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Class Test

Subject: Science

Class - IV

Timings 40 minutes MM 20

Note - Tick ✅ the correct options: -

1. Eggs, fish, cheese, peas and pulses are called _______.

a) energy-giving foods
b) body-building foods
c) none of these

2. The process of breaking down of food into a simpler form is called______

a) digestion

b) preparing food

c) None of these

3. Calcium, potassium, sodium, iodine and iron are the examples of

a) vitamins

b) minerals

c) carbohydrates

4._____is the muscular bag in the digestive system.

a) stomach

b) polythene bag

c) None of these

5. A newborn baby has _____

a) no teeth

b) 32

c) none of these

6. This is

a) Bacteria

b) Virus

c) None of these

7._______ is the hardest substance in our body.

a) Dentine

b) Enamel

c) Pulp

8. Eating too many _______ causes tooth decay.

a) sweet

b) fruits

c) none of these

9. Pneumonia and typhoid are caused by _______

a) bacteria

b) viruses

c) none of these

10.We use these teeth to tear pieces of food.

a) incisors

b) canines

c) none of these
11. Which of the following is used to clean between two teeth?

a) dental floss

b) toothbrush

c) nutcracker

12. Cooking make food soft, tasty and easily digestible.

a) true

b) false

13. Food helps us to grow, gives us energy and keeps us healthy.

a) true

b) false

14. Digestive food is absorbed by the blood vessel of the ______

a) small intestine

b) large intestine

c) stomach

15.The undigested food passes into the ___________.

a) large intestine

b) liver

c) None of these

16._____ is the digestive liquid in the month.

a) Saliva

b) Water

c) None of these

17._________ makes food last longer.

a. Preservation

b. Cook

c. None of these
18. Which type of teeth

a. Incisors

b. Canines

c. Premolars

d. Molars

19. Label diagram in the box:-

a. Liver

b. Stomach

c. food pipe

20. Water is essential for our body to function properly.

a. true

b. false

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