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# Blue V- (Book 1) Distant Oblivion
Blue V is a trilogy of 3 books- Distant Oblivion, Malevolence, and Balance.
And they deal with three characters who play a major role in the development of the
story, Charles, Nathan, and Dwain. Who are the chosen ones of their respective
timelines, whose actions will cause a huge effect on their universe, either in a
pleasant or sinister form. And the story is told from the POV of each of those
characters, starting from Charles. The thoughts and actions of these characters
might not always be that of a protagonist each of you imagine and admire, sometimes
it may be frustrating or hateful to see them do things which a hero shouldn't, but
in the end, it's a journey of self-development as they must recognize the mistakes
they have made to free themselves from the burdens they have sunken into.
But, what connects these three characters is that... All three of them take up the
persona of a faceless vigilante known to the world as "Blue Vice".

The 1st book 'Distant Oblivion' takes place 2100+ years from now, in a fictional
universe with many diverse planets and races. The story revolves around the planets
UU4 and UU1 and depicts the interaction of Charles and Alyssa, the royalties of the
respective planets. Read how their fates get intertwined in a twist of exciting and
breathtaking events which will reveal us the cruelty and corruption humans possess
in the depth of their hearts. Will they succumb to the temptations of their cruel
world? Will they taint their souls with darkness? Or will they work together to
prevent the catastrophic disaster, Distant Oblivion that awaits them!?

"In this world, evil can arise from the best of intentions. And there is good which
can come from evil intentions. What I do is evil or good is for the universe to
judge, nevertheless, what I intend to be is the source of 'blue' in this vice
world." -Blue Vice

**The book is ongoing but I update it regularly! 3 arcs are completed which are of
20 chapters in total ^^**
**I hope you like the book ^^**
**Sub genres: Sci-fi, Fantasy, Romance**

**Click on the cover to redirect or click [here]


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