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Real Vampyres: The Basics.

 What Are Vampyres?

 Why do you spell is with “pyre” instead of “pire”?
 What kind of vampyres are there?
 How can you become a vampyre?
 Where can I find out more about real vampyres?

What are vampyres?

Vampyres are people, that have a special need for energy, and it is a need. Unlike in Hollywood, and mainstream media
vampyres do not look much different than anyone else. Though once someone goes through their awakening, eyes, skin
pigmentation, and teeth my change.
No I do not mean someone gets white eyes with black pupils, pale white skin, and fangs. The eyes will be normal if they aren’t
hungry, however when they are in need to feed they will have lighter eyes, same color, just a saturated version. As for skin, it
may get a slight bit saturated as well, not really all that noticeable though. Finally, teeth, usually the canines, get a tad bit stronger
and/or pointier. Not necessarily fangs though.
 Why do you spell is with “pyre” instead of “pire”?
Like magic is spelled with an added “k” (magick), to distinguish real from fake, Vampyre is spelled “pyre” instead of “pire” to
distinguish the difference between real and fake vampyres.
What kind of vampyres are there?
There are two main types of vampyres, with one sub-type, Type one are the blood-drinkers, or sanguins, Yes some of us really do
drink blood. We do not attack random strangers or anything silly like that. The Sanguins have donors, who willingly offer there
blood tothe vampyre. Donor/Vampyre relationships are usually quite special and meaningful simply for that reason. Type two are
the psychic vampyres, which are just that, they feed off of people psychically, again they have donors, however some psy vamps
do attack without asking or without warning, though within most houses (groups of vampyres, covens) it is strictly prohibited to
feed without asking. The sub-type is a mixture of the two typically called a hybrid. they can settle their thirst through either
method of feeding.
How can one become a vampyre?
Sadly one can not choose to be a vampyre. Vampyrism is something people are born with, it lies dormant till around the end of
puberty (usually 14 yrs old or so). They then go through what is called an awakening…
The physical and mental changes that occur when someone awakens to their latent vampire nature. The awakening typically occurs during or shortly after
the onset of puberty, but in some individuals may take years to manifest. Those undergoing the awakening, undergo various mental and physical changes.
These changes often include an increased sensitivity to light and particularly to sunlight, a growing affinity for night and darkness, having one’s circadian
rhythm become inverted and switching from a nocturnal to a diurnal sleeping schedule, and experiencing the first symptoms of the thirst. Many experience
acute feelings of isolation and alienation during this process, as their changing nature distances them increasingly from their “normal” family and friends.
Many seek out organizations or groups to help understand their desires and newfound feelings.
Now, people can choose to live a vampyre lifestyle, and are accurately called vampyre lifestylers, meaning they do everything
real vampyres do, except they don’t have too. Unlike the lifestylers, us real vampyres have to feed or we get sick.

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