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_———— SS Inglés 1 indice. nes de lectura Introdweeiga seed Leccign Nueve cecceteeee 6 Leceign Diez... eeeeeeenreeat | Leceida Ones seco : 8 Laceign Doce eee a) Leccicm Trece ... corer 1 Laccida Catorge s+ veel Laecisn Quines <1 vies rr Lecci6n Dieciséis 0.002020 ore Leccién Diecisicts « : 1g Leceigtt Dieciucho : ‘3 Leccign Iiiecinueve === see 1G Laceidn VeiMG sect eeee eee ID Leccién Veintiuno orrereeee 8 ‘eccion Veimcidas - : : vw Leceiim Veiminrss =< : 2 Leveidn Veinticuatro =<. 22 Leccim Veimicineo cece 2 Leceidn Veintistis - 1238 Leceién Veintisieue - 24 Leteidn Veinincho aes) Leecign Veintinueve 5 : 26 Leccitin Teeter Dy Bm Iotroduecién La siguiente descripeiin de lo que podria Hamarse “Lectura ex coxjunco™ sugiere algunos clementos muy importinees de lo que implica cl procesu de lectura de un idioma escrlo, El sefior Smimoit se crid en el sero familiar hablunds uso, pero éf nunca aprendié a Iker su lengua materma. Por su parte, ol sefior Gémex se sauibenseité a “leer” Las letras cle] alFabeto ruse, pero ‘ned ha tenido Lieenpo para aprendera hablar res0, Un dia, el setor Smimoff recibe una carta, escrita fen citflice por un parienteen Rusia, Se fe muestra al seiior Gomez, comentindole que no la pusde leer, El scfior Gomer la pucce leer pero: ag la entionde. No hay problema: el sevor Cicmez lee lus palabras en voz alta, el sefior Smimat las recenace y las interpreta, y jarnbos terminan contencoe! EL interrogamte que hay que hacerse es éate: ‘Quin esti Jevende, el sofior Gomez © el safior Smirsoff?” Es evidente que para contar con fabilidad en un idioma, el abumno- tiene que dominar ambar desirezas que adquirieron los sefores Gomez y Smimnail separadamentc. Es precisamente por este motive que el Métode Pimsleur usa su propia metadologla para ensefar a leer Inglés 1 Introduccion (sigue) ‘Ta lectura se puede definir come “la wocién de descodificar materiales grificos con el fin de deter rminar su mensaje”. En. ceras palabras, 1a lectura Consiste en regresar al idiom hiblado por intr ‘medin de ‘os simbelos graficos que. lp repre Cada texto escrito represen bv posible expresion hhubluda, pero slo las persons que tienen alzto dominio del idioma hahlada pueden infer de forme tazonable edo el texto escrito se sodria lexpresaren vozalta, Parlatante, © hablarel idioma es ua primer uso indispensable para adguirr Ia capacidad de lec el idioma y entenderic. Las Tecciones de lectura en este follewo offecen un segundo paso: se disefaron pan ayudarle 4 asoriaz los sonidos y los earsbios de sonido cen las letras del afahoro ingle La grabacién de les -muteriates de lectura de Inglés J'se encuenera al final de cala una de lat lunidzdes, eomenzando con la Unidad Nueve. Las Tecturas larnbign se hallan,tocas juntas, al inal ce curse, Estas se pueden reulizar segin mis. Te convenga a cada alurinc. Se pueden completar individvalmeate con vala unidad, en el mocnento ‘mis propisin una vez terminada la undid, 052 pueden completar todas junias une vor que se terminen as ucina unidades, Las instruceiones Sobre edimo prosepuir con cena porcién de audio del curso, turas sc cneventran Toglés 1 Introduccién (sigue) Alsieetuar las eeciones, tenga en cuenta que el inglés es un idioma repleto de iregularidades, en el que abundan las excepciones. Las orientationes que se dan ent ests lecciones refljan patrones gen- ‘rales, mas no reglas fijas No obstante, ett la medida en que vaya aumentande su vocabuiaria, destubrird quo estas excepciones representan menos y menos dificulides. Usted eotieacard reconucer vacablos y los percibirl como ~entes complstos", sliminando asi la necesidad de vocalizarlos stata por slabs, 9 de descodifcarios, letra por lea. Prosiga leceign tras leceién con las lectures, al puso que mas Ie convenga, repitiend cada lectura cuantas veces yuiera hasta que usted se sien preparaco para pusar Is siguiente unided. Ingist Inglés 1 Leceién Nueve Leccion Diez Lit in 2 kit vin 3. sit swine 4 sing 5. is 6 This is 4 nine times 8 iy wile 9. Try it 10. tin 11 ten 2 my set B. by net kite int 1S miss, tet 16 did five miles 1 bit tnister 18, bite Mr. 19. big hice Mrs, ike the, Mrs. Mike is fine, 8 9 re Inglés T Inglés 1 Lectién Once Leceién Doce Lit 1. We 2 tit, 2 He bet. 3. lite 3. I's twenty feet a ten men 4. Did he leave? 5 teen 5. Please repeat 6 week ft a. See me. 7. mat, & we need 8. at 9. eat 9. ate 10, east 10. Jabe U fiiy 1 lay 12 sixty 1 say 1, heis 18 We can siay — 14 he's 14, tem days. AS, He's fifieea. 1s. T hate my hat. 16 he'd 16 We have six cats, 17. He'd Tike wine, 17 My cat sat in ony hat, 18. please 18 He's bad. 19. We'd like tea. please, 19. mayhe 20. Hi, miss! 10 u Inglés IT Tnglés 1 Leceién Trece Leecién Catorce ay 1 dish 2 fi may sy — 2 We hic dich 3 my family 3 Wehove sie tah Kate's cat & We red fiction Kite's cat is fast. ge = 7. nop and shop She likes fish. ; we wish ao action fiction tension She's my wife. She's shy, Why? Why mention i? 1B ———— Ingks 1 Leeciéa Quince Nope. No. read coat Boat low grow Hella! don't Please don't yo like Mexico. ‘We won't mentior it I's rot had. Thope not. Lecelén Dieciseis 1 boat 2 note: 3 wo 4 Wsmot on Bast Steet 5. Nu, we won't go, & bur 7% cup & Grow upt 9. six hundeed 10, We must aut, Later 12 some ten 1. Come int 14. He ues money! 15. Does she tke him? 16 Tike che wing, 7. Meet my husband. 18 He's American, 19. ws 20, He understands us. 21, Meet me atthe horel, 2. Wecemel 2 yes 24, Jemorday 25, Yellow 26. The sun is yellow. 4 ————_ Inglés Leseién Diesisiete Eee 1 yak 27. IPs not much yam 28. Bucie’s cheap, tse, 23. Good us J use fase you Excuse me, miss, Pay attention! Don't confuse met We have a used cap Its cute. Do you understand? Not yet Is she American? Chines No, she’s Chinese, chin such 21. Cheer upt 2 book 23. shook 24. Look at him 25. Can we cat lunch? 26. She can cook fish and chins, i —_——s Tnglés 1 ee Leceidn Diectorho 1 abeep 2. cheap 3. Doa’tcheat! 4 By huok gr by crack. 5. Incas, pleas. 6 cop 7. cope 8 can't 9. cen 18. ce. 11, ance fae 12. [need some peas. 13. Try tte wine, 1A Is good. 15. She tank a ip 16. She's in Ching — Aina bie citys 13. He'salche Cape. 6 —S—=S=—_——— Inglés 1 Leceiin Djecinneve Leccién Veinte 1 ea0k 2 Jock, 3. “Lam not aeriok~ a case Ss cease & Shalt we demos? 2 Isa cinch, 8 the 9. then this LL That's tay howe! 12, B's over here, 3 Thanks. 14. Lthink so, 13, He's with me. 6 We huve three children, That's 2 tot? Ts this the road? ‘Woere ate the children? ‘They're over there, Thirteen gallons, please Td Tike ten dollars’ worth. ‘Wut dees that mean? Léon't think so, do uw Pd like 19 go home. 206 Ms, toe. Where's a bathrocm? ‘Who's that? ‘Wl then, let's eat. With wham" We can go together. 8 Ms — Inglés ¥ Inglés 1 Teeriin Veintiun Leceién Veintidés 1 Lo Pam's boet 2 you know —— 2 Bob's map 3. ete took my beak? 2 fknow pest 4 No. fon" 4. Dow bbe a poste 5 go 5. Weare clans ~ 6 Gow tele 6. auderahs, 5. You, ton, 2 tenor cea. A Tnduy it's May. 8. wort 3. pat 9% waler 10, Pat has a pat 10. She wants some water bet LL. Hedots, tov, 12 pets bes 13. tabs tap 14, What a big pig! 15. Fle roe tis take am ee gk. 36. chook YT croak 18, tes my clork. 19. Clase the how, 40. He's eros » ———— Inglés 1 Leceidn Veintitrés i 4 walk We walk cu day. We waniler und wonder. Wash your face! all tall ‘That man js tall! His wife 1s simul. Bo yew Hike walnuts? Did you see The Wall in China? Leceiin Veinticuatro apa REA lo UI 12, G ul 1s. 16. 0 18. 19. We want some water He wants beer. ‘Three beers, please Did you call? Let's play hull Wea walrus! We kris: now We know now: Wow! a brown cow How are you? wut out ssut und about ont children ‘Our shitren went 10 20Wn. She ean come to ten. What's thar sound? 2 Inglés 1 Ingly | —— eh Teccign Velniichace Leceién Velatisdis 1. You speak too fast. A hee ° 2 Please sion it 2 How much is it? 3. We struck 2 rien. 3 Our een 4 We spent alot of moray. 4 cep and gown Shae 3. Let's took amrund, cae The clows ll down, 7 Tani co eat tee 7. We Want to leave new. 8 ouverinee 3. We want caso co Best Strec- 9. te tha har gst? 9. strap WO. How much per gallon? 1% tape LL. Is ten dollars Mtoe 12. pastor 12, He can stom at thie spat, 13. This is major — (3, Stand stil! 14. nat minor 34. Bo you speak Spanish 15. Walter sa coal miner. Is. He’s spn. 6. minor F miner 1G. The stores are clased vw. 7. First Street 1 Thee stfikes — you're oud is thiny 8 he say cxt can stay wth us. 13. bum Trust me, 20 Cum ete rick or twat! 2 ourgil 22, Our gil is that: 23. She'd Tike some water Po Inglés I Leccién Veintisiete ‘Mr, Miller ‘Gur gicl is bigger Yd ‘ike to have dinner with you, I need sixty dollars. Have you seer Wall Strect Hello, nurse: Daw't liner. I'm sonny. Please pass the butter. She filled my glass. The aun opened the do The lady closed it. I'm pleased to meet you. ‘We owed him money. She weleamed him. We missed the bus, He stopped toes, We kissed. She stayed sao late You're excused, Lecelén Veintiocha 1 adillee a dollar 2 Mis feet went pitter-patter: 3. My dentist has good manners. + Daw'tbe sitly 3. The men tiked this dish. Be wined and dined. 7. He: husband worked at home, 8, The Theegur wished ta be rich 9, He needed moncy 0. He wanted it 1. The ive melted, 12 Teountedt sheep — 15. to gelto sleep. 14. His wife waited for us 15. The teacher repeated the word. 6 ee Inglés | Leceién Veintinucve 1 She wanted sumie French wine. 2. Wo clapped our hands. 3 The childesn visited me. 4, Does it snow in Mexicc? 5. No, nov really. sit snowing now? Bo rang a onme m8 I. Sing a song of six 42 Isthe man speaking to me? 13. Td file wy have sumething co drink 14. Today f'im going o Washington. 15, But she’s going to Long Beach. 16, Per how long? 17, Think Spring! Inglés 1 Leccién Treinta FByenaweeee 12 This is Tom Smal Bot fie’s not small — he Hiss wife is Pam Small ‘Ani ths is the Small family. ‘Tre Small Family is a big. family. Tre Stalls have five enildren, “The Stull children are lice, — but Me Small is big, The Small fan and lintle Smalls The Smalls nzed a big can Pleased to meet you. Mr. and Mrs. Stell! sul! hhas big Smalls — | AGRADECIMIENTOS Vocus Instucioe us hela bgpama = Lia Cat Mique Insinccur de heb ingles - ize Nelson ‘ras iglesa femening » - Sir Baee ‘Vz inglesa mascubna =. a Rey roe Avrowss DEL CURED Dra Susaas ¥. Michel © Dra. Ulrike 8. Ret Ennvomes Joan Schaellver -¢ Bexcily B. Heinle Grabactém digs! realizada bojo la dinecciée de ‘Christopher Bee: erie stuns te Summon de Schuster. Conc Ingesiem de somiga: Fever 5. oepin bea, Cover image OPhnteDies, Cre All oghus resereod 1 ams Revel oma ly Simon & Schaar dessa anal seen elt le ty Sin Bar Ade nm of Sar 2 ai Vee mere ITEMS ese For immediate, a thorized PIMSLEUR LANGUAGE PROGRAMS CUSTOMER SERVICE, please call Recorded Books, LLC 1-8OH638- 134, U.S, and Canada: call direct ‘Outside U.S. d& Canada: call your local ATT Access operator for the phone number

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