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Organisational Behaviour


Enrolment no: 21BSP0017
Section: C

Classical conditioning approach

Real life experience -
My mother feels that she might get motion sickness while travelling.
So whenever she plans to travel, she always consume tablet to prevent
the motion sickness.
 So here, the thought of getting a motion sickness is
unconditioned stimulus.
 So my mother consumes a tablet which is a neutral response to
an unconditioned stimulus.
 So always before travelling she consumes a tablet which now
becomes a conditioned response to an unconditioned stimulus.

Operant conditioning approach

Two principal terms influence operant conditioning:
a. Reinforcements (Positive or Negative): Increase the rate of
b. Punishments (Positive or Negative): Decrease the rate of

Reinforcement experience
Whenever I make mistake or feel sad, my father come and talks to me
to encourage me rather than scolding me.
 So in this case encouragement is a Positive reinforcement.
 In the same case if my father have scolded me than scolding
would have been a Negative reinforcement.

Punishment experience
Positive punishment –
My mother use to shout and insult me in front of my friends whenever
I used to go out without doing homework to play with them. So that to
avoid the insult I will finish my homework before going out to play.
Negative Punishment –
During COVID lockdown I was roaming out without any emergency
reason so I was fined by the policeman.
So this is the case of negative punishment after which I didn’t go out
without any reason.

Social learning
Experience –
My elder sister is also a MBA graduate and I have seen her working
hard and progressing in her career, looking at her I also felt that I
should improve myself, focus on my career to have a better future.
So in this case I was motivated by my sister’s example.

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