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HOME  AI  Doing The Math On CPU-Native AI Inference


September 1, 2021
Mark Funk

   

A number of chip companies — importantly Intel and IBM, but also the Arm collective and
AMD — have come out recently with new CPU designs that feature native Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and its related machine learning (ML). The need for math engines specifically
designed to support machine learning algorithms, particularly for inference workloads but
also for certain kinds of training, has been covered extensively here at The Next Platform.

Just to rattle off a few of them, consider the impending “Cirrus” Power10 processor from
IBM, which is due in a matter of days from Big Blue in its high-end NUMA machines and
which has a new matrix math engine aimed at accelerating machine learning. Or IBM’s

“Telum” z16 mainframe processor coming next year, which was unveiled at the recent Hot
Chips conference and which has a dedicated mixed precision matrix math core for the CPU
cores to share. Intel is adding its Advanced Matrix Extensions (AMX) to its future “Sapphire
Rapids” Xeon SP processors, which should have been here by now but which have been
pushed out to early next year. Arm Holdings has created future Arm core designs, the “Zeus”
V1 core and the “Perseus” N2 core, that will have substantially wider vector engines that
support the mixed precision math commonly used for machine learning inference, too. Ditto
for the vector engines in the “Milan” Epyc 7003 processors from AMD.

All of these chips are designed to keep inference on the CPUs, where in a lot of cases it
belongs because of data security, data compliance, and application latency reasons.

We have talked about the hardware, but we have not really taken a deep dive into what all of
this math engine capability really means for those who are trying to figure out how to weave
machine learning into their applications. So we are going to take a stab at that now. How do
you program to allow my neural network to make use of what they are providing me AND
get this range of performance numbers. IF you can do that, THEN you will be impressed,
ELSE not so much. It turns out that, given what we know about AI today, their solutions are
both a lot more elegant and expedient than, say, adding instructions like DO_AI.

So, to have everyone up at the same level before talking processor architecture, let’s start
with the usual picture representing a small neural network.

This represents today’s best representation of our model of what we think the neurons in our
brain are doing. Where I think I understand that our brain’s neurons are using analog
electrochemical messaging between neurons, here we are talking about numbers, links, and
probabilities — stuff today’s computers are capable of working with. Inputs at the left are
numbers, outputs at the right are numbers, each node above represents sets of numbers, and
even these links between them are numbers. The trick is to introduce scads of numbers at the
left, far more than shown there, run it through the blue filter, and kick out meaningful
numbers at the right.

Allow me to stress that this picture is a tiny representation of what is often happening in AI
models. As you will see in another relatively simple example shortly, picture this as being
potentially many times taller, with far more nodes and therefore far more links —  multi-
megabyte or even hundreds of gigabyte data structures supporting this should not be
considered uncommon. And this entire thing needs to be programmed — no, actually trained
internally — with other numbers which are used to produce reasonable output from
reasonable input. Why do I mention this here? Performance. This all can be done, and is
being done today quite well thank you, without specialized hardware, but especially the
training of this thing can take … well, way too long, and we all want it to be faster. Fast
enough? Hmm, wait another ten to twenty years for the next revolution in AI.

So, numbers and size. Let’s start off with a story in order to lead up to a relatively simple
example. My adult daughter borrowed our Minnesota pickup truck to pull a trailer in Iowa,
where she subsequently was speeding, and had the truck’s picture taken as a result. We, in
Minnesota, received an automated citation, demanding money, and included a picture.
Peeved I was, but also intrigued. What process took that JPEG and converted it into a citation
against me? I assumed that AI was involved.

So, let’s start with a Minnesota plate. Easily readable, but also higher resolution (512
horizontal pixels), perhaps larger than the camera is capable, but also likely much larger than
is necessary for the neural network as an input. The point here, though, is to note that once
the plate is found in the photo, the state and about 6-8 characters of text must be determined
from these pixels.

At 1/8 of this size, the size which the speed camera might find, we’d have the following tiny

which when blown up for you to actually see we find:

An AI application might be able to sort out the license number – you, after all, obviously can
– but perhaps not which state. So, let’s double that resolution and go to ¼ of the size (128
horizontal pixels) as in the following:

and then if blown up:

Maybe something less remains reasonable, but let’s go with this size. According to the file
details, this image is 128 x 65 pixels in size. Let’s also assume some form of gray scale instead,
so let’s say one byte per pixel. All told, let’s call it 8192 bytes to represent all of these pixels.
Slightly smaller still if Iowa did not care that Minnesota is the land of 10000 lakes. Iowa’s AI
model needs to convert those 8192 bytes representing pixels into characters of text — up to
eight of them — and a state ID, for subsequent lookup in some Minnesota state database
accessible to the state government of Iowa. That 8192 bytes, one byte per yellow vertical input
node per the above graph, is your set of input parameters into Iowa’s neural network.

Referring back to the graph above, you will notice that each (yellow) input byte, with some
mathematical munging, is to be passed to every node at the next (leftmost blue) layer. This
munging is where the enhanced hardware comes in, but I need to build up a base enough to
see why the enhanced hardware makes a difference. Please bear with me.

Next, that neural network is at first just a very large bunch of empty blue nodes. At first for
the model, it’s “A license, what’s that?”  It needs to be trained to recognize any license. Keep in
mind that the yellow nodes input values change from license to license, and there are
millions of different ones. Iowa is expecting that for a large percentage of all of those licenses,
from — what(?) — 49 states that this network is capable of kicking out on the right up to eight
characters along with the state ID. Clearly enough, an empty neural network is not going to
be successful even in the least. The network needs to be primed — trained — and that is done
by repeatedly showing the network hundreds of thousands of licenses and with each pass
making subtle adjustments to the internals of the network based on the output. Obviously,
I’m not going to take you through the science of tuning the individual nodes of this network
here, but for now just picture it as an intensely iterative process with improving success rates
as the process of adjusting the model’s internals continues. In short, the Machine needs to
Learn (as in Machine Learning) how to interpret any car license plate, converting here grey
scale pixels into characters.

Again, I am getting closer to the hardware. 

In the following figure, I’ve taken the input layer from the neural network graph above and
show these being mathematically munged to next produce output of here only two nodes of
a next level — one green, one blue. Again, keep in mind that there are many vertical nodes in
the next (and the next and the next) level(s). You’ll notice a function shown there. That
function takes each individual input value (Ii), multiplies it by an associated weighting value
(Wi) and then adds all these product values together. The addition of a bias value is used as an
input to the next level of the network with a last step of the function doing a form of scaling.
Said differently, given the green node, it takes as input the values represented by all of the
yellow input nodes, multiplies each by an associated green weighting value (Wi), and then
adds all of those multiplication products together. After biasing and other functional
adjustments, this becomes the output of the green node. So, again, compare this to the overall
graph which I am showing again below to get the bigger picture. This is just repeatedly done
with each subsequent node, and there are lots of them. And then repeated nearly ad
infinitum as more input is provided, with this process resulting in changing these weight
values, ultimately leading to a high probability of success at the output.

Keep those multiplies and subsequent adds in mind. There are a lot of them, and our toy
license filter is a relatively small example. During the training part of this neural network, we
are doing them over and over and over as each of the weighting values are adjusted. (That
process of adjusting weight values is interesting in itself, but not really pertinent to the
associated hardware enhancements. Training of a neural network is the process of changing
these weights until the overall output is consistent with what you expect.)  It’s the frequency
of these operations that is the key to performance here. If you want the neural network’s
training to be fast, you need the totality of this arithmetic to be fast.

I am sure that the Intel engineers would appreciate my showing off their architecture [@
29:30] (and kudos folks), but if I may, I’m going to spend the next few paragraphs focusing on
what IBM’s Power10 engineers did to enhance their recent processor in support of the above.

To get a mental image of what they did, perhaps start by focusing on any one of those blue
nodes. You see that one type of input is the set of, say, 8192 yellow nodes’ gray scale values.
(Remember, we are talking about that license plate above.)  Another algorithm input then is
the set of 8192 weighting values (the (Wi)) — one associated with each of the previous nodes.
Let’s picture that as two arrays of byte values — one the gray scale bytes and the other
weighting bytes.

I can hear the programmers in the crowd saying, no, I’d define the yellow nodes as an array
or some list of objects. Yes, you very well might, but we are talking here about the
software/hardware interface. You want it fast? Then you give your data to the hardware in
the way that it wants to see it, arrays of input parameters and arrays of weights. So, please,
humor me for now with a mental image of byte arrays. (Or, as it turns out, arrays of float, or
small float, or short signed integer …)

OK, as a starting point, we have a massive amount of data against which we are going to
repeatedly execute the same operation over and over. And then, for training of our model, we
tweak that data and do it again and again. And, of course, you want the whole blasted thing to
be done fast — much faster than without enhanced hardware. Somehow we additionally
need to pull all of that data out of the DRAM and into the processor, and then present it to the
itty-bitty piece of the chip within a core to do this actual math against it.

Some of you are seeing what I am hinting there: an obvious use for a vector processor. Yup.
So, for those of you not familiar with the notion of a vector processor, hang on, here’s your
hard drop.

You know that processor cores have multipliers and adders, and instructions that take a
couple of data operands and pass them through each. You are hopefully sort of picturing it as
one multiply and then an add at a time. (It’s not quite that, but good enough for a start.) Each
takes time — time that adds up when repeated ad infinitum. So, given the data is right there
close to the hardware’s arithmetic units, done one at a time, how do you make that run any
faster? If it’s the same operation over and over again against data which is now right there in
the hardware and available, you pass multiples of that available data at the same time
through multiple arithmetic units, and then all of those results are saved in the hardware —
in registers — in parallel in the very next moment. A vector unit. Not one at a time, many at a
time — in parallel. One of a set already in the processor cores. The new news for AI? New
hardware to do multiple multiplies and adds, all as though a single operation.

I mentioned registers in the previous paragraph, a form of storage capable of feeding its data
directly (in picoseconds) into the vector hardware. So, another hard drop, intended to give
you a picture of what is going on. We’ve been talking in our little license-based example
about an array of bytes. We could just as well be talking about units of 16 or 32 bits in size and
for these both integer and floating-point numbers. (To be more specific, in IBM’s Power10
each core has eight vector units doing these operations and in parallel if that level of
throughput is required, each supporting FP32, FP16, and Bfloat16 operations and four that
support INT4, INT8, and INT16 operations.)  To feed that data into the vectorized multiply-
add — in this example contiguous bytes — in parallel, the data is read from individual
registers in parallel, all together in the same moment. You’ll see this in a moment below. Fine,
that’s the hardware. But the key is having loaded those registers with those multiple bytes
from the cache/DRAM all also as a single operation. The hardware can execute the
operations in parallel, it just needs software to ensure that the operands — contiguous bytes
— are being presented to the hardware registers in parallel as well. There are load/store
instructions related to the vector units for doing this as well. Notice that that last is a function
of the structure of the data held within your AI models.

I’ve tried to represent that below, with the top figure representing bytes in an array (and

contiguous bytes continuing on indefinitely). It is the bytes you see here — X[0][0] through
X[3][3] ‚ which are loaded in a single operation into a single register (called in the Power
architecture a VSR).

As to the remainder of the latter figure, getting back to the hardware’s vector operations
again for a moment, a single instruction takes all the data in VSR(X) and does the multiply-
add using all the data in VSR(Y) with the result(s) being placed into a set of four registers
called accumulators (ACC). As perhaps too much detail, although done as a single operation,
you can think of red parameter in VSR(X) as being multiply-added with all of the red
parameters in VSR(Y), orange with all of the orange, green with green, and blue with blue,
and then repeated to the right with the same coloration scheme throughout VSR(X).
Essentially multiple of the blue nodes found in the graph at the same time. All in one
operation. Continuing down through the prior array just means the parallel looping over the
loading of the subsequent parts of the array(s) and executing another instruction which folds
in previously accumulated results. A loop of operations doing an entire set of, here, 16 items
at a time. All fed efficiently in parallel from the cache, and results returned efficiently to the

An impressively elegant addition. But, yes, it takes some awareness of the relation between
the data’s organization and the hardware to make full use of it.

What I am going to observe here is not really so much an addition for AI/ML as it is a
prerequisite to allow the data structures residing in the DRAM to make their way into that
tiny bit hardware of each core on a processor chip to actually do the math — doing that
efficiently and in parallel as well. You see, the cores don’t ever actually touch the DRAM. No,
they don’t. The cores access their cache (multi-megabyte caches per core BTW, and far more
per chip), cache(s) consisting of contiguous byte blocks of the contents of the DRAM memory.
And once in the cache, if such blocks are reused in the relatively near future, we’re not
suffering from DRAM access latencies.

The cores read their data from those cache lines — those memory blocks — as units of bytes
or units all the way up through 16 bytes (128 bits are you saw above), but DRAM is accessed
by cores as those blocks which are considerably larger. Since it takes a lot more time to
access the DRAM than to access the cache, a key to performance is to minimize the number
of DRAM accesses (a.k.a., cache fills). And the trick to doing that is to ensure that those blocks
being accessed contain only what is wanted. So, again, back to those byte arrays, you want
the hardware accessing — say — 128-byte portions of those arrays into it caches, and then
almost immediately streaming the next and the next with no real delay until done. The
hardware wants to stream those arrays — and nothing else — into its cache. Then, from those
cached blocks, quickly load the registers 16 bytes at a time — also, BTW, in parallel.

The entire process of working through that AI graph as it resides in memory, and then to
process it as you have seen above, has the feel of a well-tuned orchestra. It just flows. The
hardware and software engineers planned this architecture all out to be exactly that. Of
course, it is all well-tuned if the software’s data structures are well matched with the
architecture of the processor. If not, it is as though the orchestra is playing staccato and the
violin is playing in the range of the bass. I’m impressed with any good bass player, but in this
case it’s better to be playing violin.


Given the hopefully slow rate at which speeders are ticketed in my toy example, I can
imagine that the speed sensors/cameras at the edge are merely passing full — albeit crypto-
protected — JPEGs up to a single server for processing, and that the previously trained AI
model used there is relatively static. Sure, those edge processors could have been sent today’s
static model, with the actual filtering of the JPEG through that model being done at the edge.
But those models are not always static in the more general world of AI/ML. Nor can all
applications accept the implied longer latencies. Moreover, the edge processors may well
need to do some adjustment of the model within their own local environment; the
environment in which it finds itself might dictate a subtly different and actively changing

Maybe it is not so much machine learning and full out training there, but there are instances
where the model needs to be changed locally. The (re)training game, though, is not all that
different than what we’ve looked at above and often a lot bigger. And, again, this training
needs to be done at the edge. Is the model used there at the edge producing correct results
and, if it’s off somehow, how does it bring it back within expectations? And, of course, we
need to do that on the fly without impacting normal use of the AI model, and within the
compute capacity and the power envelope that I have available at the edge. We’re not
necessarily talking HPC-grade systems here — something with specialized system add-ins to
focus exclusively on machine learning. This newer type of processing implied by AI/ML is
increasingly part of the game in which we all find ourselves, and Intel and IBM — and I know
others — already seem to know that.

   


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Joseph Green says:

SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 AT 5:14 PM

IBM has a public paper and another ISCA paper describing the benefits of their MMA
architecture. Fast, efficient computation,minimozing data movement. The power10 rocks.


Mark Funk says:

SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 AT 9:02 PM

Would you mind linking that paper here? (And I agree.)


Aryan says:
SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 AT 10:10 AM

Real AI/analysis on a[ny] Database doing a CUBE on its contents will choke anything above
10GB. So…. what effectively remains are data models tightly coupled with some more or
less-refined data algorithms projecting through prehashed patterns, if anything. We don’t
need another row of shifty registers. IBM knows that. IBM knows what it needs to do real AI.
IBM has a bunch of QCs. Hilbert space awaits.


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