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when two parties come to an agreement and creates mutual legal obligations

is called a contract. There are two types of Contracts

1) contingent

2) absolute

 So today I am going to present all about contingent contract.

 In Contract act,1872 section 31: When a special contract depends on an

event or a condition which says to do something or not to do something or
happen or not happen in future is called a contingent contract.
 Example: insurance-here the condition is if my house is burnt the other party
will give me compensation for it.

 Give In section 32 we can see -when a contingent contracts condition is not

properly recognized or uncertain event eliminates the condition then the
contract will be void.
 In example: If a contingent contracts one party dies before fulfilling the
condition then the contract will be void.

 Given In section 33: is the opposite of section 32, if one party confirms that
the condition of not happening for an event.
 In example: party a made a contingent contract with party b that if the

 In Section 34: says about the case when event on which contract is
contingent to be deemed impossible, if in future it becomes possible.

 In example: if a contract says with no time limit that if 1 Bitcoin price goes
to 1000 dollar then he will give another party a mining computer after 3
decades if the bitcoin price touches the 1000-dollar price then the contract
will be legit.

 In section 35: Has 2 part in 1st part there will be a time limit for the condition
happening in the contingent contract section 32 and the another will be a
time limit for not happening in the contingent contract section 33.

 In section 36: deals with the agreements which is impossible to do or not to

do. Then there will be no contract.
 In example: one contract is saying to give money to a person who is dead
then this will not be a contract.

if the contract says if a guy dies in a period of time then the contract will be
Similarly, in part two the opposite happens if the guy never dies in a period of time
then the contract will be enforced.

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