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Stefan’s Shrimp and Papaya Salad

(Serves 4 as a starter, or 2 as a main. Or 1 very greedy quarantined horn player…)

1 large papaya (if you can’t find papaya, you could use 2 or 3 not-too-ripe Mangoes or even
some Rockmelon or Honeydew Melon)

2 limes
500g shrimps (deep-frozen, uncooked, size 21-25 - big but not giant. You could replace these
with salmon cut into cubes, if you don’t eat shellfish, or maybe even tofu, if you’re completely

2 tblspoons Vegetable Oil

1 tblspoon Sesame Oil (if sesame oil is hard to find in your part of the world that’s fine, you can
leave it out)

250g Cashew nuts

1 bunch coriander
1 large red onion
50g (approx.) ginger (a piece that’s about 5cm x 5cm big)

4 cloves garlic
2 fresh red chillies
3 anchovy fillets (you can also use fish sauce)

Equipment needed:

Pan, grater (for zest), big bowl

Chocolate Coulant
(Makes either 4 or 6)

170g high quality semi-sweet chocolate (Lindt 70% is great, or any milk/dark combination.
Make sure to use really good chocolate and not chocolate chips!)

1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter + a bit extra for greasing the pan
1/4 cup (31g) all-purpose flour
1/2 cup (60g) icing sugar (otherwise known as confectioners’ sugar)
1/8 tsp salt
2 large eggs
2 egg yolks (just confirming that means 4 eggs in total)

Equipment needed:

4 x Ramekins (diameter around 8cm), OR a regular muffin tin (which is what I’ll be using), 2x
bowls, (one that can sit in/on a saucepan that has about an inch of water in without the bowl
touching the water)

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