of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDMCAH, Udupi
3- Co-Guide, Associate Proffessor,Dept of PG Studies in Panchakarma, SDMCAH, Udupi

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