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rode a motorcycle
2. lost a bet
3. cheated on someone
4. sang karaoke
5. ​broken a bone
6. been on a boat
7. used a fake ID
8. ​broken up with someone
9. ​got seriously hungover
10. kissed someone in public
11. fought in public
12. skipped out on a bill
13. lied to a boss
14. ​kissed more than one person in 24 hours
15. pranked someone
16. regifted a gift
17. laughed so hard, peed my pants as an adult
18. got on the wrong bus
19. ​went 24 hours without showering
20. ​went on a solo vacation
21. ​went on a road trip
22. ​ate an entire pizza by yourself
23. got a tattoo
24. wanted to be on a reality TV show
25. started a fire
26. left gum in a public space
27. slept outdoors for an entire night
28. ran a marathon
29. made a speech in front of 100 people or more
30. left someone on read
31. ​lied about your age
32. participated in a protest
33. ​had sleep paralysis
34. been the alibi for a lying friend
35. role-played
36. ​regretted an apology
37. pretended I was sick for attention
38. ​disliked something that I cooked
39. deleted a post on social media because it didn’t get
enough likes
40. thrown a drink at someone
41. ​worn someone else’s underwear
42. attempted a trendy diet
43. ​binged an entire series in one day

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