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2010s—Fey & Poehler

Golden Globes 2013 Opening – Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have known one another since 1993, and it wasn’t long before the two
became close friends. They began working with one another soon after, and by the turn of the century,
both were working on Saturday Night Live.They spent the first decade of their career working alongside
one another, with most of their efforts being in the world of television. They made their first jump into
working together on the silver screen in 2002’s Martin and Orloff, though it’s unlikely many people saw
it.Two years later, they dropped Mean Girls upon the world, and their careers skyrocketed from that
point forward. They co-starred in Baby Mama in 2007, and by 2015, they shared the top billing in 2015’s
Sisters.2019 saw them working together once more in Poehler’s directorial debut, Wine Country. The
movie dropped on Netflix and scored a Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. They also killed it hosting the
Golden Globes in 2021, which isn’t a movie, but it’s another excellent example of this pairing’s chemistry
and comedic expertise, which was tested through a few thousand miles of lockdown separation.

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