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HUM 001-ES21S1 - Introduction to Philosophy

Bobadilla, Justin Lambert R.

Writing Session: Stoicism in the Pandemic Era

In what ways can you personally apply the Stoic philosophy while being in the middle of the
challenges brought about by this troubling pandemic? Cite and discuss some applicable examples.

I can personally apply the Stoic philosophy in this troubling pandemic by looking at the bright side
of it. We do not need to get up so early in the morning so that we can catch a public utility vehicle,
or jump in the crowded LRT/MRT, or being away from our family. We can have more time to
spend with our family and that makes this pandemic not so bad. We can manage our time more
freely because we do not need to include the time of our trip. We can complete the required
sleeping time of eight hours every night.

Everything that is happening today happens for a reason. That is what my parents always told me
when I was in high school. I think that they are correct, because no matter what happens, we
humans will always come up with a plan to survive. That is what we’ve been doing since the
beginning of time. We suffer, we conquer, and we survive. All we have to do is stay positive in
every way as possible. When there is still hope, do not ever give up and always look on the bright
side. If you have the guts to give up, use it to think positive.

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