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ACTIVITY 2: In 2 -3 paragraphs, answer the questions - why do you think you are required to
take technical writing? how is this subject related to your course? in the future, whether you join
the work force or not, in what way(s) is this subject useful?

Technical writing is writing or drafting technical communication used in technical and

occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, and etc. as
an engineering student I’m required to take technical writing because in the field of engineering,
it requires specific registers, structure, and definite sets of vocabulary and serves as an essential
tool in communicating or conveying one’s ideas, views, observations, instructions, and
suggestions in a technical manner. Technical writing encompasses the largest sub-field in
technical communication and it is use for a specific purpose, and hence it needs to be precise,
relevant, and without redundancy.

This subject technical writing relates to my course in a way that engineers are a great
wealth of technical knowledge, however, it can struggle with how to prepare technical
documents. Yet, by mastering this form of communication, it can enjoy important benefits.
Engineer’s needs technical writing for research reports or technical reports that provide all
technical information relating to a project, product, or process and to learn how to examine
typical sorts of reports, unique format components such as lists and headings. Technical writing
explains how a particular object works or how to complete a task or project.

The subject technical writing is very useful because effective technical and scientific
writing skills will ensure that you stand out in any work environment. In today's workplace of
information overload, clear, concise, and effective communication is vital. People don't have
time to read book-length emails nor do they have the patience to scour your work for buried or
hidden points. If you doubt the importance of effective written communication and the impact
that it can have on a person's perception, read an email from a colleague, client, or supervisor.

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