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mi trabajo ideal es un dia constituir una empresa dedicada a los muebles

para el hogar la cual cuente con unos princios y valores como lo son la
confianza, la responsabilidad el respeto entre otros.

me gustaria que fuera una empresa reconocida a nivel nacional por tener
altos estandares de calidad y que cuando la gente vea el nombre
recuerde que es una empresa importante.

me gustaria contar con muchos trabajadores, y que mi familia trabajara

conmigo, ayudar a mis amigos y ganar suficiente dinero para viajar.

tambien sueño con tener varias sucursales y contar con maquinaria

sufciente para desarrollar modelos productivos que me ayuden a generar
una gran produccion. ademas contar con un buen plan de mercadeo y
ventas, basandonos en modelos de marketing para poder tener mayor
alcance y una mayor generacion de ingresos

me gustaria ser un gran ejemplo de emprendimiento para jovenes, me

gustaria ayudarlos y brindarles oportunidades para que puedan lograr
sus objetivos de emprender.
finalmente me gustaria ser un buen jefe, humilde y sencillo.

My ideal job is one day to establish a company dedicated to home

furnishings which has principles and values such as trust, responsibility,
and respect, among others. I would like it to be a nationally recognized
company for having high quality standards and that when people see the
name they remember that it is an important company. I would like to have
many workers, and for my family to work with me, help my friends and
earn enough money to travel. I also dream of having several branches
and having enough machinery to develop productive models that help me
generate a great production. also have a good marketing and sales plan,
based on marketing models to be able to have a greater reach and a
greater generation of income I would like to be a great example of
entrepreneurship for young people, I would like to help them and provide
them with opportunities so that they can achieve their entrepreneurship
objectives. finally I would like to be a good boss, humble and simple.

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