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People in the modern world have become to reliant on the technology

People these days started spending more and more time using technology. They are reliant on
technology as if they would be addicted to it.

When it comes to leisure time, people nowadays spent their free time on social media platforms such as
Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat. They stopped spending time socializing with people face to face or
having fun outside like they used to have in the past where people would only go outside and play
different games in groups without having and concerns about technology and what it can be done with ,
instead people such as teenagers spend their free time on their computers playing games with their
classmates or any other teens around the globe. The impact that the technology had was a drastic one,
this would be due to the fact that we depend on all sorts of machines for instance coffee making
machines, smartphones and computers.

On the other hand when studying people from our times tend to use the technology more often than
they would open the book even though it would be more beneficial for them to study from books rather
than the internet, just because you can learn far more and sometimes even much better from the books
than from the internet. That’s how people in the grandparents era would study and succeed without
having to complicate their lives with all the price and sometimes useless technology that we in the
present have.

We have become addicted to the technology as if our lives would depend on it such as if, for instance,
we would need a quick information about an animal we would go search it on google and find it in a
matter of seconds not needing necessarily to be an expert in the certain domain

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